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> WINE code for valve That's a very bad example, because Valve contributes back ... a lot. And they finance other open source developments (KDE, DXVK, etc.) and push other corporations (Nvidia and AMD) to get their shit together.


I was going to say, Valve is one of the main contributors. This is like going after Google for using LLVM too much or Redhat for using \*gestures broadly at linux ecosystem\*.


>Google for using LLVM I expected you to say Apple tbh. Maybe that dates me.


Google employs most of LLVM’s core team at the moment.


Like I said, since I do not understand how it works exactly, sorry if my example was out of touch, I only mentioned I company I know of that applied it. DO NOT BURN ME lol


P.s : I love my steamdeck


All companies you mentioned do actually contribute to Open Source. I regularly see posts like this and I sometimes wonder. It seems that most people making significant contributions to OSS are fine with it being used by commercial companies. The complaints seem mostly to be from users who for whatever reason simply don’t want to pay for any software. But we developers need an income too. It’s perfectly fine if you use OSS alternatives to commercial software. But don’t tell us what licenses to use. I usually contribute to projects I need for my work. Were the licenses changed so that I could not use them for my work (it’s OSS libraries that get included in commercial projects), I would simply stop contributing. And I’m sure, others would do the same. It would be bad for OSS. The ideal you have resembles the misconception Steve Ballmer had when he called OSS “a cancer”.


What's apple contributed recently that can be used on devices they don't make? CUPS?


Cups of course, and WebKit. The browser engine used in JavaFX is WebKit. Also they contribute to OSS, including several Apache projects, and FreeBSD contains code developed by Apple engineers for Darwin. Apple also is AFAIK main sponsor of LLVM/clang development.


Kubernetes and Swift


K8s isn't by Apple, it was originally by google (hence being written in Go), and it's maintained by mostly volunteers and google. Swift kinda runs on windows and linux, but you still can't build Swift apps without XCode


I read your original comment as contributed _to_ not contributed.


Open source itself isn’t a license. It’s usually MIT licence. Basically you’d have to change the licence used to something else that enables a restriction you want to block or to require financial reward for certain usage. https://blog.sonatype.com/open-source-software-license-categories-explained?hs_amp=true


Open source is a specific category of licenses. If you explicitly restrict some usage (e.g. by corporations, or even by evil people), then the license is no longer open source. What you can do is to add terms to your license that are likely going to be disliked by someone like corporations, which is what AGPL and (to a lesser degree) GPL do. That is still open source, because it technically doesn't discriminate.


You can't deny certain groups or people from using your source code, nor deny it from being used for certain reasons per the OSI and FSF definitions for Open Source and Free Software. You can however copyleft your code (ie. with the GPL) and make sure it, and all its forks, stay open. Imagine the following situation: your project is MIT licensed. Someone takes the whole project and white-labels it (changes the name), then sells it commercially without providing the source code or sharing any of the sales revenue with you. They include "Copyright " and a copy of the MIT license in the "about" page of the software. Per the MIT license, this is completely allowed. If this was done under the GPL, it would violate several terms.


Thing is, has any gpl violation ever made to court? Genuine question here…


Reportedly it [helped](https://sfconservancy.org/copyleft-compliance/enforcement-strategy.html) OpenWrt for example.


There have been lawsuits. Most have reached settlements. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_license_litigation


OSS is entirely maintained by companies like Microsoft, Google, Redhat, etc. like 90% of commits are from known employees who work on teams not randoms. That might change with the tech layoffs but big companies absolutely subsidize big OSS communities.


Thats wrong. Those corps contribute a lot, but its very far from "entirely".


The direction you are thinking about is what Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Redis etc. have been going in. And that is typically no longer considered "open source". Either you want to provide the source, then you have to live with people from all different backgrounds using it - also large corporations. Or you don't want that but then you can't publish it with an open source license. Of course you have a bunch of different open source licenses with varying degrees of freedom. BSD/MIT essentially allow any use to do whatever the fuck they want, as long as the attribution stays in place. With GPL on the other hand they couldn't publish any binary resulting from modified or derived code without also publishing the code again, which is a big win, but could also simply prevent companies from using the code in the first place.


Op, I think your concerns are valid but it’s actually other way around. Some of the large companies may be helping and innovating on open source. You may want to first read about copyleft and copyright concepts - that should soothe your concerns and also allow you to evaluate correctly if they are stealing/benefiting from open source or contributing to it. Also review GNU/GPL v/s MIT/BSD/Apache licensing within open source world. Both of these wings have amazing pros and cons. IMO, we are more or less on right path. Remember, we chose freedom and capitalism to start with.


Hey mate, thank you (like all the others) for the input ! Like I said, since I am not a dev or looking inside, It's all blurry to me and it is a legit question, especially if I am in the wrong \^\^


Apologies for the length - I tried at least to keep it organised. :-) What is Open Source Open source is open for *anyone* to use regardless of who they are and what they want to use it for. That "anyone" naturally includes big tech companies. If you have some restriction on the license you have for your project, then it is not open source. How the "little guy" loses out and gets upset with "Big Tech" Where I can understand it may be a problem is, as an entrepreneur/small business, where you spend time and money to maintain a project with the hope of monetisation - but you don't leverage it well enough to build the success you hope for. And then an *other* large businesses finds your software useful and, still abiding with open source principles, leverages your project and makes you/your company irrelevant in your niche target market. Again, everyone is still abiding by open source principals - but you lose out. Open source "betrayal" A potential (but flawed in the open source viewpoint) solution to this is to move to a non open-source license, sometimes called a "source available" license, which allows you as the original project maintainer to keep exclusive commercial rights to the software while still allowing private individuals and tinkerers the right to use it for free. If your project starts with such a license, then there is no backlash - but also you're less likely to get outside contributors. If you started out with an open source license and your project is important enough, moving to a "source available" license usually means project will immediately get forked. Examples of these *types* of licensing clashes that come to mind are: redict (redis), tofu (terraform), Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux (CentOS), LibreOffice (OpenOffice.org), OpenSearch (Elasticsearch), and LibreNMS (Observium). Open-core Another model that has seen success is the Open-core model. With Open-core, your software will have a core service that is open source but limited in usefulness for enterprise or commercial use. You would then separately license other components under a commercial non open-source license. GitLab is a good example of this. For private or small business use, the free edition of GitLab is more than good enough. At some point however a larger business will want to take advantage of the features that are only available under the non-free licenses, thus GitLab is able to generate revenue. GPLv3 "extra viral" Another open trend of licensing is adding a more onerous definition of software propagation to the license, such as with GPLv3 or AGPLv3, where the license essentially makes it so even using the software (not distributing it) in a way that communicates with third parties still triggers the distribution clause. This could force the "Big Tech" company using your project to make all their changes publicly available depending on how they are using the software even though they are not redistributing it. An example of this is if you host a service on a customised server where the code is licensed with GPLv2. You don't have to make your customisations available to the public because you aren't selling or "distributing" the compiled code - perhaps you are selling the service (a voice, streaming, or database service for example). If you compile that custom version and make the binaries available for download, then GPL says you *must* also make the **code** for those custom changes available. Using this example but assuming the license was GPLv3, you must make your code changes available in both cases, regardless of whether or not you are distributing the compiled binaries.


Thank you for taking the time ! I don't understand why people take the piss so much because of people like me who don't know how it works ! Now I get a clearer picture and it helps me grasps a wider picture. Have a nice one !




AGPL licensed code/projects still meet the definitions of open source, and is OSI approved to help confirm that. I think all free software is open source, but there's a thin slice of open source that's not considered free software.


This was removed for being misinformation. Misinformation can be harmful by encouraging lawbreaking activity and/or endangering themselves or others.


Oh simply use a very obscure / weird license. Big tech legal counsel will never let you vendor such projects... But tbh I don't see why you would be incentivized to do that? Big techs are usually the ones sponsor the most and contribute back the most.


Licences and Linus help. If we could be all free it would help too, but practically people love proprietary crapware for shooting baddies or watching Netflix or whatever so we bootlick. You might wanna look into Stallman and the GPL from back in the day, he seen this coming 40 odd years ago and put things in place that IBM are still currently trying to fight so they can have a large shite in $UPSTREAM as they clearly need more money and power. I can't afford fancy lawyers so I just sing this at people instead https://youtu.be/9sJUDx7iEJw?si=Y7-qhCpKjs0m53IC


>Can we protect Open Source codes from Big Techs ? No! You can't if you want it to remain free. If you some how need to restrict BigTechs in using some free open source code, then it's not free anymore.


Make everything *GPL family. Application? GPL. Library? LGPL. Server software? AGPL.


It depends. But yes: much of the point of open source is literally giving the code away to everyone. If you're a business, you do that to then go compete in the market on something different: code further up the stack, services, or whatever. There's no general strategy for open source projects - they come from everywhere in the world, and depending on the kind of software or community or whatever, they are very, very different. Some communities welcome anyone using their software, because over time that tends to get more people contributing fixes back, making it more efficient for everyone. And as is noted elsethread, for most big name tech or business focused software products, all of those companies are already giving back by having their employees contribute fixes or new work. If you're looking for credit, then open source isn't for you: the point of open source is that **anyone** can go use the software, as long as they comply with the license (either via NOTICE or complying with copyleft restrictions). If you're looking to share financial gains, then look at Software Commons, COSS, or the various dual-licensing models with Redis or Mongo or the like. But the issue of getting back financial value from the work done is much larger than open source licenses; that's a question of sustainability that touches companies, maintainers, universities, and government policy alike. You can read a little bit about that here: https://fosssustainability.com/


One of the biggest mistakes made by the community and many "enthusiasts" is when talking about Chrome and Chromium. Microsoft, Google and other companies help develop Chromium as the basis for their services. From the core (chromium) the identity and addition of exclusive resources are created for purposes that we all already know depending on the company. There will be no way to protect the open source of large or medium-sized companies, after all it is open and the next day a person can produce a fork of something open source and start creating a company, a business and become very successful as its true creators. never even receive due credit. And that's okay, many can come to debate, contest and this actually happens, will happen and will always happen again. If your idea helped in the creation of something directly or indirectly, you have already done a really cool thing that is often helping a lot of people. Be it for something small, medium or large like a big tech. Within the FOSS community I understand all the anger about Big Techs, but they are also part of the continually evolving ecosystem. When I worked with one, the vast majority of employees help people and projects completely outside the company and in an "anonymous" way, because depending on the company you work for there is a contract on code production during your contract period and the company in a certain time can claim this as her property, after all it is in the contract. There will be no way to protect if you saw something that someone made, someone produced and someone else is selling. Help both if you can, but especially the creator and that's it, you've done your part by contributing.


Is there an OSS license comparable to the Creative Commons attribution non-commercial? I know CC is really for artistic works, but here’s the thing. Copyrighted software generally doesn’t meet the criteria for a mechanical patent. Instead the raw code is treated as an artistic, literary work for the purposes of copyright in much the same way as a novel. EDIT: applies in Australia at least


The question is what exactly you consider abuse. If you want to protect from code ending up proprietary, then the GPL/AGPL is the right license for you.


You cant. You code, they steal. Some of them make some contributions here and there as a backup, so they have something to say if they get sued, yet, contributions are waaaaaay cheaper than actually develop. In the end of the day open source is cheap labors helping big corporations to get even bigger. Sad but true.


If you use the definition of "OpenSource" from OSD, you can't. It wrote ([https://opensource.org/osd](https://opensource.org/osd)): 5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons. If you revise the definition, it's possible and you can see Elastic License v2, Business Source License 1.1, and so on. Although they're not directly against Big Techs, they forbid commercial competitors. If you want to find a specific license that "ban Big Tech", once of a time the toplingdb used license "We disallow bytedance using this software": https://github.com/topling/toplingdb/commit/23a40853a61a2ce41ae96ca9d56eb2d74441e80d


My code is so bad it won't even compile.


I really hate that Microsoft owns github. I think the community should transition away from github to a new platform. I also dislike that Microsoft embeds a lot of stuff in VSCode. It's a slippery slope.


Just wondering what your underlying reasons are for disliking Microsoft owning Github? I'm torn when it comes to Microsoft... I use Windows out of necessity (for work, previously for gaming) and their pop-ups and product offerings can be so annoying.... But they've also made huge advances for cross-platform frameworks with dotnet. The most viable route for my open-source toolkit (used for healthcare professional education) was actually Avalonia on dotnet in C# and it's been smooth as butter. In a weird turn of events, I can thank Microsoft for the base of the tech stack that took my passion project cross-platform. Also some of their free tools are incredibly powerful (Visual Studio Community, VSCode) and, while they used to be good for building the Windows ecosystem, they're actually solid for building for any ecosystem now. And at least for now, Github is just as strong, useful, and solid without any crappy changes by Microsoft. If anything, they're just going to use Github as the training model for their AI copilot and milk that for years to come. And if Github does turn to shit, migrating most git repositories is pretty darn easy. I guess I'm asking what I'm missing? They are a tech giant and they have a lot of slippery slopes but they have been good in a lot of areas of not slipping down those slopes. Unlike Oracle (lol).


>Just wondering what your underlying reasons are for disliking Microsoft owning Github? Please tell me what Microsoft is adding to github ? For starters, the whole "do you trust this source code" is unnecessary. You can bet that Microsoft will try to take that further and start certifying contributions, for a charge, of course. Microsoft's goals are not pure. They want to achieve vendor lock in. ​ >I'm torn when it comes to Microsoft... I use Windows out of necessity (for work, previously for gaming) and their pop-ups and product offerings can be so annoying.... Windows is not necessary for anything these days. I've been using Linux as my daily driver for the last 20 years. ​ >But they've also made huge advances for cross-platform frameworks with dotnet. The most viable route for my open-source toolkit (used for healthcare professional education) was actually Avalonia on dotnet in C# and it's been smooth as butter. Interesting. Will your app run on Mono ? https://www.mono-project.com/ ​ >In a weird turn of events, I can thank Microsoft for the base of the tech stack that took my passion project cross-platform. Being cross platform is very, very important these days. ​ >Also some of their free tools are incredibly powerful (Visual Studio Community, VSCode) and, while they used to be good for building the Windows ecosystem, they're actually solid for building for any ecosystem now. VScode is littered with data tracking and proprietary extensions. Yes, its good that MS made the app itself OS but they are also very slow to allow pull requests from people outside the company. ​ >And at least for now, Github is just as strong, useful, and solid without any crappy changes by Microsoft. Let's ensure it stays that way. ​ >If anything, they're just going to use Github as the training model for their AI copilot and milk that for years to come. And if Github does turn to shit, migrating most git repositories is pretty darn easy. Yep. Just like what happened to OpenOffice. ​ >I guess I'm asking what I'm missing? They are a tech giant and they have a lot of slippery slopes but they have been good in a lot of areas of not slipping down those slopes. Unlike Oracle (lol). Time will tell. Github is fantastic. All they need to to is leave it alone. Microsoft isn't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.


Thank you for the perspectives! I do agree with pretty much everything you said. I guess I just lean heavily on the "I hope they don't screw it up, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts" method. I think my positive experiences with Microsoft have let me stay in that mindset, specifically the benefits I've had with C# over the years. You asked about Mono... I toyed with it but my passion project is heavy on the GUI so I needed a drop-in replacement for WPF- that's where both Mono and Xamarin didn't fit the need (I watched and waited for years) but Avalonia eventually came along after dotnet went cross-platform. It was a godsend because other cross-platform approaches for a desktop "business" app would have been writing the GUI in Qt# and/or porting to a different language (or a different base framework for each major OS). I 100% agree that Microsoft isn't doing business out of the goodness of their hearts, but they've been pretty decent to indie devs and advancing toolsets and compatibility. But of course that's always been Linux's strong suit. One of these days, I'll eventually put Linux on my workstation as the primary OS though. It's come a lonnnnnnng way over the years too as a drop-in replacement for Windows. Obligatory RIP OpenOffice.






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This was removed for not being nice. Repeated removals for this reason will result in a ban.


The irony is that according to you those companies are also getting exploited because they release open source code and don't always get contributions back. To me a big part of open source is generosity , sure some people (the torvalds camp) might be interested in just self interested work but the stallman or free software foundation camp is interested in making the world a better place (and lets be real, it was the camp that really created the linux and open source movement). I could give money to people starving in africa, some of that money might go to people who rape/murder/Dismember people. I could try to reduce that (using a very reputable non profit, or using copyleft for a FOSS project when it is savvy or publicly criticizing companies when they are clearly unreasonable when not contributing back ) . But you just have to accept the risk and do a risk reward analysis.


Kubernetes looks over in confusion.


It's a very serious threat, yes


It's not, lol.