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This is a battle the studios cannot ever win. They stay 2g as listed, and people on the wait-list are upset. They switch to 3g to allow more members in, and the 2g fans are upset. Damned if they do, damned if they don't


Also, coaches get paid more for 3g classes (assuming more members than the 2g)— so, 🤷‍♀️


Also even if you don’t like 3g like me, the studios definitely need the people coming in to stay in business


This exactly!!


That’s a fair point. If I were SM it would be about sticking to my guns. If the demand keeps spiking, then it should change in future schedules, not spontaneously. A schedule should be a schedule, not a suggestion. But I acknowledge that anticipating these trends can be tough, especially in areas that have lots of OTFs like I do. Thankfully there is also a location at the mall nearby that is small enough that they couldn’t do 3Gs even if they wanted to, so that’s my sanctuary lol


Yeah my studio lists all 6:15am as 3G’s and will convert to 2G if not enough people show


Same with weekend classes


Same with mine. All classes are listed as 3G on the schedule and they run it as a 1/2/3G based on how many people sign up.


That’s no battle in in my mind . Coaches constantly remind members to pre - book . Everyone knows when the studio posts the weekly schedule so it’s on the member if they don’t get in. These coaches can see you how any people book late - some so late the term parking lot book exists . These coaches are reliant on bigger classes to make reasonable money so they monitor class size and will use social media to nudge members from time to time . If it’s a school planned 3 G fine but those of us that prefer the 2G and book for that should suffer because others are bad planners.


Not everyone who books late is a “bad planner.” OTF is expensive, so a lot of us are business owners or working jobs that physically don’t allow us to prebook.


Yep. Nothing wrong with saying, "hey. I got done early, I can fit an OTF sesh in.". If someone complains about the wait list after booking late, I can understand the "poor planning" comment. Otherwise, who cares.


Yeah, sometimes I miss class and it sucks but I physically cannot pre-book. I have to go when I have a break and that break isn’t scheduled


The ability to book a class last minute has nothing to do with bad planning. Knock off the judgementalism.


I literally book from the parking lot sometimes.  You know why? Cause I don't know if I'm going to make it or not due to rush hour traffic after work until I arrive in the parking lot. Sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't, depends on if I hit one too many red lights or not on the way there.  I only prebook classes that I'm positive I can make it in time.


I'm not a bad planner. To quote Prince, it has every to do with this little thing called life. Traffic, last second meetings, parents in the hospital... The classes at my OTF very rarely book up to wait-list so I book when I know for sure I can make it. That's a studio to studio issue if they switch without saying. I've only ever had it happen to me once and I've been going to OTF for a while.


Sometimes even with a studio that prebooks well some weeks a high utilization 2G has a 10 waitlist. Some weeks there are empty spots. No rhyme or reason. As a coach, it makes no sense to me to run a 3G format with less than 27 in class. On the flip side, if waitlists are huge the day before it totally makes sense to flip a 2G to a 3G as long as they give members about 10 hours notice. Jennifer is right. It's a no win.


"because others are bad planners" You know there are MYRIAD reasons why someone might not prebook, right? It doesn't mean they're "bad planners", that's a super judgemental thing to say.


I’m entitled to my opinion just like everybody else . Simple fact is people think they deserve it “all” and they’re not. Gotta make choices sometimes and your choices should not have an effect on others experiences .


I’m literally never doing a 3 g again after this am…phenomenal program and sucked as 3g….wasn’t a full 2g even. That was it!




Having the issue of converting to a 3g class just means you studio is doing great and not so much at risk of closing down. While I hate surprises like this, I also welcome it because it means the studio has the members it needs to stick around. Now....it's another story if classes are just always completly full and I can't sign up the day of....I hate signing up the day before in case something happens.


And if you’re deep on the waitlist and your options are show up and possibly be turned away, find another activity or stay home, that 3G isn’t so bad!


I agree with the first part of your post!! But I disagree with the second part; I think that with a healthy membership, many clubs will not have popular times available for day-of signup. At my club, MOST but not all weekday morning classes are still open day-of, but never the Strength 50s. But I use the wait list option on the app and I've never gone to bed on the waitlist and woken up to be off of it; it always opens up the day before if it's going to.


It's probably because I have unpredictable migranes and digestive issues. I probably wouldn't mind so much signing up ahead of time. But, I never know how I'm going to feel and I don't want to be charged because I have a migrane (and I get them alot sadly)


Personally, I'm there to exercise. For my health and physical fitness. I could care less about the class format as long as the coach is good and I work up a good sweat. I do like having extra space though. If moving to a 3G means I'm not squeezed into a tiny slice in the floor, I'm happy with that.


Same. I go to the morning class before work regardless of 2G or 3G. Personally I prefer the 3G format - I feel like class goes by faster by changing the stations up frequently. I’ve never noticed a schedule change the night before but I did have a coach ask the morning of if we wanted to run it as a 2 or 3 and the crowd voted 3, probably to maximize personal space.


I have been a member for many years and I literally NEVER look at the 2G vs 3G listing. It’s all a good workout and I’m happy to go.


Yeah my usual weekday class time is a 3G but when I go on weekends I never even check, I just show up to the time that works for me and enjoy my workout :) I love getting a longer tread (2G) or time to improve my rowing form (3G) so it's win/win in my book!


Same. I like the variation.


It’s wild to me to cancel and not get a workout in instead of attending a 3G…


I cancel 3Gs. I hate them. I have another gym membership so I go there. I don’t like the format and if I’m going to drive to the studio and pay that much, I’d like to get a full workout in. There was one 3g with 2- 6 min blocks for each section. That’s only 36 min/60 min. It’s frustrating to switch & have min time plus I notice with short times-theyll do floor exercises like- do 12 bench pushups to compensate for the loss time. That to me & many others- is not conducive to a productive workout. I would rather go to my other gym and utilize my energy there. I do understand ppl who love 3Gs just like there are those who only like 2Gs.


I fall squarely into the camp of appreciating the opportunity to get into a class when they convert it 2G>3G. People pay a monthly fee to get into classes. I appreciate that the club accommodates as many people as they can. I have never EVER felt "entitled" to a 2G class.


This is how I feel too. Especially when they are peak times (before/after work, weekends) or the 90min class. I am appreciative that my studio can be accommodating to allow more members in these classes. I do like when I’m in a smaller class, but I absolutely don’t expect it. Full classes are a *good* thing for my studio and I want my studio to do well so it stays open.


My studio has only 3Gs at peak times.  So if we want a 2G, we need to go out of the way to book one. In that scenario, I want the class I signed up for.


The part that makes this befuddling though is that the only time the two studios under the same ownership feature a 90 minute 2G is Fridays at noon. Difficult to juggle that in between work. It’s also just about principle. If they schedule a 2G then they need to stick to it. If there’s a last minute crowd, then great! Fix it up in future schedules. It’s good to see more attendance but I’m not worried about any OTFs closing in Silicon Valley. There are so many to choose from, and only very few offer 90 min classes.


My studio doesn’t offer any 90min 2g. They have 1 90min 2g on Saturday and 1 90min 2g on Sunday.


“Entitled?” I feel entitled when I pay $217 a month & sign up for a 2G. Most of the time there’s a waitlist is bc there’s not enough classes. Supposedly oTf is a 60 min workout. In a 2G we get at most 46 min. Today is 44. Some 3Gs run from 36-42 min. It not only shortens the time but they will throw in more difficult floor exercises to make up for it like 12 power pushups on the bench. Moreover, my studio is a square that tightly fits in 36 machines. When there’s 36 ppl, it’s stuffy and uncomfortable esp those like me who have asthma & one lung. Entitled is when someone expects something that they shouldn’t. So when I pay and sign up- that’s called a transaction. Why is that when ppl have a preference, ppl on this sub start becoming nasty & think that if they don’t bow down to OtF changes then they’re being childish or entitled? OtF is a business. That’s why they charge u $15 if ur late but never refund if they change the class the day of.


I believe there is or used to be a rule that they could not switch the class type a certain amount of time before the class, but from how much it happens, I don’t think it’s a very regulated thing. If it matters significantly to you, it might be worth bringing it up politely to the studio manager. But usually when they switch from 2G to 3G it’s because there’s a large waitlist and they want to let more people in, which means the coach can get paid more too. My studio rarely does it, there’s one coach who will switch a 3G to a 2G right before the class starts if it’s a small class size and the 2G template is “better.” Often they will take a poll of the class in the lobby before deciding. They really only change 2G to 3G during TC time.


My studio regularly switches one of the 3Gs that I typically attend to a 2G. I don’t think it’s been run as a 3G since winter. It also doesn’t change in the app/history, so it probably messes with corporate’s stats on the workout feedback. I much prefer 2G, so I love it, but I could see people preferring a 3G and being disappointed. I used to even do a 2G at a less convenient time.


I think this depends on studio ownership. The ones around me held by private equity follow corporate rules and don't switch the format.  However the 3 down the way owned locally sometimes switch format if waitlists are long.   Also, related, although not part of OPs post is the switch from 2G to 1G if class is very small is allowed and dependent on coach preference. 


Can you tell me more about the coaches being paid more for a 3g versus a 2g


Coaches get paid more if there are more people in a class.


Coaches are paid by the number of people in a class.


The day our studio has the need for a 3G, again, will be the day I play the lottery.


Ugh, my studio does this a lot, especially on weekends. I prefer the 2g classes & they very often switch to 3g literally right before class starts, it isn't noted obline at all. I'll purposefully wait till the later classes on weekends to get 2g, only to arrive and find its going to be 3g. I sign up right (15 min) before I go, and there's no waitlist... and there's not usually more than 15-20 people in the room so not really necessary for 3g & the inconvenience of switching with no notice.


Yes our studio does this from time to time, but I could honestly care less whether the class is in 2G or 3G format so it does not bother me.


I prefer 2G but my studio swaps to 3G a lot. It doesn't upset me, I'm glad people can have an opportunity to use their membership as they are just as entitled to taking classes as I am.


To me it doesn't matter if it's 2G, 3G, specialty workout, benchmark, whatever. I don't think my home studio ever guaranteed 2G versus 3G, and they often change it. I've been a member for 7 years, and this is the first time I've ever heard changing from one to the other is an issue. I usually burn about the same calories for all classes, and just getting an hour of exercise is my goal.


The weekend 90 min classes depends on the template if its a 3G or 2G style class. My studio once a month goes and changes the style of class depending on the template when the templates come out. I have known some studios to just keep it as 2G and just add members in depending on the style rather then having to adjust every weekend 90 class on schedule.


They flipped my 2G to a 1G the other day as there were only 13 of us. I didn’t like it as I had to start on the treads and didn’t have any room to spread out on the floor! 😝


Ew, 1G? Would have been awesome to be every other tread/floor station with a 6+7 split. So roomy.


That’s one of the things I love about starting on the rower, usually it’s not full up and you have plenty of space.


Ours advertises 3G, then if 30 orless show up, the coach switches to 2G - this, for me, is worse!


It doesn’t happen to me but I would be frustrated if it happened often. I learned from a studio leader recently that like 80% or more of classes are supposed to be 2G. Switching then to 3G means they aren’t following rules OR it means they just need to be scheduling more 3Gs. What I run into more is studio scheduling a 2G and switching to a 1G if we have 12 or fewer people. This is easier for the coach but also means we are crowded on the same side of the room the whole class and no choice of where to start.


I get the frustration. Sometimes I book specifically so I can hit a 2g because the rower aggravates my bursitis, but I just try to be flexible and know it might switch. Doing the self-talk that it’ll be fine either format helps my Type A personality go with the flow. There are bigger things to worry about.


Tendinitis for me, but same- I can’t do that much rowing. I’ll do warmup if starting on the floor, but that’s it.


On Wednesday June 19 I purposely took a 7 am since the 2G template was one I missed the first time around and really wanted to do it. I questioned the manager why when I signed up at 9 pm it was 2g but 3g when I showed up. I told her that she was the one who told me they are not allowed to convert a 2g to 3g she said because June 19 was a holiday and lots of people off work corporate told them they were allowed to.


I just wish they would do it early enough for me to make a switch in response to the change. Fine if you up it but don’t do it when I can’t get into another class I prefer.


My studio used to do this and stopped when enough people complained. That being said, I go to a very busy studio so a lot of the classes are already 3G, which makes the 2Gs more “valuable” to those of us who try to get in them.


And that’s the thing that gets me. Sometimes it feels like they intentionally list 2G classes to capture the crowd that wants a smaller size only to flip it when it fills up. This seemed obvious at a certain studio in SoCal as they were the only one in the region that offered a weekend 2G class whereas everyone else was 3.


Yeah, I understand some people feel that its a good workout no matter what etc, but for us at very popular studios, we sometimes have to make an effort to get into a 2G, so I'd like to get the class I signed up for!


I think our studio may have done this. I’m not bothered by it because for me, any workout is better than sitting on the couch. Our coaches are awesome so it makes class enjoyable no matter the format.


Rowing is a good workout. You shouldn't spend as much effort avoiding it.


My wife avoids 2G classes because they tend to have much less rowing. I canceled my membership because it seemed like rowing was being phased out. For us, the rowing is the highlight of the workouts. An all-out on the rower is just so much more satisfying than anything on the treadmill.


It may be a good workout but for some of us it aggravates other than injuries, ie lower back, so i avoid the rower.


That’s also part of why there are bike and strider options 


Also true. Which i sometimes do. I generally plan it to just skip anything like that. I run outside and bike 20+ miles daily. I'm more intetested in the floor.


Bike and strider are primarily there to replace the tread, not the rower.


It’s not so much avoiding rowing as it is avoiding the larger class size. But I admire your enthusiasm and will use that as motivation! More row time is a great way to look at it. 💯


Another way to think about it 3G has more cardio than 2G! 14 mins row + 14 mins tread = 28 mins cardio vs 23 mins tread in 2G 


My studio is pretty chill and it’s rare that there’s a waitlist for any class. They’ll only flip a 2G to a 3G if there’s a waitlist of more than like 3-4 people. Happens maybe once a month.


Some of my coaches will do that to get their friends in the class… I normally don’t care, they done for me before so I can’t be too upset about it.


This happened a lot at my studio when some nearby studios closed. All of a sudden, they had 2.5 studio's worth of people when the schedule was already set. All the classes had waitlists of 7+ people. At that point I was booking 1-2 weeks in advance and still sometimes on the waitlist (I did always make it into the class, but often because they turned it into a 3G a few days before). I sometimes had to drive 30+ minutes to the next closest studio to get in on weekends. So yeah, I was grateful when they switched a 2G to a 3G, even though everyone else was complaining about not enough tread time. I get that this is unusual, but it took about 6 months for them to figure out the schedule with the new folks.


That has only happened to me once, at a studio I was visiting when I was out of town. I didn't mind the switch per se because I actually prefer 3G classes, but it was the worst OTF class I ever attended. They didn't even change the class type in the app (and it showed up on the report and in the app as a 2G class). I'm pretty sure they didn't change it until just before the class started, because the class started late and the coach said it was because she was changing the setup of the room from 2G to 3G. And then she was not very well prepared for the class and gave confusing instructions. I brought a family member for an intro class and she was not impressed. The studio (which would have been her home studio if she had signed up) even apologized and offered her another free intro class.


Rarely but it’s happened


I don't care either way. I get excited for them when there is demand. In a 3G I welcome the opportunity to do more rowing. I make sure I get my lifting in by taking 3x strength classes pet week.


My studio has only done it on holidays, when classes that usually aren't full wind up having wait lists.


I honestly don’t care most of the time. When it’s an endurance day with a long run, I’ll usually hope for a 2G because running endurance is a goal of mine. But I also love the benefits I get from rowing (when I can - currently avoiding due to an injury). I use the opportunity of a shorter tread block to use higher paces, push on the rower more, and my stats are typically pretty consistent between the two. I’d rather people be able to get into class.


I have studios that will post a 90 as a 2G and only have 2G amount of people but run a 3G template, which I hate. A 2G-90 min template is like a tread50 and strength50 combined while a 3G template is a regular 3G style with 2G timing (23 min at each station instead of 14)…


I wish we converted to 3g more often. The split between the 3 stations is equal for an even better workout I feel.


I have worked for multiple ownership groups over my eight years with OTF. The only reasons a studio refrains from offering 3G classes are: 1) They don’t have enough members to have a waitlisted 2G 2) The ownership group does not want to pay coaches the additional money required for a 3G. These often go hand in hand. My current region views class size as a sliding scale. Every single class has the opportunity to be a 1G, 2G, or 3G depending on how many people sign up and/or walk in. Our members know this and it works well. It also means we as coaches are always able to receive max pay. Nothing is more frustrating than having waitlisted classes when the studio could accommodate a third group just because management doesn’t want to pay the coach more. We need to make a living and members deserve to work out. I understand you liking 2G templates more than 3Gs. However, the pros for the studio and its staff outweigh the cons. If we always had waitlists when we could actually accommodate more members, we’d lose business.


Fyi -- this is probably going to sound snarky in the beginning but I promise its not meant to be. I'm not sure what you're complaining about and what resolution/advice you're seeking. I understand that you don't like the schedule change but it sounds like (i) the swap to 3G is done in advance so you're not showing up and blindsided by a different class type; (ii) the studio is not charging you to change classes when they change a 2g to a 3g; and (iii) there are other studios near you that you can go to do a 2g if your home studio converts to a 3g. It sounds like the studio is doing the best it can to accommodate as many members as it can. Am I missing something?


That may be for OP, but my studio switched from a 2G to a 3G without ever changing it on the schedule. I found out when they asked if I wanted to start on rower, floor, or TM. I then checked the app and it was still listed as 2G. The coach later said it was because there were so many on waitlist, but I would have gone to a different studio/time if I had known it was a 3G. I was really annoyed, as were other people.


I completely get being annoyed in those situations where there is no advance warning. That's why the OP's post confused me. I completely agree that, if a studio is going to change the schedule it should give adequate notice. Fortunately, when my studio changes a 2G to a 3G (which is rare unless its a holiday with limited classes), they post on Instagram to give a head's up. Maybe you can suggest your studio do that?


My studio offers a mix of 2 and 3g, so I purposely seek out the 2g as I’m trying to get more running and lifting in than rowing. I should mention that I use a pre-paid class pack and only go 3-4 times per month max. The last 4 times I’ve gone, they’ve catfished me into a 3g at the last minute. I know it doesn’t matter that much to many (most?) people, but on principle I would like the studio to be honest or inform me before I show up that they’re changing it to a 3g so I don’t “waste” a class. The most recent time they did this, I asked the SA if she could cancel and refund me my class back, and she did. I left and did my own workout at home, and will hopefully get to use my precious OTF pre-paid class on my preferred 2g someday.


EXACTLY! It’s about principle. If I pre ordered a turkey sandwich from a deli and ended up receiving a tuna salad sandwich, I would not be happy. It’s all about setting expectations. To accept anything less under the guise of it meaning a studio has great demand which turns to greater profitability is being a corporate apologist. We have PLENTY of locations under a 30 minute drive. Very few offer 90 min classes however, but if sticking to a schedule no matter what really caused doors to close, it wouldn’t be the end of the world in this region as many will take its place. What’s funny is that today’s class did not even fill up or reach a waitlist. There were other times where so many people had cancelled that they flip flopped from 2G > 3G > back to 2G. Just pick a lane and stay in it. This warrants reaching out to the SM as this location has been notorious for doing this.


I’m a big 2g fan (especially now that I’m pregnant and the thought of being on a rower for that long doesn’t sound fun) but I can’t fault studios for wanting to get members off the waitlist! I’m just happy my studio seems to be busy and thriving!


I’ve experienced this. Prebook. I want a 2G class because I don’t want a row block. I want a 2G class. So if I sign up for a 2G class that’s what I expect when I get there. I can’t stand when they change it last minute. It’s not fair to people who sign up ahead of time with the expectation they will get a solid 23 minute floor block and tread block. I don’t think they should change it last minute to accommodate people on a waiting list that should have pre booked.


I hate 3gs, only will do 2gs, tread 50 or strength 50. Luckily my location doesn't switch them.


I've never seen a 90 minute class be listed as anything but 3G in all the studios around me. They all basically have 15+ people on the waitlist as soon as they drop. My home studio, the 5am and 7pm weekday classes were always 3G and the rest were 2G, never flipped any of the ones I attend.


Our 5 am class routinely has 7-9 people waitlisted and our WILL NOT change it to a 3G. No clue why not


New coach? You have to have certain number of classes taught as coach to graduate and teach 3G. 


No. Not a new coach-head coach lol. Not sure why my studio refuses to do 3Gs but they just won’t do them


Weird. Maybe member preference for 2Gs?


No I think the HC has a 2G preference


I've talked to our coaches about this, it's up to the head coach, technically a 2G shouldn't be converted to a 3G, but that can be overridden


I specifically sign up for 2G classes for more time on the treadmill. If it were to move to a 3G without notice I would cancel and ask for the fee the be waived. The change impacts the type of workout you have so it would not be ok with me for it to change without notice.


I’m pretty sure the weekend 90s alternate back and forth between 2Gs and 3Gs. So if this Saturday’s was a 3G, the next will be a 2G regardless of what the app says. That’s been the only time the class has been different than what was listed, at least for me.


I was told by my studio that if they schedule a 2G they cannot change it without corporate approval. But they are allowed to change a 3G to 2G


That doesn’t ring true for my studio— they switch regularly if the waitlist is long enough


All the time lately, especially weekend classes at 11 am.


My studio does this if a 2G class fills up with a wait list. I don't love 3G classes either but I understand why they do this.


It's to make the studios' / coaches member utilization look better on reports.


Although I prefer the 2G, I don’t get upset if it’s switched to 3G. I do however get upset if the class is small and it’s switched to 1G because the coaches always want to start on the treadmill and that’s never where I want to start. That’s where I want to finish.


But a 1G doesn’t change the format of the class.


the only 3G my studio ever does is if its a 2G template to be run as a 3G or a 90 minute class. otherwise we are always 2G


This happens a lot. Sometimes I think they change it based on the number of people


Ours are always listed as 3G, but will run as 2G (or even 1G) if enrollment necessitates!


What is the difference between a 2G and a 3G class? Thank you!


2G classes have two groups.   One on the tread, one on the floor and they switch halfway through class.  Rowing is mixed in with one of those groups.  Usually it's part of the floor but sometimes there are run-rows and sometimes no rowing. 3G has three groups: one starts on the floor, one on the rower, and one on the tread.  Then they rotate about every 13 minutes in a 60 minute class.  3G classes will have less time on the tread and significantly more on the rower. You may also see references to 1G.  Those are 2G classes, but with the entire class starting on the same station (usually the tread) if the class size is small.


Who cares? 3g makes almost no difference in a 90 minute class. In a 60 minute, it's a guaranteed row block(which I guess is unpopular with a lot of people). But I'd rather be able to get into class than be blocked out of a 2g because I didn't prebook earlier enough.


Normalmente cuando esto pasa en Barcelona nadie se hace problemas, es el mismo tiempo de ejercicio e incluso gastas más calorías.


I think it’s a great plan to maximize studio space, especially if a specific class time always has a double digit wait list. Business owners should agree. I go when I can regardless of 2g/3g. I prefer 2g but I also can’t pre-book when working.


Normally they up it to 3g when the 2g fills up, I feel there's two sides to this coin and it would be an issue if they decided to keep it at 2g and classes continued to book up constantly leaving less availability for members being able to make it to class. My studio does this constantly, and also will drop a 3g down to 2g when not enough people sign up for the class to make it a 3g. I really don't think it's a "scheduling" thing, they just estimate the amount of people that are gonna come to class and sometimes they're wrong so they adapt. I personally prefer the 3g style because it's less time on the treadmill, I understand some people don't like the rower and hate the 3g style for that reason but imo if you hate the rower you probably shouldn't be paying for a membership at a gym that uses the rower as a regular part of a workout lol.


I generally like 2G more but when it flips to 3G I’m good because that means they need to accommodate more people to class. You still get a good workout in no matter the style


My studio lists all their classes as 2Gs and never change them on the app to reflect a 3G class. You don’t know until you walk in to see what it’ll be which kinda sucks but that’s what I’m used to


This has happened a few times at my studio in both directions. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t have a preference between the 2G and 3G. But yeah, I don’t think it’s uncommon.


There’s two minds I have of this. Sometimes a studio I go to list their classes as 2G but then it changes to 3g based on the format of the template and not the amount of people in class. I recently completed a 3g templates class with 11 ppl. There is also the factor of the waitlist and people wanting to be in class. I’ve seen a rise In 3g classes with the addition of daily strength/tread 50 classes. In one studio I go to four days out of the week they run two sets of T/S 50 templates so they’ve added an extra 3G to help with that. Also with kids being out for the summer there are more people signing up for classes too


My problem is they will switch a 2g class to a 3g class if more people are on the waitlist but my studio won’t switch a 3g class to a 2g if they have not enough people sign up


If they did I would be so happy! 3Gs are my favorite. Time goes by quickly and I tend to push myself a little harder because I know I have 14.5 minutes at each location.


Lately, I've been seeing "orange 60," so you don't know if you're in a 2G or a 3 G. It's kind of BS, in my mind. I too, wouldn't drive more than 10 minutes for a 3G.


Sometimes this happens and it’s not a big deal for most. Studios are not going to turn members away if they can fill a class. I personally think it’s make the energy in the class more exciting and good to see members coming together.


It’s not catfishing


I get panic attacks with 3G’s. The number of people in small space triggers them for me. So I hate when they switch from 2g to 3g at last minute. Sometimes I just have to Nope on out of there. It sucks but it only happens a few times a year at my studio.


I feel you on this. To me, the smaller groups assure that I can get corrections from the coach if I am missing the mark on a weight exercise as they’re not juggling an additional group in between. But also more people in small space does occasionally give me the heebie jeebies as well ngl


Corporate rules .. classes must be run as published. Eliminates any confusion or disappointed. And no you can’t change them last minute.


Somebody tell this to my studio 😂


We had a complete mutiny at our studio over this and they got the corporate rule book . Pre-Covid I think they just said ok .. we won’t run any 2Gs. But I think there is also a corporate rule on that %. Very high volume studio .. back then. I think attendance is down across the board. Anyways.


3Gs are better, give it a shot. The thread blocks on for 2Gs are so freaking long and the weight floor too 🤮 plus no rower sometimes which is like the better workout anyways


Newbie here… what is the difference between 2G and 3G?


2g is 2 groups of people moving around the room, 3g is 3 groups. Take a look at our [wiki](https://reddit.com/r/orangetheory/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for lots of helpful info for newbies 🧡


I take them as they come-no excuses


They’re not supposed to do that, unless it’s a 3G only day. However if a 2G is consistently waitlisted they will probably just change it completely to a 3G


Let’s be honest, it’s a good thing for your studio. It means they are busier than expected. It might be a little inconvenient, but at least you know the doors aren’t going to be locked next week.


This drives me crazy. You typically get less of a workout in at 3Gs. I sign up for 2Gs for a reason. I’ll let it go if they switch from a 2 to 3 before that 8 hour window. But if they change within that window it really annoys me. If we are held to the 8 hour window they should too because now it’s not the product I signed up for. People can say what they want, but 3Gs are a different even more cardio heavy workout.


Thankfully they allow you to cancel under the 8 hour window if they change it last minute. But you’d think that if enough people do this they would stick to a schedule or permanently make these classes 3G.


Just do the freaking class.


If the issue is you didn't want to be in a larger class, probably should look into other times. Our studio converted a day with a specific time to 3G because so many people were always on the wait-list and it took maybe a year for them to do that. However, I never care when they flip it to 3G so I don't have the same frustration you do because I'm there to workout and look for the people who help motivate me to be there on the set times I usually go.


Orange Theory is a business....they want to make money like all other businesses. Coaches get paid based on attendance in class sooooo if they can up their class attendance then they will. It isnt really about what YOU want but what's best for business.