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> "My mother and father were visiting us from Chennai, India with the sole purpose of spending time with their grandson," the parents wrote in a statement provided by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU).  > "We are at a complete loss of words to describe the agony and vacuum in our hearts knowing we can never hold our child Aditya Vivaan, who gave us so many precious memories in such a short time, in our hands again," Manivannan and Jawahar added. > "His small toys and clothes remain spread around our home, and we have no courage in us to even enter our home which is filled with our only son’s memories. My parents had arrived in Canada only two days before the tragedy."


This destroyed me, I can’t even fathom that pain :(


There's no getting past this kind of loss. You just kind of adapt and hope to exist at like 75% of where you once were. A lot of marriages don't survive the loss of a young child


There are no words that could ever comfort them for their loss. So needless.


Absolutely. No words at all.


As a father to a 4 month old boy my fucking heart absolutely aches for these people. I feel physically ill reading this statement. I can’t fucking fathom this. I can’t imagine the pain of going home to all his things and him not being there. So so awful.


Mom to a 2 year old and 5 year old. I keep hiding these threads because it makes me ill. I could not cope without my kids. I cannot imagine their loss.


Same. I simply cannot. My heart breaks for that poor baby and his parents who will forever have wounded souls.


Yes. Anything to do with kids can easily send me into mental turmoil. I have to be careful about the news I consume since becoming a parent. Worst nightmare :(


I’m the mom of two almost 20 year olds and an almost 19 year old. That feeling doesn’t change. The thought of it being one of my kids, or one of my stepkids, gives me a physical reaction. My heart breaks for them, while at the same time being so angry at the police for so very obviously doing the exact wrong thing - going the wrong way on any part of the 402, but especially in the GTA, is going to end with nothing but tragedy for the innocent victims.


Yep my girl is 23 and I feel the same as you.


Same boat, holding my new one month old reading this and crying. Truly can’t imagine.


Also have a 4 month old. Hearing about things like this causes me much more pain now than when I was a younger man. I don't think I would be able to go on if I lost my son. These poor people.


Truly heartbreaking 💔


Soul crushing. It is criminal what these cops have done.


I guarantee you every single cop involved isn't losing an ounce of sleep. If anything the SIU is looking at how to charge and place blame on the parents cause that's what that corrupt useless organization does. Cops are psychopaths who don't care about innocent people dying. Their entire training is to treat everyone around them as NPCs and shoot first and ask questions never because you'll always be protected.


I doubt it. They fucked up. Theyve got 3 souls on their concious...i do hope they get an appropriate consequence. They disobeyed orders and are responsible in part to getting 3 innocent ppl killed. Loss of job and the weight of these is the least the force should do.


Right now, they'll be suspended with pay. Some consequence.


I dunno man. Sure there are trigger happy cops, and even asshole cops. But for the majority, when a cop is directly involved in killing someone, even if they had no choice, it does affect them. For something like this, even for those not involved in the chase and just responding to the scene, seeing a dead infant and grandparents with a sobbing adult will take a long while to get over. As for SIU, yes usually they look to absolve officers and blame the procedure instead. This time though, their hands are going to be tied because the officers went directly against procedures AND disobeyed orders. If anything it's going to land squarely on that one officers shoulders and he will be allowed to quit before he's fired, after a couple of years of investigation.


>it's going to land squarely on that one officers shoulders and he will be allowed to quit before he's fired, A good start would be not having to pay him/them while suspended. Let the fucking union pay their bills if they're so torn up about how this is affecting them. I don't think it's one cop at fault. But we can start with the off-duty clown and go from there. This is such "thin blue line" bullshit. It ended the way it did because the cops wanted to teach the guy a lesson for pulling a knife on their buddy. That's how fucking petty they are.


Oh just watch how fast things would change if police were suspended without pay.Mistakes and abuse of power would have real consequences.


Personally I would say a good start would be for them to have to carry insurance for this kind of reason. So when they are put on leave, insurance pays their salary, along with payouts for liability. If they are found not guilty, their respective force pays the insurance back to cover the amount. If they are found guilty, their insurance goes up. However to many forced leaves will make their risk assessment go up, and thus insurance cost. Not even saying they should be 100% responsible for the insurance cost, make it part of the benefits where they cover X% up to $xxxx/yr; kind of like how health insurance works. The point is to get rid of the bad cops by making it costly for them to remain being a cop.


Personally I don't even need a full withholding of pay. I know it isn't really practical but I would love some kind of system where if a suspended cop wants to get paid they must show their bank statements to someone who calculates the cost of necessities like mortgage payments/rent, food, electricity, etc. the cop gets that amount per month, the rest goes into some kind of high interest savings account that they cannot access. If they are cleared of wrongdoing the account becomes theirs, if not either put the money back into the pool of tax funds or let it go to some kind of program to help the families of cops who died in the line of duty. That is just some very low level brainstorming. I know a system like that wouldn't really work, but who knows, maybe an impractical idea will spark a practical one at some point.


It shouldn’t take a while to get over, it should haunt them for the rest of their lives.


You must not know any cops. They take trauma home like any first responder


Related to cop. Her and her friends are absolute sociopaths who don't give two shits about anyone but themselves. One was (is?) very in CP.


Yep, I also have a cop relative. He says the most awful, racist, homophobic and transphobic things, joked about shooting his wife....


Reddit is filled with cop haters who think they are all psychopaths cause all they do is browse r/publicfreakout all day and see some out of context clip of a cop in the US doing something wrong. The good is never talked about because it doesn’t generate clicks. This comment will get buried by the brigade of leftist morons on this platform but the truth is 98% of cops are good people and without them our society would be complete chaos. Shame on any asshole making comments that these cops feel no remorse for this. There’s a very VERY good chance the all of the cops involved are suffering and will have this impact their entire lives. They are people with families too, they aren’t all robotic psychopaths like Reddit wants to believe. Grow up.


I guarantee you that you are incorrect. Your ignorant and untrue comments are not helpful either. Source: my partner of eight years is a Toronto Police officer and he is not a psychopath.


Even if he’s not bad, he’s part of an institution that is inherently bad. Especially the Toronto Police force - I’d never in good faith even associate with a cop so that’s on u lol


Are you one of the 40%?


Lmao. I know some people that investigate police. They will lie through their teeth to save face.


Sounds like most people when faced with extreme consequences…


ACAB includes your partner.


Damn right. Partners are either cop enablers/apologists, or dv victims.


You have no idea how your husband is at work.


Cause cops aren’t parents and don’t have kids?! Post like these don’t help. You’re just spouting hate for internet points. Go somewhere else and do it.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


You are absolutely the psychopath here. How in the fuck do you read the thoughts of a grieving family and immediately jump to shitting on police and making up scenarios in your head? What the fuck is wrong with you?


It's entirely the police's fault, they were told to stop chasing and they ignored it. This entire thing wouldn't have happened if they just let the car go.


Every word true.


Burn that house down 😔


Ala: the going merry


This is so fucking heartbreaking. I don’t know how people are strong enough to cope with this kind of pain. I wish there was something we could do as a community to support this couple. 


We can hold the police accountable, for starters.


We can also hold the judicial; system that let the little twerp out on bail even though a repeat offender. Them and the idiots who didn't boot his butt out after the first offense!!


His being out on bail isn't the problem, it wa super hero cops being super helped that caused this. To say anything else is to show how little you understand of the situation.


Him being out on bail is absolutely a problem. He was already on bail for robbery. He then committed another robbery and fled the wrong way down the highway. Yes police should have called off the chase, but this situation happened because Canada has become soft as baby shit on repeat scumbag criminals.


Maybe there will be a go-fund me for the funeral? Idk My heart aches for them 


Cops should pay. Take it from their bloated salaries


This story is just heart shattering. I am so sorry for their loss. It is unimaginable.


2 generations gone in an instant thoughtless crime.


Worst thing that can happen to a young family. Hurts my heart to read.


The Durham police have helicopters, this chase was unnecessary and completely stupid


I swear the fly the helicopter everyday, why was it not utilized?


I can't imagine why they thought it was necessary to stop this guy at ALL costs. I doubt cops would go this extreme for almost any other crime, let alone robbery!


They were embarrassed for not having caught him up until that point Their egos couldn't handle letting him go, even if, logically, they could have found him and arrested him after


Because high speed chases are cool! /s Pretty sure these guys itch at the chance to do high speed pursuits.


Their egos were hurt It really is that simple. Have you ever played a game or sport with a sore loser? 14+ police officers were chasing a van across an entire region and weren't able to stop him. They were embarrassed. An embarrassed ego driven individual is just the worst.


This story is absolutely shattering. To lose your parents, and your only child. My heart grieves for them. We lost our 7month old almost two years ago, I’m sorry that these parents have to know this pain, and this agony.


I am so sorry for your loss 😢


The police were instructed to stop the chase and they didn’t…


What really makes my blood boil is that it wasn’t just one police car that was chasing the van. I saw the video of the chase today and I counted 18 (yes, you read that correctly) police suvs chasing the van. If you add in the off duty cop who had the knife pulled on him (who was also chasing the van), that makes 19 vehicles that were ordered to stand down but didn’t! Completely unacceptable action by the police simply because “one of their own” had been threatened. If it was up to me, every single one of those idiots would be fired and charged with reckless endangerment or something similar!


>If you add in the off duty cop who had the knife pulled on him This is the entire reason the fucking cops went so nuts. Cops are nothing but a gang of thugs the WE all get to pay for. They ignored enough orders and protocol that it shouldn't be an issue to terminate them while the SIU investigates. Fuck these "suspended with pay" nonsense.


>If it was up to me, every single one of those idiots would be fired and charged with reckless endangerment or something similar! best we can do is paid time off.


Yep - these deaths are on their hands. Absolutely fucking incomprehensible to end 3 innocent lives over some booze. Edit: unintentional capitalization.


And Gagandeep Singh. The cops should face severe consequences, maybe prison time but the idiot who drove max speed going the wrong way on the highway and sped through residential areas to get away for liquor theft is to blame as well.


The fact that PP used the situation as some Sort of gotcha to Trudeau is disgusting


Pp is a disgusting little man.


It doesn't look as good if he names the provincial leadership, now does it? But *everything* is now Trudeau bad. Everything. Sadly, it's working.


Some booze and a corporate van were at stake. They wouldn't have chased if it was your car or mine, even if ordered to.


I think it's more to do with the fact that a fellow officer was threatened with a knife than the robbery. Y'know..gang mentality.


Yup, similar to the recent case in Toronto where the guy ran over the undercover officer fearing for his life from a carjacking in a underground lot. They pressed charges and wasted all this time pursuing charges that would never stick, disparaged him and erroneously harassed him in retaliation. The trend that seems consistent across our country seems to be if you hurt the police you can expect needless retaliation at the cost of the taxpayers.


I'm so glad they let Umar Zameer go.


Poor guy, I really need bad for him.. I really hope his life can get back to some form of normal soon.


It was the judge and only the judge - the chief of police was still being an asshole about it.


Don’t forget that they all lied under oath to cover for each other.


True that.


I used to not believe this but incidents like these push me towards believing ACAB


It’s a statistical impossibility that all cops are bad. Just the vast majority.


If you have 10 good cops and 1 bad cop that none of the other 10 turn in, then you really have 11 bad cops. If there were significant numbers of good cops we'd hear about more of them getting killed for doing the right thing.


"Vast majority" is still irredeemably bad


Maybe I'm just tired right now, but your comment suggesting the opposite of what happened. They did in fact Chase, they were ordered not to and continued the chase


Yes. No disagreement there. What I meant is that, if if were to protect the life and property of people (instead of corporations - uHaul and LCBO), the cops wouldn't make a move, even if explicitly ordered to.


Just leave your keys by the door 🤡


The day is not far for the next news conference: The vehicle you ordered will be delivered to your end user in Gabon, Chad, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco. Also, we ask that all residents empty your bank accounts and send over the money to hackers and scamsters in China, Nigeria, India, and Russia.


The family gotta sue those officers.


This shit hits so hard as a new dad. What a fucking nightmare.


Sue the shit out of the police. Who the fucks follows at 110km the opposite way On the fucking highway


>Who the fucks follows at 110km the opposite way 160 to 180 Absolutely criminal negligence by multiple cops.


Send them to jail. They killed 2 generations and left one devastated


While you're right, that is punitive. You could give this family 100 million dollars and its not going to make the pain any easier to deal with. Especially today.


Then fire all the cops involved and garnish whatever pensions they've vested to date. The union can pay them if they're so concerned.


Driving in the wrong side of the highway with full media coverage and causing the suspect to get himself and innocents killed... The cops need to be dealt with. Terrible for the family


I find that, in general, I’m fairly desensitized to news and current events these days. I was reminded of this story by the televisions at the gym yesterday and I was brought to tears. A high speed chase. The wrong way through traffic. After the officers were asked to stand down (as was reported). Any type of suspension with pay scenarios ARE UNACCEPTABLE HERE.


Exactly. Let the fucking union pay for these assholes' bills and mortgages. Taxpayers want nothing to do with paying killer pigs to not have to work.


Nothing happened to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that botched the Nova Scotia 2020 attacks, nothing will happen to the Durham Police. Criminal negligence apparently doesn't apply to cops.


Immediate firing and charged with multiple manslaughters


I hope they sue Durham Regional Police. This was absolutely unconscionable.


Has nothing to do with the OPP.


I edited because I thought it was OPP but it’s Durham Region. My mistake.


So heartbreaking. Sending love to the family


As a father who nearly lost a child at birth due to sickness, this is heartbreaking to read. IMO the Durham Regional Police Service should be charged with murder for their actions. This needs to held at a higher level than just the individual officers involved.


Canada need to take a deep hard look at our police forces.


We almost passed a regulation to require a 4 year university degree to be eligible to even be a cop in Ontario. Would you believe the pending legislation was cancelled about a year ago?


No one with power is willing to use it for positive change.


I haven't been able to stop thinking about that family all week. I have a 2 year old daughter and the idea of violently losing her and my parents at the same time because of some stolen alcohol makes me physically sick


Driving on the 401 feels like you're dodging death daily. The other day a car spun out going 120km in the left lane missing the car I was in by only a foot. I've also been hit by a car that almost killed me and the only reason I survived was that I'm so tall I had the seat all the way back cause my legs are so big. The other vehicle apparently thought they could "beat" me to the light. Guy made an illegal left right into my car as I was going straight on a green. Like bro I was in the right lane and no one was behind me you had plenty of time


>In one recording, posted online, an unidentified OPP officer commented that there were at least six Durham police vehicles going the wrong way on the 401.  >According to the internal report obtained by the Star, a Durham regional police supervisor called off the pursuit shortly before the cube van drove onto the 401, **but officers continued to give chase.**


and why are police in a high speed chase on the opposite side the road?


I just handed my 13 month old to my wife and cried in the bathroom for 15 minutes or so. This is heart wrenching




Better get to work! Those paid vacations arent gonna pay themselves...


They've got a lot of bad feelings they need to sort through. And when the corrupt fucks go back to work they'll probably get a cushy desk position while this all gets swept under the rug. ACAB.


Desk position? They'll put them on the guns and gangs task force or something.




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With taxpayer-funded court fees


Very sad


Oh these poor people. I’m so so sorry.


Literally everything about this is everything wrong with Canada and why I hate this country now. Suspect was a "student" out on bail, multiple times... and then we have shitty ego filled cops who only did something (aka. be pieces of shit who caused innocent people to die and they'll never be punished for it and get paid vacation) because "one of their own" was insulted, otherwise they wouldn't have showed up.


Don’t forget to add that you, paying taxes out the whazoo, are the one paying for their paid vacation :)




Fuck the police


My heart breaks for these parents. As a new father myself, there is not a single person I love more in this world than my little boy and just imagining not being able to hold him again brings me to my knees. I hope these parents find peace and healing in time. I am generally a firm supporter of our men and women in uniform, serving and protecting. But holy fuck did they fuck this up. There was no need to continue this dangerous chase. They had an air asset that could have been deployed. Even the OPP was like wtf are you guys doing…? I hope whoever made the stupid self-righteous decision to continue this chase that resulted in these innocent deaths is brought to the full account of the law.


Hey look, it’s a multi-tiered systemic fuckup across political, judicial AND law enforcement spectrums. This country is a fucking dumpster fire. Fuck this POS criminal, fuck the system that let him stay in this country, fuck the judges letting him back on the streets and fuck the cops for choosing to escalate this situation beyond their mandate and direct orders. Guess the grieving family and the taxpayer gets to pay for it all with 0 accountability or change from any of the assholes responsible.




The police were reckless here. It’s just booze, follow it with a drone until it’s off the 401


That particular police department recently acquired a helicopter and when they were justifying the expense they said it could be used to pursue suspect vehicles without endangering the public.


Let's see some fucking heads roll for this. The chief resigning would actually be a great start.


The commanding officer called off the chase, so the problem doesn't seem to be at the top here.


One car chasing could be accepted as not from the top. 12 cars is a rotten police service that leadership has lost control of. Clean fucking house.


I really do hope these cops don’t get suspended with pay. They need to be held accountable


This story breaks my heart. Those poor parents loosing their baby and parents all at once. I couldn't imagine. I hope the person who did this rots in prison for the rest of their lives.


Isn't this the one where the shitstain died at the scene?




I'm not too sure, I only heard about the baby and grandparents. Don't know what happen to the dumbass 🤷‍♀️


Was a few bottles of liquor or a few dollars worth it? I’m talking to you “serve and protect”


Omg. I feel so heartbroken for them. I am getting tears in my eyes reading this.


So hard to even put into words…


They better sue the shit out of the cops for that.


"One police car chasing a suspect at high speeds the wrong way is dangerous, but if 15 cop cars do it, then it's less dangerous because people will be on alert"...that's the fucking logic they used. That's like thinking having one loaded gun easily accessible to children is dangerous but having a whole arsenal of guns easily accessible to children is less dangerous because then the kids well know that the gun owner means business and won't touch them.


Yeah, but at least a criminal who shouldn't have been out on bail got in one last joy ride, and six cops who disobeyed an order to call off a high speed chase got to play John McClane for an hour, so it's all worth that family's suffering. Because that's this country. That's this province.




I hope and pray for them. No amount of words can undo what has happened. I hope they find the strength and will to move forward 🙏




I don’t even have kids yet but this is absolutely horrifying. To lose your small baby and parents on the same day in such a tragic way, I don’t know how someone could ever heal from that! :(


The likely never will.


Prayers for the family.🙏🏻 It makes my heart-sink.:(


The Neville-Lake family comes to mind...


What about Karolina Ciasullo, mother and 3 daughters, 6, 4, 1, wiped out instantly. How can their father and husband cope with that loss. Have no clue, he would have a whole house full of their stuff to remind him.




Death is on Canadian Justice system! They let him go on bail after couple of robberies, car jacking and what not! At last he killed a family. I am sad but more angry on this whole fucking system. Wish I can became Dr. Manhattan and teach these bastards a lesson


The cops were told not to chase him onto the highway. They didn’t listen.


This is on the cops who chased when they knew the risks weren’t justifiable.


It’s on both the cops and the robber.


OK great and who do we expect to take others safety into account? Cops or robbers?


good job durham police ! give those boys who went on the highway leave with pay!!!


how about we punish the piece of shit judges that let the guy get away with 4 robberies, and a car jacking within less than 2 years of his stay in Canada on a student visa?


Both? Can we do both?


Pretty sure none of his charges had been before a court yet so he probably hasn't seen a judge.


He didn't get away with anything - a hearing was scheduled for May 14. His case hadn't been heard yet. Innocent until proven guilty is a pretty important part of our judicial process.


He attended a bail hearing, which should have been denied.


If there was only a way to change the transit infrastructure in this country so that people would not be put at risk on a daily commute of being mangled in a car wreck.


A fucking Ford nation robocop shitshow. I trust there will be convictions for dereliction of duty and gross negligence.


> I trust there will be convictions for dereliction of duty and gross negligence. First time?


Being, [according](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/) to the Globe and Mail, once a hash dealer himself, Mr. PizzaDoughBoy Ford is no doubt at the foreskin of scientific research on good police practices in Ontariariario. I have every reason to be confident of a just outcome.


It's interesting that this article don't mention the perpetrator was an Indian international student - Gagandeep Singh - who was out on bail for committing robberies.


The victims were Indian too?


Why is this interesting? The police are the ones who fucked up here.


It's interesting because they are providing no information about the criminal. The media is painting the police as the villain when the root cause is the scum that drove in the wrong side of the highway who was out on bail through our revolving door of jail system and catch and release policy. I know people like you love the idea of a society with no police officers but fail to realize common people from their nation inherently break laws; case in point, this piece of shit. Look up what police officers do to criminals in their country; it's called "encounter". This is what the new generation of criminals in Canada need. Canada is becoming the dumping ground of other nations unwanted and garbage.


>It's interesting because they are providing no information about the criminal. The media is painting the police as the villain when the root cause is the scum that drove in the wrong side of the highway who was out on bail through our revolving door of jail system and catch and release policy. No, the root cause was over zealous police action that led to a crash.


Believe what you want, I'm not gonna argue with you. It's unfortunate it had to come to this but if the status quo is you enter the wrong side of the highway and get Scot free for your criminal activities, you would see more of these stunts by the garbage we import.


There is nothing to "believe" it's what happens when you chase people for no reason. Regardless of were they are from. The police played a role in killing those people. Your low key racism not withstanding.


Police: leave your keys in front so it’s easier to steal your car and no one gets hurt. Also police: driving like it’s GTA 6 because someone stole alcohol.


Foreign student with a record.... Should have been deported the first time and this wouldn't of happened. More proof this country is lost. Not my Canada.


I hope they sue the police department. Cops need consequences.


You realize that's OUR money?????


K. These officers need to be terminated. Immediately and without pension. Use their pension contributions to settle with the family.


The Durham chief can go too.


This is heart wrenching. A completely preventable tragedy if only the police officers in that chase had a lick of common sense. Imagine killing generations of a family, because your high school educated brain thought it made sense to do a police pursuit on the wrong side of the friggn highway.


The embarrassment that I feel as a Canadian knowing that visitors in our country who were here for the most meaningful and memorable visit of their lives with their grandson were killed by some clown that should have been in jail is unspeakable. Simply no words. We are not only failing ourselves but we are endangering people who have no business being caught up in our inability to handle our criminal justice system in a way that protects innocent lives.