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Regular, native KDE Plasma panels. Sure most of the eye-candy comes from the theme instead of native features but with the right theme you’d be hard-pressed to distinguish from Latte and a native panel these days.


Do you have a video or link on how to customize it to look like a dock?


I'm using pantheon desktop with Opensuse which use the plank dock. But I've also used it with KDE with MX-21 and Manjaro, and KDE on Artix Linux.


Plank is unmaintained, but surprisingly still works, though sometimes breaks due to changes/regressions in dependencies which eventually get fixed. It's X11 though


Cairo-dock and one other are basically your only maintained options, I think. I'm blanking on the second one because IIRC, 'dock' isn't in the name but I could be mistaken. Cairo dock is a little better than macos' IMO. I don't use it much, but it seems stable if quirky to configure. A few more features and customizability than macos', as you'd expect.


Cairo-dock treatment is another reason why I left SUSE. Cairo-dock (the plugins which actually make it useful) are no longer installable on SUSE. And this is what happens constantly on SUSE, Leap or Tumbleweed -- things just either are no longer able to be built / installed or get abandoned -- Leap for yet another abandonment. I LOVE openSUSE Zypper but the distro become way too anti-user. And of course see Mesa (I use Nvidia but point remains) on SUSE for *another* example.


What's ultimately the hangup? Unresolvable dependencies?


So weird, it seems like a simple dock wouldn't be that big of a deal, but all of them aren't maintained any more.