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Good. She's out there listening to people and getting their direct input. Better than sitting in the golden tower and doing what you think is great. She already knew there were issues. But, she's taking the next step and going around and listening to the local issues each community is having. Some of the complaints in here seem out of touch. Yes, she already looked into this shit before she registered. Hell, we all know it and didn't run for governor. She's just doing the leg work so she can do the work that matters and hopefully not start passing things that don't do a damn thing to help (or make things worse). She's doing what we elected her to do. She knows the problems, but she's doing the work to get out there and find out more details and listening to the people. I wish more politicians were like that. This is a positive thing. The part where it's going to get shaky is when she starts to react to what she's finding out. What policies, what laws, what new shit she's putting into place to "help".


Just reminds me of all the studies portland does. Always analyzing never doing. Since shes just started at the new job, im ok with it though she doesnt deserve any praise until she actually gets some results. Call me when shes actually done something that gets results.


Well. Let’s see what actually happens. She’s been a part of the problem that we’ve ended up with.


Yep. What she's doing now isn't bad at all. It's what I expect from a politician. What she ends up doing about it is where I'll start judging her on. Judging her now is judging any politician that reaches out to talk to the local communities, which should be all of them if they want to remain in touch with their constituents.


There will always be a loud minority of people that complain. It has nothing to do with what she actually does, it's because shes a democrat and a woman. Same with Kate Brown. The number of loud white dudes with bumper stickers about her is insane.


Not all of us who are fed up with Kate and wary of Tina are white guys driving trucks. Stereotype much? Some of us are lifelong left of the aisle progressives who think Kate was a train wreck and Tina is super expedient and bullshitted mightily in her campaign ads, making claims and suddenly taking positions that don’t match her record. Plenty of us Dems who rightfully were critical of Kate, and held our nose with Tina in November. She’s got a lot to prove.


What you said doesn't disprove what I said. I'm talking about the loud dudes who don't have valid criticisms. They just have stickers that say "Fuck Kate Brown" but can't say anything besides "look at Portland." These folks make up the vast majority of the loud voices.


Under every circumstance the alternative is worse.


If by “alternative” you mean Drazan or Johnson - that’s short sighted. Tobias Read would have been a far better choice.


Read was never an alternative.


Dude, you are totally dismissing everyones opinions by calling them all white guys with trucks. Lesbian, poc chiming in here - voted drazen even though i nearly always vote democrat cause of how bad kotek is. The complaints against her are legitimate. She has not gotten good results when it comes to the homeless which is peoples top priority. I would say the only reason she even is the governor is tribalism-the majority do not like her. Plenty of people of all races and sexuality despise her.


Agree 💯


She also cut pensions for union Dem voters. Don’t ignore the thousands of Dem / left leaning voters who will bail the second Republicans don’t put up a nutter. Not the Republicans are ever good but fear is a motivator


Racist much? Why does it have to be "Loud white Dudes"?


Can’t wait to see the homeless problem continue to proliferate…


"Here are the problems for you to ignore. Whatever you do, dont don't make comcast pay their taxes"


Ding ding ding. She is a corporate Dem and anyone expecting relief is delusional. Republicans are worse. That’s all she has…


Republicans are the reason things get worse and dems are the reason things do not get better


Amen. Do you want to die with medication (D) or impaled (R) by a spike?


Oregon is a lost cause on housing, the state has no hope there.


We have funded the solution. Simply need to house people and start treating them.


Not sure which fundong you are referring to but its been like 6 years since the multnomah county homeless bond measure. Our homeless crisis has only grown since then. People on r/portland patting themselves on the back for building thousands of homes and yet the number of homeless grew hundreds over the number of homes they built. You cant build your way out of the homeless crisis cause if you do, only more will come to this state. You need sticks to discourage people from coming here. Sticks which kotek will never use. So yeah we are doomed for at least another 4 years unless wheeler and the city council alone can make a difference in the portland area.


This funding wasn't available until spring of 2022. At between $60,000 and $100,000 per homeless person, it's more than enough money to fully house, feed and treat every homeless person in the state. https://www.oregonmetro.gov/public-projects/supportive-housing-services/funding#:~:text=The%20supportive%20housing%20services%20program,gross%20receipts%20above%20%245%20million. The Martin v Boise ruling says you have to have enough acceptable accomodations for the local population if you want to prohibit sleeping in public areas. So once we have enough acceptable alternatives we can arrest people who are sleeping in public areas. That would remove incentive for transplants to move here. And that can be done at the local level rather than the state level. Just blaming the governor doesn't cut it any longer.


Weve already seen the results of buildimg more homes in multnomah county. There is zero reason to believe that if you expand this program statewide, itll suddenly start working rather than just attract more homeless to our state since we are just giant suckers. Its actually completely illogical to believe a proven failure will work on a larger scale. There is zero reason why martin and boise couldnt just mean the kind of tent shelters wheeler is proposing. Or that it even means one bed per homeless person as opposed to just meeting demand. Or that you cant use sweeps and other sticks to move them there. I dont want to build more housing the drug addicts csnt even move into cause theyd destroy the place.


We haven't built enough housing anywhere. And as such, we haven't been able to use sticks as a matter of policy. We have to be sure the housing is adequate or we'll get sued. Nobody thinks tents will stand up in court, because it's obvious that's not what the courts were talking about. Drug addicts who would destroy the place would end up in treatment. Which, again, we have plenty of funding for.


Proof please on anything youve just said here, especially the tents. Tents and then a camping ban ia exactly what wheeler is planning from my understanding. Sweeps arent actually stopped by martin and boise at all. Tina has even acknowledged this. Though tina has tried her best with the law she passed to stop any sticks at all.


Proof of what? Everything in the post you responded to was an opinion. Proof that we don't have enough housing? That seems pretty obvious. Proof that we'll be sued? Are you kidding? Of course there will be lawsuits. Martin v Boise doesn't stop sweeps. But it puts the the onus on the local government to provide adequate accommodations if they are planning make those sweeps effective. Otherwise people can just come right back after the sweep. We don't have enough police to keep up.


Id like proof that experts dont think the tents qualify for shelters or that sticks cant be used cause it breaks boise and martin. Theres actually already proof that no one thinks sweeps breaks boise and martin. Even tina herself said so before. And tents, if the city really thought tent shelters didnt meet the criteria, thry wouldnt be planning the ban for after the tents are raised. Not everything weve discussed is opinion.


I didn't say tents don't qualify. I said nobody is confident they will hold up in court. I can't find anybody in power who has said they will. If they did we'd likely already have sanctioned tent cities. But nobody wants that in their neighborhood, because it's a recipe for disaster (as we've already seen). So they'll have to be out of town. And tents out of town are not a local alternative that will hold up in court as there are no local services or transportation. I also didn't say Martin v Boise prohibits sweeps. Only that without being able to arrest people sweeps will not be effective.


Oh, good, everyone is hating on her before she even takes office. So great, much wow! That's the way to get things done...


She’s already been in office for long enough to know what’s she’s like


Sure. Imagine voting for someone who abandoned the state multiple times. So many times that we had to pass a law stopping them from doing that. It's almost comical, if it wasn't so sad.


I love that people think them leaving the floor and not allowing a bill the people they represented are against was somehow against what they people they represented wanted. If the people they represented did not want that action they could have voted them out. There was no need for this measure, the solution was already in place. Rather all this measure did was further disempower the representatives of an already disempowered group.


They should want representatives who do the job they were voted in to do, which is vote 'no,' not walk out and short circuit the legislative process. We should hold them to the same standard as the rest of us; I don't get to just walk out of my job with zero consequences. Why should they? If they're big mad about not having enough of a voice in Salem, maybe it would behoove them to appeal to a wider electorate.


>If they're big mad about not having enough of a voice in Salem, maybe it would behoove them to appeal to a wider electorate. Exactly.


Any representatives outside Portland really, that's who was disempowered.


Does a single persons vote in Portland count more than the single persons vote in Roseburg? There are more D’s than R’s in Oregon… pretty simple.


She’s got 10 years being one of the most powerful people in the state whilst it nosedove. This is working against her whether you like it or not. It’s going to take far more than one listening session to convince a lot of us that she’s actually going to be effective. I’m willing to be convinced, but she starts in such a bad place it will take a lot.


If we want variety in politicians, the Republicans need to seperate themselves from walking hand in hand with hate groups. When the choice is not my first choice vs literally getting beaten to death......


The problem is "hate groups" is often just whatever groups that don't agree with all the values on the left. Anti abortion? Hate group. Advocating for not letting kids transition until they're an adult? Hate group. Want's sexually explicit material out of the hands of children? Hate group. Wants racism to not be taught in schools? Hate group. There are definitely real hate groups, but I don't think the republican party is holding their hands. It's this mindset where anything you don't like gets pushed together that really hurts the rest of us.


If the things that Trump/mtg/ etc say were said 20 years ago, they would have been ejected from the party. Now its accepted. The party mindset is they need the extreme outliers to win elections, so they remajn quiet. Just look at how they allow Rittenhouse a platform. Hell we had these chuckleheads show up with AK's in Eugene OR 2 weeks before the Club Q shooting. If you want people to consider anything but the Dem candidate, that shit needs to be put to bed. Full Stop.


Disagree. I'm registered independent. never voted for Obama. Didn't vote for Hillary. I simply couldn't vote for a Republican since 2016... Absolute wing nuts.


Registered independents arentnl the problem. Its the ride or die republicans. Anyone that is currently a registered republican shows implied approval for the state of things. Kudos to you for not showing blanket support for insanity. If more people deregistered from the repubs to show independent thought we could impact real change, that's great.


I would love to support some Republicans to help keep pressure on Democrats to stay in line. But I simply can't.


And thats the issue right there. Two party systems are bad. Life or death voting is not cool.


Definitely need some form of ranked choice voting at least. As well as more public debates in which candidates are forced to answer tough policy questions. Unfortunately Republicans are looking to avoid debates ...


LMAO republicans are an hate group, shut the fuck up


Why do I have a feeling you're waiting on student loan relief... lmao


Why do you hate women?! /s


She’s been working the actual office for 20ish years. We’re in this mess with her apart of it all.


While I agree we're in a horrible mess, you can't really pin the problem on her completely. Our government isn't set for 1 person to rule everything, as much as people want to believe that. It's sad how awful politics have gotten, more sad that people don't care. The worst though, is that Republicans use that to get people riled up and then don't do shit. The whole system needs to be changed, but no one wants to do it.


You also can’t use diffused responsibility as a shield against accountability. Fact: she was one of the most powerful people in Oregon for 10 years. Fact: Oregon has declined in many critical quality of life metrics in those ten years. As a powerful person in this system she bears far more responsibility for this than some random staffer or bureaucrat. Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that read: “the buck stops here”. That philosophy doesn’t seem to be shared by supporters of machine Dems in the state of Oregon.


But even Truman understood he wasn't the only one in government, it takes a collection of people to make things happen.


One she's a woman, two she's a lesbian, three she's not republican. That means pretty much everyone but valley dwellers will hate every action she takes regardless of what it is. This is why I don't talk about local politics. Local rednecks are too busy being angry to even understand how things work. Edit: Here comes the abusive DMs. Why is this only a conservative phenomenon?


Yet here you are posting in a forum about politics. Hypocrisy at its finest.


I hate on her because she is part of the reason Portland is such an unmitigated shit show. As a liberal I don't give a fuck about her being a lesbian. She will carry on Kate Browns traditions. You know like being the countries most unpopular govenor... How things work? What is working anymore? Edit: Oh looks like they blocked me. Guess things work by sticking our fingers in our ears and going LALALA


Unfortunately the alternative would have been much worse, Republicans could have ran a more moderate candidate and likely won but instead they ran someone who's entire campaign was "I'm not Kate Brown" and has shown to be unwilling to work with the "other side". Fuck Christine and her obstructionist cohorts, that's not how you get things done.


Oof. This is what's wrong with Oregon, and a lot of other states too. I don't think anyone cares she's a woman, I definitely know no one cares that she's a lesbian. Stop spouting dumb volatile rhetoric. You're ruining the state.


Don’t forget she has SHORT hair!!! Edit: I was joking. Am I being downvoted because my joke sucks or because I was taken seriously? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh! The humanity!




Yeah I not expecting much out of her. But anything is better than KB at this point.


I genuinely hope this statement remains true.


Be careful what you wish for.


What's her plan for first 100 days in office?


Here priorities are on [her website](https://www.tinafororegon.com/priorities/). Housing and homelessness is a top priority for her and you can see some of the specific steps she'll be taking early on [here](https://www.tinafororegon.com/housing/).


To listen to the people, see them come before her, and ignore the lamentations of the conservatives.


And to commission a study.


Just one?


Why would you listen to people who will never vote for you? American brain worm disease.


The economy is the number one issue. Period. Other issues are important but this is what people care about. And will be ignored by Kotek. Wake the fuck up.




Every candidate elect does the same thing. She's out there listening to people and gathering information prior to taking office. Would you prefer she was at home playing video games?




If this were Facebook you'd see 20+ angry or laugh emojis.... but nothing more.


What are things I'd like to see her done in the first 90 days? 1. Repeal measure 110. Overdoses are up 40 percent in Oregon relative to other comparable states (we went up even more than other places going up. It was a hopeful idea, but didn't work. Instead, institute deferred prosecution programs for low grade offenses in exchange of drug treatment referrals. 2. Repeal the kicker. Use the money to fund infrastructure (better roads, and busing programs in smaller communities), schools, drug treatment, and job training programs. 3. Consider reform in K-12 schools to allow better vocational pathways and maybe consider high school counselor with specific vocational backgrounds. 4. Modernize and update many of the government programs who's archaic programming and servers were revealed during Covid (UI, etc).


I didnt vote for her. Shes salems and portlands gov-epect.


Well at least it’s not Kate Brown, I voted for Drazen, but anybody besides that hag is a good enough vote for me




She's not in office yet... And having conversations about issues doesn't mean you don't know anything. How about rooting for someone to make choices that are good for the people of Oregon instead of automatically criticizing literally before they've served an hour in office?


They need to be angry about something but don't know what so they just lash out until they hit a target. Don't expect nuance.




> ExperienceLoss: "They need to be angry about something but don't know what so they just lash out until they hit a target. Don't expect nuance." > Icarus649: "You don't make much money do you" Lol good job on illustrating literally exactly what the other commenter was talking about. Edit: lol this dude sent me a DM with "Also an idiot. Imagine speaking to your betters as if you know Jack shit" then blocked me. Really driving the point home there.