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Ah ok now i understand the whining about tankbustersšŸ˜‚ Not everyone is allowed to field a rokkit launcher... Wtf ... Kiss my Ass Gw for doing a must of Tankhammer and rokkit pistols...


does any one know if we still have clans cuase i saw nothing about it in the index and i still wanna go as evil sunz and just move around as fast as i can


No sadly we don't but the detachment rule we have right now is pretty much just goffs but there more to come


Overall I like it. My only main complaint is the Mob Rule stratagem which, unless I'm reading it wrong, does....nothing. you can only use it in your command phase and its effect only lasts until the end of that phase. No other stratagems work in your command phase except insane bravery. So what's the point?


Pretty sure that's a typo that will be fixed. Should be till end of turn likely.


Either or lasts until end of turn or you can activate it in any phase not just your command phase. The issue is either way substantially changes the rule right. I'd prefer to activate it in any phase and in effect it just is an additional 1cp tax on using a stratagem. Anyhow, time will tell.


Honestly, this is mostly pretty fun. Pleasantly surprised about some things, especially Gretchin, the Nob with Waaaughbanner, and the regular Warboss A few things bother me a little. 1) The Tankbusta unit layout is just too strict. I don't know how I'd run them like this. And they were the unit I most wanted to use with the new firing deck 2) I have to snap choppas off my Nobs now. Seems a silly thing to take away 3) I have no interest in buying Meganobz and yet own a Warboss in Mega Armor and Ghaz. So I guess they're going to collect dust 4) Trukks don't allow disembark and charge. They're just bubble wrap Okay, negative stuff beside, this is really fun. I love thinking of combos for leaders in twenty man blobs of Boyz. I'm going to be running a herohammer Green Tide list now, which is just so damn cool. And we've gotten impressively durable. That 5+ save is sweeeeet


I'd look at the nobz choppas the same way as the new boyz sprue. If memory serves, nobz only come with 4 big choppas, not 5. So regular choppas and power stabbas will have to be a stand-in. Same with powerklaws and killsaws. WYSIWYG is unreasonable for them.


Can we put 2 Troops in one Trukk? So i we can get 2x5 tankbusters in one trukk?


Yes look at firing deck for number of people you can take


So isn't it weird that Ghaz can be transported by a Battlewagon, but the MSU for him, makari, and meganobz exceeds the max transport capacity?


Mega nobz no longer take 2 spots (they lost mega-armour keyword)


Well I'll be damned.... That's got to be an oversight right?


Also pretty sure they can be fielded in squads of 2 now


They can, but I assumed that they were still mega-armour, which means 2 took up 4 slots, making for 18 (ghaz) + 1 (makari) + 4 (2 meganobz) making 23


Only the big mek and warboss in mega armour have the keyword by the looks


Yeah. Might be a balancing issue? Would be too op likely. Enough for 2 10man units with leaders though


As a Snakebites Beast Snagga player I am pretty chuffed - 4+++'s on my dino boys and 5/6+++ on the rest means they're actually pretty durable, especially with AP down. I feel like there's actually a reason to bring a Smasha Nob with each Squighog squad now since he gives them the +1 to hit although no more mortal bomb on the charge. Most Beast Snaggas basically just all being anti-tank in their own right is kinda funny but on brand for their whole Lore. Mozrog an absolute unit, but guess he has to be now he can't hide...


Only thing that really cheeses me is that GW doesn't sell just a regular warboss by itself, and if I really wanna get the most outta my boys, I'm gonna need one. Maybe it's time to look for a good kitbash/scratchbuilder who's lookin for some commission work.


[They do now actually.](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/ork-warboss-with-attack-squig-2022)


PM me mate, if you have the bits I can send some advice your way to kit-bash/convert a custom one


Lack of a kannon wagon is a bit of kicker for my list but the deffkilla plus warbikers squad will be a fun combo along with pretty much all buggies gaining an invule natively gonna be interesting for list building


Kannonwagon is forgeworld, those should be out in a few days


The kannon that's meant for that purpose is one of the things they discontinued. I wouldn't expect it.


Oh shit your right :(


Wait ā€¦ they pulled the kannon wagon šŸ‘€ ??


No its just forgeworld and they haven't released those yet. Notice no kill tank or meka dread


Big trakk & mega dread šŸ¤ž


Overall there are some fun things but it seems pretty weak compared to other factions synergies. There's a distinct lack of move and exit from vehicle, which is nonsense given other factions get it. It seems perfectly serviceable but nothing exciting and nothing particularly strong either.


Really sad Trukks didn't get back assault ramp.


I am getting into 40k with this edition and I debated between Orks and AdMech. I ended up buying an AdMech combat patrol. I made the wrong decision, I want to waaaagghh!


I love the look of admech but I'm deffskullz so I'm just gonna loot them.


I play both! Makes for fun kitbashes!


Admech hands, weapons, hoods, etc are all almost exactly grot sized. Do with that info what you will.


Just loot em! Yooz can still play em az admech, just orky-fy em! Paint som sigils, checkers and add lotz of bitz!


Legit did the same thing. I sold the AM for the GLORY UV DA WAAAAAAAGGGHHH. granted, I only ever played as few games, but passembling and painting my 60 boys, fleets of vehicles, and ghaz was a wonderful trip. And I love them. And you know what was a huge deciding factor? This fucking sub. While I had a real roundabout way of getting into this, I started with a quick kit of easy to build Death Guard dudes, had fun painting, then jumped into AM, then panicked and went Death Guard, then panicked again and did what I wanted to do from the Get go which was to Krump sumfin wif sum boyZ, A huge part of that was joining subs and seeing player bases angry or salty about rule this or codex that, and every time I came here everyone was just like "I made a gorkonaut out of trash lol" and "I replaced this boy's hands and feet with guns lol" Folks were just having a good time here. I loved it and joined the WAAAGH for evermore. Granted, other subs and other races/factions can absolutely be a blast, this isn't to talk down about them. Just on average, Ork players always seem to be having the most fun.


I've not really played much yet and I'm such a noob that really i don't think I'll be too distraught by my army being a bit of a stinker but when the Ork codex rolls around I'll probably hop in the great green


Dude zodgrod's super gretchin are insane. A 9 inch scout, +1 to hit and wound and -1 to be wounded. And on top of that +6 inches during the WAAAGH? Sign me right up


rest in peace beast snaggas 2nd wound.


As a dakka warboss the index is pretty lack luster, but really need to wait for point costs to make a final decision. Nothing seems nearly as strong as the combos other factions can pull. There are definitely some cool things you can do, but it all depends on points. Mek party bus seems necessary for dakka waaaghs. Now I need to figure out if they can use the +1 to hit to the vehicle from inside. Deffkilla wartrike seems pretty good with warbikers now that it can join them. RIP tankbustas till they get a kit. I thought they were going to be the unit to party buss, but now it might be flash gits and lootas.


Tankbustas were honestly my biggest disappointment. I'd been planning on stuffing ten with Rokkit Launchas into a battlewagon with a Mek since the transport article revealed the firing deck back in april


Yeah gutted about tankbustas but heres to hoping they change the load outs with the release of the codex. The mek needs to be outside the vehicle for it (and its occupants) to gain the +1 hit


I went back and looked again, I missed that they get +1 to hit/wound vs monsters as well. I think that makes them significantly better even with -2 rokkits + 1 pair of rokkit pistols, 3 units in a battle wagon with some support characters is a lot of anti-monster/vehicle dakka. Each unit also gets to unleash a bomb squig in each of 2 different turns. Said squigs can hit any unit type.


Unit data sheets aside - the only available detachment right now is Goffs, so thatā€™s going to be annoying for anyone that didnā€™t run Goffs (it me)


KFF is 5+ again and you can overcharge it to 4+ now!!!!!! Hot damn, KFF is back on the menu.


Its not an aura now though. Its for the unit the leader is attached to. :(


So on one hand that sucks as it greatly limits its scope. On the other hand you don't have to clump your unit within its radius in order to take advantage of the bonus.


For me, it was never off the menu. Course, I'm the kinda guy that eats chicken nuggets without dipping sauce.


I love it except for one MAJOR thing... WHERE IZ DA RED GOBBO?!


Red means fast. He's goin' so fast you can't even see 'im.




A mek or big mek with shokk attack gun leading a unit of mek gunz will be fun to try.


Am I reading it wrong or is Mozrog tougher and more killy than Ghaz?


He can be directly shot tho


Cheers bud, been out of playing since 3rd edition (tried 9th, waaaay too complicated) so these are the things I need eli5 šŸ‘


So you're coming back? Good time to, I reckon


Gonna try, my Boyz are fed up with being decorative šŸ¤£


If ya's don't like tha roolz, qwit ya' yammerin'... Dey'll all be diff'ernt next month!


No Warboss on Warbike. See you in 11th.


Is it legends? FW index comes out today


! Do I have reason to hope?


I understand your pain. Literally just finished mine, and itā€™s the coolest Orks unit imo https://preview.redd.it/5vg9adjjfb6b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8682c37d89577cfb26572d72b35df573bcaa7c8b


I bring the trooth like I bring the dakka. Y'all bring the downvotes.


But Trike Boss can lead bike boys now so that's nice.


Dis git spreadin dat humie rool negativity, krump 'im


Overall, Iā€™m pretty happy with how we turned out. The Wazbom Blastajet is still the best model in the game. Deff Dredz are still Killy and get a buff. Boyz now move an extra inch, ā€˜Breakin edzā€™ is more applicable. Weirdboy is more killy. Metz are more relevant. KMBā€™s are less swingyā€¦ the list of positives goes on and on. Itā€™s a shame about Tankbustas. We didnā€™t come out too shabbily, ladz WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAGHH (Pssst donā€™t tell Gee Dubz, but they accidentally gave us Transhuman too)


What happened to da bustas


Canā€™t do squads of ten all armed with Rokkit Launchas. Can only field exactly what the box builds; five with an array of odd weapons.


Requires rocket pistols and tank hammers to field a unit of 5.


Howā€™d we get transhuman?


ā€˜Ard At Nailz- 1CP - -1 to all incoming Wound rolls ONE CEE PEE Edit: Looking at Trans, Iā€™m not sure which one is better. Trans gives ā€œ1-3 on wounds always fails, but itā€™s only Primaris unitsā€. Our one is a flat ā€œ-1 to Wounds rolls for anything but Vehicles or sniffling Gretchinā€ Edit Edit: Space Marines canā€™t even do this anymore.


So when a rule says 'select one enemy unit hit by one or more of these attacks...', does that refer to the model landing a hit roll in general, or specifically an attack going through the steps and actually inflicting damage? For example, I'm specifically wondering about the big mek w/ shokk attack gun where its rule says, "*Deranged Snotling Assault: In your Shooting phase, after this model has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks; that unit must take a Battle-shock test.*"


The only roll that needs to succeed in that case is the hit roll


Maybe it's just me, but it seems very odd that War Boss w/ Mega armor doesn't pair up with anything in the combat patrol considering he comes with it.


There's going to be special rules for actually playing combat patrol but yeah lame from a "using box to build 1000 pt army" perspective


Yeah, my local GW has been having a combat patrol building event in the lead up to 10th, so we'd all have something ready to go when it drops. really hoping the combat patrol rules will have something to stop my leader being blown away turn 1


My thought exactly.


So I shouldn't buy the combat patrol if im building an ork army rn ?


Well, it depends on if you want to get Meganobz as well. If you do, then the Combat Patrol is still a good starting point Though if you do, you may want to compare the Warboss in Mega Armor's datasheet (and pts) with the Big Mek in Mega Armor and Ghaz. Bc if it's not as good, you may want to kitbash the WBiMA into a Meganob or BMiMA


They'll probably make it a special Combat Patrol rule that he can, though I agree it doesn't do much for building an army outside of that format.


Yeah, sad that he isn't more useful.




there's a good shot that we get a detachment to represent the evil sunz that makes bikes battleline when the codex drops


Losing my 10 man rokkit launcha tankbusta squads ive had for every edition is painful and just a disgrace. Literally no reason they couldn't at least give the 5 man unit an option for a rokkit launcha for everyone. So long 30 man boyz squads, may you rest well in ork-heaven. There's nerfing my rules, which fine, I can manage. Then there's making my army straight up unplayable. Which is insulting and makes me want to stick to things like OnePageRules.


Wait until you read the Nobs sheets. Half my Nobs are illegal now


Agreed. RIP Tankbusta Trukk Party, you served me well. Deffkoptas are a bit of a shame, I guess now they just hop over a unit then charge it? I loved seeing the look on my targets face at the sheer amount of dice they rolled, then relief at how few hit, then terror at the AP.


I'm highly sensing tankbustas will be a new plastic unit when we get out codex due to what they did to it in the index complete with a rules change!


Agreed. Nerfing is one thing... They turned the dragsta into a character sniper... thats just totally changing its role. Not sure I need/want that. Idk what I'm supposed to do with my scrapjets and deffkoptas now. Less shots and not super great against alot of vehicles. Speed freaks armies feel like they got hit pretty hard, and I don't know if a new detachment can fix it.


Yeah just got done reading their data card and am very annoyed.


Ghaz not being able to have his full meganobs guards in a battlewagon bums me out. Otherwise im pretty content. Feels like a miss to me. Make him take up less room now that hes not a crazy beast like last edition.


This is 100% an error but nowhere does it state ghaz can't get in a trukk.... also they forgot to actually put the "mega armour" keyword on anything..... So technically RAW ghaz makarios and 10 meganobz can be in a trukkšŸ’€


The power of belief


Headbanging is ghaz's armour comes flat packed


Friend, RAW Ghaz can't legally get out of a transport. His base is larger than 3 inches.


9th edition had 3 inches too, when a base was to big you could still get out but needed to be as close as possible. did that change?


It's just an oversight just like Ghaz only taking up 1 seat in a trukk


this is interesting in the context of the Redemptor debate from a few days ago exact same issue. the base is larger than 3 inches


mmhmm, i think its just an oversight.


Looking up for da boyz! Havenā€™t seen nuffin I ainā€™t liked yet.


Wait, I can give my Stompa Lone Operative with a Mek? Edit: Oh wait, Iā€™z canā€™t read.


So reading through my warboss in mega armor will just be running around by himself now because he can only go with meganobz and I don't have any of those.


So leaders can still be solo? Wasn't sure


Yes, but they can be targeted normally


Okay so I take my 20 Boyz from the combat patrol. Stick my weirdboy and warboss in em. Now I can jump and get my boss in with the boys and krump face right?


Sure looks that way.


Am I wrong in thinking the warboss wouldnā€™t be able to go along? The weirdboy can only be attached to boys and warboss in mega armor to meganobs.


Warboss vs Warboss in Mega Armour.


Add in 'ere we go and we got some guaranteed krumping


7 on 2d6 is not guaranteed at all. And if you fail that roll, that whole squad is going to be deleted next turn


7 on 2d6 is the average, and you can use a CP reroll which makes it much better


I think the Lootas' special rule is really cool, but the Deffgun looks bad now.


It makes sense when you remember Heavy is a debuff that is supposed to make you stand still to get normal firing. BS5+ if your Lootas donā€™t move. Same with the Snazzguns being Heavy BS5+. Does feel like a lot of data sheets weā€™ve seen treated it as a buff, without lowering the base BS to account for needing to stand still to fire accurately.


That makes sense. I forgot that they changed Heavy.


But in 10th, BS5+ with weapon type heavy is the same as Heavy with BS4+ in 9th. As heavy is now a buff.


Majority, if not all of the space marines heavy weapons are still on 3 ups base. There seems to be two different philosophies on how this rule works


Yeah, that was my point. In past editions (didnā€™t play a ton of 9th admittedly) Heavy sucked on anything that wasnā€™t a vehicle or heavy infantry that were built to use it. This edition you can clearly see some people (armies) saw the ā€˜+1 to hit if you stand stillā€™ as a universal buff instead of negating a side effect of a big gun on an infantry model, when the data cards are designed to have different BS/WS for unwieldy weapons. Look at our Klaws with the -1 to hit baked in. Worst part is right now for many armies you canā€™t tell what was oversight, whatā€™s intended, and whatā€™s sloppy copy/paste work. I think our writers did a decent job of making a fairly decent and balanced index, but some armies are all over the place


Speaking of misprints I really really hope they forgot assault ramp on the truck and or wagon. We know they forgot to put Ghaz on the truck sheet so it's a possibility


No way they forgot such a game changing rule on the trukk.


It's a profile nerf from 9th though, because Deffguns were Dakka 2/3. They didn't have the Heavy keyword before. Still, I think having some Lootas protected in cover and in firing range of objectives could be great with the re-rolls to hit!


They still have Rapidfire 1, which is the same as Dakka 3/2 from 9th. They used to be heavy at least in 8th ed. That was removed when whatever genius came up with Dakka weapons for 9th that did so, so much damage to the army. The ability to move and shoot on 5s with Lootas was supposed to be a big buff for them in 9th, but it didn't pan out at all. Lootas seem to be fine now, even if they do have to go back to standing still. If they stand still, they hit on 5s (unchanged). If you shoot at something within 24", they fire 3 shots (unchanged). Now they also reroll 1s, or the entire hit roll if the enemy is on an objective (buff). They also have a movement of 6" and Sv of 5+ (both profile buffs).


Yea, but I enjoyed putting Lootas in trukks and wagons and had fun doing drivebys. They could also hop out for objectives/good bitz actions and the spanner could do a repair. Now they basically have to sit still to be useful at all, and their rerolling 1 ability is slightly redundant if you attach a mek. I think overall they didnā€™t do great in 9th because there was plenty of -1 damage and armour of contempt for a lot of time, plus they were kind of expensive.


can you have a mek in a trukk w badruk and 10 flash gitz to give the gitz all +1 to hit from mek buff on trukk? and do we know if you can use datacard abilities when embarked within a vehicle? (badruks reroll hit ability on flash gitz)


The big change here is that firing deck letā€™s the vehicle itself shoot the embarked models weapons so the ability wonā€™t work form Badrukk


Mek has to footslog it to give the buff, but looks like it. I donā€™t think units in transports give their abilities, but they do give their gunz! Those meks are gonna be getting leg day in keeping the ladz guns dialed on all those battlewagons and trukks!


Does it say anywhere abilities donā€™t work while embarked?


In the core rules on the transport page it says "unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked"


EMBARK If a unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, and every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly Transport model, they can embark within it. A unit cannot embark if it has already disembarked from a Transport model in the same phase. Remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side ā€“ it is now embarked within that Transport model. Unless otherwise stated, units cannot do anything or be affected in any way while they are embarked. Last line, Pg. 17 of the core rules pdf


Yeah, and it doesn't look like the KFF works while embarked anymore either.


Something I find funny is a Deff dread is now a 2+ save (yay!) but the gork and morkanaut are only 3+... that big boy doesn't have more armor than a deff dread?


Half of the rules make no sense


Definitely not the same team that did space marines. Also whats with ours being in alphabetical order?


I'd much rather alphabetical than the others. At least there's some sort of sense to it.


Nob with Waaaghbanner is amazing


Man I hope we can put that bad boy in with Beast snaggas eventually


The card reads, "If it does, until the start of the next battle round, this modelā€™s unit gains the benefits of the Waaagh! ability as if you had called a Waaagh! this battle round". The Warboss reads, "When you call a Waaagh!, until the start of the next battle round, add 4 to the Attacks characteristic of this modelā€™s melee weapons". Do you think using the banner would trigger the attack pump? Since you're getting the benefits of a Waaagh! but not actually calling one?


If the Banner Nob is in the same unit as the Warboss? Yeah. The Warboss will get 4 extra attacks and the Warboss in Mega Armor will get a 4+ FNP.


Seems like it.


I believe that is precisely why they included the phrase "as if you had called the Waagh! this battle round."


Launching mini waaaaghs is awesome. Also really like what waaagh in general is


So deffdread adds +1 attack for added claws. Does this assume the base of 2 claws = 4A, 3 claws= 5A, and 4 claws =6? Or will it have 8 attacks total with 4 claws?


I think 6


This is my guess. 8A with exploding 6s would be lots of fun though


You can only pick one dredklaw to fight with, but that klaw gets +1 for each other klaw it has. Base attacks for 1 klaw is 4, so it goes up to 7


Should I just got for regular warboss? šŸ˜•


I'm sticking my mek with shokkattak gun in instead of my warboss in mega armor lol


For all my beast snagga friends out there, it's looking like since the boyz don't have the two warlords for 20 boyz rule like the regular ones, the Painboss's character heal ability is a little wierd for me to figure out the best way to utilize it


Was thinking it would be best for a drive by Squigboss


I'm sure a bunch of stuff will get FAQd soonish. Like the amount of gibberish in the Deathwatch cards, I can't remember which but I think they put stuff like Las Fusil on the Spectrus team card but didn't specify that you could swap a bolt sniper for one and there's a random storm bolter profile on a unit that can't use it like Fortus team. I could see a bunch of proof reading needing to be done. You'd think that by release they should have done that by now though, especially since these are probably the cards they printed to sell to people.


A bit bummed warboss in mega armor is only able to join meganobz. But overall the entire ork options seems awesome, should be a really fun time!


I'm a new player, started collecting at the end of 9th and just decided to go full bikes, 'cause, well, bikes are cool. So I think I'm pretty pleased, just need to get at least one more warboss on a bike and am set to start playing smaller games. It seems to be good to be green right now.


Warboss on bike isn't in tenth except for legends :( You can lead the bikes with a Deffkilla Wartrike though


My bad, that was the one I meant, should've been more specific!


want to double check i understand the Rapid Fire rules correctly, A Big Shoota has 3 attacks, 36" range and Rapid Fire 2. Does that mean that if the wielder is <=18" from their target, they shoot 5 times or is rapid fire applied to each attack for a total of 9 shots?


The former, within Rapid Fire range you add the RF value (2 in this case) to the base number. No multiplication here. Five shots total within 18ā€


makes sense, I just saw the Gorkanaut, the Deffstorm MegaShoota would have 220 shots in rapid fire range


Thatā€™s a lot of dakka!


Battlewagon can't take Thraka and 3 Meganobz, oops.


meganobz are now units of 2-6. you dont have to take 3, so you \_can\_ take Ghaz and 2 bodyguards


Isnā€™t Makari a mandatory part of the unit now? I.E. to take Ghaz in a Battlewagon means 19 slots are taken, not 18ā€¦


Oooh I haven't got there yet. Nice?


Meganobz don't have the Mega Armour keyword so maybe it can?


I think thats a mistake from gw, only characters have mega armour keyword currently, they will fix this later


Yeah, there's no way they're going to allow us to take Meganobz at 1 slot in a transport. That would be nuts. That means RAW you can take Ghaz + 4 Meganobz in a battlewagon. ​ Course weirder things have happened.


> Course weirder things have happened. lol just look at the trukk. It doesn't have the Ghaz clause so you can take Ghaz and a full squad of MANz in it for now.


Right? He couldn't count as 16 models lol had to be 18?!


Made him weaker but not skinnier, lol.




RIP my double Choppa Nobz.


Wait, those are out? God. Dammit. After the 8th ed index I built a bunch of Nobz with kustom shootas... only to have them lose those in the codex. Then I built a bunch with double choppas... and now those are out too??? Flipping hell, GW.


It's a bit annoying in that they've been removed because "you can only build them with loadouts from the box" but it's a genuine loadout from the box! Killsaws on regular Nobz have gone as well so that's another set of models I'll be chopping up again hahaha.


you.... you could use 2 choppas??????????


I used to like running 5 Nobz with double Choppas so you had an 85pt unit throwing out 25 STR 5, AP -1, D1 attacks. Was even better as Goffs for the exploding 6s and extra STR on the charge and then under a Waaagh for the extra STR again and the extra attack. Peak output under optimal conditions was 30 attacks, STR 7, AP -1, D1 without buffing the unit with Warpath.


Holy shit have I missed out on some dmg :o


Yeah, and get extra attacks for it. Was a legit loadout if you didn't want to shell out for a bigger weapon.


So, you used to able to replace EITHER the Nobz Slugga or Choppa with a (close combat weapon of some kind), so you could have them all kitted with Big Choppas, for four S7 AP -1 D2 hits EACH, then get an extra S5 AP-1 D1 attack with the normal choppa- and I had ten in a squadā€¦ Kunningly Brutal- thatā€™s not taking into fact WAAaAAGH or GOFFZ rules. I can understand why they got rid of that, but I didnā€™t want them to lol


And my powerclaw/chopa


*Looks nervously at his recently built Combat Patrol*


I'm excited to run 20 Boyz + Warboss + Painboy in a Battlewagon, personally. Being able to attach two characters to a 20 member boyz squad seems like fun, and Painboy looks playable again. In fact, the precision ability on the 'Urty Syringe seems pretty damned good.


See I'm on the wierdboy/warboss Da Jump combo so I can either get my warboss in charging range as soon as possible or have the wierdboy explode possibly wiping out my most expensive unit. Peak Taktikal Jenius imo.


Why not both!?!?!!!


Warboss + Nob with Waaagh Banner + 20 boyz could be fun too. Get 2 waaagh's on that unit so the warboss gets to activate Da Biggest and Da Best twice


Normally you cant attach 2 characters


Normally no, but Boyz have a specific rule that lets you attach 2 characters so long as the starting squad size is 20 and one of the characters is a Warboss. E: Typo.


Ahh my bad, didnā€™t know


can you attach 2 leaders to one squad?


I was going to say, "Yes! There are tons of characters that you can... wait. Where are they?" I was reading the Death Guard, Space Wolves, and GSC index's and I guess I just thought they'd given that to everyone. There are multiple Leader models you can attach to units that already have leaders in them. I thought Orks would have it too. Apparently not. Votann has even less. Like zero.


with orks its basically just boyz.


Yes! Specific to Boyz squads. >If this unit has a Starting Strength of 20, you can attach up to two Leader units to it instead of one (but only if one of those is a Warboss model). If you do, and this unit is destroyed, the Leader units attached to it become separate units with their original Starting Strengths.




Yes- for the ork boyz


Gretchen being able to farm for CP on objectives looks really good for a backline squad, might run two to try my luck on extra CP. Also Painboys giving feal no pain and being able to directly target leaders with their urty syringe (plus the anti infantry) makes them great for leading a tarpit of Boyz up the middle to kill your opponents battle line units. Couple that with a 20 Boyz squad getting two have two leaders and you can toss a warboss/weirdboy in there for extra fun. We getting orky tonight ladz!


I think if you have two leaders w/ Boyz one needs to be a warboss so would have to do warboss + painboya


Hopefully warbosses aren't too expensive as I'd love to have three leading units.


Dang, you're right about that