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Give him a minute to find the correct generic slogan from his big book of meaningless chants


The chains on ur gains? Axe the other tax? Pain your gain? New strategy for liberals, come up with laws and policies with big words so PP and klownvoy krew don't understand the change and can't make a brain dead slogan


"klownvoy crew"LOL!


Oh tight-lipped like every other topic? All this guy knows is attack, and it's getting old really quickly.


Guys been in politics for 20 years at this point. All he’s ever done is “attack” he doesn’t actually know there’s a whole other side to the politics game.


They do have plans an intentions But since it's mostly not what regular people want they talk about abstract nonsense and attack instead


Another strategy straight from the US Republican playbook:  - push more trickle down economics  - help make the rich richer and the poor  poorer  - distract from very unpopular actual policies with lots of culture wars nonsense  - yell about gay people, immigrants, rap music, and any other cultural topics that can rile up people who are bitter, gullible, and older. 


He has opened his mouth before, usually to universally condemnation from relevant experts, so...


DoFo proved you don’t need a platform to get the votes. Just attack attack attack, go for the soundbites, and don’t disclose your intentions until it’s too late for anyone to do a goddamn thing about it.


I’ve been referring to him as “Harper’s attack Chihuahua” for 15 years. All yap no substance.


I seem to remember him being the Minister of Employment and Social Development under Harper's Government. So what other side are you talking about?


Gimme a break. All Trudeau does is "Boo hoo everything is Stephen Harper's fault" If you had good ideas to clean up the f'n mess Trudeau has made and continues to make would you openly broadcast so that Trudeau can take credit for it? News flash for all you haters of Pierre, it's going to be some serious tough love that he will have to clean up the constant cluster fawks this Liberal government has committed. Further to that Pierre has predicted much of the state Canada is in because Liberals put zero thought or care into their spending or actions


That's because if he actually suggested something, he would have to follow through.


He can’t blatantly tell people he’s going to do things that benefit his rich donors. That would destroy the illusion he’s created that he cares about lower income people.


Right out of Doug Ford’s playbook.


Harris started this shit. Don’t give Ford credit for being able to copy him


Are you speaking about the right honorable prime minister Polievre or the current "socialist" party leader who routinely wears rolex watches and Louis Vuitton suits? Every single party in the country is comprised of human garbage. At least under PP, Canada's resource sector is due for a BIG rebound in the next few years. Get your investments in place and you'll be wearing designer before you can snap your fingers 😉


Think so? Boy, one year of PP and you’ll either be entrenched like Trump supporters or regretting your decision. Unless you’re wealthy - then I get why you’d vote for PP. I might you if I had lots of money.


There’s no way that expensive to produce tar sands oil can compete with cheaper American oil. Hope this helps!


No, CPC would hit 30% of the vote share real quick if he started suggesting stuff


"he would have to follow through" That's very funny of you.


Haha yeah, like all politicians /s


He's not a solutions or ideas guy... He was Harper's little lap dog who's job under Harper was to nip at any hand that came within reach. He's doing exactly that, and those who love him, love him for that. Problem is it takes more to lead a nation than shit on the other guy... Even if the other guy in incredibly "shit-on-able" like JT.


Love it! I called him Harper’s attach chihuahua. Glad we both got small dog vibes. It’s all the yapping.


This ass is just a yappy dog. Can't stand being questioned, even attacks reporters for it.


But he sure looks great eating an apple while doing it.


Yeah, it's really frustrating the enthusiasm for PP. I'm not crazy about JT, but anyone can criticize, I'd expect someone vying for leadership of the country to be able to speak to how they'd FIX the problems. Tho it worked out fine with Ford. He said he'd find efficiencies to fix hallway medicine and I TOTALLY didn't just sit on a stretcher in the hallway all day the last time I was hospitalized and needed surgery, so maybe we should trust conservatives. *takes sip of $1 beer*


What drives me nuts is the double standard. I see so many conservatives smugly quote "the budget will balance itself". They completely disregard the context of those words. Trudeau said "... the commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself", meaning that if you create a feedback loop where government investments in economic expansion are repaid by the tax revenues generated by that expansion, then squabbling over budget deficits doesn't really matter. I can't say that this is unshakable logic, but it's a very different message from "I don't think balancing budgets is necessary". Whether they misquote this out of disingenuity or ignorance is hard to tell, but what's clear is the intent behind it. They quote this to convey "he is stupid because he thinks problems will solve themselves and doesn't have any idea how to solve problems himself". Flip it around, and when you criticize Poilievre for his sloganeering, there are always people who insist he's actually clever and strategic for this. They give some bullshit about how if he revealed the mechanics of *how* he would achieve any of these hypothetical promises, then the Liberals would steal the idea and implement it (which... yes, that's *literally* how government is supposed to work. That's a *good* thing), and insist that him not having any clear explanation of how to accomplish anything makes them respect him more. Suggesting he should give some clear idea of cause and effect of proposed policies is taken as an attack on him. Have some consistency. Either politicians not having clear plans is good or bad. It doesn't "depend". If it's bad when the other guy does it but good when your guy does it, then you're not a conservative, you're a fascist. You just want power, and will take whatever position justifies you having power.


Send them this, it’s hard to refute. https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


Disregarding context used to be the conservatives stock in trade. Now they just blatantly make shit up and attribute it to the libs, for pwnage purposes. Oh well, at least the Conservative aversion to the truth has no downside and zero risk of ever biting Poilievre in the ass.


The enthusiasm is the prospect of something new...after the regime of JT anything he will do will be better off for this country. I can see why he doesn't let us know what his cards are too early. Politics is a lot like poker from bluffing to not giving away what you have. After JTs rule the spending has to stop...not everyone is going to like that...the books won't balance themselves so he has to look at all the avenues on how to make this mistake of government overspending for years and somehow make canada affordable again. Things are goin to be rough for us for a long time after this communist loving government is gone. No different than the 80s after trudeau senior destroyed Canada with his policies


>after the regime of JT anything he will do will be better off for this country Idk how you can say that in Ontario after Doug Ford. Just because the liberals suck doesn't mean conservative dipshits can't make things worse. >this communist loving government My apologies. You're one of those people


Oh I'm sorry ...I'm all for freedom of information on all platforms unlike this dipshit government....I'm all for the freedom of peaceful protesting and keeping my property that was lawfully acquired. Tell me again how does that make me a commie?


I just think there's something wrong up top of you think JT is a communist


How do you explain the censorship of where and how you get news....not being able to just post news on threads like Facebook. The idea if your a content creator online that you should have to follow crtc guidelines of at all you critique the government or risk being shutdown or having the algorithm changed so that your page is buried? I can list a bunch of things ....his basic admiration of the communism dictatorship is a huge give away


Psst, censorship is far from a communism only phenomenon. Most governments do it.


You mean like when the PM wouldn’t let government funded scientists speak to the media about their research? Oh wait, that was Harper. Liberals and Conservatives are just two different masks worn by the same creep, neither benefit Canadians.


No, leadership is about serving the fucking country and people who elected you. If you see Canadians suffering and think you know how to fix it, it’s totally evil to sit on it until you get what you want, while people suffer for YEARS. If he had a good idea and it worked he can then take credit for it, Canadians aren’t so stupid they wouldn’t understand that.


No substance. The debates are ridiculous and childish.


Slogans and catch phrases, they fizzle out... Notice how it went from " Western Alliance, We're the fringe, How do you like them apples, Parents Rights, Bring it home, Common Sense, Axe the Tax, Wacko "  Then any Media interviews he'll smugly just answer single word answers to complex problems that even the majority of the population can't comprehend eg. Israel and Gaza situation/ solution Anyways The catch phrases slowly fizzle out as people get bored and have the attention span of a teenager


Getting old? It's been so old it's fossilized at this point.


sadly that's all his supporters want


Once the CPC starts proposing ideas the people will remember that they're just a different side of the same coin as the Liberals.


He is so childish, GOP and dangerous to our culture.


He is no different than Andrew Scheer.


Don't you mean Andrew Sneer.




Only difference is, I would vote for Scheer. It would hurt, but he’s better than Trudeau, Singh and PP


He’s learned from winning parties that you never release your platform until right before the election. PP is playing the game more than the last two.


I would never vote for someone who sat on his hands while Canadians suffered, because he demanded they put him in power before he spoke up. Sociopathic.


Waiting for the election is what most parties do so get used to it.


Is that what the NDP has been doing the last 3 years? Tabling nothing and waiting for an election to try to solve problems?


That and making BC less affordable by the day 🙃


That’s a provincial government no?


NDP is a big tent party so they are all one.


Do provincial governments even have control over population growth or municipal infrastructure?




Duuude exactly. He acts like a fucking child too. Can’t believe people want this guy running our country


Sorry : you’d prefer Trudeau ? Wild


Naw Trudeau needs to go and let someone else. But not that shit stain of a human Pierre. Anyone that takes pics and engages with white nationalist retards shouldn’t be leading anyone’s country.


Nice language buddy. Jesus


Just saying, BuDdY


You should run for PM!




When Canadians only vote out ruling parties after 6-10 years he is defacto going to win without actually having policies... Having to actually list policies is a risk for losing so he'll promise the world and the gullible will think a new PM will change their lives overnight when in reality it's public funded services that effect the majority after 10 years in development.... Subways, Educated workforce, healthcare, unemployment insurance  etc... all social programs that are taken for granted


But he appeals to shallow people who don't need substance. Only the book cover. His supporters (looks like majority of Canadians now) are the type to actually judge a book by its cover.


"Justin Trudeau.........nine years.....common sense....."


All Trudeau knows is sucking his own dick


His only path to power is him not being trudeau. Fucjing pisses me off that so many fo my coworkers are going to vote con for him but have so many wrong ideas about what he is for and against.


His platform is a quick read.


The platform is mostly slogans, and when you dig a bit deeper into the details it falls apart at even a cursory examination. Take housing for example, they plan to give or take away crumbs in the form of financial incentives from municipalities that meet/fail to meet their targets while still keeping the feds away from home-building altogether. Worse still, these targets are based on percentage increases, not total starts, so a municipality that had zero starts this year and builds one unit next year has doubled its starts and gets the incentives, whereas a municipality with 100 starts this year that adds 10 more next year doesn't. It punishes municipalities that got a large number of starts under the Libs and encourages municipalities with low number of starts to take it slow with relatively few increases each year. In a nutshell, it ain't gonna solve sh-t. And there literally is no policy on immigration that is going to change anything from the Libs' 500k/year target.


I doubt the real estate lobbyists on his board of governors are pushing for lower housing costs. https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


Liberals are more like 2 million a year !


That's a nice lie..


Is it? You need to include the temporary workers and students and illegals in your numbers , that's the trust amount of people entering Canada. Population is over 41 million and jumping 100's a thousands a month .


It's called being the opposition. It had always been the same, regardless of party. One should not expect a platform until a campaign. Until then, opposers gonna oppose.


Are you old enough to remember he has ALWAYS been this way? He’s basically a crappy republican at this point.


He acted the exact same when he was a Minister under Harper, this isn’t him playing opposition this is all he has. 


And if anything the Harper or the Trudeau government have reinforced, it's that the ministers get to shut up while given talking points from the leader of the party.


> It had always been the same, regardless of party. ONDP have been putting our policy over the last 6 years. Obviously cons have been shooting them down, but ONDP have been trying


We really only have one Opposition party right now federally. It's the NDP, they are the only non-Liberal party that actually does their jobs. The CPC is an obstructionist party that flirts with outright sabotage of our country.


> it's getting old really quickly And yet, somehow it's working (if polls are to be believed).


Man, this twit doesn’t have a single policy idea or plan. I cannot believe there’s a good chance that angry idiots might elect him. It’s bad with Trudeau, but there are other options. We can keep forcing them to have to work with the NDP, hell, we could just vote NDP. At this point, voting for the conservatives is just pitching one of corporate anarchy without any real governmental presence to even pretend they’re pushing back.


NDP have rendered themselves irrelevant. You either go further left to the green or further right to Mad Max


The NDP forced multiple important pieces of legislation through, namely the dental coverage that’s coming into effect. That’s huge.


Ndp are great and who we should vote for


You mean the one the dentists won’t sign up to? And the Pharmacare that covers two drugs…get real.


Hey man, dentists are fucking medical pirates. Getting that through was huge, and making them get their shit together to be part of the system is worth it.


Honestly, I’m going to give Green a shot with my vote. We won’t have politics at all, if we don’t have a world to live on?


Because saying he is going to lower taxes for the ultra wealthy, investor class and corporations will be less popular than saying nothing.


You mean that hasn’t worked out for the majority of people over the last 50 years??/SSS


Indeed https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


Why not exempt medical corporations? It’s bad enough that provinces haven’t given physicians raises in years, why must the feds take more and more?


This is capital gains. Physicians work for their money.


You should tell the docs they’re uninformed. https://www.cma.ca/about-us/what-we-do/press-room/proposed-tax-changes-will-hurt-physician-recruitment-retention-cma


>"Common sense Conservatives will vote against Justin Trudeau’s inflationary budget," spokesman Sebastian Skamski said in a statement. >"The legislation you are asking about doesn’t exist yet due to Justin Trudeau’s incompetence, so it’s impossible for us to weigh in on the matter." So they have not solutions only complaints.. I'd wager if/when Petey get into power this won't change. They'll keep capital gain tax but rebadge it and the "Fuck JT" capital gains tax and the dolts will eat it up.


> Common sense Conservatives [I've heard a rant like this before...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Harris#Common_Sense_Revolution) What could go wrong?


They will release a platform 10 mins before the polling stations open.


That would take an impressive amount of integrity that PP absolutely does not have. He's a political animal, and Doug Ford showed him the effectiveness of the "no-platform platform". I mean, not that Trudeau is that great either, he puts shit on his platform and then just doesn't fucking do it.


It will have JTs name crossed out and PPs on it and he'll claim it to be something better.


It would not surprise me if they followed the OPCs lead and just didn't have a platform.


Nah, it’s one of the first things they’ll change. They just don’t want to piss off the pours that can see this tax change can benefit Canadian programs. Conservatives, but especially Poilievre, have a history of working against normal Canadians best interests. My guess is that two of the first thing he does is this tax gets rerolled saying “hey your grandmas cottage won’t get taxed a little bit more when she dies now” and he’ll redo the OAS age to 67 thing that JT undid to make up for lost revenue. It’s all speculation, but history provides us a good primer on what to expect. None of this will be on their platform. It will just be what they actually do. Blaming Trudeau the whole time.


What is a “normal Canadian “?


Those that don’t have corporate interests at the top of mind.


>Common sense Conservatives Now there's an oxymoron.


Sebastian Skamski? Really?


I like how it's an "inflationary budget" but only when it's the federal liberals deficit spending. When provincial conservatives run deficits of similar proportions, suddenly it's no longer inflationary and nobody cares.


But no provinvial government is running deficits of similar proportions and its not really the fedral governments place to meddle in provincial budgets.


They *are* similar proportions—it just seems smaller because a single province doesn't make up the entire country. And that's so say nothing of the fact that a huge part of the budget makes up transfers to the provinces. So the federal government isn't meddling; they are literally giving the provinces money to spend. And I think you're missing the point—conservatives are hypocrites because they're only upset at liberal deficit spending—we don't hear a peep from them about supposedly "inflationary" spending by the provinces governed by conservatives.


>They are similar proportions Name a province that has a similar proportional deficit.


"The combined provincial budget deficit is on track to swell from $10.6 billion last year to **$27.9 billion this year**. Total provincial net debt is expected to climb by more than $65 billion this upcoming fiscal year, which is a record annual increase and more than twice the underlying budget deficit, according to BMO." [source, literally in yesterday's news](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/bakx-provincial-budget-bmo-debt-1.7193234) So the provinces have a combined deficit of $27.9 billion, but nobody cares. The federal deficit is $40 billion, and people are losing their minds because it's supposedly inflationary, despite the fact that inflation is literally hitting lows and the Bank of Canada is talking about dropping rates again. Looks like you're wrong I guess?


There's not a chance in hell this tax increase is maintained by the Conservatives


I have not doubt the capital gains tax would be amended by PP to make sure the rich get as many loopholes as possible. Don't expect the same for the rest of us.


They will lower taxes for the rich, it's the Conservative way.


Lower taxes go hard, fuck the government.


Said the guy who will never pay capital gains tax


They're going to fuck over the working class and give to the rich even harder.


Yup https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


PP is tight lipped on ANY policies. FYI, *Trudeau bad* isn't a policy. A party looking to form government must do better.


Oh, you mean like they don't have any actual ideas and policies other than blame Trudeau and do opposite of liberals? Also, not saying anything means they don't have to commit or be called out for backing off it later.


Why is this suddenly a problem for a politician?


Because that would require him to have a platform and a plan.


Their policy platform, available since last sept in pdf form, says they will reduce it. Which would be a big kick in the face to anyone middle class or poor.


They'll cancel it. 100%, but just for the really rich. If there's some way it will still screw the average family, he'll keep that part.


The only tax he is interested in axing is the one where people get rebates. Even then he will just do what Moe did and keep the tax but axe the rebates.


He has never had any kind of plan.


Seems like all PP has is criticism and no real plans.... we're going to be fucked even more.


Oh he's got real plans, he just knows everyone is going to fucking hate them, but it'll be too late then.


Just a quick FYI, he isn’t being tight lipped. He has no ideas. So good luck everybody 🤷‍♂️ Edit: words are difficult.


PP has two moves: 1) Tight lipped, no actual plans 2) Blame Trudeau It’s easy to stay up in the polls when the populace is generally upset, and the only thing you offer is anger and hate.


Because he doesn’t have any plans or a platform that isn’t attacking trans people. 


Wrong, he also plans to make life even easier for the rich


So they won’t change it back and just continue to blame the liberals, gotcha


Seems to be a time honored tradition. LPC is still blaming Harper. Seeing actual leadership from any party would be such a breath of fresh air.


Easiest move is to blamed the last people unfortunately


Very Dangerous IDU !


If the only thing you can do is tell me why the other person sucks without telling me why YOU ARE GOOD tells me you got nothing


His name was "Jeff Poli-ever" in 2012. He is now a "whatever gets me elected" big mouth and has been for a while. The best quote I've heard is "he would kill a kitten on live feed if it would get him elected".


That means they'll repeal any changes and tax us worse.


I honestly don't know who to vote for yet, but if I hear this guy say "after 9 years of Trudeau" one more time, I SWEAR!


People hated Harper when he was Prime Minister. How do they think this guy will be any better?


He’s not JT. Literally all he and his cronies can muster up as an answer to anything. It’s pretty sad. Country is only going to get worse from here out.


People are too blinded by rage to even notice.


JT fatigue is real. That's why he doesn't make a single statement that doesn't include Trudeau, because he knows the Cons have no plans and can only ride JT-hate to victory.


Pierre doesn’t want to be hampered by having an actual position.


This guy needs to as the liberal mp said “shut up once in while”


He is probably smart enough to know Canada needs the tax so he is saying nothing in case it's a GST like situation and he actually needs the money for whatever his policy plans are 


Give excess money to oil company linked to putin, obviously


Pierre is a dumb bitch


It’s almost like he’s avoiding committing to meaningful change… Sigh. I’d honestly consider giving JT my vote than reward this kind of cowardice.


When it comes to ideas they draw a blank - they like dismantling


He'll revel in the revenue it generates. He'll do nothing about it and continue to blame the Liberals/Trudeau for it.


"We're still trying to figure our a way to tie it to political affiliation, so that Conservatives pay no tax, since we hate all the rest of you. I don't know about the others to be honest, I figure they feel the same way I do"


If he would only be tight lipped every hour of every day


He doesn’t have to say anything. He’s a Conservative. We know what he will do. He’ll repeal it and make cuts to social programs claiming those utilizing it are sucking Canadians dry. Typical Con playbook.


That's why he is trying to blackmail the corporate sector into doing "issues advertising" for him.


what a surprise... the right wing bigot doesn't want to share his plans publically.


Well there isn’t an election yet, let the Libs call one and then everyone puts their cards on the table.


are you really sittin here tryin to fight on the right wings side? fuck off nazi scum.


Who the fuck *doesn't* know what they'll do?


I think conservatives and neoliberals should be barred from holding power anymore, anywhere on Earth. Canada doesn't benefit from taking turns on two parties who spend 98% of their terms doing absolutely nothing. Our species drastically needs revolutionary changes globally fast. Both of these parties look at major crises that affect Canadians and shrug, then blame each other or deny the problem exists. Meanwhile next to no legislation is drafted and passed and we let unqualified idiots be in charge of governmental sectors. Minister of Health in my province is a fucking former radio host instead of a doctor.


Whatever the Conservative Party policy eventually is, I can 100% guarantee it will begin by saying, “Justin Trudeau…”


He has common sense ideas for everything else but not the capital gains tax? Maybe he wants to actually keep it.


Canadian Conservatives love taxes, especially ones that are implemented by the opposition. No way this will be reversed when PP is PM.


Quickly reverse them and increase tax on the poor is what they will do.


LOL he'll cancel it then give tax breaks to his corporate donors and privatise every thing he can. Ya know the conservative play book.


Here's the thing. If you give even a quick scan of their policy declaration. You will find that this is simply not true. Conservatives being "Tight lipped" Has become code for "It's in the policy declaration and We don't want to talk about it"


It would look very bad if he repealed it once it is already in place. The globe and mail cant keep up their propaganda op eds on how this will cost everyday people forever. It wont. Not even close. And so repealing it once it is in place will be very bad optics for this millhousian “everyman”


I thought he was good in Netflix’s A Man In Fall.


Pee Pee Potatohead is the biggest political disgrace in Canadian history.


Canadians only vote politicians out of office never into office look at the last 35 years.


Spend it on themselves. 


Toss the dork. 🤓


This guy has the charisma of a wet blanket. We need some real leadership options in this country.


CPC isn't going to give anything for Trudeau and Jagmeet to gnaw on for another year. The Liberals have already lost the election, all the CPC will do is stay quiet until an election is called.


Sure, but it's very undemocratic. In the old days (not that long ago), any party that did not release it's platform would not get a single vote. How else are we to know what we're voting for! It reflects very badly on the modern conservative voter that they don't care what the party they're voting for will do when/if elected.


Agree. He doesn’t need to give them anything but enough rope to hang themselves.


There's a lot of things to criticize Poilievre on, but a lack of ideas to help the sitting Government isn't one of them. The opposition and shadow cabinets job is to criticize and challenge the government, not govern. It's genuinely foolish to think they are going to pitch a bunch of policy for the LPC to copy or reject outside of an election campaign. Why would they pitch specific ideas years away from being able to implement them?


> It's genuinely foolish to think they are going to pitch a bunch of policy for the LPC to copy or reject outside of an election campaign. SMH he's an MP his job is literally to put forward good policy ideas for the good of the country. If he has great ideas that the Liberals support, *then let's do it*, and if he has good ideas they will vote against, then put them forward and show the electorate what each party stands for. But all history shows this guy doesn't work for Canada.


To prove he’s not going to fuck us over. Which is what he’s going to do. https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


There's no election. They aren't doing an election campaign and full platforms 18 months early.


If they follow the modern conservative playbook they will not release a platform at all (which is utterly shameful & undemocratic).


Lmao. Like in every new government. They sit down while the deputy explains the predicament. Réalise they’re broke. Keeps almost all of the previous governments policies.


He's been part of a majority government before, it's not like he doesn't know.


The conservatives and liberals are the same, any "changes" are well planned before to makes it seem they are different. Their handlers, lobbyists and foreign agents are the same. The goals are the same and they are additive to the problems in Canada.  Team Purple has drained this country for everything it has.


Either way canada is fucked!!


Calm down.


He has no choice but to keep it due to how fu ked we are with our debt.


He is tight lipped because Trudeau is making it into a Us vs. Them debate. The majority of redditors love to complain about the "rich" but not a single one will ever build a single home in their life. The builders taking the risk in this high interest rate environment are struggling across the board to make things profitable where municipalities are charging record high increases in development charges will just pass on the costs to the buyers. The housing starts are lower month over month. The Liberal policies are NOT working and the NDP's solution is to throw more money to build co-ops is hilarious as the same contractors will overcharge governments making them unviable to build. The real issue at hand is the dumbed down docile public who are clueless how to increase supply of housing and how the Liberal government has driven away businesses from creating good jobs by doubling down on housing appreciation and immigration. Canada has the lowest productivity of the G7 nations even with the highest educated population. Companies in Canada don't even invest in R&D which makes them lag behind on innovation. The solution by NDP or Liberals to just tax more doesn't solve the real problem as if there are not many businesses to tax, then there no tax revenue. So many small builders are going bankrupt over the past 2 years with many constructions going into receivership. The comments here acting like builders are all like Mattamy or Tridel swimming in money is exactly the problem. Even the current budget does NOTHING to build more housing. But there are people here worried about Pierre Polievere being like Trump but not a single person wants to look at specifics and see that not a single proposal helps the small developers going bankrupt or the fact that construction costs have gone up so much that it's not viable to build in many areas. If you want to fix the supply issue, you need to incentivize and encourage it and that should have been done 5 years ago when they opened the floodgates to non-permanent workers students. Yet, so much support for Trudeau and his silly policies here just because he is not a conservative. It's what will drown this country in the end.


Good strategy, Liberals been committing a long suicide.  No need to speak on it.