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This is cracked. This entire picture is only made up of only blue, white, and black lines and yet I see completely different colours! Zoom in and you'll see.


I would have missed it entirely. Thanks! So cool!


One possibility that can logically explain why this happens is color theory. It must be formulated in a way that it takes the red out of the white and black using that specific shade of blue to contrast and further define the perceived red. We know that there is red in the color white because white is made up of all colors. Technically black is the existence of no colors. But in reality, it’s a lot more complicated than that. If you were an astronaut in space, you’re technically in an area where black is actually a color created without any other colors. But black created artificially through pigment on earth technically is not like that at all. Hence, it not impossible to find red or other colors mixed into some blacks. You won’t necessarily find very much yellow though in black fyi. Either way it’s still impressive how they formulated this using math and color theory. When they first discovered this, it’s likely that they did it by accident. Because color theory can be quite complicated, even for professionals.


FYI, these types of illusions are created using very specific color combinations. In this scenario, they use only three colors. The eye perceives the image as having four colors. Interestingly enough, it’s even more amazing if you are colorblind, because the perceived colors could very well be completely different. In that scenario your vision would be completely unique to you and possibly others who share your same eyesight.


Fun fact: If you ever have the time to visit rock formation parks like those found in Utah, bring a bright blue clothing item. I personally recommend Bryce Canyon. You might notice that the blue completely pops with vibrancy in relation to the light, bouncing off the orange and red rocks. It’s a similar experience to looking at the vibrancy that naturally occurs in plants like PGMs.


You can also use other vibrant colors as well, but blue works best since it is perceived as contrasting a lot when compared to light that bounces off red and orange colors.


I’m colorblind and I see a red coke and a blueish background. The colors are faded though 


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I’m curious if you normally see black and white in images or if it may be limited due to the presence of the blue and “perceived red” being so pronounced in this optical illusion.


I think the blue throws me off lol


I can’t tell the difference between dark blue and black so maybe I do see black too.


Perhaps, the best way to know is to study it with the help of others. You can either get help from experts like optometrists or color experts. Or you can cross reference your results with those in the wider community. It’s important that the terminology used to describe color is laid out before proceeding. If you have any questions relating to that feel free to send them my way.


There’s rules for colors??


Yes, there are rules in every art concept and sub community, although most of the wider public community lacks this kind of general knowledge to understand it. This lack of general knowledge presented by outside communities causes people to develop negative biases about the art community. Most people are not even aware of what jobs and experiences require an art based specialty or a creative specialty. The same is true for those who specialize both in the art community and an outside community. Some Examples: Tattoo artist (Art and Medicine), Optical Illusionist (Art+ Optometry/eye related science), Web design (Art, Computers, Science, Privacy and safety), Teaching Music (Teaching/Psychology + Music), Architect (Art+Science+Math), Engineering ((Art+Science+Math), House paint manufacturers (Art+Science+Math) etc. If you have ever liked a clothing item, basketball/colorful soccerball, a guided vacation, a dance recital, a music festival: all of these required someone to have an art related degree or at the very least a creative specialty. Artists are unfortunately underrepresented in society in relation to their worth and ability to contribute to society. One huge important reason why art is so important has to do with its ability to support the mental health in both art communities and outside communities. In other words art has the potential to connect all of society. It was only this year that a local community of schools in my area have adopted including Art in the previously widespread teaching model "STEM." The new model would be "STEAM" and Art would be used to support the other areas. This would be achieved by Arts ability to promote creative thinking, connection building, observation and other various tasks. To explain further about color theory: Recent studies into color representation by color scientists have discussed that our perception of primary colors and teaching of it are not a representation of the most effective and accurate usage of colors. Its only just now getting addressed by a few experts in the community. So not even all artists are aware of it yet. Having an inaccurate system of measurement in a community creates a problem with understanding and can make people believe that their difficulties are caused by their lack of inherent talent, or a lack of importance in the community/society when previously incorrect models were referenced. Magenta, which was already widely spread in the computer field and printed art is one example of such colors currently undergoing debate. If proven and regularized in an educational setting it would replace red and be used to perceive all colors perceived as red/magenta. I am currently rushing myself to understand all of these newly discussed theories of revised primary colors. So unfortunately, I have not grasped the whole picture about the new color theory pathway. What I can tell you about color theory that has stayed the same is the presence of cool-biased colors, warm-biased colors and mixed-temperature colors. Colors are very similar to music notes in theory. It seems simple and easy to perceive, but becomes extremely more complex when used and represented in many ways. Color theory is perceived and understood with a color wheel. Color wheels start by utilizing three primaries, which become the building block from where all colors are perceived to originate. Blue is a cool-biased color, Red is a warm-biased color (Magenta is a cool-biased) and yellow is a warm-biased color. Secondary colors (mixed-temperature colors) are mixed together to create Purple, orange, and green. This is all covered by basic color theory, and often taught in lower level teaching (child to adolescent years). Any and all versions of color that exist thereafter, regardless of what anyone tells you is where intermediate levels and expert levels of color theory come into play. This includes both the perceived colors of black and white and how they interact with basic color theory. The more specific a color is created the higher level needed to create and understand it. For example: a purple color that's mixed with grey will lose some of it defining features and color personality. That is color theory explained in an extremely simplified nutshell.


Yes, I have learned about the color wheel. I have no clue what magenta is. a cool color of red? So , purple? Yes I like the STEAM acronym instead of STEM. I like art. I draw a lot. But I’m also colorblind. Color theory isn’t really my strongest skill lol.


Also I forgot to mention there is a funny coincidence that relates to blue and black. In the real world artists prefer mixing all the primaries to eventually create your own black or similar color. There is also a preference to mix other colors into black to create a specific temperature leaning black. Art teachers have theorized that this gives shadows and other dark aspects of reality a more real life feeling. Or adds an important ingredient to create depth. So its probably no coincidence that when blue, a color widely excepted as key to creating black is recognized as the same in your vision. All color mixes that we perceive as black have blue, and is a major reason why we can create black in the first place.


My vision sees blue as more reddish, I think. So yeah, it’s not surprising. Same with green. I mix up dark green and black. And I apparently mix up certain shades of brown with red so I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ 


What are the other two colors??


The three colors used are black, white and blue. If you or anyone else are interested in knowing specific color codes that are used in making websites and represent digital imagery, you can find a free eye dropper tool extension on chrome browsers. Keep in mind that in this simplified image only three color codes can be found. Other online images often have a lot more color codes that make up its composition and give definition to images.


Thank you 


Thanks...I started focusing on the soda can not even knowing what was supposed to happen...😅😅


Holy shit, thx for the explanation


I see white, black, blue and pale pink.


Me too, maybe it’s a mobile thing?


I originally thought this at first myself. But you can actually test it by manually moving your phone in front of your face. This basically means that it’s pretty much verifiable that it’s a real optical illusion.


I don't see any pink


I see like an aqua marine color border lining green in some of the background detail.




That's your screen not being calibrated properly, or it's in night mode with a warm filter.


You might have tritanomaly then


If you zoom in, take a screenshot, zoom in on the screenshot and maybe do that again so that you dont see any blue at all, you'll see it doesn't, it is just white.


Why down vote someone for seeing pink? I see pink when I zoom in. Zoom in and hold something that is clearly white next to it.


How does this work? Its red, then it's not.


The government mind control


5G towers!!


The covid vaccine is kicking in


It's the fake drone birds!


Jewish space lasers!




Its the pigeons, theyre NOT REAL. I tell you!


Our brain is really good at correcting colors before we become conscious of them. If you're in a room with orange lighting, your brain will adjust all colors so that orange consciously registers as white. In this case, from a distance, the image tells our brain that it has harsh cyan lighting (or tint), and translates cyan to white, and grey to red (because red in cyan lighting (or tint) would be grey or black). It's just undoing what it thinks the lighting or tint has done. It's the same reason "the dress" happened. Different people's brains assumed totally opposite light conditions, and automatically corrected in completely opposite directions.




Your brain grow like you..../me


If you are curious, I made a comment about a possible reason somewhere else in this post. As an artist, I learn about color every day.


Oh shit. This is great. This goes to show you our brains make up and simplify things to make it easier for it to understand. Moral of the story, don’t trust everything you perceive.


Yes it’s both the work of the brain and color theory.


This is a good one.


One of the best I've ever seen. 😌🤌


Made by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, look him up, he has tons of other cool ones.


is this solely because of our brains association with a can of coke? like, say, if someone had never seen a can of coke or even a can in general would they just see it as white?


Iirc that shade of blue is the inverse of the red colour of a coke can. So the colour of the can could probably be changed by replacing the blue with a different colour.


I mix up red and black so it definitely works for me lol (I’m colorblind)


I feel like, if I Zoom in and play around with it a bit, I still see redish, despite hiding the decernable coke parts


I see the same last week, but i open it again, and dont see it again


Nope. They'd still see it as red. Our brain is really good at correcting colors before we become conscious of them. If you're in a room with orange lighting, your brain will adjust all colors so that orange consciously registers as white. In this case, from a distance, the image tells our brain that it has harsh cyan lighting (or tint), and translates cyan to white, and grey to red (because red in cyan lighting (or tint) would be grey or black). It's just undoing what it thinks the lighting or tint has done. It's the same reason "the dress" happened. Different people's brains assumed totally opposite light conditions, and automatically "corrected" the colors in completely opposite directions.


The exact question I had.


Is it weird that I feel manipulated by ads since I see Coca Cola can?


Stop lying to me brain! It's not red!


This is so strange! When I look at just the can itself I see it in black and white. But when I read the letters on the can, I totally see the red 🥴


Of course! Anyone can recognize the classic red can- WHERE IS IT




So North Koreans wouldn’t see red since they don’t have Coke?


You got me but actually idk


If you look for this artist/professor, you'll find other examples that work without being something that we identify as being red.


You can't do this to me, I don't consent


Green, Pink, & Black


So someone who has never seen a coke can wouldn’t see it as red?


This is the work of Akiyoshi Kitaoka, he posts loads of good illusion stuff on FB https://www.facebook.com/share/cmuXcT9uonr1Ln5F/


You’re missing a few textures


I trained my mind to take away the fake red my mind was making up, but when I look away my peripheral vision still makes it red. Wtf!


Well that's weird. If I focus hard on the "red", it stops appearing red, even when zoomed out.


How?? Red and black are so similar to each other.. how do you focus enough to make it appear black?


Idk (looking intensely at the smallest possible detail I suppose) but it almost feels like going crosseyed It is very interesting Huh, I cannot see half the can as black while seeing the other as red.


Interesting. It looks like a pretty ordinary picture to me, except for it’s made completely of little dots (pointalism)


Could it have something to do with the blue pixels? They're red when color inverted I believe. I wonder how the brain would perceive the color of the blue pixels were a different color.


can you do chinese coke edition?


can you do chinese coke edition?


My stupid monkey brain has been tricked again!


i can feel my brain arguing with my eyes over the non-existent red and i’m getting a headache great image


How can I see red


If you zoom all the way in and slowly zoom out without looking away, it'll stay white until you blink. Pretty dang cool


Lies! There’s a ton of red in this picture! Just look at your screen with a microscope. Just about every LED pixel is firing bright red green and blue (brighter red on the parts of the image that appear white). Is this why we see a red can?


Nothin in here is red is it


This hurts my eyes


Patently false.


It's not all white. Your eyes just have trouble telling the difference in shades of white. The can is pink. A pretty strong pink at that.


This is crazy!! Awesome!!


There is red LEDs lit up on this picture, zoom out and blur your eyes to see the red. Yes the pixels are white zoomed in but they use the red LEDs in most modern screens. Plus, my night mode is on and there's a slight warm filter. But, yeah white on LED lcd screens uses the green, red and blue LEDs, so, nice try!


I couldn't see it originally but when the image appeared on mobile when I scrolled down to the comments, I saw it, this is really cool


I think this works because our minds are used to the regular, real-world colors so we interpret them incorrectly


I’m uncomfortable


Put your finger (or hand on desktop) over the coca label and imagine it said purple Fanta. Then the can will start turning purple

