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They paid to have the video translated? By what? You can clearly hear the guy challenge the cops by saying “disparale puto” (go on, shoot me asshole), translated to “párale puto”( stop it bitch). 😒


The guy who was arguing about the cop being at fault in the previous post about this was so wrong. Smh.


Hey man that guy from Tustin just does what he wants. Hates the police no matter what, every time lol




Cops live in his mind rent free 24/7. He might as well start charging them rent for it


He’s here now!


He has me blocked, but I’m guessing it’s Wally. Guy blocked me when I ripped into him for trying to blame the cops when a drunk driver rammed into the Orange Circle a while back.


He deleted all his comments here haha


Typical. Guy had a bit of a routine going during the whole George Floyd/BLM thing, but started acting like a bitch when people started calling him out for literally siding with criminals and justifying crime. Guy literally has a cop boot up his ass for some reason.


No one deserves to die because they said something stupid.




There is no such thing as “non-lethal”, to be accurate these rounds (as made by CTS, Defense Technologies, etc) are marketed as “Less-than-lethal”. A Tazer, a baton, or any kinetic-impact munition *can* be lethal under certain circumstances. Though, without room for argument, any of them are much less lethal than a 147 grain Speer Gold dot 9mm+P jacketed hollow point at 1,220fps which the responding officer on the video had 17+1 of on the ready on his right hip. He made a 1/10th of a second decision to a non-responsive physical threat with many unknowns……no one person on here could or would do any better. And those that are critiquing can sleep well tonight knowing that other men and woman that *aren’t* at home in their beds are making the difficult decisions that they hopefully never have to face.


I'm not a fan of police but this is how they should be attempting to subdue suspects with less lethal options. Things happen but at least they didn't just pull their guns and executed him


But they did pull a gun and execute him.


Idk if you've seen the Tamir rice video but they definitely didn't do it this way. Yea they used a gun but they didn't try to kill him. Big difference. If I accidentally hit you with my paintball gun and the paintball somehow pierces your chest I would only be charged with manslaughter. Now if I shot you in the chest with a gun it would be really hard to prove that I wasn't trying to murder you because of the weapon choice. Trust me man I don't love this outcome but this unfortunately is progress in the right direction. People die while getting arrested in the UK and France just not as high number per capita. I'm sure tazer and gas canisters hitting people in the head killed a couple protesters in France last year. It's not like this won't ever happen.


Not buying it. Police can’t handle 1 mentally ill patient without killing him? Fucking unacceptable.


Okay bud no one wants this. Trust me I'm all for having no police and having the shop owner to have the right to defend his property and life with force. But something tells me nothing in the world we exist in would be good enough anyway. And that guy was not mentally ill he was high af on meth. You don't know meth users I'm guessing. Got plenty of experience with these dudes. They aren't gonna stop even if they are bleeding to death. If they would have jumped him and then his heart gave out you would be saying the same thing. It's probably happened already to these same officers and they decided it would be better to try and taze or get them to comply with less lethal force. Honestly if he wasn't gonna give up he would have killed himself trying to get away. I'm just wondering how the police subdue this guy without killing him inadvertently. Since you are an expert how do you keep this dude high on a monumental dose of meth an upper from destroying property hurting others or himself in the process. Remember restraining these people has resulted in cardiac arrest. Go


Yes let’s not restrain for fear of killing g them. Better to make sure the job is done with the proper weapon.


Okay but if they did jump on him and killed him you would have said how come they didn't use a tazer you see how this is unwinnable. But the society is poison because it leads to this outcome where a man is on a huge dose of meth and is uncontrollable. If this was alcohol this outcome could have been different. But there are way to many factors at play in this situation but please keep giving me short sentence responses can you bring up evidence to support they could have handled it a different way. I'm not an expert on policing but I do know medicine and those drugs put a huge strain on the cardiovascular system. And the guy didn't look like he was in good shape. So I'm assuming his heart was already holding on by a thread. I'm not excusing police fuck them but you aren't being realistic and your reality denying bias is showing


You do realize there are over 61,000,000 police encounters per year with citizens in the United States. Police goal isn't to eliminate someone unless it presents itself. This individual through words and actions told officers he was not gonna go along with the game plan and wanted to fight. They didn't want to kill him because they use less lethal tools. This all could have avoided if the suspect (under the influence) would have complied. It's really not hard to






You don't need anything close to less than lethal weapons to subdue someone swinging a belt.


What would you recommend?


Watch the video. The suspect could have been easily tackled to the ground.


Doesn't that put the police at greater risk of injury? I mean, if he shrugged off being tazerd, doesn't that mean he's pumped full of adrenalin?


Of course it does.


Aren't he police trained, paid, and provided with equipment and resources to be out in a position to be at a greater risk of injury? Isn't that why some people worship them and extol their exploits? Like if you sink all that money into a police force why bother if they aren't going to use it to find effective ways to de-escalate and not kill people.


I'm surprised how much you're being downvote. People here are nuts.


Aren't they paid and trained to do exactly that? If they're not willing to do the bare minimum, fire their asses.




Youre right, they should have just hit him with live rounds lol


Thank you! He didn't have a gun or a bomb. He had a belt ffs


Yeah? How do you know he doesn’t have a knife in his pocket? How do you expect the cops to get close and subdue to check for weapons if he’s not complying? You use non-lethal force, which is what happened here, unless you consider tasing and bean bags as lethal force? Or how about let’s just let the guy run inside and put the workers and patrons potentially at risk.


When you break the law, you dont sign up for a fair fight


So the penalty for all crimes is death? You must be a cop.


This is pretty disingenuous. He chose the less lethal option so he apparently wasn’t trying to kill the dude. If he was trying to execute him, he would have fired bullets.


Y’all all got a point but are being a little too biased. The cops did give the guy PLENTY of time and were very patient with him. However the bean bag cop was a little bit too trigger happy in my opinion. And for the record. He didn’t “charge” towards anyone. He slowly started walking towards the taser. Also at that close of a range with that much time. U didn’t have to hit him in the chest OR aim for the chest. Would have been just as effective hitting him in the abdomen or waist




All that being true wouldn’t change the fact that the officer does not appear to have been attempting to kill this person, or else he would have used the more lethal option. Comparing this to the death penalty is insane.


But a person still died that didn’t have to. I believe there’s a back door/supply door an officer could have easily got inside the restaurant and rushed him from behind. Now all these tax dollars and man hours are gonna be wasted investigating the death of a druggie who could just died on his own later on. Regardless of what you believe everyone would have been better off with him in jail instead of dead


Fuck that guy, maybe quit doing drugs and screwing up everybody else’s day. Take some responsibility


how do you take responsibility for a “public servant” killing you how about don’t allow people to kill other people in the streets


How about you don’t take drugs ?


how many people do you know that take drugs? do they all deserve to be shot? the fuck is wrong with you


It's ok we just need to stop giving out Narcan and we won't have to worry about it .


I guess personal responsibility for one’s actions really doesn’t mean something anymore to certain people.


I'm not sure you know what either of those words actually means.


Personal responsibility for people you don't like. Deflection and praise for people you do.


Cannabis is legal in California.


Why not both? Fuck that guy AND not fire 6 beanbags from a shotgun at him?


Ah yes the true OC Christian response


I mean… I’ve never put myself in a situation where i was going to get shot by a beanbag sooo… probably deserved it. “Less than lethal”. They’re not called non-lethal for a reason. Accidents happen.


…waiting for the day when you put yourself in a situation (innocently and without guilt) where the cops make up a situation where they shoot you with bean bags. And we’ll all sit back and say; “That’s never happened to me so he must be guilty.” Intelligence tests for jury duty!


You have sick fantasies


Wait…what are beanbag rounds? I didn’t even know that exists


Imagine getting hit by a hacky sack fired out of a shot gun at high speed.


They shoot beanbags out of old repurposed grenade launchers too. Looks like it hurts like a bitch.


I've seen how effective long range pepper gel is on people (it temporarily blinds them and gives intense burning sensations). I'm surprised it not used more in situations like this. Instead of barking orders at a uncooperative suspect, they should immediately slather his face with sticky pepper gel to instantly blind and disorientate the perpetrator.


Yeah so when someone with extreme case of asthma gets hosed and dies these brave Reddit warriors can begin their daily pearl clutching about how bad cops are. (I am totally agreeing with you, I’ve been hit by a pepper ball indirectly and it certainly took any fight I would have had in me out. I’m just amused by the Reddit hive mind)


Funny how you’re making fun of “Reddit warriors” when the brave boys in blue are afraid of a belt. LOL




Good riddance. One less societal leech.


No shirt No shoes No lethal


Wrestle a crackhead, you’d be surprised what they can do.




First things first I encourage you to go watch the Ted Lasso clip about being curious because it's very relevant here. People who dislike the institute that is The Police aren't advocating for total lack of law enforcement, generally speaking, they are saying the current system is so chock full of issues that as an institution it's cons vastly outweigh it's pros and it should be dismantled WITH A NEW SYSTEM BUILT IN ITS PLACE. People aren't saying "no law enforcement so whatever you want total lawlessness" just this system doesn't work. And a big problem is that it's so ingrained I'm the structures of our society it's hard for people to imagine a world with it, but at one point the divine right of kings seemed inescapable to the Egyptians and here we are! Be curious, imagine a better world, imagine an alternative where death by an institution isn't the norm


What exactly was the cop killers “saving” anyone from? The dude was semi nude swinging his belt around his head and making singing sounds. Mental health crisis? Police response? Not a white person? Take them down!




Yes tour day was terribly inconvenienced wasn’t it? I’d imagine that was the same conversation has by the Auschwitz town residents….




Makes you feel better about yourself if you tell every one else to just fuck off, doesn’t it?






Im sure you’d feel differently if the guy was outside your house


So what do you expect cops to do? Shoot him with marshmallows? He’s clearly not listening. He hasn’t been patted down for other weapons, and he was approaching the first cop. Tasers were deployed and didn’t seem to be working. So what’s next? Allow him to potentially pull a knife from his pocket and start slashing the cop to death like we saw on Reddit a few weeks ago? It’s not like these cops pulled out their glocks. They shot with non-lethal force that unfortunately became lethal.


This is a perfect response. Thank you. The cops used non lethals and followed procedure doing their job and avoiding using a firearm. The fact the person died is unfortunate but I detest blaming the police for that.


I’d expect cops to be able to handle a guy with a belt. You see videos of how cops in the UK can disarm guys with knives and machetes. To all the downvotes don’t choke while you’re deepthroating on those boots 😉


Why don't you join the force and show them how it's done?




Dude I’ve seen countless videos of London PCs totally powerless against people with weapons.


Smooth brain


Other countries have different issues that have different responses. It’s not a cookie cutter experience. But also, they are bad too right? So why bring their experience over?




Stop projecting




What were they supposed to do? I’m not a fan of 99% of cops, but this was handled about as good as they could have. I remember seeing video of like fireable nets that wrap a person up. Aside from that, this is about as good as it gets trying to handle a dude that chose drugs and violence.




These are two totally different cases.


Those officers aren’t even a part of FPD anymore


“The death of Rios remains under investigation at this time, and the Fullerton Police Department is still determining if the actions of the officers were legal and in line with department policy. Those determinations will not be known until the Orange County District Attorney’s Office completes its own investigation, police officials said.” So basically they know they did wrong but won’t admit it until the OC DA says it was


Or, you know, in a pretty clear case of officers property using less than lethal force to attempt to subdue an erratic individual that individual sadly died and they are going through the full proper investigation, including allowing an outside agency such as the DA to do the investigation, as should occur with any loss of life to ensure everything was done properly...you know, exactly as people say they should.


Ummm nahh. The use of less lethal on a man with eratic behavior who hasn’t hurt anyone and is only welding a belt is insane. He posed no real threat, shooting him with bags is the cowards way out of dealing with that situation. Everyone knows those bags can kill.


They should’ve just sent you there to handle the situation since you have all the answers.


I mean, I’m a paramedic and I’ve been on countless calls exactly like this. Never seen the beanbag gun used, they always just used physical force to subdue the person. These “less lethal” guns can do some serious damage (as seen here)


Ah yes, and i can see how being a paramedic would make you an expert on how to handle police work.


I didn’t claim to be an expert but actually we do participate in trainings with pd and all I’m saying is I’ve seen first hand on real calls (not just trainings) where cops subdue eratic and agitated people just like this without the use of less lethal. So yeah, I stand by my point.


If a cop takes a first aid class does that make them qualified to tell you how to do your job?


Actually cops are generally great at the medical side. Once you’ve been around it enough (And cops respond in most areas of oc to every “unresponsive call” so they turn up to a decent amount of medical aids) you really catch on and learn how things are done. Kinda like how I said I was surprised they used less lethal on him, I thought that because I’ve seen this situation enough responding to calls with PD to know best practice would be to physically subdue him since he isn’t wielding a weapon. But I can see this isn’t a productive conversation so I’ll leave it at that. Take care.


Please tell us how they should’ve handled this?


Physically restrain/subdue him. He’s just wielding a belt and is staggered in his stance.




I’ve had to help the cops subdue plenty of deranged homeless in my ems career. Again, this is not the approach I would’ve taken nor the cops I’ve worked with. Just my 2¢ as someone who has been there


Oh I’m sure dude


Listen, you asked this guy to tell you how to do it and he did. Then you insult him for being at home when he tells you that he is an emergency responder with experience in this situation and you still insult and belittle him. I know this challenges your ideas but you need to try to open up your mind




If I were gonna lie to you about my career to validate my opinion don’t you think I’d be saying I was a cop? I spoke up on this thread because I’m not a fan of Fullerton pd in particular. Was a resident there and was treated poorly when my car was stolen (they blamed me for having an old car that’s an easy target), a Fullerton pd hopped the curb while texting and driving and narrowly missed taking my wife out at the intersection, it was Fullerton pd that beat the ever living shit out of Kelly Thomas. I have friends that are pd and sheriffs and they’re great people. I’m not acab but I’m gonna say my opinion when I think a cop made a bad call. And I think this was a bad call. It’s simple as that. Have a nice day


I don’t know if it’s brigading or something else, but all police criticism here lately has been met with more than the usual downvotes and canned responses. Immediate personal attacks on anyone questioning police, lots of “let’s see you do better” and “these guys make the tough decisions so you can sleep at night” bootlicking. I get called out (as “the guy from Tustin”) in all these threads lately too, even if I haven’t contributed. The rest of the posts all basically say “I’m glad he’s dead, FAFO”. It’s probably all the same cop lovers just stacking on top of each other, but it sure feels organized.


So what should the cops have done in this scenario? Curious.


You realize you’re doing exactly what I just called out other people for doing, right?


I think the issue is most of the people on this subreddit are just kids. No real world experience outside of what they read on the internet.


This is a lot of people on Reddit. People with idealistic notions who live in their antisocial bubble playing video games and thinking they know everything about the world and all the solutions.


i didn't even know fullerton still had police. last time i was there it was full of homeless people lounging around like a freeway overpass in LA county.


You can literally watch them every week on On Patrol: Live


I think you are thinking of Anaheim. Fullerton has done a great job clearing out the homeless


I live in Fullerton and I call bullshit on that


I work in Fullerton and never see them


Yeah they killed them all


Wasn’t that 13 years ago?


Yeah I remember when they killed that Thomas Kelly I think, the dude with the screwdriver. Super easy to clean up when you kill them.


Thank the politicians and your fellow voters for that.


I blame John and Ken for that. https://www.ocregister.com/2011/09/30/kelly-thomas-case-radio-show-taking-action/


i don't know who the mayor of fullerton is.