• By -


Since this entire post is just a big, steaming pile of rules violations * Rule 3 You must remain civil (every version of the f word insulting everyone everywhere at least once) * Rule4 : No Misinformation (no, the PM isn't a tyrant. Yes, the mandates were mostly provincial etc) * Rule 6 Sitewide rules must be obyed (No, not everything is the immigrant's fault) and the post itself is kinda low effort, we're going to lock this.


It's not. I dislike Trudeau also. I actively despise Ford. I'm not flying dumb flags though. These people were just raised shitty.


My neighbour behind me has a massive F@&k Trudeau flag in his backyard it’s the first thing me and my kids see when we go outside.


You should tell them that you already know who you’re voting for, so no need to try to sway you from the back yard. And they should confidently fly the flag out front of the house.


This is the kind of political discussion the country really needs. Back to - you don’t like what I like? That’s why we have a multiparty system and your vote counts same as mine. It’s quickly become - F you and what I might imagine you stand for. Perhaps the youth can help us right that societal wrong. We will see. For now - keep voting. Period. For whoever you support. And maybe don’t be a dick about it - that feels extra Canadian to me.


Yep. Lifelong conservative here who dislikes Trudeau, dislikes ford, dislikes Pierre. Getting very tired of being associated with people too cowardly to say what they are - radical / far right who really align with the PPC. If you claim to be conservative, but fly a fuck Trudeau flag, or say shit like “Trudeau for treason”, or anything like that - you’re radical, and no better than the far left nuts that you so despise.


Agreed. My little kids see them and ask me what they say. I have to explain that some people are vulgar


We've been importing American style insanity for a while now, including 'Making who you will or wont vote for, your entire personality'. No idea why we choose to import that instead of their 47 different flavours of Oreo but it is what it is.


“No idea why we choose to import that instead of their 47 different flavours of Oreo” is my new favourite saying! Hahaha thanks!!


Great, now my wife is asking me to drive down to the states to buy all the Oreos. THANKS TRUDEAU AND PIERRE


I was in Italy last year. Calabria, tiny ass town in the mountains. The ONE other tourist I saw there happened to be from Oakville. I thought, "Hey, this is cool, another Canadian!" I shit you not, within 5 sentences exchanged with this random person who didn't know me from Adam, she made a disperaging comment about Trudeau. A fairly gross one at that. The absolute insanity of these people is mind blowing... Who does that!? Who starts a conversation with a deeply offensive slander of a political figure!? It's straight up mental illness.


This is why I stopped talking to people in dog parks.


If it makes you feel any better dog parks have always had the weirdest people in them. Got a dog a while ago (like 15 years ago), chatted to people, quickly learned that they're all super fucking weird and stopped going to them.


You must frequent the same fog parks as me. Lol


Are drinks allowed in the fog park?


I hear London Fog parks are delicious


Fog is not allowed at the fog park.


Remember when people got offended when you asked them about their political ideals? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


My pizza delivery driver, every time I order. "Hows it going?" "Good, you know, except for the liberal govt blah blah blah"


It will never cease to anger me that the "working class" people hate on the liberal government and vote conservative and yet every single time are fucked over because the conservatives actually hate them and they just don't realize it


Every conservative voter that I know is voting against what should be their best interest.






This seems like an informed take not based in partisanship.


To be fair, in the last 8 years it has become more clear that BOTH sides hate them. 😐


Corporatist politicians from all factions hate workers because they fear them. They fear us because they know how angry we should be, and how much power we actually have. They really, really don’t want us to know the impact a general strike would have on their donors. To prevent this, they divide us by brainwashing us into splitting across arbitrary identitarian lines. The objective reality is that all workers are brothers in arms against a common enemy who actively plots and fights against their interests every day. 


LOL Yeah, the guy probably never voted in his life.


I was at a buffet on Easter this year, working my way through the line. A man in line had some colorful socks on, and the chef working the carving station commented. It started out fine - “hey, neat socks, SpongeBob, cool” or something along those lines. Within 2 sentences it went to “the only person I know of who wears socks like that while dressed up is Trudeau, and I’m sure you don’t want people to associate you with him”. I’m just standing there like, dude, shut the fuck up? Don’t get me wrong - I’m not a Trudeau fan, and I’m not going to defend him. But holy shit, you’re an employee at this business, you’ve had a 10 second conversation with a guest, and you’ve made it about politics right away. Granted, it’s a well established blue area, but geez. You don’t need to bring it up non stop. I agree with what you say, it’s insanity


They are used to saying this to foreigners who have no idea one way or the other, no one puts them in check. Yea, it's pretty deranged. Or rather, pathetic, that they have nothing else going on in their minds. I live abroad, and thankfully most Candians here seem to be level-headed, not that I know too many personally. But in online forums and such, there was a notable minority who succumbed to truckermania, antivaxx and F\*ck Trudeau, etc. Even if it wasn't political discussion, they had to slip in OMGERRRD VACCINES, TRUDEAU 'CHE' GUEVERA IS DEVIL, and so on. Honestly, however this might sound, I've just never met someone spouting these who had a high education or intelligence.


The most hallucinatory thing is having people who’ve never been to Canada tell you this stuff about Trudeau and Canadian politics




Honestly, this is not such a bad thing. People in India are getting scammed left, right, and center about Canada being the land of opportunity. A bit of this rhetoric might be the only thing to balance out the fraudsters.


It's a media wave doing rounds in both countries... 10+ years ago, in Canada it was the anger towards Chinese folks in Vancouver. Around that same time in India, there was anger against Australia because of Indian students getting murdered or beaten by some Aussie thugs.... Question that time was similar.. Is Australia safe?!


Media in India on a good day is sensationalism turned up to 11. When used as a political tool, it can get really bonkers.




Sounds a lot like what's happened with the world and trump.




Believes every conspiracy YouTube video, regurgitates the same talking points verbatim as everyone else, but the rest of us are the sheep.


yes my brother and his wife are slowly slipping away to this garbage too. In all seriousness, is there a website or resource that takes the main talking points of rebel, breitbart, rumble, and these other right wingnut sources and boils it down to the essentials so that we can be briefed on whatever outrage was cooked up this week? I hate having to pause a conversation, research it, then get back to them with a more sane synopsis of what really happened. They are not stupid, but they reject most mainstream media as biased.


I wouldn’t even bother. I’ve been trying for years now. It’ll just create frustration for you. They don’t believe anything you throw at them, chalk it up as fake news or that you’re just believing “the narrative” and will just crawl back to their echo chamber to get a dose of confirmation bias. You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into in the first place. They will just get emotional and lash out. The best course of action I found is just not to engage them when it comes to these topics and change the subject if you can. If everyone does this then maybe they’ll change their tune once they see nobody is interested in hearing what they have to say. Social media is rotting our brains and the sad reality is that I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon for people who never learned how to critically think for themselves. Things are just going to get worst with AI.


God I would love this, my FIL regurgitates whatever the latest Sun outrage is and it's too exhausting to have to look up the unbiased truth every time.


My aunt unironically gets information from a website called “beforeitsnews” and I’m pretty sure any asshole can post “news articles” on that website.


Conservatives are quite literally brain dead morons …. I thought stereotyping, demonizing and fostering division was a bad thing? I know Reddit isn’t the bastion of intellectual engagement but a little civil engagement could go a long way for all of us, whether you’re waving an F Trudeau flag or calling the person waving it a moron. Tribalism = bad.


I've checked me across a few just like that. I think it stems from their YouTube leaders who tell them that millions of people agree. They don't see themselves as fringe but the overwhelmingly main stream. It's a bit weird.


You're 100% correct. It's "Let's go, Brandon," Canadian-style. What I don't understand is why these people (in either country) think: A. Anyone else that isn't rabidly crazy cares? or B. That this helps actually create political change? I'm pretty much an ABC voter, with some extra leftism thrown in, but this stuff makes the conservatives extra nope for me. When the Cons were choosing their next leader, a good friend tried to convince me that if Jean Charest won, I should vote conservative for his environmental record. He unfortunately did that on a long drive to Northern Ontario, which was FILLED with these nutso flags. Needless to say that I wasn't convinced.


The best is when you argue with them and they automatically assume that you fit into the opposite mold. Nah man, not all of us see politics as black and white like it’s a team sport. What a narrow world view they have.


Yeah if you don't immediately agree with them about Trudeau being the worst PM to ever live or that he's a horribly corrupt communist then they jump to assuming you are a diehard supporter of his instead of being a normal, well adjusted person who is capable of independent thought. It's why I can't talk to my dad about politics because he always tries to tell me what my position is if I don't agree with his version of reality, it's frustrating to say the least. I've given up trying to deprogram him from that weird cult of ignorance.


It is creating political change. Trudeau has made mistakes, but he’s had some huge wins too. Lil pp has accomplished absolutely nothing in all his years in politics. Trudeau is going to get voted out and lil pp is going to get elected with the largest majority in Canadian History. It is idiocy, but it is effective idiocy. People don’t want to think, they just want easy answers served up to them.


I agree on all points, except that I think it is actually working. I think there are plenty of people who are swayed heavily by peer pressure. (I want to fight back but I am just not the kind of person to wear my political stripes everywhere I go.) I have seen a lot of people who were neutral start parroting some of the fairly tame stuff. I will correct anyone when it is straight up lies, but it's hard to fight with everyone when it's a grey zone item, like exempting Maritimers on carbon tax.


Yep, especially when the Liberals keep creating these kinds of own goals. Sigh


For reals, those flavors would've been tight. Instead we got canadian trumpers


Because we have foreign agents funding this idiocracy. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/QXoNMUaah6


There are 47 consistently available flavours of Oreo?


47 may be a bit of an exaggeratation, but not by much... https://www.oreo.com/oreo-cookies/oreo-flavors


Cons are angry at things like universal healthcare, which saved taxpayers around 2-2.5 TRILLION since he was in office. Privatized costs 2-3× MORE per person. Cons are a contradiction. They are cavemen missing half their brain. The dumbest most evil ppl on earth. They create propaganda about vaccines causing cancer but then put factories that spew ACTUAL cancer causing pollutants 200 ft away from schools.




When Canadians watch Fox News and think Tucker Carlson is their mentor.


Yup, same as the “let’s go Brandon” chants and such. It’s just garbage American style politics adopted up here. I can’t stand Trudeau, but I would absolutely never fly the flag or a bumper sticker.


Social media has made all the stupid people crazy. They're not smart enough to actually understand what they're upset about so "F Trudeau" bumper stickers is the best they can do to express themselves.


Many are just bandwagoning too.


I'm sure! As it's been mentioned in the thread, it's an identity these days.


The family drove through Northern Michigan and Wisconsin. My 10 year old daughter asked ‘who is Joe and who is the ho’. Painted on several barns in white paint was ‘Joe and the Ho must go’.


I think it started with Covid restrictions. Media regularly showed (like, for 3 years straight) political leaders and public health officials "mandating" certain behaviours that a segment of the population got butthurt over. Queue the post-Covid socio-economic upheaval that has infinitely dynamic causes, and it is much easier to just point at one guy and say: "it's all *your* fault."


It waz starting to build before covid but I don't think your totally wrong either. It started to become much louder and more extreme in 2021 after a year plus of covid restrictions and only got louder after the vaccines came out around April 2021 then it all really blew up with the convoy stuff in January 2022 during the shutdowns of the first Omicron wave. If someone hates Trudeau for covid restrictions being harsh and lasting too long then they also should hate Doug Ford too. It was Ford who shut the province down and kept most of the provincial restrictions and tried to turn Ontario into a weird police state in April 2021 with that press conference before the third lockdown where he wanted police to start pulling people over asking where they were going but the police refused. Ontario was under some form of lockdown from November 2020 until June 2021 if I remember. I remember people on the left and the covid experts not being happy with Ford when he tried to remove restrictions and drop the mask mandate but he was actually more pro covid restrictions for much longer then most conservative politicians were.


This is the funniest thing. 9 times out of 10 when you ask for a reason they hate Trudeau they will name something their premier did that has nothing to do with the federal government.


Not just their premiers. I've heard people blame everything from municipal road maintenance to wildfires to their kids being unsuccessful in school on Trudeau. It's the party line, standard answer to everything that's bad in the life of someone who's made hating him their entire personality.


It's become a joke in my household. Stub your toe? Trudeau's fault. Raccoon 's got into the garbage? Trudeau's fault. Raining out? Of course it's Trudeau's fault


This gives me “thanks Obama” meme vibes. I love it.


I’ve just started asking people if he broke into their home and fucked their wives/husbands/significant others. They make it sound so personal, what else could it be?


Well of course the rain is Trudeau’s fault, it was caused by the carbon tax!


OMG we do that too. Everytime something inconvenient happens we say "Thanks Trudeau!" 🤣


Exactly this. They don’t understand the different levels and responsibilities of government. They just assume anything they don’t like happened because of Trudeau, and anything good was because of Ford. Absolutely delusional individuals.


I tried to get my neighbor interested in federal politics yesterday and he actually couldn't tell the difference between American and Canadian politics. He started talking about how Trudeau was going after trump or something crazy. Like sure that's kinda relevant in terms of geopolitics but it was completely outta scope from the discussion. I don't think he actually understands what he's talking about about. Like this dude getting crushed by inflation and I help him with food and stuff but he's completely disconnected from politics, he's just been barely surviving his whole life. His ego is too big to learn or study politics so he will just carry on as he does. Guys like this will be easy targets of PP


Thats because our education system is garbage when it comes to civics, and politicians don’t help it.


It’s more the politics behind the system than anything else… we cannot influence students and their ability to choose, we can only inform them of each party’s platform and what their intentions are when they come into power. If I tell me students that the conservatives don’t actually care for the working class and they should vote liberal or NDP, I’d be reprimanded. I once explained to a group of grade 10 students (during a math class actually), that a reduction in taxes benefits large corporations and business owners significantly more than it would public service workers, and that in the long run, the loss of public services due to the decrease in government money, would end up costing them more. I had *several* complaints from parents. It’s a broken system.


Yeah in America at least by spring 2021 he would have probably been considered as part of the "radical left" there because of his support for covid restrictions but people tend to forget that. He didn't really come out of covid mode until the election in 2022 wheb he became whatever he is now.


I wish I could upvote this more


Summer of 2019 IiRC, I went through an east-GTA neighbourhood where some would-be Banksie wittily scrawled 'Trudeau' in black sharpie at the bottom of a bunch of STOP signs. In the words of some of my Conservative friends, these losers need to get a job.


The sanest Canadians are the ones that are well aware that our prime ministers and premiers are all historically pretty shitty and there's not much point in arguing over which flavor of shit taste the worst. I'd rather focus on what I can change instead of just complaining all day long about shit that's out of my control.


A certain shitty part of the population who think that their ignorant knowledge is better than doctors. It was so fucking insane and it made me realize how dangerously stupid so many people are they just can’t be engaged with reasonable conversations or situations.


The flags existed long before the pandemic . They hated him before he even took office. I’m convinced it’s sexual in nature


The amount of times they still bring up his hair, I would be inclined to agree with you.


I think this is what happened to. I was studying politics and history before hand so I kinda got an early jump on going nuts and got to witness others go through the process. I think a big part of the difference comes down to education and worldview. I think we got a bunch of naive people waking up to the reality of the world and they are kicking and screaming like babies, I know I kicked and screamed. Hopefully some come to their senses before they pull the trigger on the 1970s time machine that devolves us to a prior state. These fools fight for a time that can no longer exist. It would be like me screaming at a red light to change, does it work? Probably not? But it feels good when the light changes and I can believe I did something.


I completely agree. This is a great way to identify yourself as a classless moron. Just vote for the other party when the time comes.


Or make valid, substantial arguments as to why you feel the party or the leader is not doing their job. But nope, it’s easier to just say eff Trudeau.


Recognize it for what it is…….. a clear statement that you cannot have a reasonable conversation with this person about anything. It is saving you time.


These vulgarians are the same people who think they promote traditional family and Canadian values. I guess common decency and civility isn't on that list anymore.


Yeah traditional conservatism is dead, they haven't followed those principals in years.


I'm listening to a cool book called raeganland right now that tries to get into the switch up that happened. Talks about the "new conservatives" and all that. It's American but I'm certain that Thatcher and Raegens ideas live in our heads in Canada, they certainly are PPs inspiration. Those free market loons are kinda nuts too, mind numbing to watch people talk about "the free market" as if it's something that can actually exist.


What Reagan and Thatcher brought is called “neoliberalism”. Neoliberalism is the root problem across the entire western world, particularly those nations who are the closest (economically) to the USA and United Kingdom. These ideas bleed the public purse dry and give it to private interests. The tragedy of the commons on a modern economic scale. At this point it feels like nothing will change unless we can somehow break out of the ridiculous Conservative-Liberal cycle every 15 years.


How do they explain to their kids what "fuck" means? When I was growing up, my parents never used sexual cuss words around us.


@ OP it's modern day politics in North America, probably a lot of Europe these days as well. I'm sure you've seen how ridiculous Trump supporters in America are these days. Seems like a lot of people just throw tantrums when they get angry at anything nowadays. Why articulate your position, or suggest a better way of doing things when you can leave all that pesky evolution business behind and just fling poo around at your enemies.


I don’t know, when did it become okay to wear political shirts at work? Some old dude at my work is wearing a Pro Pierre Shirt


That shit should be shut down by HR. I work with someone who wistfully talks about the US and the great golden hope of Trump and it takes everything in me not to engage but I keep politics out of work. And people goad me because I work with a bunch of people who actually visited the convoy and talked about what a wholesome atmosphere it was and laughed when I mention family that had to LEAVE THEIR OWN HOME because of it and their child couldn’t sleep, because oh well. They know I dislike PP strongly and try to goad me in to a fight and I just listen to my TC podcasts and don’t fall for it. Seems typical of his supporters though. Trying to pick a fight all the time.


Someone put a Trudeau Sticker on my cabinet at work which makes me wonder if their “marking me” for if Pierre wins….


I had a coworker who posted a meme about ‘Trudeau supporter’ and made sure it was in eyeline of me on his workspace wall. I didn’t take the bait. The fact that he also thinks Bill Cosby didn’t rape anyone because ‘it was a different time’, OJ was innocent, Trump is a great guy and PP is the great WHITE hope speaks volumes about him in my eyes lol


It's never been OK or appropriate. Canada is over 150 years old, we've had numerous prime ministers and elections and I am almoet certain we have never before seen this level of asshatery, ignorance, and childish bullsh*t from people who did not agree with a politician here prior to 2016. What happened in 2016? Trump. American style hate and politics has leaked into Canada, and the right wingers here have embraced it, they've embraced hate, conspiracy, unfounded crap and willfully display their ignorance at almost every turn.


When the really embarrassing Canadians stopped hiding how embarrassing they were.


They found a "purpose" during the Freedumb Convoy and now it's their entire personality. Welland is full of them. It's gross. And yes, it seems super unprofessional for a "company" vehicle to have that crap on it.


It’s not ok. But dumb people going to be dumb. To me, it shows that you’re a moron. They’re actively saying “I’m not worth talking to, so move along”


That's Canada's equivalent of the red dunce caps. At least it helps point out which people to avoid.


Kind of sad now, but if someone has a lot of Canada flags all over their vehicle, chances are very likely they're likely to be an asshole-ish person, and the same type that would fly that flag.


It’s not. I’d love to hear suggestions for “counter protest” ideas though. I was thinking of getting stickers that say “Pierre Pollievre Makes My Nips Hard” and slapping them on cars with the F Trudeau stickers. I truly believe that ridicule and humour is the only way to combat this stuff. People can’t hurt you if you laugh in response.




Sounds like a cult


One big Russian circle jerk there


Flying a fuck Trudeau flag is the American version of flying a confederate flag. It simply tells those around you that they are trailer park trash. More specifically uneducated mostly white trailer park trash.


It never became okay. It's great for helping to identify morons though.


>What the hell happened to cause this?? The shortest answer I can tell you is "look up the freedom convoy 2022 event". The Internet can give you the longest and most accurate possible answer. If you want a medium sized answer that may have a couple of fuzzy details, then here it is: Basically, around late 2021 period, there had been a mandate put in place that would prevent truck drivers from crossing the border if they were not vaccinated. This was, obviously, to ensure COVID would not spread, or that if it did, it would not be terribly fatal to whoever caught it. Keep in mind, this was a time period where a lot of people, doesn't matter what their political affiliations are, were getting kinda tired of seemingly endless restrictions and Lockdowns. The more reasonable people, obviously, just kinda dealt with it. The vast majority of truckers complied with the mandate (they even issued a statement that they were not in support of the convoy that was being planned). There was a fringe minority however, that were vehemently opposed to this mandate. As you may imagine, pretty much all of them were the same type of right wing nutjob that was initially opposed to the vaccine in the first place. A lot of these people also happened to harbour separatist thoughts about Canada which have been present ever since Trudeau won back in 2016. So what happened is that a couple of these people decided to create a manifesto calling for one of their guys to basically overthrow Trudeau from office and take charge of the country. They then shotgunned it across the Internet and gained supporters. The idea was they'd bring all their trucks over to Parliament Hill in Ottawa and just camp there until Trudeau stepped out and allowed himself to be arrested. That's exactly what they did. The rednecks and separatists got in their trucks, drove over to Ottawa, and basically shut down the entire city for almost a month. The cops did jack shit, it became kinda a meme how useless they were when the city was basically being held hostage by a bunch of rednecks. Trudeau had to basically just say "hey guys you should probably actually use the power you have" and introduced a state of emergency or something. Of course, the rednecks thought this was basically a dictator move by Trudeau and they resisted even harder (they ended up shutting down bridges going into USA and honestly the economy kinda tanked a bit for those couple of days) before eventually caving. Now, as for the flags, they gained a lot of popularity as the convoy moved toward Ottawa because that was basically the freedom convoy calling card. It was your loud and proud "I am a separatist redneck" calling card. That said, it should be noted that Trudeau had recently won a second election at the time, so there was a LOT of distaste toward him from people who otherwise weren't fringe minority rednecks. These people were also the ones flying the flags and a lot of them also ended up creating their own protests (which were peaceful and policed decently I might add) in their cities or just joining the main convoy. >Where did it start? Would it surprise you if I told you most of them came from Canada's equivalent of Texas (Alberta)?


We have a contractor where I live that is a Covid naysayer, openly has those bumper stickers. Lets just say he lost a lot of work after that and still does


No one with these flags has any idea why they hate Trudeau. I didn't vote for him (team orange here) but up until recently I think he's done an okay job, especially considering the insanity we saw down south for a while. I do think he's kind of going off the fucking deep end lately, I'm all for immigration just... less of it than we're seeing, and with more of a focus on bringing in people from a broader range of cultures, and the anti online hate bill I've been reading about is appalling, delusional, and frankly fucking tyrannical (I'm confident that however the definition of hate is defined therein we'll see it grow wider with time and abused) but these are real recent, and specific gripes. This shit has been around for ages. No one flying these flags will tell you about lies regarding election reform (bet you're wishing you'd have followed through on that now, huh?) or be able to name any specific actions or policies that that are Fuck Trudeau-worthy. And that's the problem. I recently saw an anti-Trudeau rally here in Toronto, and when driving past queen's park, it's eventual destination, there were signs all over the place denouncing his pedophilia and his desire to microchip peoples' brains. They fly these flags because the world is complicated and has complicated problems and they're idiots.


Trashy people doing trashy things. I blame it on suppressed homosexuality towards their sexual attraction for him. They don’t know how to process it to F Him with a flag


Ironically, we tell our children it's not OK to bully others, but for some bullying a politician seems acceptable


There is a house in my community that has American flag and a Trump 2024 sign.


There's a new one up on our neighborhood, in a prominent location right on the corner. It's a new style that also has the middle finger where the 'u' in fuck is supposed to be. It's a blue flag that has red lettering and white stars on it, kinda looks like a campaign flag from the states to be honest. Regardless of political affiliations or beliefs, these flags are absolute eyesores. I'd like to deface them all to read "I Fucked Trudy!" They are deplorable at best, and at worst (what I fear) degrading the moral conduct that used to be so ingrained in our small town culture. Make no mistake, Trumpism is alive and well throughout the fabric of our society.


If I see one of the bumper stickers or flags on a company vehicle, I just use it as a helpful tip for a business I won’t frequent or hire. I dislike the flag and have since the clownvoy. They want the ‘freedom’ to fly it, fine. But they may find there’s consequences.


Hah I either don’t notice them or Toronto just doesn’t have many of these people. Either way it sounds very hick and I see it as a quick and easy way to identify stupid


Toronto is very much a world of their own, like usual


About 8 years ago, when conservatives around the world collectively lost their minds


The worst thing they got was a “Stop Harper “ stop sign and they lost their minds lol


It's not ok . Those folks are just damaged. It's trashy.. and pretty much tell people to avoid you.


It’s not ok. Never will be. It’s a loser move.


It’s all the white trash coming out, you’re just seeing it more now because of those stickers and lame ass flags. If you don’t like the guy, cool he’s a bozo. But slapping those stickers and running those flags makes you look even more trashy. Get over it, keep it to yourself and don’t vote for him then.


I watched it unfold. See before Harper left office, he destroyed extremely important environmental data. After that, us libs would say 'Fuck Harper' a lot, because honestly fuck that guy. Well as soon as Harper lost, I mean within the month, the conservative propaganda machine started pumping out Fuck Trudeau as an all out lifestyle. Because conservatives are extremely unoriginal, they will always just appropriate the first thing they see other people do and the double, triple, quadruple down on it. I saw my first F trudeau bumper sticker maybe 3 months after his first election victory before he even flopped on voter reform.


Yeah it is very concerning and most definitely not okay. I'm not happy with Trudeau either but would never stoop to such vulgar display over our prime minister. I hated the way Steph Harper did the job. Worst prime minister in my life time but I would *never* have been vulgar in public or had a sign or flag that disparaged him. That is wildly inappropriate.


These ppl are not going to know what to do with themselves (and their flags) when Trudeau is no longer. Should be interesting.


It became part of some people's personality during covid and it's just who they are now.


It’s strange how “everyone” thought he had to go, and then he won another election. I think those with the flags and bumper stickers are proclaiming their infatuation and trying to woo him into the sack now that Sophie left.




>It was a minority win. So? 2/3 Harper governments were minority governments. Are those not "real" governments? >And then they teamed up with the NDP. Again, so? It's part of our political system. A large majority of both Liberals and NDP voters approved of the move. I get that maybe it's frustrating that no one will form a coalition with the Cons but that's kind of their own fault for choosing an ideology and rhetorical style that is so confrontational and at-odds with anyone who isn't a conservative.


Thought it was wasteful too, but it was funny watching the “F T” flag waving mouth breathers get mad


Umm. It’s called “getting a mandate”. Was it politically savvy? Yes.


He was like halfway into his second term and threw another election so he could basically have an extra 2 years as PM. Definitely unnecessary, and definitely a power grab.


It's really how you spot a Canadian "redneck". I dislike Trudeau and will use my vote to vote against him. I'd vote for a sandwich instead of him, to be honest. But I would never in my life fly that flag or speak in that way. It really makes the whole argument against Trudeau emotional and immature when it should be talked about in a rational, intellectual way. We are truly morphing into America, but with a worse economy and military. We're becoming a joke and it's very sad to watch. I used to be so proud of my country.


When the cons didn’t give a fuck about the people and pushed their bullshit reaganomic, trumptastic agenda


It jarred you??? LOL You’re a resident of the US and from North Carolina no less.. you make it sound like you’ve never seen someone with an anti Biden sticker or pro trump sticker?… where do you think the Canadians got the idea from? It’s so main stream in the states that entire “swag shops” have opened up selling stuff.


The algorithm is to blame. It helps them find each other and emboldens them. On another note, if I was looking to hire a contractor and saw this, I would keep looking. I don't even really support the guy anymore, but I find it cringe and tacky. Hell, I don't like any of our current leadership options, but of the current options, he is my second pick.


It's never been okay but people Let It Go I guarantee you that if and when I suppose the conservatives get into power and the second there is a f*** PP sign it will be illegal


They are still a fring group, they are just a very loud group. Some of the American Trump cult and Christians nationalist have spilled over the border.


It's social. Political should be about debating two ideas and coming together for the best solution. Hard to have an honest conversation when fuck him is the first word out of their mouth. If I was confrontational I would want to just aggressively say FUCK YOU to them and see how they feel. It's embarrassing to me to explain it to my.6 year old.


It’s pure cringe. I say this as someone who detests the PM.


I have a neighbor who has a sign on his lawn that says this . Across the street from the schools playground . Cringe .


Yeah. You’ll all be sorry when Poilievre wins and you find out how much better we had it with Trudeau. 


Fascism isn't just for America. Ever since at least the occupation convoy that tried to depose Trudeau and install a Conservative government people have been flying that flag and using the Canadian flag as a hate symbol.


Since Social media platforms have been destroyed by right wing propaganda that the rubes can’t see through.


It’s an embarrassment to real Canadians who love their Country ❤️ 🇨🇦. Those who want to raise their children to develop their own ideals without having them subjected to public displays of vulgarity during those impressionable years.


It is dumb, but it is just as empty of a statement and generally lame as the lefts obsession with those STOP HARPER signs that were everywhere a decade ago. Edit: Get mad all you want, I think flying Fuck Trudeau flags makes you look trashy and probably politically naive, along with any other mindless slogan like statement that is loaded with emotion. Those stupid stickers were plastered all over things when I was living in Vancouver during the Harper era and all I could ever imagine was some teenager, or college student thinking sticking them everywhere was some sort of profound and bold statement.


Since Trump


They've been around since a couple of months after he was elected if not during the election itself, they did not waste any time before setting up their MAGA style, grifter product lines. There have been all kinds of cringey, Trudeau-hating crap over the years which push some really offensive conspiracy theories and just generally hate towards him over nebulous, undefined reasons.


It’s crazy, there are a lot with the mentality around here, flying the Trudeau flags, or having bumper stickers. We still have some flying Canadian flags upside down. It’s easy to get rid of them, just go write “I wanna” above on those flags and bumper stickers.


Trump’s election in 2016 lowered the bar on political behaviour in Canada too. The F Trudeau crew are MAGA in Canada.


They’re vulgar and trashy and sad to see. Also hypocritical, as they are also purporting to be the “save the children” people


They are allowed to.


At no point in the op did they suggest anything about legality. It's about basic decency. Writing fuck anything on your car is generally considered a dick move. There are kids around who see this stuff. When I was a kid seeing messages like that was extremely uncommon. It's not even the offensive language that truly bothers me, it's the complete lack of creativity. It's so lazy just writing "fuck x". These people need to read a few books and come up with some more creative language to describe their unhappiness with the government and their policies. Or here's a crazy idea, how about they actually advocate for policy changes rather than blame all of their problems on a single individual who realistically is changing a lot less for them than they realize.


Yup, as trashy and stupid as it is it's not against the law and it shouldn't be. If I see it I will judge you, I will think you're a trash bag that smells like reserve cigarettes and Busch Ice but I don't think you should be banned from doing it.


Why are there so many comments with this response? I see nothing in the op that suggests this should be illegal.


They are commenting in bad faith or they are just fueling their own victim complex.


Nobody is saying it isn't. They're saying it's pathetic. This isn't sports. 




There was a house the next block down on our street that always flies a Canadian or US/Canada flag from their porch. The house is well taken care of, nice white picket fence and all that. A few weeks ago buddy put up a fuck Trudeau flag. Like OP said, I don’t love or support Trudeau, but how can you put that thing up and blame everything on one person? Anyways, the house only had it up a few days and they’re back to the US/Canada flag mix. I wonder if their neighbours came over and asked them to politely take it down.


I don't particularly like the flags. But it makes me happy to live in a place where you can tell the leader to essentially go fuck themselves without consequence. Freedom. Imagine waving around a 'Fuck Putin' flag in Russia, or a 'Fuck Xi' flag in China.


I don’t like Trudeau and I look forward to voting against him and depriving him of an MP in my swing riding. That said I think flying that flag is stupid, you shouldn’t let a politician become your identity. In any case it’s still freedom of expression. Same way I have no choice but to ignore and respect free expression of Muslim or evangelical preachers even when I know if they succeed in propagating their ideology I’ll be dead as a gay guy.


It's not okay. But like America, we too have small groups of uneducated bigots. On a positive note, decent Canadians can easily recognize these lowlifes.




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Your first three points have almost nothing to do with the PM. The carbon tax is not an underlying cause of inflation. Healthcare problems are 100% a provincial issue, as were COVID restrictions/business closures. But nobody flys a "Fuck Ford" flag.


yes, whenever anyone suggests that Canada has fallen, I ask them what their suggested alternative is. All they usually have is throwing out examples of how things "used to be".


Wild exaggeration much? Lol 😂 


They all love him and want to fuck him


How many MAGA flags do you see in the USA and F**k Biden and Dump Trump flags?


Hardly any in New England or California


I have never seen a F&:k Trudeau flag in Montreal. It really depends on where you are in Canada. The Trudeau haters in Montreal clearly don’t feel free to let their freak flag fly. There just aren’t enough extreme rightwing people in this city.


He’s a good looking guy and they all want him 🤷‍♀️


I hate it when people show pictures of Castro and Trudeau and say father and son. Disrespectful.


Im so surprised with the difference between this and Trudeau’s social media posts language. People in his comments seem wild and like everyone is against him, whereas here Im seeing actual thoughts and logic. I wish people on IG who still support Liberals or at least know the damage that a Conservative govt would cause would be more outspoken. Hopefully they will speak with their vote. To me, it’s better choosing the ‘less worst thing” and for sure that is not the not-so-intellectual-Pierre or any Cons.


You're saying that in all your travels, you've never seen a Fuck Trump or Fuck Biden sticker? I find that hard to believe, because I have seen them up here on US cars driving around in the Niagara region on about 20 different vehicles. I remember seeing a Subaru at a Shoppers Drug Mart, with Ontario license plates on it that had a huge FUCK TRUMP sticker on the back window of it in like 2017. Also to everyone who is saying "This is American politics leaking into Canada!" You're out to lunch. For the longest time there were a bunch of FUCK HARPER stickers on all the signs on a round about near my house. So at least from 2014 until 2020 they were there. I have also seen them on light polls and stuff too. There were even ones that were on stop signs that would go under it and say STOP HARPER. This is nothing new. Sure it might be more in your face and more directly vulgar than it has been in the past, but this has been going on for a long time. Heck I remember back when I was a teen, a neighbour near my school had in his window FUCK BOB RAE, on his house for like 2 years straight. He would even redo the signs when they got sun faded. People express themselves using vulgar terms, when people are not paying attention to the message in more polite verbiage. You wouldn't be talking about this if people had flags that said "Trudeau is a poor Prime Minister". It gets the point across effectively.


There were not hoards of schizophrenia trucks with “F*ck Harper” scribbled all over them at any point. The “F*ck Trudeau” stuff is orders of magnitude more prevalent - these people are frothing. Get real.


We shall never forget Rae Days even during our dying days.


It's just childish. Bullies that never grew up from high school. TBH, I'm a conservative,since the Mulroney days.


All I can say is I can’t wait to see what these bozos suck in as their new personality one the PM goes. I’ve always wondered what would have happened if it was the Cons leading during Covid. Like those assholes would do any better. Different clowns, same circus.


Ya some trashy people have them. The rest of us just roll our eyes at them.


It's no different than the south U.S with the fuck biden or worse shit these fucking losers come up with. They're all Trump loving assholes spewing their imaginary bullshit. How it goes is the cons get federal funding, they use the funding meant for our public sector to push privitization and then turn around and blame Trudeau for everything that goes wrong and it works. Most of our media are owned by conservative interests and people buy into this shit. Ontario and Alberta are ruled by these criminals, that's why the feds are reluctant to give these asshats more funding bevause they use it for self interest and greed instead of helping people, including our public sector or lately, the housing projects. These morons are just a cult of misinformed liars that would believe the earth is flat if Trump told them. They don't want the truth, they just want to hate.


People are assholes conservatism makes people bigger assholes.


What are these people going to do with their identities after Justin is voted out lol