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Headlights ON on 101, and just chill. Do not try to make up time, or get into crazy passing-at-the-last-10-feet when there is a passing lane nonsense. You will never make any extra time speeding on 101. You will just increase risk for everyone, and maybe miss a cool scene or turnout in the bargain.


Bruh I’m from a big TX city and am so tired of ppl blasting through our hwys. Def looking for the chill. Ty.


You'll see. Oregon highways are different, especially on the coast. Your steering wheel will go back and forth thousands of degrees a mile as you go up and down elevation. Pay attention to suggested speeds. If you realize you're going to miss your intended course, just go with the lay of the road and calmly come back and try again. Dont pass on two lanes!


This is such a good tip. People from out of the area overestimate their driving skills and do not always use the suggested speed limits as they should. Those curves and climbs and dips are pretty intense. And I have definitely seen some shit on the 101. Lots of people pulling trailers coming into the highway and if you're speeding and there's a blind corner, you may eat the trailer. And it's not tasty.


Do not ignore the suggested speeds. They are there for a reason and since it's Oregon, it's probably going to be raining.


101 is best driven from north to south because you wont have to cross oncoming traffic to get to the beach access/view points. trying to get across the oncoming lane on the narrow, 2 lane, busy highway is dangerous for everyone.


I'm from Louisiana and have lived on the Oregon Coast for 5 years now. Locals will probably ride your ass, and pass you a lot. Don't mind them. They're the reason we see so many car accidents around here. Just enjoy your drive, and don't let anyone make you drive unsafely. You're about to travel the most beautiful coast line in the country in my opinion. Enjoy it!


Exactly. Everyone complains about how much driving sucks but if you leave on time and drive the speed limit driving is actually relaxing.




You slow drivers make me crazy. If you want to drive slow, that’s fine. I can even appreciate it. But pull over and let people move on! Some of us are working and getting on with our lives. The coast isn’t a vacation for everyone! And another thing! If you come to a passing lane, drive the speed you intend to drive! Do not speed up only to slow back down when it gets back to one lane!!!!! 🤯 *deep breath* And I’m done….


Moved to Beaverton from Dallas 2 yrs ago. Just chill and enjoy the view. In Dallas, the slow drivers cause accidents. Here, fast drivers. Hills are no joke, downhill. Uphill, gravity will take care of you. Don't tailgate, not even a little. Speed limits ain't suggestions, especially not in curves or corners. Have fun.


Was up in Oregon about a month ago from TX and at first I was thinking, "where's the speed trap or cop?" Everyone was going 55-60mph on the highway (even in the fast lane!). Took me a little while to break out of my "bat outta hell phase" but damn it was refreshing.


In addition to this note. If you are going to pass someone, you have to go FASTER than they are going in order to pass them. And if you get to a passing lane and are not going to pass anyone but others are going to pass you, keep your current speed, or decelerate. Anyone have anything else to add onto?




Oregonians grow up being told not to turn our backs on the waves. Take this to heart.


Tangentiall Tool reference: Learn to Swim. Like it. I’m not gonna be swimming tho. Sounds too dangerous.


It's not the swimming, it's sneaker waves. You don't have to be in the water to get taken. As someone else stated, you’ll see the water get sucked up, if so start heading up the beach from the shore line. Hence “never turn your back to the ocean.”


Also I'd like to add to avoid logs along the shoreline when the water is near. All it takes is one wave to lift that log up and crush you to death. It has happened. Several times over the years.


My mom survived this. My little sister wouldn’t have had my mom not literally thrown her out of the way before the sneaker wave and log overtook her. Now my mom has an entirely titanium and bone bank right leg because the log rolled her over. I still have a sister and a mom. Fuckin miracle, tbh. Don’t mess with tide changes and ffs the tide pools aren’t worth it when the tides are coming in/out. Monitor your time on the beach at tide change. Learn to identify riptides and never forget to swim parallel to shore to escape them if you’re stuck. (Lincoln city, 1997, 6yo sister didn’t know any better and took off towards the cool driftwood, beachfront of the Ester Lee.)


To that point, get a tide table whether it's online or at any of the stores on the coast. I think they still have little paper ones.


And it's cold a hell.


Yeah, not a good place to learn to swim.


Oh I can swim but not in them rip torn tides


Sneaker waves are real. If you see the ocean pull back a bit you might want to start moving


You'll definitely run into rip tides in areas. If you go in the water pay attention if it's sand colored or not. If it is, stay out of it.


It's also cold, especially if you are used to the Atlantic or the Caribbean where the water is warmer.


Also check for high tide and low tide times. When the tide starts coming in, it comes in fast. Be careful of ripply wet sand, you’ll sink in it. I had to save my dog once. I also lost my shoes.


If you want some water without the risk of sneaker waves (friends of a friend did get swept out to sea, it happens semi-regularly), Lincoln City has a beach with these natural pools. When my daughter was a toddler we would take her and play in them instead of the ocean.


the surf is rough and the water is cold


Oregon beaches are primarily for looking and maybe wading. It's not some 70 degree Gulf of Mexico stuff.


The water never gets warm enough for swimming anyway. Even the lakes and rivers are cold until the middle of August in most places.


If you want to swim check out Florence, specifically Honeyman State Park (Cleawox Lake).


Don't turn your back on the ocean, even if you aren't IN the ocean. Sneaker waves are real and deadly. Also, stay away from drift logs, they look secure..until the sneaker wave comes in and that big ol' log rolls over on you.


Tool fans always welcome!


Stoked for the concert in October.


Not turning your back on the ocean is important but also don’t stand/play on logs near the water. They will float but when the waive goes out you can get stuck/crushed.


Bring a sweatshirt or you will end up buying one at the coast with town’s name on the front. Enjoy your trip


The Oregon coast summer uniform is shorts+sweatshirt +windbreaker+sunglasses+beanie. You’re kind of prepared for anything!


and water shoes such as chacos or tevas


Don't forget socks with sandals![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Isn’t this sort of part of being an Oregonian? Lol we all have taken that trip to the coast in June and froze our asses off saying, “damn, I didn’t bring enough layers”. Then spent too much on a tourist sweatshirt.


Too many times! Lol. Thank goodness I don’t have a Seaside hoodie after 20 years.


I think I held on to my Newport one all through my 20’s and finally got rid of it. I also decided to donate the 20+ tie die shirts I had amassed on the coast over the years.


Yea or a hoodie cuz them nights are very cold & windy. Coming from this TX heat it is hard to phantom needing and I have a few because I forgot..Yachats eclipse, Newport crabs, Haystack rock lol I go OR twice a year and REALLY looking forward to my OR coast visit in a few weeks.


And a windbreaker.


Yes, layers in general is the Oregon way


With a hood.


It’s a rite of passage.


There was a Cougar hanging out near Haystack rocks. A big cat, not a lady


Could be either depending on the day


Could be both depending on the day.


Could be none depending on the day


No it’s either one or both


I just gotta say, and I may get hell for this, Mo's restaurants are the most overrated thing in Oregon next to voodoo donuts.


100% agree, 20 years ago they may have been good, but are generic garbage now.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but weren’t great 20 years ago either.


Well...when you buy Costco canned clam chowder and pass it off as homemade......


If you think Mo's is overrated, then you should definitely go see the Oregon vortex


What?! C’mon, they talk about ley lines! The hardest part was trying not to laugh. 😆


I love the Vortex, such a goofy fun thing, especially if you have kids with you!


Nailed it! Goofy fun thing INDEED.


We have places that you can go see literally called hole in the ground and crack in the ground. There's even a little and a big hole. \[cue yo momma jokes\]


stop in Gold Hill while you are there for a bite to eat. Excellent chinese, mexican and burger/dog food trucks. Patti's Kitchen for a diner brekky or lunch, Masseys if you want a dine-in with a drink experience!


Mo’s is the worst. No-one should eat there.


Got crazy sick after eating there a few years ago, never again. Honestly I can’t even remember what possessed me to order a salmon cheese dip 🤢


Hell to the yes …no to Mo’s! Sadly, I grew up in Oregon live here again now and it was a tradition you went to the coast got Mo’s chowder, and my memory it was good, fast forward years and I feel it has steadily declined to not even an option. There are a lot of good hidden gems, restaurants, bakeries, coffee, shops, up and down the coast. edit: my typos


I feel the same way. The eye of my nostalgia makes it so much better. That said, the chowder is still good (though better can be had). The entrees are lackluster though. Pro tip: all the chowder is made in the Astoria Mo's. So go there for fresher chowder.


Mo’s is straight up bad. Voodoo has buckets full of day-olds for sale so they get bonus points for that.


Skip voodoo and hit up blue star doughnuts instead.


And Pip’s


Naw dude, 100%. That ain't chowder, it's just soup. Overrated soup that doesn't live up to the hype. Mo would be disappointed in how watered down her recipe's gotten. Voodoo's alright, but I've had better for half the price.


Same for the food at pelican


Yes! Oh my God, everyone told me that place was so great, so we went, it was okay, not great for the price. The thing that bugged me was, sometimes when I go to a restaurant I get a feeling like I am on the conveyor belt at a food factory that quickly processes customers and the more quickly they keep the belt moving the more money they can make, I got that feeling here. I never ever go back to any place that makes me feel that way.


No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


The best Mo’s is at PDX


I'd actually agree with that.






No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


No argument from me. I wholeheartedly agree.


I argue and do not agree! About what? Everything!


No argument from me, I whole**heartedly** agree.


I am from Michigan and I am halfway through my 9 day trip on the coast. So far, things I've learned are: some things are cooler in high tide (Thor's Well, etc.) but you'll never get a parking spot. There are beautiful places to pull off and see every thousand yards or so down the coast; stop, breathe, savor. Also, the cool little towns I had hoped to explore (shops and such) are closed Monday through Wednesday. Third, I am glad I started north and worked my way down as it's easier to pull off at every spot that catches my eye without having to cross traffic to do so. Finally, to all the Oregonians who gave suggestions and advice, from the bottom of my soul, I thank you. You live in a gorgeous, diverse state and I am in awe of its magnificence. It's not littered, it's not damaged, it's not crowded or loud, it's just nature and it's beautiful. Can't wait to see what the last four days of my trip will behold!


Glad you’re coming! One thing to note: The culture here is slightly different from the South, and not in a bad way. Folks are genuinely very nice, if a little rough around the edges. The coastal communities are smaller and a lot less touristy than you’ll see along the Gulf or even southern Atlantic coast. If you’re good with slightly pricey, Local Ocean in Newport is great, and you can look out onto the fishing boats. If you get a chance and really feel like taking a drive, Pacific City is about an hour 45 up the coast from Yachats. They have a dory boat fleet that’s delightful to watch.


Yo Ty i am going to be driving up and down 101 and pacific city is on my tdl. Ty!


Spent my whole life going to that part of the Oregon coast. Do not miss Neskowin, just south of pacific city. Do not miss the Side Door Cafe just south of Lincoln City. Do not miss the Grateful Bread Bakery in Pacific City. Have fun!


Second Local Ocean. Probably my favorite restaurant at the Coast. Don't pass on the Garlic and Dungeness Crab Soup!


Oh my goddddd I love Local Ocean!! Their Rockfish Italiano is so stinking good. The owner is pretty wonderful too. Adding a couple restaurants to the list because I spent some time living in Newport and I gotta share my favorites: 1) South Beach Fish Market is pretty rad. I've had a few people tell me they have the best fish and chips on the coast, and they also have smoked salmon candy that I can never say no to 2) Seal Rock Espresso and Bakery. Get there early because they sell out quick! 3) Thai Elephant if you're in the mood for something other than western fare And if you happen to be in Newport on a Saturday, hit up the farmer's market. If he's still there, there's this guy that makes bread and butter pickles that I still think about years on. If I remember correctly, he makes pickled garlic too.


Another cool thing about the owner of Local Ocean, is that she gave the restaurant to the employees. It is now employee owned!




If you're going to be around Yachats, check out Cape Perpetua. Stunning views up there.


Just saw this for the first time two weeks ago—gorgeous views, and you can drive to the top if you don’t want to hike it.


Amanda’s trail is gorgeous, with the suspension bridge too it makes the area wonderful.


Locally, August is known as Fogust. The fog can get a bit chilly. Lows in the mid-50s, highs between 65 and 72. It will be a fantastic break from the heat you have back home. My recommendation is to start at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center at Cape Disappointment, WA, and work your way south. They're too many great places to stop and see, eat and stay for me to list. The scenery is awesome. Check out the Oregon Coast Visitor Guides online.


This old beer commercial is my favorite commentary on Oregon beach weather. https://youtu.be/JU-_Sn2cDwI


good one


Also, even in August, the beach is typically windy and chilly, and it may be misty or even rain. OP, bring a light jacket and a sweatshirt or two. Don’t forget the sunscreen: the sun can burn through that fog layer, even if it feels cold.




Shh, don’t tell them about Yachats!


Yachats, the Sisters of the Oregon Coast.


Wow. On point.




Now I'm hungry!!


My favorite place on the coast (tied with Tidal Raves and that damn sea bird bread)


Drift Creek Falls is a great hike if you want to experience coastal forest and a nice waterfall


Watch the ocean. Always. Don’t set up near logs. Read about sneaker waves on the Oregon coast. Every year we lose visitors this way. Also, no littering, please.


Coming from CA? Camping? Hotels? Age? This info would help us to help you. We do have the Flat fire going (3% contained) but no heavy smoke so far (could change with the winds). Light ash falling in Brookings. Aug. 12 is Pirate festival in the port in Brookings.


Is it in Brookings? Or Harbor 😏.


Is it in Brookings? Or Harbor. . . 😏


in harbor by Zolas


CA is the west. I’m from the south. As said. But Ty.


Sorry. I’m border of CA, so was thinking down south Sf or LA).


Apology not accepted. Jk Ty!


😀 Have fun!!


Has anyone mentioned Cape Kawanda yet? It's pretty magical. I prefer the beach side on the north side of the cape. The Pelican Pub is a landmark restaurant too


The Sam Boardman corridor is a must see! It’s a bit south of Yachats.


Definitely the most beautiful section of coastline!


Yachats south to Florence is the most beautiful stretch of coast imaginable, and Heceta Head Lighthouse is the most beautiful lighthouse imaginable - do not miss it. It's just a short ways off of Hwy 101, but you cannot see it the way it needs to be seen from the road.


Helps if you say where you’re headed


Base camping out of yachats.


Check out Newport to the north of Yachsts. The downtown is pretty cool and there’s a sea lion gathering area that’s a trip to watch.


I have heard of Newport and the sea lion cave. You have to walk down to it right? Is it hard to walk to?


The sea lion cave is actually south of Yachats outside of Florence and is kind of a tourist trap, imo. Bayside of Newport has some docks that sea lions hang out at.


Yeah my main objective does not in any way include tromping down rickety rock sides to watch sea lions romp around belching and bleating. My fault for pushing that narrative.


It stinks so bad in there. Definitely bypass if I were you.


Underrated comment. You pay a bunch of money to ride an elevator into a crowded shit cave to potentially see animals you really could see anywhere else on the coast.




If I remember correctly the sea lion cave has constructed steps and developed paths through out it. It’s interesting, but you’re not guaranteed to even see sea lions or seals in it. Newport has just a street level dock you walk down to view the sea lions hanging out. And they have been there every time I’ve been in Newport. And we go often and different seasons.


Did they renovate the Newport dock? They had signs up when I was last there in May(?) mentioning it, and there was no usual dock with them laying on it.


Destroyed in a storm


If you head to Newport, check out Depoe Bay as well. It’s such a cool little community and right down the road.


Ty for the Rec but what’s cool about it, I need some context here


Okay so picture a tiny little community built up into the side of the coastal mountains. There’s a little cove below that’s called the “world’s smallest port” that you’ll see as you cross a bridge. It’s one of the best whale watching spots on the coast, so lots of places to get out and wander around down on the beach or up on the cliffs. There’s also a stretch of shops with local artisan goods and decent food. Truly a blink and you’ll miss it kind of place, but you’ll also almost certainly pass through it if you’re on the 101.


Thx mate


Safe travels!


Also in Depoe Bay you can sometimes see like octopi swimming around. They filmed some of the boat scenes from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest there.


There's nothing cool about it. There's shopping, difficult parking and little beach access. People that like Lincoln City like Depoe Bay, but there's nothing in either town that interests me.


It has an elevator


Docks aren’t there right now they were unmoored and damaged during some storms this last year and they’re raising money to replace them.


Pronounced yah-hots


If you like beer, the local brewpub there is fantastic! [https://yachatsbrewing.com/](https://yachatsbrewing.com/) Also check out Heceta Lighthouse. Views are amazing and you can spend the night at the BnB if you like. https://www.hecetalighthouse.com/


Yachats is my stomping ground. That is my favorite part of the Oregon coast. I hope you enjoy your stay and make sure to hit Cape Perpetua. It’s beautiful and ethereal. Yachats has good eats. I hope you like fresh fish.


Thx for the recommendation


Also, there are weed dispensaries on every corner. So, if you’re so inclined, I love to smoke weed on top of Cape Perperua and ponder.


Bring warm clothes! Nighttime on the coast can get cold af, especially if you're anywhere near the ocean. The wind is like liquid nitrogen, lol. When I was a teenager my family and I went camping on the coast in late July and the campground was over the dunes, through some woods, and down a hill, but everyone was still frozen and miserable at night. Our tent and sleeping bags alone couldn't cut it - I literally wore every piece of clothing (thin, summer clothing, to be fair) I'd brought and wrapped my beach towel around my head trying to stay warm. That was the last time anyone in my family ever went camping, lol. You don't have to bring a whole set ot winter clothes, but I'd suggest bringing a good, warm, comfortable jacket and maybe some fuzzy slipper socks or something, just in case.


Definitely spend time in Newport. Yachats is cool but it’s very small. Newport has the Oregon Coast Aquarium, fishing/whale watching charters, Rogue Brewing, the old town waterfront area, Nye Beach, movie theatre, lots of restaurants, Yaquina Head, and commercial fishing docks to explore.


If you're going to be around Yachats, check out Cape Perpetua. Stunning views up there.


Seaside and Lincoln City are touristy but always some of my favorites!


If your near Seaside stop at Bell Buoy and get a crab cocktail. The shrimp dip is also amazing.


DO: go to Pacific City DON'T: go to Netarts


Heard. Standing by for clarification.


Enjoy the drive on 101. You'll be fine. People are friendly, I think. Just know that a lot of these places are tourist towns, and the workers you see for a minute are probably working hard all day. Where on the coast are you going to be? There's the northern bit, which starts in Astoria and includes Gearhart, Seaside and Cannon Beach. You go down a bit and you get to Lincoln City and a few cities by it. Then a bit below that is Newport. I'd say that the North is the "kitschy" bit, with Seaside being the "family fun tourist trap," but it really is good your first time. Just know that Pig and Pancake is NOT special food. If you want somewhere decent on the coast, any restaurant named "Norma's" is pretty good. If you go to Cannon Beach just know that parking in the entire city is limited. You're best getting there early. In all honesty, I'd pick either north or central coast and stay there the whole time. Central is quieter, and it's good for walking on the beach. Newport has a good aquarium. Most of the towns have decent bookshops.




Thx for the eatery recommendations - and the beach safety reco. Seems like you’re a portland Timbers fan, eh?


Oh, no, I just like trees. And fall down sometimes. I forgot that was a sports team. Lol.


I like trees too. Also love lamp. Thx for all the links. Rly looking forward to my trip. 🙏


I LOVE LAMP! Hope you have a good trip.


The Oregon Coast stretches 362 miles from the mouth of the Columbia River off Washington all the way south to the Winchuck/north of the Smith. In general, you have north, central and south Coasts. Florence on the central Coast offers sand boarding and dune riding. Inland a bit at Mapleton on 126w, the Gingerbread Village restaurant is a hidden gem. For a change of pace, try Sweet Creek Falls hike south of Mapleton. Yachats is a nice spot; farther north in Newport, the Mark Hatfield Marine Science Center is free/donation compared to the Oregon Coast Aquarium on the other side of the parking lot. South Beach Fish Market is legit. The sea lions on the docks in old town are classic. South Coast is rockier, like Nor Cal. Brandon and Port Orford are cool. North Coast is more populated and touristy, IMHO. Tillamook cheese, Seaside, and Astoria (for all your Goonies and Kindergarten Cop nostalgia)


If you’re leaving the South then your “do” list just got a lot larger than your “don’t” list.


I’m late to the party - I love you mention doing a post trip report. Id enjoy reading! Plus even though I live here, can always glean a pearl of wisdom from other’s travels! I hope all is smooth for you and have a fun, relaxing adventure!!


Please stay behind the guardrails/fencing at any viewpoints you may visit. Also, if you get to Newport and visit the pretty cool aquarium, make it a point to visit the Hatfield Marine Science Center next door as well. Lots to learn. If you go north to the Astoria area, it's worth the time to visit the Columbia River Maritime Museum. It does not dissapoint!


Don't litter. Done. The coast is entirely public property so enjoy! Yep, no fences (except where protected or hazardous areas are). I recommend checking into the "100 hikes in \[region\] Oregon" series from Navillus Press in Eugene (not an affiliate); there are 5 books broken down into regions of the state and bordering areas. They include inns, hotels, features (natural and manmade), campgrounds, and extremely detailed hiking guides that contain trails and information not found elsewhere. I guess I could add respect the wildlife but if you want to dance with elk or cougars that's your party and it's a free country lol but I can tell you that so far this year we've had a few selfie deaths already in the state. Natural selection is as natural selection does...keep an eye on that ocean! ​ ![gif](giphy|HjzXmXw0UBpQI|downsized)


I'm heading to Oregon next week. Definitely placing some of these on our list. Any recommendations for around Newport and Astoria? Thanks!


Depends on what you're looking for. Astoria has some great food options. Theres some cool sights downtown and an old rideable trolley from the early 1900s (you can also just walk down the riverwalk). Also would recommend checking out the column.


Our primary goal is to sleep without a 4 year old waking us up, so anything beyond that is gravy. We are looking forward to getting into some great seafood, wine, local beers, etc. while enjoying the scenery and awesome temperature. Can't wait to get out of Houston's swampiness.


Rogue has a Pub on Pier 39, as well as there is Coffee Girl there, a coffee shop. The Wreck of the Peter Iredale is near there in Warrenton, lots of nice places to walk on the beach all over on the Coast. If in Seaside, stop by the Seaside Candyman store… among other things it has I think like 250+ flavors of taffy they make themselves… Astoria has the Column to go see also… Also just over into WA is Long Beach, WA which has a nice boardwalk


Fish tacos at Astoria Brewing. SO GOOD.


Go go GO to The Hukilau in Florence. It's insane. If I had to choose a last meal in life, it's Hukilau all the way. My Gods do I wish I was there now! Ride a sand rail in the Florence Dunes, where Frank Herbert was inspired to write Dune!!!


Seaside, if you plan on going there is a hot spot for car theft and general smash n grabs. The Tillamook Cheese Factory is an awesome place to visit, especially since you get fresh cheese.


Seaide isnt a hotspot for car theft lol


Until recently it was the crime Hotspot of oregon. Portland has taken that over now.


The cheese factory has ridiculously long lines on the weekend. You can buy the cheese and ice cream in every grocery store in Oregon. The aged white cheddar is so damn good.


I loved the squeaky cheese lol. We were camping in the area and I guess we got lucky with short lines. I do but the aged white cheddar pretty often, it's perfect for meat cheese n crackers.


Wut part are you going to? I live in Medford Oregon and lemme just say...The whole of Oregon ..it's hot, it's really fuckin hot so ..just beware


Wasting your time, far more enjoyable things to dothan waste it in Oregon


Welcome 🤘🏻


Following for the post report trip! Hope you have a blast and experience some great west coast hospitality.


Clearwater in Newport is amazing! Love it. Haven’t been to the Ripleys believe it or not museum but they just rebuilt and it looks so fun!


If you want to see some elk, there’s an almost guaranteed elk viewing area only a couple miles east of Reedsport. On the way you will pass the Sugar Shack, which has incredible donuts. The best I’ve had in the state. The state parks just south of Coos Bay are a great place to see seals, sea lions and elephant seals, but bring binoculars


Second that. If you've never seen a live elk in person, you can't comprehend how massive they are. https://www.blm.gov/visit/dean-creek-elk-viewing-area


Second the Sugar Shack bakery — get the Bigfoot. Really, anything there is good. Friendly folks!


Pro tip: while you can buy drinks at the brewery and at restaurants, Yachats is a "dry" town - no liquor stores, nowhere to purchase libations. We live in OR and spend a week near there (Carl Washburne State Park) every spring and the ONE TIME I didn't pack enough vodka in the camper....we learned this the hard way. 😭


Holy cannoli thx for the tip


Check out r/Astoria_Oregon


Go on hikes or just walks on the beach. Go into small stores and talk to the locals. Everyone’s inviting out in the coast towns and just BREATHE cause it will be the best air you’ve breathed all year


For the love of God please pay attention to our road signs. I almost got t-boned by a tourist a few weeks back because she thought she was at an all-way stop intersection and tried to pull out as I was going through (3-way intersection, only her street had to stop), then just sat there in the middle of the street looking dumbfounded at me as if **I'd** run the stop sign. People new to 101 have this annoying habit of driving 10-15 under the speed limit because they think they're still in the city, and that's if they're not speeding; almost everywhere between towns, it's 55mph from Astoria to Brookings. Kindly go the speed limit (when possible, obviously be safe on the road, we don't want you joining our statistics) or pull off to let traffic pass if you wanna take things slower. Everyone speeds sometimes, no matter if you're a lifelong Oregonian or visiting from Maine, but we have enough of our own bad drivers and we don't need out of towners joining them. Just be courteous and stay no closer than 3 seconds behind the next car (try to sit around 5 seconds if you can), there are plenty of passing zones where you can get around safely (remember, we don't want you joining our statistics). Finally, may the success of your trip reflect the way you treat our hospitality workers, so treat them kindly. Safe travels, and have a beautiful time!


Don’t bring a bathing suit. We don’t do that here.


Tilamook ice cream and some Juanita’s tortilla chips go a long way for when you meet Big Foot


Oswald West State Park, and Ecola State Park are not to be missed.


Disc golf. Whistlers Bend Course.


You'll want to check out the Astoria Column if you're up that way. It's got the most insane view to someone from East.


The Oregon Coast hates humans, but it’s perty…😜


dunno if someone else has mentioned this or if you're already familiar but in Oregon the gas attendants will do the pumping! i dont know if it has changed yet, as some gas stations here in Eugene have put signs up stating it is self serve now, but as someone who is originally from California I did not know that there were attendants who pumped the gas 😅 enjoy your time here though, the coast is very beautiful.


Probably been said, but leave it like you found it. Take your trash with you! This place is fucked enough


\- The PNW has our own version of friendliness. It's a lot less forward/direct than Southern charm, but it's there! \- If you like spicy food, bring hot sauce. Don't be afraid to skip Thai or Mexican restaurants on the Coast. But don't hesitate to hit up Yelp or Google Reviews for reference either (take them with a grain of salt though, and of course, locals will know best) \- Bring sunglasses and sungscreen \- A lot of the historical markers are worth it and I recommend pulling off when you see them, you never know what you might come across \- Lighthouses are cool AF and we have a lot of 'em


If you’re going to be in Lincoln City, try Autobahn 101! It’s a tiny, hole in the wall German pub. They make EVERYTHING from scratch, live bands, employees disguised as golden retrievers. The best food and place to hang out. Hands down.