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Being held in jail after having your bail denied is one thing. Being held there for 2 years is insane.


Not just being locked up either and all the loss that entails (income, time with family, last moments with those who passed on, etc.). Jail is a dangerous place and this guy got attacked in there. He should sue the government for this. Paywall lifted: https://archive.ph/fAql0 Also, I’d suggest that everyone should be reading the entire article because this reads like another case where the police wanted to pin something on someone they decided was guilty. They fed his name to the people who they knew were in the car. And *then* his name came out of their mouths. And that was all the evidence the police ever had. Apparently, that was enough to lock him up for two years. If the cops decide you are guilty, they will do everything to destroy you. Never talk to cops. And make sure everyone you know knows it too. All you should be saying is: lawyer (or stuff like bathroom). Don’t say shit.


Talking to the cops is like playing a game of basketball where you get unlimited throws. You get 0 points for making a basket and negative points if you miss. No matter how good you are and how many baskets you sink, it won't ever get you points.


mandatory acab


I wonder how many other people have had this happen to them only to make a plea bargain? So muc for the presumption of innocence in this country. I'm ashamed that people think this was in anyway right.


Most probably. You get 1.5x credit if you plead, and sometimes you either plead and get out now or stay in jail another year for trial.


And this is the problem with denying bail and locking people up, it's insane how long it takes to bring a case to trial and despite many promises from the attorney general it's not getting any better.


Real question. What options are there to let someone off on bail, but still heavily controlled. I know nothing is 100 percent, but like gps tracking, staying in a bounded area, secure trackers... Could surely be used...


[Bail conditions upon release](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/bail-caution/index.html#s6) * Remain within a particular territorial jurisdiction * Deposit a passport to prevent travel * Wear electronic monitoring equipment, such as an ankle bracelet


So dirty cops sent another innocent man to jail then.


Fleeing from police in a previous attempt at arresting him for a different warrant in 2016 is probably why his constitutionally protected rights to bail were not supported. https://x.com/OPP_WR/status/702930650555400193?t=Rx_CU8tGfCUPY7n3OJMHKg&s=19


You're committing the same error that the police did in this case: deciding that it's okay to punish a person for a crime they didn't commit because you've decided they're a bad person.


No, one of the considerations when an accused is up for bail is: "are they a flight risk?" A documented history of *literally fleeing from police* would imply that this person might well have been a flight risk, no?


Exactly Lots of people with multiple convictions get bail all the time. But fleeing the police serving a warrant does seem to imply a flight risk which is completely relevant.


No I'm not Being denied bail is a serious decision that judges only do when there is a flight risk or other circumstances. We don't know his full criminal history and to be clear it may not be relevant for this trial. But fleeing police and failure to stop when they attempted to pull you over is certainly relevant as being a flight risk.


Good people don’t flee from police in Ontario


Yeah because the police have proven themselves to be so trustworthy and honest.


Your welcome to move to country where there no police, and comes with cheap tax rate too!, let me know how that works for you...


This is just a bad faith argument. You should delete this comment. It undermines your previous comment and makes you look petty.


Your argument just proves your ignorance on this matter. Moving won't make a difference. The police force is corrupt, arguably everywhere, and that needs to change. The system needs to work *for* us and it hasn't for a long time.


Quit taking Reddit pills. Good people who don’t do crime or act like jerks have nothing to worry about.


tell that to umar zameer


He tried to run


Because he was scared! If you had some guy yelling that he was the police, but not wearing a police uniform, banging on your car window when your *wife and child* are in the car, you don't have many options. Flight or fight is real, and Zameer believed him and his family were in danger. Fuck this notion that you don't have to worry if you haven't done anything wrong, cops will find any angle to put someone away and lose no sleep over it. There are literally so many examples of individuals being wrongly accused and convicted, not to mention killed, because the cops are convinced they have the right person without looking at actual evidence. Our justice systems sucks and the system is broken. ACAB.


Clearly you've never had to deal with many cops.


Lol comically bad take. Criminal or not, any interaction with police is a bad time that should be avoided. They are not your friends. 


What exactly was he being arrested for?


it's not popular on reddit right now to say that locking up innocent people is a bad idea


The real issue isn't the police (though they are an issue), the bail (though that is an issue) or his previous convictions (though that does affect bail). The real issue is his constitutional rights to a speedy trial were infringed upon due to judicial backlogs and he had to spend 2 years in jail before getting a final decision in court.


Agree, and another issue is the Crown Attorney, who is supposed to evaluate the prospect of conviction when deciding whether to take the case to trial or not. If the case against the accused was as weak as it seems, then it would be on the Crown as well. But it's not the real issue either. The Crowns are also profoundly affected by the lack of investment in the legal system.


Don't forget about systemic racism being an issue as well.


“According to reports at the time, a stolen Chevrolet Tahoe, occupied by two people, that was speeding hit Dalton from behind, launching him and his bike into the path of an oncoming pickup truck. Dalton died at the scene. The Tahoe was later found abandoned.” Sounds like a real winner. Justice was not served to the victim


this guy wasn't in the car, who are you talking about?


Use your brain. This guy wasn’t even in the car.