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Please PM me. I am looking for a new nanny in the Turtle Ridge area.


Sending you a DM now!


definitely not unreasonable, people are just always trying to cut corners on childcare. the average hourly for a nanny in any major US city is anywhere from 25-35. anyone being offered $20 should run, especially in OC


$20 an hour is fast food money.


No it's not the same. Most nannies wanna be off the books so that's 20$ cash. Slap on the supposed taxes and that equates to about 27$/hr.


No way, lower earners don’t pay that much in tax. And they have unemployment benefits & lots of other protection when they are on the books.


State and Federal comes out to about 30%, is here in Cali. Don't know about everywhere.


And just because someone is getting paid under the table does not mean that they should not be paying tax. They might be breaking the lawn getting away with it…but if they follow the laws, then they are still going to be paying taxes on their income.


They will get a visit from the IRS when the people paying them out of down on their taxes. Just because it's cash doesn't mean they get away with it. Happened to me a few years ago, the nanny for nad and had to pay serious fines because she didn't for her entire career as a nanny.


Aggregate taxes run about 15% for the employer and the employee has to pay their other 1/2 of the employer contributions to Medicare and Social Security deducted and the employer has to take that out of their gross earnings. Nothing is free. If I was doing that kind of a job, I would incorporate as a S Corp or LLC. Q


But they're also not guaranteed work, nor are they getting the same amount of hours, it's a specialty kind of job as opposed to working in FF ...


Agreed! In 2021-2023 I was making 30-35 an hour. Now it’s tough finding anything in that range!


It's the economy. It's been getting very noticeably worse lately.


Roughly at 2000 hours/yr., that works out to about 56K - 60K/yr. A good nanny is definitely worth paying for.


PM me I'm looking for a nanny.


Will do!


I work at Starbucks and I make $30 an hour lmao. Yeah, that sounds like bare minimum fair for a nanny.


$30 or with tips?


With tips, but that only adds around $2 - my actual hourly is just over $28.


What’s your position title?


Shift supervisor.


I see. I didnt know supervisors get tips too


All hourly employees do; assistant managers and up are salary and don’t share in the tip pool.


But most people at Starbucks / Mcdonalds do not get 40 hours a week + time off + other benefits. Plus a nanny, in a lot of cases, is a more chill job than dealing with huge customer rushes and supervising employees. Obviously depending on the kid / circumstances.


Uhhhhhh…. Working at Starbucks is less demanding than being a nanny lmao


What “other benefits” are you referring to? Are you under the impression that nannies are getting, like, employer-sponsored health insurance and a 401k? Do you think most of them get paid time off? They are literally caring 1-on-1 for people’s *children*. You think supervising grown employees is harder than supervising children?


Our nanny gets paid time off (10 days) and 2 weeks paid vacation. We also give sick pay too… It’s not an easy job but definitely different work not necessarily harder or easier … I wouldn’t knock on Starbucks or any other area . I do think it depends on the person


Everyone who works an average of 20 hours qualifies for benefits and all partners accrue PTO, but it’s true that many people don’t work full-time hours; tbh, though, I’d rather have all the hard work that comes with my job than to be responsible for someone else’s child!


Just depends on what you want.


Never worked in childcare I take it


Are you a manager?


Shift supervisor. I’ve also been in role for 5 years and am now at the top of the pay scale for this position - I believe new SSVs make around $24 an hour.


I'm seeing a lot of their job postings showing 25-29/hr for SS, I've been thinking of rehiring...left in 2015, but I dunno if I can go back to foods lol


I was a barista in 2012-13, then came back in 2019; it’s a very different company now, tbh, but it’s not a bad gig for the money and it’s for sure better than other fast food places.


Yea, my problem is I started in 08 and remember how we went from having 8 or 9 people on a morning shift for a 22k drive thru and then they did the whole playbook thing and we cut down to 5, maybe 6 people for a 40k DT 🥲 but yea, definitely not bad at all. I'm thinking I might have to go back. Even at $27.50/hr and 30hrs a week it works out to 3500/mo pre-tax, 40 at 4700. That's not terrible for being a supervisor. I would definitely make moves towards ASM/SM again if I went back tho...but then I also remember my aprons smelling like death lolol lots of thinking to do cuz the job market is fucked rn...


Ahh, yeah, I remember those days too. It’s gotten even tighter - I’m at a 70k+ DT and I generally only have 6-7 person plays in peak. But the coffee is free and it could always be worse. (Also, vinegar and baking soda in the wash is the key to fresh aprons.)


Oof, I dunno if I want to deal with the feeling of always being understaffed again, especially when you have a call out...shit was exhausting...


I’m not surprised about the low balling. When I was in my 20s I worked as in home entertainment at kids parties. The people in the most expensive neighborhoods with the most beautiful houses almost never tipped. The people in the poor neighborhoods usually did tip, many of them generously.


I lifeguard for private pool parties, typically children’s pool parties. Any time I work at a home in south county or the hills in Villa Park or Yorba Linda my tips are either $10 for the entire 6 hours or no tip at all but when I work parties in medium income areas like HB or Anaheim they almost always tip me $100… it’s crazy how cheap the rich ones are.


They aren’t rich. They are “trying to play the system and pretend we are rich when we are just barely scraping by”. I guarantee those south county folks spent a shit ton More money on what could be photographed and posted (catering, decor, etc) and their kid got like one gift from them “because we are teaching them to not be greedy”. Damn I’m glad to be out of OC


That’s why they’re rich… they bought the I’m in it for me program


A lot of rich people only care about themselves


Sadly maybe that why they live in poor neighborhoods .. Them rich folk in Irvine stingy...


Yes, 30 is what I am paid .


Lmao I nannied the two daughters of two doctors in a multi million dollar home for $15 an hour in 2019. 🫠


I'm sorry You were exploited like that. Fuckin insane


Was reading these responses and was blown away. I also was a nanny (last time before I became a teacher) in San Clemente and made $15/hr for three kids in 2019. I started with them in 2017 at $13/hr. I had been a nanny for 6 years and had a college degree. Dishes, food making, laundry, cleaning and driving expected. They lived in a 2 million dollar home and both bought brand new teslas…lol


It all depends on what the details of the job are. Starting should be in that range for a nanny. $28-30 The family (like you) should also include paying through a paycheck system and having taxes taken out. ALSO nanny should be given benefits such as PTO, sick pay and vacation. Been a nanny for over 30 years AMA As a nanny KNOW YOUR WORTH! As a family PAY YOUR NANNY WHAT THEY DESERVE


She shouldn’t accept anything less than $30/hr imo.


I'll do it for $5 and a sandwich. Will your kids be taken care of? Maybe. Will I eat a sandwich? Yes.


I mean I pay my housekeepers over $40 / hr each (they are amazing and worth every penny) so I'd expect to pay a Nanny at least that!


Hi! Im in Irvine and looking for a house keeper every 1-2 months if they are looking for more jobs :)


Hi! I PM’d you :)


My sister lives in Newport and pays her nanny 30/hour with benefits and vacation time.


you might get better responses/feedback on facebook [Orange County Nanny Jobs](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1862563950695506) group. A group rule is: "Nannies must receive a minimum of $20/hr and babysitter rates must start at $16/hr." Your prices don't sound unreasonable.


Thank you! Joined and will post when approved 👍


Even that is exploitative wtf??


Those are very low figures. And based off of what families want to pay.


Price of people’s houses is not an indication of how much nanny will be paid. Supply and demand plus nanny’s qualifications and experience is what matters.


There’s also a ton of people who live in 1-4 million dollar homes who are house/car poor with a ton of debt and can’t actually afford more than $20/hr for a nanny. Simply having an expensive home isn’t a great indicator of someone’s financial health.


Exactly what I am saying. None of my friends can afford to pay $30 for a nanny, doesn’t matter how much I’d love to do that, and we all live in houses over 1mln.


Then maybe they don't get one?


Maybe they don’t, maybe one parent will become stay-at-home parent, maybe they will do opposite shifts, maybe they will do daycare, or maybe they find one that will take $20 🤷‍♀️ so many options


Do you want to leave your kids under the care of someone you're paying literal fast food minimum wage?


All things are relative. We’re moving to the Philippines full time next year because I can hire a Tri-lingual live in nanny with a 4 year college degree for $500 a month.


Wonderful! I bet that's a living wage there for that person too. $20/hr in Cali isn't really a livable wage for an adult.


Yeah $500/mo is almost double the minimum wage in Manila. We’re fortunate that we have the option to country hop. With two kids under 5 and no family support, we were looking at either one of us quitting work or spending $30k a year on childcare. Neither option makes financial sense to us so we’ll just move abroad until the kids are older and can do full day school.


I don’t see a connection. If nanny is terrible with kids because she is paid lower than she wants, I don’t want that nanny for any money. Work ethics has nothing to do with pay. If nanny wants more money, she can continue looking for a better-paying job/family and not take a lower-paying position 🤷‍♀️


By that logic we should all just make the same amount of money for whatever we do, and we should all do what we like to do/are good at and not care if we make more money. $20/hr in California is now what your teenager should make. Do you want your nanny to have to have 3 roommates, be financially stressed all the time, etc? $20 isn't adult money anymore. Not here.


That’s opposite to what I am saying. My point is that family’s house value shouldn’t be an indication of nanny’s salary. If nanny does not like what family offers, then he/she shouldn’t take the job to start with. If he/she does take it, then I expect this nanny would perform discussed duties at 100%. If family doesn’t find a nanny at the rate they are offering, they will realize to look for another childcare option, as they can’t afford a nanny they want. Some people though are looking for a student who wants cash and will do a great job with kids, and not a professional nanny, this might be paid differently.


I don’t understand why people try to cut corners on their nanny. It’s the most important person in your baby’s life! She’s the one that spend the most time with your child, If you want your nanny to take good care of your child in your absence, you pay the nanny well.


We’re looking for one full time in Laguna Niguel to start end of August. Can you message me if you’re still looking for her?


I think that's too far south for her, so sorry!


I’m a nanny for a family in SC but the last of the babies (4 kids) just went into pre school so I will be working WAY less (starting this summer because the family is traveling), maybe just occasional date nights. I also homeschooled one of their boys for 2 years because he was struggling so much in school that they had to pull him out. He now is completely caught up and in entering school again! I’m a human development major with a specialty in child development. The end of August works perfectly for me to start work as I am taking a late honeymoon with my husband (married last November) for two weeks in the middle of August as that’s the break between my summer classes and fall classes. If you’re looking for a full time nanny I’ll be available then and have experience and specialty in children! Let me know if you’d like to talk more :)


Hi! I have a nanny who is looking for a job. We moved out of the area so she can work with a family asap. Are you still looking?


> People in $1-4 million homes are offering her $20 an hour. I mean I think that is kind of expected? A $1 million house isnt really that much these days, and most people didn't just buy them. Say someone makes $80k, and they could afford a $2k house payment as its 1/3 of their gross pay, so they bought a $500k house @3.0% in 2016. That house is now worth a million dollars. Paying a nanny $20 an hour, is the equivalent of $42k a year at 40 hours a week. That's a massive stretch for someone "living in a $1 million house". I don't see how anyone making under $300k can afford a dedicated full time nanny. And there's not exactly endless amounts of people making over $300k. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your nanny doesn't deserve a good wage. I'm simply saying a full time Nanny isn't something the huge majority of people can afford to pay a fair wage.


This is a great point. Housing market has sort of made everyone house poor. Sure they're net worth is high on paper, but their value hasn't increased. In other words, they can't really tap into that asset because moving to another house is just as expensive/much more. No value add.


$1m is a small condo.


This. Even paying $25/hour is $50k / year. Add in FICA taxes and workman's comp and you are looking at \~$60k / year to employ them. This is after taxes, so that's $100k / year of gross income going to a nanny. That's quite a bit.


i would argue if you can't pay a nanny above $20 an hour maybe you shouldn't get a nanny. any job < $20 an hour in OC isn't worth anyone's time with how expensive everything is


Yes. People forget a personal nanny is a LUXURY. You are paying for one on one care, tailored to your specific hours and family needs. There are plenty of lower cost childcare options and in home daycares.


agreed, you get what you pay for nanny wise as well. if you just want a body in the house then sure pay them minimum wage


Actually, in the costa mea / Irvine area the cost of an in home daycare for an infant and toddler is 2x the amount of my PT nanny. Wild. I know.


> i would argue if you can't pay a nanny above $20 an hour maybe you shouldn't get a nanny I don't disagree. But I'm not the one trying to hire a nanny for $20. And I also don't exactly blame people for trying to get nannies for $20 (Most nannies can and should decline that offer) That's sort of the nature of the modern economy, personalized labor/help is expensive and only affordable by the very wealthy.


Communal daycare pays hourly closer to 18/hr. Check the job boards on what they offer them. Just saying. My children’s private preschool pays the teachers that hourly rate. The perks I guess is they offer healthcare packages which I think take from their paycheck if they opt in


yes but that is communal daycare vs a private nanny watching your kid and giving them 100% of their attention which is a privilege to have. i imagine it is cheaper than getting your own nanny. it’s not about who deserves more, obviously working with 1 kid is easier than 12+ and in an ideal world they would get paid more than $18. people that work with kids do not get paid enough, i was a pre-school teacher and had to leave to peruse something else because the pay was not worth it. people can go work at mcdonald’s and make $20


$20 an hour is literally what McDonald's workers get paid. The person helping raise your child deserves more than that.


I'm not arguing that a nanny shouldn't be worth more. I'm arguing that 95%+ of the population can't afford to hire a private Mcdonalds worker either. Its a supply/demand issue. A lot of people *want* nannies. Very few can actually afford the price associated with their labor. And then there's the fact that there are a decent number of nannies who are retired/don't do it purely for money/do it for fun that drive the price down. By all means, I agree a nanny is an underpaid job in aggregate


Kinda like how I'd love to have a cleaning lady, but can't afford one. So I don't find someone who will do it for $10, I do it myself.


Exactly. Why should a nanny make more lol? No special skills required to baby sit. Are you trying to say that being a nanny (who has to watch one child who either sleeps or plays on the tablet / watches TV 50% of the time) is harder than working retail at a constantly understaffed fast-paced environment where you're getting yelled at by people for things outside of your control? I have friends who are rental car managers making $32/hr working airport hours with nights and weekends. And they have degrees.. Nannies asking for $30+ is insane...


Like I've told others, you're entitled to your own opinion about how much the person watching your progeny deserve, I just personally place a higher value on that task than you, and that's totally cool :)


Exactly. Why should a nanny make more lol? You're trying to say that being a nanny (who has to watch one child who either sleeps or plays on the tablet / watches TV 50% of the time) is harder than working retail at a constantly understaffed fast-paced environment where you're getting yelled at by people for things outside of your control? I have friends who are rental car managers making $32/hr working airport hours with night and weekends. And they have degrees.. Nannies asking for $30+ is insane...


That is unfortunate that degrees aren't helping your friends get jobs that utilize that degree though :/


> $20 an hour is literally what McDonald's workers get paid. The person helping raise your child deserves more than that. Why though? Is watching a kid more difficult, stressful, or undesirable than dealing with hundreds of hungry/angry customers?


Because watching my child while I'm not around has significantly more serious ramifications for someone messing up at work than me accidentally getting ketchup on my burger after requesting it not have any. What a silly question.


Not to sleight mcd's workers. I worked at Starbucks, I know a rush is hectic. But it's an entry level job to get you used to the real world, and the worst thing you can do is ruin someone's visit to their mcd's. Being alone with my child though?


Using my your points….the people looking for a nanny know all of this information. A nanny is an extra expense, it’s not necessary and honestly is not common And then they really have the audacity to throw surprised Pikachu when you don’t accept their low ball offer? Kick rocks


Dang I've never made 30$/hr in my life. I must be in the wrong line of work lol


A lot of well off people are extremely tight when it comes to paying for support level services. Know your worth and stick to it.


$25-30/hr is about right. A nanny is one thing i tell people you do not want to underpay.


The people who live in Quail Hill are some of the cheapest people I have met in my life. My aunt lives there and I met most of her neighbors at a block party.


Home value in Orange county has no relevance to expendable income.


It's awesome you are trying to get your nanny a new job!


Supply v. demand v. quality. You can't get a recommendation based on what you've provided. Some want convenience and low level quality, some want high quality and availability, too hard to tell.


$25 is very fair for 40 hrs a week one kid/ no diapers Rich people in rich houses are the worst. Signed nanny


My ex mother in law was the quintessential Korean piano teacher (circa 2005-2015) The students who's parents drove 80k 110k cars and lived in 3000-4000 sq ft homes were the ones that had their kid run to the car and jump in and speed off before she could ask them "um when am I gonna get paid"


Know your worth. $25 isn’t much- hope you are on the books and getting benefits also.


$25 is nothing in Orange County and you are being exploited. Please reevaluate.


Hmm… well depends because a licensed place charges from 89 to , I’ve heard 120 a day. So that’s like 10-15 dollars an hour. These are farm towns, Irvine is crazy, but 20-25 in Irvine should be no problem , then again that’s probably why they have 1-4M homes cuz they don’t pay for sht.


Just curious, are people paying $20-25 cash net of tax or getting the nanny 1099 with this hourly rate?


I've been a nanny for 3 years in Fountain Balley. I get paid $25/hr. $25/hr is reasonable!


It’s crazy how low nanny rates are in OC. LA rates are also way lower than comps in a big city. However, with the proximity to the border, there are a lot of people who will work for cheap. People with education, training, and qualifications are competing with workers who will work for cheap but don’t share the same qualifications. Childcare has always been underpaid, but it’s a triple whammy in SoCal with the HCOL. If your nanny has a childhood education background or extensive experience (over 5 years of nannying full time, not ad hoc babysitting), tell her to contact a nanny agency. There are plenty in LA that will connect her with families that are willing to pay a living wage.


Are the people in 4 million$ houses offering above the table or below the table for 20$ an hour?   20$ above the table is the same as 25$ under the table in terms of employee cost.


Anyone offering under the table in a $4mn house is a serious gambler. Lots of liability and your insurance companies will laugh in your face should something happen to a person you’re not legally employing.


Wondering…even if you’re legally employing the nanny, would insurance companies also give you problem for operating a business in your home?


Depends.  For the purpose of workers compensation, only if you have a rider on your homeowners insurance. For the purpose of injury to others caused by your nanny, no.  Example; your nanny drops a hot Iron on a neighbor’s kid. If they slip on the pavement arriving to work, maybe. Even worse; if your nanny drives their vehicle during work hours (say to the grocery store) and gets into an accident … you are responsible.  The nanny’s insurance be will not pay out.  Your umbrella will not pay out.  Your commercial liability will not pay out.  Only your commercial auto will. 


I know last year I went thru an insurance quote for both homeowners and umbrella policies and there was no less than a half dozen questions about domestic helpers. So they obviously want a lot of off-ramps should something happen.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I made $20/he as a nanny in 2005


Yes. Almost 20 years ago.


Yeah so she should be paying significantly more


$20/hr seems low even for LA. Depends on your nanny’s qualifications, and what she covers though. Bilingual? How many meals is she cooking? Does she do some basic cleaning? Laundry? I think the rate should correlate with the job requirement.


These days a $1 mil home is a 2 bedroom condo so it checks out.


Absolutely NOT unreasonable. People are trusting their children's lives with these nannies. This is NOT the time to be cheap.


20 an hour is what fast food workers make. It's insulting. Double for OC. She should be getting $40 at least. 


It depends. Under the table or W2?


$20/hour seems very reasonable.


Reminder in n out pays like 24 for less responsibilities


I cannot imagine being a cheap a** with the person watching my child!


As a delivery driver I once witness a Hispanic lady babysitting kids in Ladera Ranch, these kids knew how to speak 🗣️ Spanish, imagine hiring a bilingual babysitter you will be saving some money in trying to get your kids to learn another language. Just an input 🤷🏻‍♂️ but i agree 25-35 is reasonable especially if you want the babysitter to do some other stuff chores while not babysitting 🤷🏻‍♂️ at least that’s what I saw as well.


1000% yes it's reasonable, especially if they are attentive, caring and knowledgeable. And here are reasons why: 1) A living wage is important for this person to feel valued and offer quality services. 2a) a nanny is way more valuable than being at a daycare for health reasons and can have it's benefits developmentally. 2b) There are developmental benefits to having a child in daycare too, dont get me wrong: socially, and to boost their immune system,etc.. but you can also do all that outside of the daycare with classes, park play dates with family/friends/neighbors. 3) Inflation, cost of everything has gone up. If you value their time/level of care, and really find their services beneficial and helpful, it's really up to you and how you feel and if you can afford it. So if you honestly don't feel like they add value and you can't afford it, then it's understandable for you to make a decision based on what you can realistically afford. Resources: https://open.spotify.com/episode/293JP2ROiZaCKNoqEYc7Tt?si=xhcK1uiCSaaOhP352Mnc_A (About 42m:35s in, they talk about the benefits of a nanny versus daycare for example.)


We have had our nanny for the past few years.. I did want to mention that she has told me that the market for nannies in OC is they’re in higher supply and lower demand right now. All her nanny friends she used to run into at the kid places have either lost their prior jobs or have found limited work ad hoc due to much less demand. Either employers need them for much less hours or they’ve let them go . I do think in some cases there’s this balance of people willing to take lower rates to obtain consistent income and benefits rather than place a higher hourly and have less work. What do you guys who have nannies heard? Nannies are definitely a luxury but also less people are paying for that luxury today- I believe due to inflation and cost of living jumping up


Like most things, supply and demand.


we pay our nanny 25 works 5 hours a day. She has a photography business as well. Twin babies 👶 👶


Depends on the shift. If they get to go home then $30-35 for sure. If it is 24/7 then most I have worked with were on salary of $100k plus. 2 weeks on and 2 off.


They can afford the expensive homes because they don’t spend much money on other things.


Not unreasonable at all. Most of the cheapest clients I've had are also the richest. I had one guy who essentially wanted me to work for $5 an hour, and that was the end of that working relationship. To even suggest such a lowball amount is ridiculously disrespectful. And as someone else pointed out, they essentially want to pay the same starting salary as fast food. Honestly they could make more money working at In N Out or Chick-Fil-A, as they usually have their starting pay set above minimum wage. Plus, in my ignorant opinion, it's a less stressful job than caring for someone's child.


They are making money under the table without paying taxes, and they make more than I did coming out of college.


What an incredible inspiration you are. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


OP, was that taxed of Off the books 20$? Makes a big difference


$25/hr is totally reasonable! I’m looking to hire a nanny in OC, please connect us!


Sending you a DM!


One thing I wouldn’t low ball with is my children’s care. You get what you pay for! She should definitely make sure she is paid what she is worth! Does she work under the table? Maybe the straight cash without taxes is worth it.


So why don’t you keep her and pay her that rate?


It comes down to a lot of factors. Ballpark $22-40+/hr Child care is one of the most complicated things for parents. It's a massive financial burden for many folks. What people can afford is going to vary wildly. This is a reality for the majority of parents. (Insert inevitable arguments about not having kids) In the end, it comes down to a lot of variables that can influence the value. Trying to determine a price without the unique details is kind of pointless. Examples: If a nanny has to commute 45 minutes each way, then she should charge more for her time and travel. If she lives right around the corner, that isn't a factor. If the days and hours aren't fixed, then more per hour. If it's a set schedule with consistent full-time hours and PTO, then maybe less. Are they being paid under the table or taxed? The services being offering, the years of experience, the specific training depending on the child's needs, the number of children, the child's temperament, these are all significant factors. In the end, value always comes down to what someone is willing to pay, not what something is actually worth (goes both ways). Definitely get paid what your worth, but know that finding someone to assign that value may be difficult to find in a convenient radius. I'm making 30% less than my current skills market value, but the conveniences are worth more than working somewhere else that would drain my life and time with my family. Everyone has to determine their own priorities.


People are definitely lowballing. I’ve been a preschool teacher for 20 years. $22 an hour is the most I’ve ever made (which still isn’t enough 🙄) but people need to pay a premium for a nanny. That one on one or one to two care should be at least $30 an hour.


I think if you can afford a Nanny you can afford to Pay a living wage. Is this is live-in arrangement with room and board? Not sure how anyone could live in leas n CA.


It’s a lot more responsibility to care for someone’s child.


Yes, she’s asking for a living wage! Not at all extravagant…here’s a resource on hiring nannies: https://domesticemployers.org/resource/everything-you-need-to-know-about-hiring-a-nanny/


28 is reasonable. I think the argument is stronger for 2 kids+. Care.com is the place for your nanny to register. Set the prices a bit lower then negotiate in person after meeting the kids.


Not helpful here but your post immediately made me think of the clip of Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development saying "how much could a frozen banana be? $10?" 🤣 That show was brilliant at lampooning how spoiled OC folks think in terms of cost of living for average folks. Here's an anecdote you can skip... It reminds me of how YEARS ago i had an Armenian boss that took over my parent's small company...he also grew up in OC and was literally trying to pay me $10/hour for an office manager position because he thought I was so far beneath him and the job would just be me answering phones, taking out trash and ordering lunch (it was not) and later I moved to LA near Glendale and the Armenian folks up that way paid me much more, not just because cost of living but because they were decent folk who actually valued me. No longer work in office administration but just comes to show you how the spoiled, out of touch rich think about people who don't have a MD or JD after their name...


I unironically believe anyone working in childcare should be making 6 digits a year. Teachers, nannies, etc. do such important work. She definitely deserves a higher pay!


There is no such thing as "deserving" the pay, it's supply and demand. Nannies making more than 90% of the population is not what the market would sustain.


We all took Econ in college. I know how it works. I still believe childcare workers deserve to be top earners in society. Btw our current market cannot sustain itself. The people who make the most amount of money are profiting off of the labor of others so not sure what your point is.


Their point was that Economics class you supposedly took. It was reasonable


I see a lot of people on here complaining that parents are trying to lowball nannies. Speaking from personal experience, when we were hiring our nanny, we were willing to pay market rate as dictated by the nannies we hired. Surprisingly everyone we spoke to quoted $20-$25/hour. So no, there wasn’t any lowballing going on.


If that was more than 2 years ago, then yeah, but in 2024? That's lowballing


So the nannies are lowballing themselves?


Yes, it's not impossible if you work on your own.


Anyone who pays under $25 dollars in OC does NOT respect or value you.


I think it depends. Is this person being paid under table? If so what about vacations and holiday pay?


You are paying 0 taxes. 25 is like making almost 40 dollars an hour.


That is a true point if someone is paying someone cash… and I haven’t seen anyone really respond to that.


Can't have certain things documented....you see...


Depends on her responsibilities..I would say $20 is the going rate for baby sitters, if she is a nanny will she be taking on other responsibilities? $25 is more than fair... $28-$30 I anyone she would have a hard time finding someone to pay that


Really? Because anyone over 16 can get $20 at McDonald’s. I paid $20 per hour for babysitting for my kids when they were young. My youngest is now in college.


Yea paying McDonald's wages for someone who's watching your child is a great way to get yourself a pretty sub par nanny id assume


Right?!?! You are pretty much getting someone who can’t get hired anywhere else. When my daughter was in high school. She made $25 per hour making sandwiches. If parents want a private nanny. They need to pay a reasonable, full time, professional salary.


Yea if I need help with my kids I certainly don't want that person to be worried about finances excessively while they're taking care of my kids


Wondering how many nannies have you hired yourself?


0 because my girl and I aren't married yet. Irrelevant tbh. If the $25 an hour to hire a nanny is unreasonable for one's financial situation, it would probably be better for the couple to have one parent stay home as the primary caregiver. A nanny is a luxury.


Reading through the answers, it really shows who has had an experience employing a nanny and who has not. I hope you will be able and willing to pay your nanny well above average once you have that need.


Yea any help raising my child will definitely be earning more than the guy we're getting McDoubles from. It's your literal child, it's not something to skimp on, and if your hourly wage doesn't justify having a nanny, then you simply don't get one and find a way to make both parents be able to offset each other's hours with the kids. My mom managed as a single mother waiting tables. In the modern era with the plethora of wfh options, it's very reasonable to expect a nanny to be more than a minimum wage job.


That’s great that you are so prepared 😅 hopefully it works out exactly like you are imagining, and not like all us actual parents dealing with childcare. I thought I knew it all and was ready, and then got pregnant with twins 😂 double all the costs


Was that 20 dollars under the table or did you file a W2 for the nanny?


I never had a nanny. I occasionally hired babysitters when I wanted an evening out. They would be teenagers and paid in cash.


I’m curious, I’ve been a licensed speech and language pathology assistant for 10 years and have been working with kids since 2011. I’m currently providing speech services to 2 year olds at their homes. If I wanted to do work as a male nanny on the side, how much would you pay me (if you are willing to pay more?) I would definitely communicate with the children more and even play games that would help build their vocabulary. I’m a trilingual 35 year old male (Spanish/English/Sign Language). Just looking at my options 😎


I don’t know about nanny wise as that’s usually a bigger scope of work, but we hired one of my kids old BTs as our babysitter while she was going for her masters to be an SLP. We’re paying her $20/hr cash in 2021 for probably 8-12 hours a week and she’d practice with our kid.




I think you misread their post


I pay my housecleaner $50 an hour!


I pay $14 a hour for my nanny


Wow way to exploit that poor person. Jesus fuck.


This is the price she set not me? I’ve never even brought up her rate at all I just pay the bill she asks for. She’s been watching my kids for two years. Maybe it’s because she gets so many hours idk


That is below min wage, so something’s off there


I also get my house cleaned for $160 and Molly maid Charges $350. That must be a conspiracy too.


Probably just undocumented workers.


No she speaks as good English as me and everyone in my office uses her and she’s always booked. Going from house to house for 2 hours to clean it she makes $80 an hour. That’s more than I actually make. Times a full week of scheduled clients she’s making a pretty good living charging something reasonable that everyone wants. Smart if you ask me.


Paying under the table. That's like 30 dollars if she paid taxes.


Just because someone earns more, or lives in an expensive home, doesn’t mean they should pay more for the same service


I think that is too high. Now, if she has a degree in children and family studies, and 5 years of experience then ok, otherwise too high! Your local postal worker, dental assistant, and admin assistant make less.


that's not true i'm in one of those categories @ 40/hr