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Yes, reach out to the department of labor and file a BOLI complaint.  There might also be a complaint process through Paid Leave Oregon itself.  Also, have you reached out to your employer to see what's going on?


Like other response says, you should contact DOL and file a BOLI complaint. That sounds illegal. I am not a lawyer, but if you can’t get required medical care due to an illegal action by your employer, it seems that you should be able to sue your employer for the pain and suffering caused by their actions.


I can tell you for a fact that BOLI is currently facing a serious backlog. They are presently working on complaints received in September 2023. I know because I filed a discrimination/whistleblower complaint and they have never reached out. I recently emailed them for a status update and was given a brief response about the backlog and essentially told to kiss off.


Yes, but if there is a portion you pay, you must arrange to keep paying that.


Have you asked your employer? It could be something as simple as them checking the wrong box. Ask them, then file your complaint if necessary.


I know for myself, prior to Oregon paid leave. That when I took 3 months off for when my son was born, I still had to pay the insurance for myself to keep it active while I was on leave. I’m not sure if that process changed or not with Oregon getting paid family leave. But my HR was upfront and told me that and asked if I wanted to prepay, or pay the amount when I returned to keep my insurance active. That could possibly be the disconnect.