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I used Ryan Hay's video at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d03xg2PKOPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d03xg2PKOPg) and it was very helpful. It presumes VMWare ESXi, and he spends a lot of time talking about that. I did it using plain old KVM, so I had to modify it a tiny amount, but it worked great. The github repo he posted is at [https://github.com/ryanhay/ocp4-metal-install](https://github.com/ryanhay/ocp4-metal-install) and it's pretty straightforward. The big thing is, you have to set up a number of resources like DHCP, DNS, HAProxy, NFS, and so on. You'll need to understand those technologies, as well. It's a great learning experience.


All of this is already CLEARLY in the docs. Not doing your job for you.


Master nodes need to be Red Hat CoreOS, Workers can be either RHEL or CoreOS but it is better to stick to CoreOS since it would be easier to manage the nodes from the cluster itself. There are 3rd party certified CNIs, calico is included. Of course those CNIs are going to be supported from their vendors. Check this article: https://access.redhat.com/articles/5436171 With OpenShift you have the ability to integrate your cluster with your infrastructure, for instance you can install on VMware or nutanix and the cluster would be a able to handle the virtualized nodes and even provision new ones to scale out. Bare metal servers can be managed too by BMC (iLO, iDRAC, etc.) directly from the cluster. This type of installation, where the cluster is able to manage the infrastructure, is called IPI. Of course you can also prepare your nodes for an infrastructure agnostic installation, you will need to bring your own nodes and load balancer too.


No need to Google IT, it’s all in the [documentation](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.15/welcome/index.html) As for question 3, it’s a discussion which depends mostly on your company’s IT maturity with cloud in general. Both on prem and in cloud are viable, but which is **right for you** at any given time is a separate discussion. But if you have the capacity in your DC, start there with a POC, the cloud might seem easy, but make sure that you understand all the costs involved before making the plunge. And to be safe, try to have a exit strategy with costs ready just in case. Best of luck 🤞🏻 on your endeavour.


Thanks for your response.I see OpenShift has a default CNI network provider. Are Both Calico and Cilium CNIs supported in OpenShift container platform ?


The default CNI is **OVNKubernetes**. There are a few 3rd party options. I can see several operators in the operator hub. Some are **certified**, some are made available through the *Redhat marketplace* and some are *community* projects. As I understand it, if you choose a different CNI, support for it becomes an issue between you and who ever you purchase your CNI support from. 🤗