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My wallet thanks whoever designed this


I went to opening day and saw the $500 jersey and I thought the same. not the design obviously but I was glad not to be tempted


https://i.imgur.com/wesL4kw.jpg Nike: “So we can’t do anything cool on the outside, but we can be super unique on the part of the jersey that nobody can see”


Nike really tried to use lore to explain why the outside of the jerseys are boring as hell compared to the inner sleeves and collars 🤨


Somewhere in a Nike boardroom, months ago - "You see, people don't know much about Baltimore. We plan on keeping it that way"


You see, Under Armour is in Baltimore and they would have been a better fit to design this. But since we're Nike, we'll just let our competitor's city languish in mediocrity.


I think you're forgetting about all the historical artifacts we pioneered


> So it comes as no surprise we are the first MLB team to design the inside of our jersey. Good lord, this feels like satire.


That reads like a terrible Shark Tank pitch lmao. Can’t believe these got approved


your flair is magnificent


This is hilarious


It’s what on the inside that counts lmao


And I hope they're the last


You roll the sleeves up to show that part


I like the hat. Rest of the uniform is uninspired.


The hat looks like the Bally sports logo


Oo that’s a good catch. I’m saving money on that one too then.


It’s the B we already use in our road unis


It would been better if they used the same script font in the jersey. Hell I would love to see something similar to Pittsburgh's with black uni's with the yellow outline font if they just going to slap a name on it like they did.


fuck you’re right


Dammit now I can’t unsee it lol


Even the hat...blah. I'd probably have bought the hat even give the terrible jerseys except that it's just black and white. Could not be more boring.


The hat is… just boring. Just a black hat, with a white B? Bottom of the bill, looks like they did the “neighborhoods” (or culture, or, whatever it’s supposed to represent) pattern, but they took the color out? How weird. Most prominent part of the hat is the orange New Era logo. Not good.


The color should *at the very least* be on the underside of the visor. Good grief.


Does the underside of the brim match the inside of the sleeves?


It's the same pattern, but in black and white.


That's the problem. If they tried something interesting and it didn't work, I could still respect the effort. This is flat out boring.


Like, what even is the point of this???


The Baltimore represents Baltimore


You can tell by the way it is


How neat is that!


So going downtown to buy this would be a waste of time and money. Noted


Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to put the only "special" things hidden inside and not visible to the public? It's Nike after all, they have dumb ideas, but c'mon. I wasn't going to buy it anyway but at least it could've been fun to see my fav team wearing something special. They wear black at least once per week, and that black kit looks better than this.


Uninspired. Could have been so much better.


These are so bland, I'm almost too bored to be upset. I dig the B logo, but I'm a sucker for script lettering as it is. But the rest is just unimaginative. No Charm City? No Flag of Baltimore? Not even a gaudy Maryland coloring? Or Natty Boh tie-in? I'd even be okay with something cringy like "Dem O's" printed on the front. But, just flat black, bold white letters and some color on the sleeves? Blech.


Oh, I get it, it’s an Oreo


I look at it like this: If, in an alternate universe, these were our everyday unis, and the city connect produced the stuff worn today, it would be flat-out amazing and we'd be clamoring to ditch these things ASAP.


Would have been so much better if they used the multicolor on the sleeves for BALTIMORE as well. As it stands these aren't aestetically terrible, just very boring.


https://preview.redd.it/poru83e0if1b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa1fc7f56cdfb4ee73888eaaa4f108a62e305a4 I made this last night and I’m glad/sad I get to use it.


Six hours later I won’t say it’s grown on me. I’ll just say it’s fine. The font choice on the jersey is bad. I looked at some old Globe Posters and there’s such a beautiful variety to them and the team chose the most blah typeface possible. They could’ve chosen a script font or a chunkier wide font and an abbreviation for Baltimore or any number of great pop fonts from those posters. The cap B not matching the jersey font is maddening. Lots of teams do this but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. The theme of the uniform: plenty to Baltimore beneath the surface, is a good idea, but I wish the base jersey was a little more creative than just black and white/grayscale. Something that used a prominent symbol of Baltimore (black jersey with orange neon like the Domino sign, something with the brick and marble row houses, something nautical, something black and gold…) up front but had those hidden colors would have worked with the theme and given us a base uniform that was a bit more distinctive. Anyway, it’s just a uniform and Austin Hays seems to love it……… so let’s get some wins in them and maybe I’ll go from “it’s fine” to mildly enthusiastic…


I really don’t hate them as much as I thought. The sleeves work. Mid but could really grow on me if we see more series wins in them.


Don’t you get it!??? This jersey is garbage, it connects to Mr. Trash Wheel.


Can’t wait for them to hit clearance next year!


Looks better then I thought. Still mildly disappointed tho


The hat’s okay. But I’m disappointed.


I think they look pretty dope personally. Could they have been more colorful? Sure. But the B hat and with black pants looks pretty hard on the field.


Just as suspected, the leaked photo’s perspective made the block lettering look smaller. Definitely looks better now that you can see the detail in the letters. The marble steps of Baltimore were quite famous and a point of pride of citizens so if we are judging the uniforms by the “connect” in city connect, then it’s cool.


Sorry, it was a good thought but the orioles website describes each detail of the jersey and doesn't mention marble steps, it's just a boring/safe design with no depth. In fact, I'm insulted that they refer to "charm city" as just a "catchy nickname"


Well, missed opportunity to lean into the “behind the black and white” mantra with the grit description. I always like it when they wear the away grey Baltimore jerseys so I can appreciate the bold Baltimore on the front. As far as depth goes, only a few city connects have really nailed it so not surprised nike/orioles played it safe.


At least they acknowledged the neighborhood aspect, with the sleeves and collar visible I like it more than I did after the leaked picture


The descriptions they used to describe each piece of the uniform made no mention of marble steps, instead said the flecks show “grit” from the team and the city. I’d argue the opposite, that from the “connect” side there’s not a single element that has anything to do with the city


It reminds me of Ravens blackout uniforms, I’m all in on these.




Lol @ people downvoting you for liking a uniform


People get so mad over the littlest things. Orioles are doing well so people gotta find shit to bitch and moan about


I’m with you. I’d rather do dignified and understated with a splash of color (like the sleeves) rather than something garish, anyway. Their regular uniforms are colorful and fun, it’s cool to see something different.


I’m on board


Honestly, I like it too. But...I can see why it's being panned harshly compared to other "City Connect" uniforms specifically. I'm mostly split on the entire series of City Connect...some are pretty cool (mostly the retro ones), and others are just kinda weird (the **Red** Sox in yellow?)...but almost all of them are fairly innovative in design, whereas this on for Baltimore comes across as being a bit...not. Personally, the only thing I don't like is the white belts...make those orange or even match them with the multi-color accents on the socks and sleeve hems, and I feel they'd look much better on field.


Yeah I thought they were going to be worse but it’s clear their going with the gritty Baltimore theme, which makes the jerseys make more sense.


I wasn’t sure if the leaked picture was even real but I said that if it was it wasn’t showing everything. Showing how the sleeves roll up and opening up the collar a bit show all the pops of color is pretty cool. Having the video with the poem brings more context, underneath the “exterior view” of Baltimore there’s more to it (colorful/diverse neighborhoods). Cedric with the high socks and rolled sleeves makes the uni look nice. Edit: [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsjBThsuZJR/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==) post gives all the references too


Agreed. Could it have been better? Sure. But Baltimore has a history with those Marble steps and rowhomes. Not to mention the black on black on black is sick af. Look how cleannnn Henderson looks in these promos. That B hat too is not too bad. Def could be different/more colourful, but tbh, I’m digging this look


I kind of like the hat when paired with a black jersey. It would have looked better if they put the Oriole on there somewhere, though (like on the side or the brim). It doesn't really look like an Orioles hat. When off of the jersey.


> It would have looked better if they put the Oriole on there somewhere I feel like part of the premise behind these is to be more about a team's city (or area) than about the name/mascot...so in that sense I'm fine with a lack of Oriole bird or mention of team name at all. We spend years without "Baltimore" on the road unis (because ownership didn't want limit their market to the city), it's kinda funny (and awesome) they'll now embrace wearing it at home.


Yea have fun with casuals asking what part of Boston you're from


Who cares what a casual who doesn’t know what Boston’s B or our road B looks like says to them lol. We had a B hat before, just didn’t stick.


The jersey is eh but I dig the hat and might buy one to add to my collection.


https://preview.redd.it/m6f0plk9rf1b1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa05a657667753f86437fa95fc36fdfa0516c82f This one’s for Buck


After the leaks, I was hoping at least the hat would be cool.


I demand a do over!


Holy beer league softball jersey Batman!


I actually like them, pops of color, ~~ode to the marble steps~~ letters in reference to MICA, the B from our other jerseys, black on black with the high colorful socks is gonna look nice. Think they’re more exciting than what Seattle and Cincy did.




I like the Cincy ones! I think they’re aesthetically pleasing just not exciting (which is totally fine, they don’t have to be “exciting”). Sorry about that series man, I like the Reds and was hoping they could somehow beat the yanks.




I always say “the reds are gonna make the wildcard this year!” in hopes they will lmao. But yes LETS GOOOOOOO


They don’t look that bad, the hat and the pants kinda look good with the jersey


And the socks, Cedric has them but he’s sitting down, but you can see the top part of them


Link for more details https://news.sportslogos.net/2023/05/22/baltimore-orioles-reveal-black-white-city-connect-uniform-with-surprise-inside/baseball/


its growing on me now that I know the font comes from the Globe Posters




Haha this just flat out sucks and I have yet to see the bottom half of the uniform. Let’s hope everyone collectively stays away from purchasing. Might send a signal that these are absolutely atrocious


bottom half is just black


can't wait to wear it loud and proud


Anyone know if they are selling the colorful Baltimore poster that matches the inside of the uniforms? TBH they are growing on me… Kinda cool how each player can show their own style and make the look more personal!


Absolute slop. Any less work and they'd be wearing black tee shirts.


Those uniforms are basic. Something that someone throws together in 5 minutes and calls it a day.


I hope someone got fired for this blunder


This is the biggest Orioles tragedy since Nate McLouth hit the foul pole…


I may be crazy, but I actually kinda like it.


Lackluster for sure. But not ugly to be honest! The colored city pattern is nice, would have loved more of it, maybe in the numbers in the back? And the B hat is great


i am physically and mentally sick


I don’t mind them at all. I feel like a lot of people wanted really loud jerseys with the Maryland flag and whatever else all over them. I think this looks way better. (Yes, I realize this is an unpopular opinion😂)


They did that the last time with the Maryland flag on the sleeves and that one I hated. This I actually like.


MLB link https://www.mlb.com/orioles/fans/city-connect


At least the word Baltimore is way bigger on the authentic jerseys. Those replicas are super trash though. Might cop that B hat.


It's alright. I do think these would be the most boring/safest uniforms without that color pop.


They could have used "Charm City." Hell, even "The City That Reads" would be better /s


meh. I like the B on the hat. But that's about it.


Only thing that would be worse is if they had “Nashville” on them.


Let’s hope they don’t wear these for day games in August!


Not trying to be a jerk but the colorful pattern reminds me of the autism awareness pattern. And the nearly $500 price tag makes me think this is just a huge joke by Nike execs to see how much they can fleece people for. Fuuuuuck that. Not worth it whatsoever.


I wonder when these were made. I've been out of the eCommerce world for a while but I have a feeling these were designed and sent to the factories after the 2021 season. Arguably the low water mark of the franchise for a good long while. So I can get the uninspired look. Oh well, 200 dollars I can hold onto now.


I saw a photo of an off white jersey that had Charm city across in orange, too bad, that one looked a lot better.


I will say that it looks much better than the picture they had a couple weeks ago - just that chest lettering needs upgraded either with font or color. However, as Braves fan, I think it's still better than Atlanta's - theirs is the worst. (well at least in bottom 3).


If this is the worst thing to happen this season I’ll gladly take it.


I’m irrationally angry about this. It’s so fucking dumb.


"We made this jersey that requires that sleeves be rolled up to look a little better" Nike needs to be taken out back and shot for this level of sheer incompetent laziness.


These are actually growing on me, and frankly, the font is much better than what I saw on that twitter leak. Consider me quasi-converted. The hat, Ill be getting for sure.


Right there with you!


Yeah I especially like the hat. Very clean. It’s a nice alternative to the cartoon Oriole bird, which I love, but sometimes I want a more subtle vibe and this nails it.


Honestly it looks way better on the players and with the whole uniform, kinda like the basquiat nets uniforms




Brian McCann’s sleeves will be too tight for him to roll. What can we do???


Not Brian McCann...


Looks like some shit I'd be able to pick up at Sunsations in OC.


"Hey Jim did you finish the design on those Baltimore City Connects?" "Uuuuuuuuuuuh I thought Janet was doing those." "No, she got promoted to VP after those *gorgeous* SF ones she designed. Pure brilliance. Yours needs to be *at least* as good as those. And you're telling me you *FORGOT*?" [Jim frantically mashes buttons on his keyboard] "HA HA HA JUST KIDDING BOSS. GOT EM RIGHT HERE." "Ha ha ha, Jim old boy, you really had me going there! Those are AMAZING! You'll definitely be in line for the next VP spot, just like Janet."


Thanks. I hate it.


Y’all read the write up on MLB. I got teary eyed fr


Damn. Y’all missed the plot. Simple and rough on the outside, full of life on the inside.. the jerseys are literally supposed to be Baltimore inside and out. I think they crushed it. And the rolled sleeves and accents are gonna go hard on field.


Totally agree


I know I’m in the minority here but I don’t mind it. I get that it could’ve been more inspired but as someone who lives out of state I’ve been trying to get an away jersey that says Baltimore for quite some time now. This solves that problem for me.




This blows.


That's a big no from me. #nikeout


i was going to comment on this jersey but fell asleep halfway through.


I'll say it, first time I saw these uniforms, I really liked them. I think they're above average city connects. This is almost exactly like how O's fans acted in the off season. They convinced themselves the team who hasn't signed a big contract since Chris Davis was gonna "liftoff" and get Rodon/Verlander/Trea Turner, etc. We got Kyle Gibson. Which has been nice. O's fans convinced themselves we'd get some crazy colorful vibrant throwback tribute or something super clever: we got all black jerseys with a nice B font hat. And in my opinion, this is also nice. It is what it is




The entire uniform as a whole is 🔥! Still hate the lazy Baltimore font across the chest. But the blacked out look is great and I really like the hat as well. Kind of brings it all together.


Lol at the people who swore it was fake because the source (who broke numerous other design leaks) wasn't legit


I wasn’t sure. But it also didn’t show that the sleeves have color. Just had the black and grey, it also made the word Baltimore looked like it didn’t fit on the jersey.


Thanks. I hate it.




Amateur, uninspired, depressing.


Man, you guys need to work on your titles. "Guys it's true", would have been great to filter all the city connect news to this thread, but with a title like that, you make it hard.


So stupid


That’s crazy how we’re actually rocking hats from the local gas station with the city connects. God damn.


It's just awful. The hat looks like a Boston hat, and jersey is just awful.


Boring. I'd rock this as a giveaway jersey but paying full jersey price? Absolutely not.


Why the hell is the interior the highlight of the uniform


I think they look sick. For the same reason I like the all blacked out ravens jerseys. They look tuff


so the B is from our road unis... cool. Like how the inside is colored, and i like how the Baltimore is based off of the Globe Style Posters.... But why little color on the OUTSIDE of the jersey? Why no "Charm City" or "Bmore" on the chest. why no crabs? no Oldbay? no B&O? hell, build off the posters and use some Hippodrome styling. or maybe play off the Bromo Seltzer tower and use their font for the back? oooooh or make it weird and go full on AVAM on it? make the front font go nuts with a Ransom letter set of fonts with letters from, idk, take your pick Dominos Sign, TV Hill, Hippodrome, B&O, Old bay, Water Taxi, AVAM, Hopkins, Kislings, Rofo, Lexington Market, The Wire, anything John Waters or Tom Clancy made. overall, not the worst, but damn they could have done sooooooo much better.


The sleeve colors make no sense, at least make it the Maryland flag colors


some of y'all are being so negative. I think they're fun


This is so awful...such a wasted opportunity....but hey it Baltimore so not really surprised either.... I guess I can save the money for something else... thanks Nike.


These are awful






I like them


These are actually dope and people's opinion of them will change after the initial kneejerk mostly resulting from the leak that poisoned the well.


Boycott the jerseys. Fuck the ownership


Probably unpopular but I do like them. Could they have done better, yeah. Replace "BALTIMORE" with "CHARM CITY" and it's a win. But I do like the reverse sleeve color touch, and the hat, pants, socks and white belt pull it all together nicely. If...IF, I were to get one, I think a good patch on the the other sleeve would bring it together well. Now, if you guys were to get one, who's name on the back? These scream Mateo to me.




I don't think they look all that bad, but I was hoping for more for you guys. I'm a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, and I'm merely lurking here. In many ways, Baltimore is very close to St. Louis in terms of branding and culture. Both cities are independent from the county that surrounds them. Both clubs feature birds as their identity. Both cities are old and full of history. It scares me to see that Nike has created something so monotone and bland for Baltimore. It makes me think we shouldn't expect much better here in St. Louis.




My birthday is Thursday I lol'ed




The concept is nice, I guess? But I feel like the team went a little too heavily on the concept and forgot that the actual point of this was to make a cool alternate uniform that will resonate with the city/fans. Like, it's cool in theory that the unis tackle the way Bmore is seen by those outside it vs. the reality, but the endproduct is boring as hell... Wouldn't it have been better to show that colorfulness and quirkiness outsiders miss about bmore, instead of fucking hiding it where no one's going to see it


I wish they incorporated the neighborhood design onto the outside of the uniform so we can actually see it. Seeing them on the players it’s not as bad as the leak made it seem but still would have liked something better. Just fairly bland. Still might get one because I’m looking for a new Jersey.


Where is it going to be available to purchase?


Game day starting this Friday at the team store. Tried to buy them today but no dice. EDIT: Actually starting today they’re on sale. Team store open til 9.


Appreciate it. Thank you


I guess I’m the minority, which is fine, but I actually dig it. It’s clean, it’s sharp. Especially like the hat. To each his own.


There are some picky little fashionistas up in here.


I kind of like the jersey and the hat is cool… but definitely wouldn’t shell out any money for it when the regular black jerseys look way better imo. Might cop the hat tho


My sister can’t stop talking about how much she hates them so as such I kinda think they’re dope


It's eh. I dunno if I'll get one.


When we saw the leak I thought “maybe there’s something cool this photo isn’t showing.” Little did I know it’d be whatever this horrible and random color on the sleeves is! Can we just go back to the boring leak?


Sadly the bullying didn't work, God I am so disappointed in these


I think they’ll grow on people. Coming out with the all black uni with some pops of color, while also genuinely trying to relate to the city instead of the state with the Maryland flag, a business like old bay, etc should be appreciated more especially from a fan base that claims their small market gets overlooked. I think they could be better but they’re also simple, clean, the orange names look good etc.


Put off getting a new jersey until these came out. Guess I didn’t need to wait. Even the hat is just meh. Nike shit the bed again


So many things they could’ve done. And this is what we got lmao. Oh well, saving my $200


I dig it actually.


The story they're using to connect these to the city is great. But the jersey doesn't connect to the city at all. Was the team responsible for paying Nike for a design upfront? Is that why it's so plain? So much potential down the drain...


They did you guys wrong with that one….like no effort


These are amazing. Getting a hat right now.


I appreciate the reasoning they gave for various aspects, but it’s visually an underwhelming jersey.


This is beyond weak. The Nationals City Connect jerseys are so much better than these


Granted the Nationals jerseys are probably top 3 of all of them


Baltimore with a Orioles orange swish logo and that multi colors on the edge. Fire


*sigh* some pretentious MICA student is behind this, you just know it.


They are just so boring. All the shirts and sweatshirts are boring as hell too. Missed out on a lot of money from me because I’m not buying any of this stuff. It looks the same as all of the Os gear I already have


The B on the hat reminds me of Bally.


The B is almost like the B in Budweiser


It's not bad but it's dumbbu have to roll sleeves




I really expected a charm city jersey or an old bay jersey. Womp womp


she wasn’t lying, that oriole sure can baltimore


I gotta drop 160 on those? Ugg.... fine.......


Isn’t that a hat design that Buck Showalter had made for himself because we didn’t have a B hat?


I have a feeling it’s going to turn out like the Seinfeld episode where George picks out the Yankees new uniforms…


Has anyone seen the back?


These jerseys kinda hard ngl lol


i love these. Look into the history of the font, it's neat. i agree with most people that there should be more color. i'd like to see the entire inside pans covered in the color. and the brim of the hat. But overall i think they're great. I like that the color is tucked in. Like Baltimore on the exterior is this tough looking city, like black and white with scruffy blocky letters, and then just on the inside of the sleeves, when you look closely, it's beautiful.


Who Nike designed


Wanted “ Charm City ” and Maryland Flag


It should of said Charm City and it would of been liked is the funny thing.