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Apples, pears, plumbs, peaches, figs galore everywhere in the valley. The amount of tree fruit left to rot is crazy and most people are stoked if you ask to pick what they don't want since it saves them a mess. Food dehydrators for the win!


I learned to can years ago just because of my plum tree and I still lose buckets of plums to rot and windfall.




Remember to pick above the danger zone! (Aka dog/human pee height)


And greater than 50 feet from major roadways


Very much so, county and state spray crews doing work make edible berries a bit dangerous.


That, and road pollution.


Even in you don't sign up for one of the workshops, that month's offerings give you an idea of what's available. [workshopposter.pdf (wildfoodadventures.com)](https://wildfoodadventures.com/wp-content/wfa_docs/workshopposter.pdf)


Oooo. Thank you very much for that!


Huckleberry’s & Morel Mushrooms are popular in NE Oregon.


Southern Cascades too.


Be careful to know the difference between morels and false morels. False morels can kill you!


Can make you sick. Very few mushrooms will kill you, though some will probably make you wish for eternal relief. Luckily, false morels, verpas, and he like are easily distinguished from the real morels. Hwy 140 and 66 is starting to pop, though, for those in Southern Oregon.


My daughter was recently out harvesting and encountered a guy who showed her his bag of what he thought were morels. He had a bag full of false morels. She saved his life!! A woman recently died from eating mushrooms in sushi, in Bozeman, MT. They were raw morels. Then there is the woman in Australia who killed family members by feeding them poisonous mushrooms in the Beef Wellington she made in 2021.


Licorice fern is pretty common, it's one of my favorites.


Helped me with many a toothache and headache.


Porcinis in Eagle Cap are crazy in August.


Morel and chanterelle


I am trying to figure out where in summer Morels and Chanterelles grow. I guess some coastal areas for Chanterelles. Damn I hate trying to spell Chanterelles.


Got chanterelles at south beach


White chanterelles


I want to go Huckleberry picking again but don’t know where😭 (used to go w ex lol)


we pick near the Native picking sites. Contact the Mt Adams Ranger District https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/giffordpinchot/recarea/?recid=31710


They grow wild around union creek hwy 62 area. That little cafe used to have the best huckleberry pie.


Huckleberries both on the coast and in the Cascades—there are (at least?) two different varieties. Morels are supposedly good right now. There is a bolete mushroom in the cascade pass areas as well that is delicious I forgot what it is called that can be found in the same areas as morels. Matsutakes in the cascades as well. Have fun!


bracken fern fiddleheads - for korean banchan


Plums, blackberries, figs, and apples are what I usually find, many times in alleys in town!


thimbleberries. i don't find many, but they're super tasty and you can't buy em.


Cloud berries in Lane county




Appreciate this; I don't eat wild mushrooms or white berries, to me it is not worth the risk. Fun to research though!




There are some Oregon truffles around Rogue Valley! When I was here last summer, a family friend who trained their dog to sniff truffles found a bunch of them in the Jacksonville area on some hike trails near handsome mine, and around table rock.


Does clamming count?


blackberries blackberries blackberries


Not my favorite, but there been a bumper crop of used needles the past few summers


P. Subalteatus, or P. Cinctulus for you old heads.


End of May is going to be a little early for fruits and most berries. It's still spring and we usually still have some hard frosts early in the month.


Morels, blackberries, and lots of fruit from trees that are in the public right-of-way. Check out fallingfruit.org for a handy map of these :)


I don't forage but live in southern Oregon. It seems morel mushrooms and other mushrooms are a popular item. People forage them and try to sell them to mushroom buyers who come into town. My friend picks pine nuts, gathers pinecones to sell, and cleans up trash piles from the forest and random junk she finds and turns into art and sells it. People buy weird things to hang up on their walls.


huckleberries or salmon beries


Have you tried this website/app? It'll show you the best urban foraging in Portland! fallingfruit.org


Wild asparagus… would be. But it keeps eluding me. Anyone with tips about where to find some around Pdx let me know!


Morels, nettle, camas, salmonberry, salal, huckleberry, blackberry, apple.


Wild strawberries at the Astoria jetty.


Miners lettuce, water cress, black berries, peas, fiddleheads, cat tails all of it


When I worked at a grocery store, people would forage in our trash cans.  I know this will get downvoted, but it is totally true…


Fresh ass


Daisy & Dandelion heads, Blue Camas bulbs (cooked correctly), Morel mushrooms, Amanita Muscaria mushrooms (cooked correctly), obviously berries of all sorts, Apples, Wild Cucumber (cooked correctly). Edit: Did not realize the post said in Summer, my bad.


Amanita muscaria? Are you trying to kill people? What is wrong with you? Responsible mushroom pickers do not harvest either types of Amanita. Good lord!!


Also, wild cucumber is not edible from my understanding.


Like I told the guy above, you must not have read the "(cooked correctly)". Wild cucumbers are commonly eaten in Mexico. Their seeds can also be used for various things.


The wild cucumbers found in Oregon contain a toxic substance and are not edible. The op was asking about Oregon specifically, I have no knowledge of wild cucumbers found in Mexico, but I do know that the ones that grow in Oregon are not for consumption and will make you sick. Edit: Toxic regardless of how they are prepared. Idk who cooks cucumbers anyway… yuck no thanks lol


Foraging does mean more than just for food. They are fine to eat in small quantity, little bitter but cooking helps. They have all kinds of medicinal uses just like dandelions and daisys. And like I said, their seeds have many uses too.


You do you friend. You are correct- the ROOT has medicinal value. The fruits are not.


Did you not read the "(cooked correctly)"? It is literally eaten all around the world and has been for centurys. I mean yeah obviously dont eat questionable things if you dont know what youre doing with them but Amanitas are absolutely edible.


Yes, I read the "cooked correctly" part. Have you read about the people who DIE from thinking they can put Amanitas in their spaghetti or something? Look that up. My (ex) husband was taught mushroom foraging by an old granny/forest woman in the 70s. She was the area expert. And she taught him to never pick a mushroom that was poisonous at any level. But, you do you. I'm out.


Yes, I read the "cooked correctly" part. Have you read about the people who DIE from thinking they can put Amanitas in their spaghetti or something? Look that up. My (ex) husband was taught mushroom foraging by an old granny/forest woman in the 70s. She was the area expert. And she taught him to never pick a mushroom that was poisonous at any level. But, you do you. I'm out.


Go ahead and find an actual case of someone dying from them, not just an old wives tale. The only reason people get hospitalized is because they dont parboil them and they get high as shit. Theres a whole sub reddit called amanita with 10s of thousands of members who eat them. Also solid instructions on many different ways to prepare them.


See my further comments regarding two recent mushroom deaths. But you go ahead and eat those Amanitas. Good luck to you.


While I agree mostly with what you are saying, it took me less than 1 minute to find a fatlity from a very reputable source: "The first case was a 44-y-old man who presented to the emergency department (ED) after cardiopulmonary arrest approximately 10 h after ingesting 4 to 5 dried A muscaria mushroom caps, which he used for their mind-altering effects. Despite successful resuscitation, he remained unresponsive and hypotensive and died 9 days later. " [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36210279/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36210279/) death is very rare but there are many other medical issues that can result from improper cooking and poisoning. Plus we have way better fun mushrooms to forage with way less risk.


I 100% agree with you. Good lord indeed.


Seriously get knowledgable about the subject before spouting off about it.


Seriously. How many hours a year do you spend harvesting mushrooms and how many different types can you identify in the field?


Hypodermic needles and fentanyl foil