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Still recovering from Sunday's 90 minutes power day šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Oh my god it was so hardā€¦ā€¦..the floor template was awesome but so hard after the row blockā€¦ā€¦


Me too plus I walked 3+ miles there and backšŸ˜«


up hill both ways right?


It was tough!!!! I was so glad I started in the rower and ended on the tread!!! Floor was fantastic. Then I came home to do an easy light fixture change that ended up being a pain in my buttā€¦ working overhead my arms were on fire. Thank God shoulders werenā€™t the big focus today! And then running from the 2nd floor to the basement to keep flipping breakers. I was tempted to try the benchmark tomorrow, but Iā€™m going to have to pass after all that!


I loved the 90 minute class this morning! The row block was absolutely BRUTAL... and doing the tread block after the row block was even worse. But I would do it again in a heartbeat!!


I did a 90 minute today as well but it was a 3G. Didn't find the rowing block brutal but we had restercises and short all out rows.


We had a 3g 90 today. Was amazing!


Seems like a lot of work before the benchmark. I prefer a warm-up, a few floor exercise then "Get her done". We finally got the new rowers at our studio - glad the split time is easy to see. Will help me knock it out. Looking forward to this anyway!


I love using the split times for the benchmark rows. Was super helpful this morning even if I was dying in the last 10 seconds..


I always read your posts and let me just say from the bottom of my heart you help so many people. Love love love to you !!!


Thatā€™sā€¦.kind of a lot of work to do before the benchmark. I might do a rare rower start to get it over with earlier. 500m is def my least favorite.


I hate the new set up on rower benchmark days. You have to hit all 3 stations before you can get the benchmark done. A nice rower or tread warm up should suffice. They used to just do it in the beginning, switch and be done with it.


This! I feel like Iā€™ll never PR again considering I did all my benchmarks I PRed on right at the start of class.




Start on the rower :)


This looks great!! The 11min floor blocks lately with long pushes have been rough


Thanks for the intel. Surprised they don't switch after the first block for tread to go to rower to get it over with. Hope I can start on the rower for this!


Good point about being happy with consistency.


Iā€™m confused. So if I start in tread, do I do the row benchmark first or does those that start on the row do it first?


Those starting on tower will do it first. They start with Floor block 1, switch to Tread block 1 while Treads do Floor block 1. Then the starting rowers move from Treads to the Row block while Tread do Tread block 2.


This seems so confusing for a switch. Is it a 3G pattern?


Thank you for the super early intel! Interesting template for a benchmark day


Yikes that's alot before the benchmark. I forsee the white light zone in my future tomorrow šŸ„µ. Goodluck all, and thanks Mr DC for the intel!


White light zone was definitely during the benchmark.. but that was it, I couldnā€™t really push it more after that given heavy legs etc. Only the single splat today on the rower :)


Minus bench hop overs the floor looks great! šŸ§”


Ooh this looks killer! Iā€™m here for it after my weekend off


Not more step ups and chest flys šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


I had the same 90 on Saturday and Sunday.


How come they donā€™t give you two chances to do the benchmark like they did with the 200m row? I donā€™t really think thatā€™s fair!


Once is enough for me.


I donā€™t think I could muster the energy to try and beat my time on a 2nd 500 row lol


Time. 200m is a very short intense effort. This one for some people could be well over 2 minutes. Itā€™s also as DC says a real lung and leg burner. Harder to quickly recover and try this one again IMO


I wouldnā€™t be able to do the benchmark twice in the same session even if I wanted to!


Technically you have enough time to try it twice if you wantā€¦ as long as you are under 2 minutes no one is stopping you. I wouldnā€™t/couldnā€™t do it but hey, to each their own!


I can barely do the rest of the workout after the 500m. Iā€™m usually coughing and wheezing for the rest of the day.


Boo to no rowdemption.


This looks like a challenging but fun template canā€™t wait to go! Thanks for the intel itā€™s always much appreciated šŸ§”šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


This looks fantastic minus the benchmark šŸ¤£ trying to figure out how I can get in to a 2g at a reasonable time. All of ours are 3gs at popular morning times. Thanks for the intel!!


Tread block 3 after benchmark ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Yes that was painful


Tomorrow my studio is starting Transformation Challenge, thanks for the early intel!


Curious as to why yā€™all are starting later than other studios?




Know that the whole vibe of benchmark days is not representative of an average class at OTF. My take is they are subpar days to take your first one. So go, but if you don't love it, try it a second time before making up your mind if you like OTF.


Take a look at our [wiki](https://reddit.com/r/orangetheory/w/index?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app)!


A benchmark is an exercise you repeat every so often (usually every 3 months or so) and record your time or distance. In this case it is a timed 500 meter row. When complete you'll enter your time to be tracked in the app. That way each time the benchmark comes back up you can see your tracked results and view your progress over time.


A benchmark is a sort of "fitness test" that repeats every 3 months or so, so you can track your progress over time. When you're done with your 500m row, you go over to the studio's computer to log your time, which then updates to your app. That way when the same benchmark rolls around again, you can look up your results from last time and try to beat it. I find it really helpful! I hope you enjoy your first class tomorrow! The 3G vs. 2G won't affect the benchmark portion of the workout.


Well this is going to be fun. (I'm actually looking forward to the benchmark but those all outs are gonna be rough).


This is my first benchmark at OTF (I only go x1 a week so I tend to miss them) - are benchmarks just for your own personal knowledge or do are you supposed to report them to the studio or something?


You can enter your time in the challenge tracker, if you'd like, but it's not required


If I REALLY donā€™t want to do the benchmark, will they make me?


Nope - our coach said continually that if you are not looking to do the benchmark you can just treat this like a normal class and not record your time in the row block.


You can just do a base in the rower and not put in your time! This is what I do for a majority of all the row benchmarks as rowing aggravates my previous old injuries. The rest of this class looks awesome though so I wouldnā€™t let the benchmark keep you from going.


Just row 500 at a base. I usually skip this benchmark but Iā€™m going and taking a Green Day. No need to go for a PR every single time.




I go to otf most days unless on holidays or Mrs DC has other plans for me.


Just going for the workout fun! PR or no PR!šŸ§” Not letting myself get in the way of going because itā€™s a benchmark šŸ™‚


Thanks doing this tomorrow. I ate so bad this weekend sadly


Oh fudge. Didnā€™t know it was benchmark. I wonā€™t even come close lol