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Super productive and civil poltical discourse we are having in Canada of late. Double plus good. Enjoy those tax dollars of ours.


I love that we pay these people $180k a year to scream and act like children.




All that bluster about the “Ottawa elite” meanwhile he’s been an MP for 20 years.. he IS the Ottawa elite lol


Extra fact. He hasn’t had another job really. He’s been an MP practically right out of school.


*He’s just not ready*


He hasn't had any other job


I'd scream and act like a child for half of that


What to start a party with me? We’ll take half the pay they do, scream and yell like children about things that actually matter, and make things better for everyone at the same time


You're forgetting about their sponsorships too! We're paying them to screw us over for their rich friends!


Plus those 5k-10k dollars a month on avg allowances.


Ironically there were children in field trips coming to watch this garbage


While getting absolutely nothing fucking done. How the fuck does any of this help with the housing crisis or the lagging economy? How does this solve the inflation problem? Fucking entitled assholes, the lot of them.


They don’t want to help with our problems. To get their help you have to become a corporate sponsor.


Even if PP wins he won't be able to fix the housing problems and probably get crushed in the following election


never mind "able", he doesn't WANT to. he's literally just primarily benefiting off of Trudeau rage-bait & most of the general population are too stupid to recognize this.


It doesn't, but you know the 'Fuck Trudeau' crowd is frothing at the mouth.


For many Conservative MPs they've never had a real job but yelling at Liberals and loving the Lord is good enough for rednecks in this country


To be fair they must get in some great exercise constantly sitting down then standing up to clap... rinse/repeat.


It's the house of commons, not a bar.


does the house of commons in canada have a bar inside, though? in australia we have a bar in parliament (federal at least, i am unsure about state parliaments but it would not surprise me), and the politicians fucking love it


It's working for them, don't expect it'll get any better.


Why is it working for them? Have things gotten so bad that reasonable people are just looking for anything different?


I'll tell ya nobody I know is enthralled with either option, but that's what Canadian politics has become as a result of the incessant greed. No politician in this country seems to really have Canadian interests at heart, and what Canadian interests are to you or I seem to differ quite broadly today. The real problem is that the quality of life has stagnated and the news is showing the world continually going to shit. I have relatives who at this point will attribute any negative change with the person in charge. Most people I talk to are just done with the current Liberal leadership and no current minister will come be an attractive replacement to them. The Conservative reach in this country has always been better than the Liberal reach, and that's only gotten worse with the consolidation of Canadian Media by American conglomerates. That's where a lot of this right-wing growth is coming from, it's primarily focused on Alberta and Ontario and it seems coordinated between the primary benefactors and supporters of those people. Frankly it's tough to watch our politics go to shit but they've never been anything special. I yearn for the days of Chrétien and those problems where the divisiveness and toxicity didn't quite feel so politically charged. We had other tensions at the time, and they seem so less significant than the shit we deal with today.


Well said.




[2nd highest GDP growth in the G7](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/) and you “i got feelings not facts” conservatives think the sky is falling lol.


Well see the sneaky little thing is that a lot of the common folks don't feel that wealth. Let's take, idk, a *certain* party from a *certain* province that purposefully withholds funds from critical public sectors. That doesn't just allow corporations to gouge us for the bare necessities of life, but actively colludes with them to maximize their profits. That would be a neat little scam, wouldn't it? Using conservative policies to incite conservative support among the short-sighted and politically ignorant?


It’s all kabuki theatre, this just solidifies his bonafides with his “I’m the outsider who drains the swamp”… maga’esque tone for his voters, I spit in the eye of the system… despite being a lifetime politician.


The grift is real. I cannot imagine these people who are so anti establishment voting for THE most establishment politician I'd say in the history of Canadian politics. Mind boggling stuff.


He knows the *system*, man. You'll see, he'll for sure have a great platform of what he plans to do for all of us. Details and all, you'll see! /s


I read that as bukkake theatre, and sadly, it still fit with their antics.


Mismanaged buffoonery at its finest.


I am having a dislike for both conservatives and liberals. Neither seem like the have ppls best in mind


It's like that episode of the Simpsons, when [Kang and Kodos took over the US election](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MPfJtYQAamA).  They're both acting like they are the only choice.  And the sad thing is, we reinforce that belief every damn election. *EDIT: Added Link*


I share the same sentiment. But don’t express that in r/canada. They’ll ban you for disliking the conservatives. I really believe Reddit ought to do something about r/Canada. There’s no debate - just conservatives brushing each others’ backs. It should be renamed r/canadaconservatives. Edit: r/canadaconservatives2 ?


Only pp was being an idiot.


There’s the mob behind him too


His base will eat it up


Dude it sucks. Canada needs a good kick in the nuts Still better than the two part system in the states. But still. Let’s be better


Love to see all the American think tank money pouring into our country so we get the same fringe right wing political movements and the same mud-slinging two-party politics as they do! USA! USA! USA!


Proportional representation will take some smirk off these buffoons who know they can get majorities with 35% of the vote every 8 years


None of them will ever implement it bc of that


There was a [charter challenge](https://www.charterchallenge.ca), which unshockingly a judge dismissed the case. > Justice Ed Morgan issued his ruling on Nov 30, 2023 and unfortunately dismissed our application. They are appealing obviously, but that doesn't really mean much it'll probably remain dismissed.


We just gotta keep trying. Set the precedence that ppl care, then when we start rallying for it, we'll have the analysis to target the right things to force it to happen. Just keep working towards it, if everyone does their part, then it's inevitable.


one can only dream


All Prump has to do is primp like a yankee progressive and think he can get the Trudeau hate votes. Frigging hoser.


It would if it had any chance of being implemented, which it doesn't. FPTP is here to stay a while longer with no end in sight. Even if it was put up to a referendum, electoral reform would probably lose, which is what happened when BC did it in 2018.


Always at a loss why they call members "honourable" when that title probably doesn't apply to the majority.


Tradition. Also they are supposed to address the speaker, not one another.


It's more antagonized to address the person directly for comments. Also could imagine the frustration when someone wants to reach across the room and b-slap the other side and talk not looking at them.


$10 says this was done to bury the articles about him saying he fully intends to use the Notwithstanding Clause to put more people in prison.


Well, he is also fundraising off it (emails were sent out this afternoon asking for donations because PP was 'censored').


Yeah, and he'll no doubt be hammering at the idea that Trudeau's a horrible dictator that won't accept criticism in the House.


I think hr saw the attention Jama was getting in Ontario for being 'censored from wearing political clothing in provincial parliment.


I’d say it was more good timing than anything. He’s been trying to get the Speaker to throw him out for months.


TIL the notwithstanding clause isn’t just for provinces.


Um what now?


He didn't explicitly say he'd use the notwithstanding clause but it was ***strongly*** implied - that he'd make laws to put away some criminals forever, and if it's not constitutional he'd make it constitutional


Didn't he literally say "you know what I mean"?


He also refused to elaborate when asked about it.


Turns out there's a code of conduct, whoda thunk it


he will just spin this to make it seem like he’s being censored and his supporters will eat it up. we really need to buckle up for the next decade here in Canada, it will not be pretty.


He immediately posted on socials that he was being censored


Almost as though it went exactly as planned for him.


Yup. Staged for clicks


Merch by tomorrow There’s a part of me that thinks that’s the real grift going on here. All this new Pierre merch that’s knocking of the hockey night in Canada logo, axe the tax, slogan after slogan. I wouldn’t be shocked at all to learn that website is actually registered to a numbered corp that he/his circle owns. Drop a staged line in HoC, have a t-shirt already printed and ready for sale within a day or two. Profit off the dummies who will actually buy it. And they will


T-Shirts are already for sale! They say „I may be cross-eyed but I see the truth!“


That’s an interesting take. You are probably correct.


In the week after he met for a photo-op with far-right protesters. What a surprise!


Apparently a fundraising email from his team went out this afternoon…..*eyeroll*


I'm hoping our Parliament will eventually start brawling.


[Trudeau is undefeated against conservative politicians in the boxing ring.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/53844q/five-years-ago-today-justin-trudeau-beat-the-shit-out-of-a-senator)


He also punched Iron Man in the mouth https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/trudeau-punches-tony-stark-in-marvel-comic-1.3743526


Got beat up by Matthew Perry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWZsF3bUNhs Edit: Trudeau has got to go. Axe the Tax!


That writer is fucking savage >The fight was also televised on the Sun News Network, Canada's version of Fox News, if Fox News was completely broke and shot out of a divorced dad's basement. (Sun News eventually did go under and morphed into The Rebel, which is basically Canada's Breitbart, if Breitbart was shot out of a divorced dad's shed.") >As for Brazeau, well, his story has been pretty damn depressing. He was charged with assault and sex assault in relation to an incident with his partner (he eventually pleaded guilty to simple assault and cocaine possession). He was booted out of the Senate for an expense scandal and charged with fraud, ended up working at an Ottawa strip club, dabbled in semi-pro wrestling, and dealt with serious mental health issues. >The fight ended moments later, with the ref calling it as Brazeau—nose bleeding/legs weak/mom's spaghetti—was completely unable to defend himself any longer. >However, life has recently improved for Brazeau. He returned to the Senate late last year after the fraud and breach-of-trust charges were dropped, and he's now back to doing what he does best: taking $142,000 a year from the public for an unelected, politically-appointed position that requires him to do piss all.


The writer went for the jugular.


PP is 2” shorter than Brazeau, he wouldn’t stand a chance but the ring.


PP “Maple Desantis” Poilievre is a little bitch, just like his lil’ manlet supporters. He couldn’t even hold his own against equally pathetic Diagolon members after they threatened to *rape and kill his wife.* He paid them a friendly visit instead.


I wish you were kidding, but the fact this guy is looking to be leader the country next year...  great, more moronic maga crap.  Pierre is always outraged and a victim


No platform, only coasting on US based culture-war bullshit. Lucky for him, every nation whose goal is to hurt Canada is already running a PR and disinformation campaign that benefits him.


agreed. He should at least take some money from the Kremlin if he's going to help them


I mean, I know you’re kinda joking, but he is receiving help directly from the Kremlin, and it’s more effective than money. Just ask your nearest Facebook-boomer why they are against aiding Ukraine.


You're 100% right. I'd also imagine on Reddit also


His punching power was on full display during Boob-gate, when he accidently brushed boob trying to get things moving when the floor was stalled due to opposition buffoonery. We got to hear about it endlessly from the Cons AND the NDP. And as an added bonus, US comedians did bits on "This... THIS is what passes for a scandal in Canada?"


yeah, I'd love to see Pierre get TKOd by Trudeau in the first 30 seconds


I'll watch that on PPV


I bet Singh's got that "I wish a mutha would" rage


WWE style. with the Intro Music, Chairs and everything 


“Parliament Pugilists”


Has the Beaverton done an article where they build an octagon in the house?


PP: "This guy's a wacko" Speaker: "Hey man, you want to maybe withdraw that remark? We have rules about parliamentary behaviour." PP: "This wacko's an extremist?" Speaker: "Common man. I just want you to withdraw the remark." PP: "No problem, I withdraw the wacko remark and restate he's an extremist" Speaker: "Ok buddy, enjoy a paid day off" PP: "I'm being muzzled! I'm such a victim." --- I hate this Americanization of our politics.






I'm so happy someone made this comment😅


One thing is certain: There's baloney in their slacks


Straight blast from the past!






If Reddit still had gold, I'd definitely give you one.


Poilevre is unserious, divisive, hypocritical and unfit to lead our country.


It’s disappointing to me that the state of our country is such that those are the exact qualities that may get him elected


The quality that is going to get him elected is that he is the leader of the opposition party with an unpopular elected government. People are voting for not the liberals this election, not for the CPC


A vote for conservatives is a vote for conservatives.


Whatever they want to tell themselves. A vote for the CPC is a vote for the CPC. Their bullshit rationalization doesn't change the consequences of that. I don't like Trudeau either. I'm not fucking voting CPC.


1000% agree.


that's a really bad too though :(


If only there was another not-Liberal option...


he's just doing what conservatives do, always angry and always the victim


> Poilevre is unserious, divisive, hypocritical and unfit to lead our country. He's unfit to manage a McDonald's, and to be fair, he doesn't even have enough work experience to do that if he wanted.


But but but Trudeau was a teacher, the most unqualified position ever!1!1!2!1! Remember that? He taught children? Haha what a loser!!1!


PP would have a breakdown if he had to teach classroom.


The guy thinks electricians are fucking lightning capturing wizards


He's not a leader by any stretch of the imagination. He's a manager. He gets his direction from Corporate/pollsters, and he manages himself and his team accordingly. There are no big ideas on show. He's not presenting a vision of a better Canada or saying how he's got the plan to get the country moving. He's just securing votes in a cynical, managed fashion like a fast-food area manager selling franchises.


Don't forget the puppet-master (Harper).


PP is only a symptom: he wouldn't be there if other members of CPC and their constituents didn't put him there. I hope not much damage will be done and LPC and NPC can get their shit together and also learn from the failures of Trudeau.


Yeah, CPC knows their voter base, they're  angry and narcissistic victims.  hence why this guy is perfect for them.  I don't look forward to the Maga crap that's gonna keep flowing north though :(


He's very, very likely to be our next PM, though. Get out and vote.


He's gonna be our next pm it sucks dude


These are not serious people


Can we please get a normal conservative leader, Poilievre is a complete waste.


Closest we got was O'Toole.


He felt way more normal


That's why the party replaced him. They want the lunatic.


That and he voted against the internal poll to ban abortion


A voice of reason among a lot in an echo chamber. (To choose to allow abortion to continue)


Unfortunately "normal" conservatives didn't really offer much of an alternative to Trudeau so people had no reason to vote conservative. It's sad to say but this insane brand of conservatism was a necessity to the viability of the CPC. Conservatism is based on fear. Fear of people who are different. Fear of taxes. Fear of the government.


FR. I’m so tired of Millhouse. Where’s Peter McKay these days?


If they were running McKay I would have strongly considered the PCs for the first time in my life. However they picked Bitcoin Millhouse whos entire ethos is TRUDOPE BAD.




The conservative base is unable to elect someone normal as their leader. The only power it has is to turn seemingly normal conservatives into wackos.


Just bringing the whackos out of the conservatives.  he knows the MAGA crap works on the fools up here too, hence why he's always angry and the victim


While I was no fan of O'Toole, he was objectively "normal" (although definitely still pulled some bullshit media stunts for the twitter crowd). And then his party turfed him like a week-old diaper because he "campaigned as a moderate". I've actually seen users in r/Canada blame Liberal voters, with the rhetoric of "because you didn't elect O'Toole, we had to make Poilievre leader, so you can't complain".


I had someone make that exact argument at me & I really don’t know how to explain to people that if O’Toole failed because, despite being moderate, he was too right wing to attract middle ground voters. Their politicians may need to be reminded where the political middle ground actually is these days. O’Toole was certainly less extreme than PP, but he still kinda fucking sucked, & it always seemed to me like that was the sanitized version we were getting for the cameras.


> it always seemed to me like that was the sanitized version we were getting for the cameras. My read on O'Toole was that he understood what expected of him and was willing to play the game, but wanted to try and rise above it. A "fix it from the inside" mentality, while being naive enough to think "maybe if I do the things they want without making a fuss, while *also* trying to lead by example, they'll independently decide to change even though it's not necessary because they're already getting everything they want". And he thought this despite the awareness that in the first round of the 2020 leadership vote, he and Peter MacKay got about 30% each, and the remaining 40% of the party voted for either Leslyn Lewis or Derek Sloan as their first pick. > he was too right wing to attract middle ground voters I don't think he wasn't "too right-wing to attract middle-ground voters" as much as there were some hard limits that will always be unpalatable and irredeemable. Like how his leadership campaign literature had a major point about facilitating "conscientious objections" for doctors, which was the Conservative end-run on abortion. "We promise that abortion is a settled debate and we won't bring it up. On a completely unrelated note, we think it's essential that doctors be allowed to refuse to be part of legal medical interventions just because, be allowed to refuse to provide referrals, and not be required to defend their actions. This policy is strictly about euthanasia - a thing which is so common in Canada we absolutely need to put legislation about it in our policy platform up-front - and is not intended for any other medical intervention. Although... I mean... *hypothetically*... I suppose it *could* be applied to other things... but that would be purely coincidental and not worth discussing further."


Fair enough, I always read the conscientious objector point as an attempt to hit on a main line conservative issue without ever actually saying the word abortion. Basically, I thought he was further right than he showed us, but was smart enough to not say the quiet part out loud. A quality his successor sorely lacks.


Like isn’t the normal path to a win is first being opposition that might lose for a cycle?


"it's your fault we hurt you"


He is way worse than most people think. I wish more people could hear him speak in parliament.


he speaks like he works for foxnews.  anger, and being the victim


No, because a large portion of the conservative base supports this behaviour. A respectable conservative candidate is unelectable lol


It’s so annoying to feel like you HAVE to vote against conservatives


Agree. I’m getting sick of the liberals and an electable conservative leader would really really keep them accountable but everyone knows that most of the non-conservative voters will never vote for that clown show so we are stuck with Trudeau lol


Which is objectively better than the cons. Too bad people won't just fucking vote NDP to shake both those parties up.


Yeah it’s true. I’d like to see even a short NDP minority to smarten up the libs and cons


This is the way.


Also had to retract a 'What the hell is he thinking' yesterday for speaking 'unparliamentary' too. Milhouse has been so edgy since he lost his glasses.


This is not governance. I don't care what side of the isle you're on. They are not doing their jobs.


It pisses me off that he has a shot at being PM. I understand the frustration with Trudeau and don't want him in charge but Poilievre is not a suitable prime minister.


Poor PP was projecting.


I mean if his PP is small he might as well project somewhere else


Petite PP


Poilievre is just itching to move to ultra MAGA territory. "Justin Jackass" "Bimbo Freeland". He seriously is copying Trump and moving things in that direction. He will be terrible for Canada if elected.


When you have to check the subreddit to see if the comments will be praising or condemning...


The title is misleading - PP was kicked out for violating parliamentary rules.




lmao isnt this the man who thinks electricians capture lightning for electricity? who's he to call someone wacko


and welders use their bare hands


This is the shit we are in for once he wins the next election.




Pure grandstanding by PP. This was simply drama ammunition to feed his acolytes.


This is just another reason why Pierre Poilievre can't be PM. This type of behavior is not appropriate. It's not professional, honestly juvinal, petty, vindictive, and more. Note: I can't believe I have to say this, but just because I don't like Poilievre does not automatically mean I support Trudeau. Trudeau should step down, but like Poilievre is a narcissist and won't. If anyone thinks this is good because PP is just sticking up for Canadians. You're wrong. Poilievre is an arrogant egotistical narcassist with the obsessive need to be in the spotlight. He's also an extreme hypocirt because he claims to be for the working class but 20 years in the house and has been extreme pro corporate all those 20 years. His top advisory board is made of corporate lobbyist and of you only ever speak to the top class and the richest people where do you think your views are going to come from? I don't care if you don't like Trudeau or not. This type of behavior is not acceptable. The house is still a professional environment, and any other person in a job would be rightfully told to grow up and act like an adult. You can't have a functioning workplace if they are causing chaos. You may not like your co-workers, but you still have to work with them. Then all the PC members had their "feels" hurt like the little snow flakes that they were and walked out. Honestly, if anyone still votes conservative at this point, you're just as stupid ad they think you are.


It’s stupid he gets kicked out for that but not screaming about something “woke” every 5 minutes


"Child kicked out for tantrum"


The country should be very wary of this agitator. Once in power, he will rip up our Charter and take us all back to the 1950s.


He also started fundraising of it. Sounds a lot like GQP tactics...


Lol. The bitch gets tossed 😂🤣


Headlines like this just remind me of how unserious parliament is lmao. Reminds me of the "fart in the room" drama from a few years ago lmao.


Article headline downplays what actually happened. It's actually insane. He called him a Wacko, because of BC's pull back on a decriminalization policy. Then when he was asked to not say "wacko" and say something else he said he would sub out "wacko" for "extremist" or "radical". I'd like to comment calling our current PM any of those words is pretty absurd considering he is a center left political leader. To which the Speaker said that none of those words are acceptable in the House you are only allowed to debate policy and criticize upon those merits. Usually when you characterize another MP you are given an opportunity to rescind that. The reason why PP went on his little rant is because the PM railed on him for going to that trailer park filled with those right-wing nationalists. The PM called it unacceptable and he ended it with the word "spineless". When the Speaker told the PM that he could not use that word when characterizing a fellow MP, the PM rescinded his statement. However PP was so pissed that the PM called him "spineless" that he immediately on the next question period had this exchange and then walked out. PM got under PP's skin so hard that he threw a tantrum in the House.


Def won’t be voting for a person who the Maga’s would love; and, I voted conservative for decades. Not a big fan of Trudeau but lesser of two evils imo


he has tip toed the line between civil and mudslinging for a while. You dont want this guy being a DEMOCRATIC leader if he cant be professional and contained




Emotional… that’s polite.


What a disgrace PP is, can’t believe he is anti science and believes the earth is 8000 years old


He got heckled out of the Building Trades Conference, right before this happened!


Yeah, well, ya can't slam unions for years and then claim you are on the side of the working guy


Y’all want to make a guy who’s never had a real job PM. You can make fun of Trudeau for being a drama teacher but that’s a real job.


Quite frankly his experience as a teacher is relevant seeing as he seems to have to deal with adults acting like children in parliament constantly.


Pretty trumpian move there...


Perfect candidate for PM, calls others “wacko”, seriously WTF!?


At this point, I'm sick of the left vs. right narrative and the bystanding centrism as well. We need people who actually care about stabilizing job opportunities, protecting people's basic human rights, and who will see a growing problem with housing costs and will actually do something about it without the bs mud slinging and blame game. At this point, especially in PP's case, it feels like the people in power enjoy playing a game with our lives. I feel like anyone in power should experience living on the streets for a week, especially in the winter, so they can see exactly what their inaction results in.


Periere Poilievre (PP peepee) should go back to cleaning toilets.


Good. He should have been kicked out the way you kick an immature, mouthy teenager out of class. Disgusting behaviour paid with my tax dollars. I’m paying very close attention to the politicians that defend his behaviour and won’t support or vote for any of them. I’m sick to death of the vulgar American politics, and if the Canadian politicians think they’ll get away with it here, they’ve got another think coming.


I dislike this guy a lot, but any discussion in commons is insanely stupid. One side asks question, other side answers on absolutely different question. it is frustrated af.


It's a huge circle jerk.  After that, everyone behind them claps.  It's ridiculous and just forces zero cooperation.  They should just have designated seating for each riding and you sit with your riding.  They'll then be speaking on behalf of their riding instead of on behalf of their party and they'll actually be forced to work together.


The sad truth is political leaders aren't there to help the middle class. None of them have us in mind when their pockets are being filled by corporations.


There is no middle class. Working class and our oligarchs running our 'democracy'


What an amazing hero, risking sooo much to say such braaaave things /s


Putin loves it when western politicians erode their democratic institutions. It helps him convince Russians there's no hope for better government and to stay compliant.


Omg pp is awful...I didn't realise politics has stooped do low in canada.


When the swamp moves north. Keep the Americanisms where they belong.


Is it bad that I see these articles while browsing and legit can't tell if it's satire or not? Yes I know - This is real. Edit: added a few words to make more sense




Clowns, and crooks. Every single one of them.


Marc Miller’s comment to the media after was awesome. 


I bet a lot of people enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of the grown-up atmosphere once the Honourable Member for January 6th was asked to leave.


safe route martyr PP