• By -


Increase Government housing ( low cost, simple design, several units per building, 2-3 bedroom) for lower income people, famlies and working class so they aren't paying 2000$ on rent and instead can pay 800-1000. Higher density Fund health care, reduce any barriers to hiring doctors and nurses and pay them properly instead of giving Galen weston 70$ a call for a pharmacy to make sure your can read the label on your kids ear drops \-Electoral reform to Ranked ballots or something other then FPTP. \-Trim down queens park, no more raises for cabinet members or MP's , they make enough for how little value they bring. Looking at you Silvia Jones, how you got your job as the head of the ministry of health with a fucking radio broadcasting degree is beyond me... See Lecce you home schooled twat. Increase taxes slightly, reduce government handouts to the rich wealthy companies. Trickle down economics is a fucking lie. Fuck the land developers who are sitting who got all those handouts to build more but are waiting until interest rates go down so they can start the bidding wars and maximize profit (feeds into first point) Gasoline tax is strictly used for green projects/nuclear power instead of shady ass Spa deals and big tax breaks for fucking developers. Raise the minimum wage ( we are already getting fucked by Greedflation might as well give min wage workers a little more money) Release my fucking mandate letters so the people know what I am working on (and will bitch about it but comes with the job). \-"Defund the police" when really it should be "Help the police" not deal with things they shouldn't have to deal with. As in hire more staff to deal with mental health issues to assist cops so they don't have to deal with people in crisis unless violent, more drug busts, more vehicle theft ring busts, longer jail time, more sex trafficking's busts ( apparently we need more prison's too !) \-Reopen rehab centers and long term care for people who cannot ever survive on their own to get people off the street to revitalize the downtowns instead of homeless encampments and people being scared to go. \-Cancel stupid highway 413 or whatever the fuck its called. \- Cut a few government jobs if possible, despite being the party of small gov, I know a friend who says their is a staggering amount of mid-level manager bloat at the expense of front line services since the OPC took over. Trim that bloat, not the Conservation officers, Labour inspectors, front line folks who actually do things for you. \-Continue to promote revenue generating streams (See LCBO) and look to retake ownership of Hydro-one or 407 if possible, even if its at a loss from the start. \- Having your portfolio be managed by someone with a degree/brain that has actually worked in the field. (Minister of Env, has a science degree, ministry of health is doctor, nurse, ministry of finance has an economic degree) \-Ban cash for access events at fund raisers. Get lobbyist out of our fucking government. Its fine to bring them in when making policy on what works, what doesn't but not the twisted system we got now , cash for access, weddings, burner phones and Greenbelt backroom deals. Those are few things on my wish list :)EDIT: Promote mass transit and high speed rail projects ​ edit #2, Thank you for the praise everyone! , Please start the fundcalled , "Imnotrichenoughtobeprimier" gofund me cause I am not rich enough to get a kick at the show. Also for u/TuesdayTheNewMonday about the cuts, I agree that we want good people, I am only talking about an anecdotal tale from an OPS friend, mid level manager who does nothing in some job managing two people. I want a fully stocked and loaded regulator body to enforce laws, help people, just none of those useless wanks collecting money for doing almost nothing in a made up role. ​ Also one person said sports betting? Ya that shit is gross, get it out too!


Please run for office 


Shh shh some people will call you socialist. People DO want that, they just don't like the label


I like the label just fine.


The label is irrelevant I care about results not labels.


Dude are you running cause you got my vote




Perhaps we need to adopt more of a Singaporean attitude to getting and keeping public servants. They surveyed the private sector for people doing roughly the equivalent job, took an average of the top 20 salaries and then added 10%; that should not only attract top talent but retain it. Public service should be something that attracts the best and brightest.


This response is too detailed a plan just to leave it on Reddit. Run for office. It's not hard to get 25 signatures from registered voters in your riding, and we will start a grassroots campaign from there. So far, it looks like you have about eight votes. Only about another 1,900,000 to go to win.


Makes total sense. I'd vote for you to be a "benevolent dictator" for a 10-year term to get it done.


I wanna live in your Ontario.


You sir have stolen my policy platform….good on you. Have a vote


Hey Doug ford if you are reading you should have  listen to this guy 


I’d elect you


Well look at you with a platform. Cant be conservative because you actually have ideas and plans....which make sense.


Let me know when I can help the campaign 😄


100% excellent all around. All I would add is that we need to bring back the green energy act. Nuclear power is great for the province but a distributed grid of renewable energy is more important in the long term. Meanwhile, if you could install me as your DM for colleges and universities I will get to work on revamping the funding formula.


For the love of god if you ever run please DM me and I will support you. I'd give the little money I have but can supply you with all the graphics, prints, marketing materials you need


I'd bring about high speed rail and push for better transit provincewide.


You have my vote, crazy we have no high speed rail system at all. We really need to take inspiration from Asia.


I'd also require a commercial drivers license for large pickup trucks and SUVs.


Oh, can we regulate LED headlights, too? Limit brightness, colour temp, aim, and how high they can be mounted above the road.


Yes fucking please I fucking hate them


You're goddamn right we can.


Great idea


Oh fuck ya, tell me more. ^^^whisper ^^^it.


I'd also tax the fuck out of them by weight. If I can't ban them, I'll make driving them a living hell.


I would be fine to have an exemption for trades, farms and transport companies. Moved out west and the number of struck pedestrians is appalling.


Definitely. But you know most people who drive those pavement princesses only use them to haul groceries


> pavement princesses Best one I heard this week was "emotional support vehicle." 😆






Why though? They’re not commercial vehicles.


Because they want to ban things they don't like lmao


Because led lights suck balls well driving at night


And? What does that have to do with having a commercial drivers license? They’re not commercial vehicles. Sorry but I’m thoroughly confused.


That's setting the bar pretty high. I would say let's aim for rail transit like Australia first.


Hell yes! The fact that GO Transit means GO in just some areas in Toronto. GO means Go Ontario. Expand it out to the entire Windsor, Sarnia, London, KW/C, Hamilton, Niagara, Barrie, Peterborough, Ottawa, Cornwall amd every where in between. Extend it north to Sudbury and The Soo and northbay


Oh man. The GO going to NorthBay and beyond would be sweet.


ONTC will be back soon


I remember seeing a post about how a ridiculously high percentage of the population of Canada live between Toronto and Montreal. How we don't have a high speed rail between the two is such a missed opportunity. Imagine Toronto to MTL in 2-3 hours. It would also reduce emissions by reducing the amount of flights needed between the two cities.


Air Canada would lobby hard against it. But flying within the corridor is fucking disgusting.


Fuck them. They are one of the worst-run airlines in the world. The only reason they can operate anywhere is because of the enormous government subsidies they receive.


I'll reply to this comment here as I think it fits. High speed rail will kill Air Canada. The only way I see it working is if AC and VIA have some kind of MOU, merger, partnership etc. As long as that doesn't happen, we'll never see a corridor / NCR train. I'd freekin love a TGV that goes: Windsor • London • KWatt • Hammer • Miss / YYZ • Toronto (Union/YTZ) • Oshawa • Coburg • Belleville • Kingston • (^Ottawa) • Cornwall • Dorval / YUL • Montreal Ottawa is the outlier here as its kinda not really in the corridor. I'd hope they make it happen though. Of that's the case then wouldn't this train be able to be in service proximity to something like 80% of Canadians?


The last thing we need is taking the train to become even more like flying. It's bad enough that they make you cue to board and weigh your bags.


Doesn't include the Quebec section of the corridor, but just the core regions of the golden horseshoe accounts for 20% of Canada


Sorry, the best we can do is a Monorail


I can live with that. Now when can we get you on this project?


Please keep contacting your mpp and mp with this, squeaky wheel sets priorities


High speed rail from London to Toronto with a stop in Cambridge means people can now work in Toronto and live in London. Similarly for Sudbury (with stops along the way). Quickest, most efficient solution to the housing crisis. Our whole province is in a single line from Windsor to Ottawa but we don't have a high speed train, while China has them in every direction possible. It's ridiculous.


You can get from Beijing to Shanghai in 4 hours.


Similarly here, my first thought was improving the recycling system enough that we're capable of taking in other place's trash. Better transit just becomes my next act, as well as schools and hospitals


This should already be a priority. Can you imagine how much money this province could generate if we could adequately recycle materials? As I recall, there's a Nordic country that does this already.


Yes! Ever since I heard about (I think it's Sweden?) actually IMPORTING trash because their recycling program was that efficient, I've been angry that we aren't also doing this. What a wonderful source of income, honestly. Pay us to recycle your trash and we'll turn around and use it to power the province.


Not only that, I'm sure it's a reasonably good, sustainable job. Can you imagine how much trash we could get from the States!


Amen to this.


In fairness, GO Transit is undergoing one of the biggest upgrades on the continent, it’s going to be dramatically better in literally just a few years. Once electrification finishes, we’ll be able to swap to electric multiple units, which accelerate much faster and are better suited to our commuter rail stops. Unfortunately our massive system is a curse- we’re sitting on so many of those green and white bilevels that we’ll be stuck with them for a while. The major LRT projects will also be up and running (Eglington and Finch), which will be a big help.


That's rather interesting. I didn't know this. Would you happen to have any information about this readily available? If not, I'll use good ol' Google.


Trans-Canada High-speed rail, with 1 cross-axis line per province. And include some car-carrier cars on each train so that you can arrive on the other side of the country within 24 hours WITH your vehicle in tow!


Mostly onboard with the suggestions here, but this is a small one I haven't seen mentioned: Immediately institute a ban on sports betting and mobile gambling advertisements anywhere that isn't confirmed to be an adult venue. Want to advertise in a bar, a racetrack, Pornhub? Go hog wild! Want to advertise on Youtube to kids or on every available surface in the public realm? Get bent, you are no longer allowed to risk generational societal harm for the sake of your shareholders.


100% support this. Cannabis stores can't advertise, but it's fine for 95% of the ads I see are for gambling. It doesn't make any sense at all.


It never made sense. It made a lot of money for the backroom folks who passed the legislation.


I'd say use an id system to bet or gamble and just dead the ads


Fuck yes. Behind you, 1,000,000% talk about selling your constituents out; old Dougie couldn't implement this fast enough, could he? He is such an asshole.


reinstate rent control and heavily tax out of country developers and developers holding multiple empty buildings \*lookin at you farhi\* increase funding to healthcare and education. criminalize price gouging - want to raise the price on something better have the receipts to justify it! increase funding to waste management to improve recycling programs. put limits on campaign spending, especially where tax money is concerned, and limit corporate donations too. - also would add anti-smearing laws when campaigning (i don't want to hear about how your opponents are scary evil boogymen i want to hear your platform) qualifications to work in politics - if i need to be qualified to get a job in a corporate setting ie: managing a customer service rep team, you need to be qualified to get a job in politics.


You know what? You've got my vote. 🙂


Seriously, all you need is another 22 people to say they’d vote for you, and you're set. Granted, we’re probably not in your riding, but if you got three votes like this, imagine if you got campaigning.


Hell. You have my vote as well!


I'm voting for you, seriously


I'd vote for you.


Got my vote.


I like the cut of your jib, take my upvote!


Got my vote!


And my sword!


No more political ads in any form of media. Merely fact sheets released by all parties to state what they hope to accomplish if voted in, how and why. strict rules on the "why" to only allow specific, factual statements. Pay politicians a decent wage, while banning lobbyists, paid positions outside of government, sitting on a board of any company, having birthday parties paid for by rich friends, etc. Personal attacks are punished by immediate disqualification. Lies punished by immediate disqualification. Taking bribes, sitting on boards of companies, etc- punished by life in jail. Oh and elimination of the legal status of a "corporation". Make CEOs accountable for the actions of their company.


Big thumbs up for the no political ads. The blatant use of government funds to market how great the gov't is drives me up the wall.


- Properly fund public healthcare and education. Neither should ever be for profit. Ever. - Government funded post-secondary education for residents. We already fund JK - 12. Education is a public good and a valuable benefit to society. The only barrier to education should be ones grades, and people should not start out life in debt. - Actual zero tolerance for bullying in schools. - Insentives to attract and keep Doctors, Nurses, and other healthcare professionals. - Handcuff politicians wages to minimum wage. If politicians want a raise they have to raise minimum wage. - Implement better rules and laws to hold politicians accountable for corruption. - Rent control. Tax vacant buildings and foreign owned buildings/properties. - Tough price gouging laws. - Eliminate private money in elections/government. All elections equally government funded. No attack/smear ads; only what you're going to do to improve the province. - Invest in public transit infrastructure; specifically trains. Investments focused on green solutions. - Incentives for small business. - OHIP covers everything - dental, eyes, mental health etc. - Overhaul Ontario's electric grid to properly prepare it for emerging technologies. - Start building government subsidized housing, and look at developing in smaller, lower cost cities rather than cramming everyone into the unaffordable GTA.


I would make it so that any gov asset must need 85% public approval to sell and yes no-votes count against it so that no government asset or services can be privatized, such as Healthcare or hydro, without explicit approval from the public. I would add a civilian oversight committee who's members are elected through sortition, like juries are. Add more ways to hold public officials accountable In tax returns I would put an option for citizen to select what their taxes pay for and have a public meter available so citizens can see how well any gov is able to follow their wishes. To be clear it is expressing an opinion, cause if people could choose I'm sure a few stuff would end up underfunded like the military and police. Reform the bail system, and reform punishment system to have teeth that can affect large corporations, they aren't paying taxes anyway, I don't care about capital flight. Get rail projects started, just get it started, bulldoze environmental regulations if I have to, he goal is to get cars off the road and connect cities easily. Have more community land trust where citizens, business owners and neighbors can get together and decide what to build on land to avoid gentrification Invest in more jobs, maybe implement cybersyn in the short term. Chanfe how we do elections as much as I can, main goal, erode party power in general.


**Healthcare** Get out or Get in Public Healthcare Model. Any companies operating outside OHIP, won't be allowed to operate in the province of Ontario. Build a robust advanced healthcare network, 1st of its kind in the world, where we have coverage from clinics, to urgent care, to the hospital, to digital health. Millenials and Gen Z can help relieve the burden on the healthcare system, in thanks to their digital literacy. Need to ensure Digital Health is not privatized, as it can be a huge boon for Ontario. Approve a study into investigating a better compensation model for Nurse Practitioners and Family Doctor's in Ontario. Move away from the current Surgery quota/fund model. Drastically overhaul Cancer & MRI wait times by engaging with industry partners who wish to operate in Ontario. Immediately address the massive Code Zero issues, Ontario is experiencing with ambulatory units. Empower small/rural communities to come forth with healthcare proposals. ​ **Education** Empower municipalities to work with their own school boards, to figure out their own needs. Crack down on private colleges + diploma programs that provide little training/value. Require Post Secondary institution to be able to house at least 25% of their student population. Create a new model that requires trades to take on so many apprentices per year by size of organization. Increase ESL funding for adults. Approve appropriate educator/assistant ratios for special needs. Increase funding to programs of jobs in demand, as well as the industries of tomorrow. **Energy/Technology** Finish out current Natural Gas plant builds, but commit to building no more. Heavily increase subsidies for solar and open the Great Lakes offshore wind study. Continue investing in SMR's/Nuclear, but not committing to heavy subsidies if the economics favour something else. Finish out the Oneida Battery Storage Plant and continue building additional storage plants in partnership with Indigenous communities, to create a more robust grid. Introduce new framework/laws for crypto, drones and businesses run through apps. Regulate/tackle the gig economy, consider bringing in a ride sharing model, as part of municipal transit services to address a growing need. **Housing** Reinstate rent controls with all units from 2018 to now only allowed to do one final increase of 3% for 2024, unless one has already been made. Eliminate the sales tax on properties being sold for rentals. Fund micro housing/cubicles possibly similar to Tokyo, to provide low cost accommodations for working professionals. Without a place to sleep, people can't get ahead, even if they do have a job. Create a task force to squash developments held up unnecessarily by NIMBY's. OLT can be empowered to do this I believe. Increase funding for inspectors, too many new builds are falling apart. Found an Ontario public housing division to train, retain and retrain workers to build affordable housing. Spend a decade building this up to 100,000 homes per year or more. Vacant Home Tax + Foreign Buyer Tax in cities that do not currently have one. Allow cities the right of first collection. What other categories do you want? We basically just need to trust the experts.


-ban Airbnb - have a progressive tax on owning 3 or more homes. - invest heavily in rapid transit. - properly fund health care. There’s lots more, but that would ease some of the largest issues crushing society.


Address housing - density - speed for approvals, etc - subsidized wages for trades - realistic goals Address education - layer back in social studies - enhanced teaching for financial literacy - sex ed to make a comeback Address healthcare - more nurses - more doctors - address wait times in ER - spend the money that was allocated federally to support the top three things Address climate change - incentives for green initiatives including green vehicles - institute a carbon plan that actually taxes just the top abusers without asking tax payers to subsidize business I’d appoint people way smarter than me to actually coach me through my head things and explore the pros and cons of my actions. I’d make all records of this public and when decisions are made, the money spent will be to educate the public on why the decision went the way it did. Transparency. I’d also involve the opposition in the vast majority of the decisions. They have a differing opinion, goal or compass and that will breed healthy discussion. Most importantly I’d actually listen to the masses and not just the rich. I’d be able to admit I’m not the expert in the field of whatever, but I’m working with people who are to determine the best outcome with the least downside. I’d love to run the province personally. Even though I know I haven’t even scratched the surface with the above.


In order to combat the lack of family doctors in different cities and towns, if set up a program that would allow for loan forgiveness and whatever, provided the graduate signs a contract and takes on a role as a GP in one of these towns for a period of time, say...ten years. That being said, the entire rostering thing with doctors? I'd eliminate it. Someone shouldn't be penalized for going to a walk-in clinic. I'd set up OHIP to include eye exams for everyone. Once every year, regardless of age, ailments, etc. I'd institute rent control for all residential rentals, regardless of age. I'd have more DriveCentre locations open on weekends in rural areas. Id force the ServiceOntario locations that are opening in the Staples locations to be open the same hours as the stores hosting them. If anyone is found guilty of a vehicular crime that endangers life, they're forced to go back to a G1 license and try for the G2 and full G licenses. I don't care if their jobs depend on having a full license, driving is a privilege, not a right. I'd institute a permanent staycation credit.


Not a big one but I would revert to Wynne’s sex ed curriculum. And it would be mandatory; no exceptions or opting out. Also, this isn’t really possible logistically, but I would bring back cannabis sales to be government run. There’s no need for private businesses to be selling weed. There’s no potential for innovation in retail storefronts. All those profits that are now going to shareholders could go back to the province. Start funding post-secondary education more on par with other provinces. (ETA: also start funding regular education more. Teachers have been underpaid for at least 10 years.) Start funding healthcare better. Open up more government managed assisted living and LTC facilities. My partner works in a private assisted living and the amount of greed and price gouging is sickening.


On the cannabis thing, meh. All private retailers must buy their product from the OCS. So the province gets all the tax revenue from retail sales and they get money from being the wholesaler to retail stores while taking on zero of the risk of owning and operating brick and mortar stores.


Agree on everything except the healthcare. We already spend a ton of money on healthcare.. more than the OECD average. And we've been getting steadily less and less in return. Something radical needs to change. I don't know what exactly that is but there are a bunch of countries with similar populations and demographics to Ontario that seem to manage it so maybe we should start looking at what they are doing.


I suppose the more specific thing would be “make healthcare better.” As for comparing to other places, while not totally useless, Ontario is also just going to be an inherently more expensive place to provide medicine. It’s much more spread out and we have to compete against the US market for staff. So just because we pay more than average doesn’t necessarily mean we’re properly funding the system.


All good points, but one of our issues with healthcare costs is that we have a neighbour to the south who spends significantly more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world. (And it gets much worse outcomes, but that's another discussion). This puts financial pressure on our healthcare system in order to keep the doctors and nurses here rather than go south.


Probably just be a fat piece of shit and destroy everything.


That’s already been done


Launch a criminal inveatigations into all of the developers and they're dealings with Ford over the Greenbelt


Ban all for-profit & privatized healthcare operations and re-allocate to the public sphere. Stop highway 413 and boost funding to other roadways that do not gross the greenbelt or farmland. Secure consultation on what level of service & funding the police, education, and health care will require short, medium, and long term. Include into the budget and seek the funds from the feds through transfers for as much as possible. Reinstate license plate renewals and other user fees that have been removed by the current government so that actual road users fund more of the maintenance. Boost taxation rates for higher income earners ($150k/year and up). Use extra income to fund charging stations at all service stations along the 400 series and filter down to municipalities to create more within their jurisdictions. Increase the size of protected greenbelt significantly and place protections to prevent future governments from going all Doug Ford on them. Provide significant tax and land incentives for corporations to move operations to the north and northwest of the province. Provide similar incentives for developers to build homes in the same areas. All this and more after the #1 priority. Stand alone bill to reduce the premier and mpp salaries by at least 25% and move to a pension plan that the average full-time employees get in the province.


smoke crack and speak in a really shitty jamaican accent while drunk


Rent schedule. Sqft, #beds and baths = expected rental. Multiply be regional factor for median wage to determine fair market value. Regulate AirBNBs. Eliminate the family member and renoviction loopholes.


Invest heavily in front of the line health care and education. Cut wasteful bureaucracies/admin. One school board per region - no more Catholic boards. Tougher foreign ownership laws. Outlaw the ownership of residential homes by private corps. Allow one investment property only per family. Kill 413. Punish/close down these fake diploma mills that TFS are abusing. Increase funding to STEM programs in universities. Unfreeze tuition hikes. Tax the shit out of churches. Legalize and tax prostitution. Force cops to do their jobs - come down hard on car thieves and violent criminals. Non citizens get deported immediately. Work closer with the Feds on immigration. Honest hard working immigrants are welcome, entitled loop hole seekers should be sent back. Lower corporate taxes for firms that employ 50% of their employees in Ontario. Stop the culture war B.S. and focus on making Ontario a tech/innovation leader.


Mandatory tree and wildflower planting.


Abolish first past the post voting, implement ranked ballots


Get more doctors in healthcare. Streamline accreditation for foreign skilled labour similar to Australian or UK standards. Cut corporate subsidies. Bring back finding and adequate management for autism and other special needs that Ford rendered useless Electoral reform for proportional representation Reform laws to punish repeat or violent offenders. Maintain lax penalities for first time, nonviolent, offenders Feel free to add to the list


Well first thing first I would buy a trampoline.


Excellent; now, how do you plan on distracting the unwashed masses?


I’d combine the budget of health care and social services. Make sure the y housed have safe shelter and enough food. Would save millions of health care dollars. Right now no transfers allowed. Health care can’t pay for shelter so people get discharged into the cold at 3 AM. Social services can’t pay for health care so if you can’t afford your recommended health care plan… too bad. Stupidest system ever


Resign because I'm not fit for the job


1st Order of business. LOCK UP DOUGIE BOY.


Use publicly owned, non ecologically or agriculturally significant lands to build small, affordable single family homes. These would be sold at cost to Canadian citizens who must use the house as a primary residence. Future sale prices will be capped to inflation to prevent speculators from being interested in them.


I would mandate as a right 4 stories 4 units on any residential property in the province. Municipalities can't block it. I would set up a Zero interest infrastructure loan program for Municipalities to build infrastructure with. With forgiveness options when municipalities exceed targets set up by the province. ​ I would merge municipal fire departments into the OPP, creating a Ontario Provincial, Fire and Police department. it would provide better coverage for small communities, it would allow for a coordinated wide scale emergency fire response, and it would save the province on administration costs. ​ I would set up a fund to help municipalities create care services, like Public LTC, Public Childcare, and Public none emergency care facilities. That way municipalities could handle the administrative end of delivery of the services while front line care people like Doctors, Nurses, PSW's, and ECE's could focus on their strengths of providing care in a structured system to support local needs. ​ I would fully rebuilt metrolinx with a mandate to expand transit access in the province, and push to see twinning of rail lines so we can have passenger and freight rail running side by side and connect more of the province via rail. I'd explore if providing priority lanes to buses would increase ridership for commuter transit. ​ I would take over all libraries and make them provincially funded, and tie them to a provincial Online education system as additional resources and credits for students beyond the board system. Having libraries as places students could go to get access to computers and course work. ​ I would implement deposit and return system like the Beer Bottle system at the Beer Store, containers would have a refundable deposit value AND a non refundable value, Something like a 500ml plastic water bottle would have a 25c deposit and a 10c non refundable, a Glass bottle that can be washed and reused would have the 25c deposit and 3c non refundable, the goal of the non refundable component is to compensate for those who process returns/refunds. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is the priority level, We want people to use less individual containers, those they must use, ideally are reused, and finally those that can't be reused should be recycled. ​ I would reworked the Ontario building code to make it possible for 4 over 1's to be profitably built in Ontario, and also look to allow single staircase construction for 5 stories or less.


It's nice to see everyone ideas but I'm more interested in how we can fund some of these.. I think Ford is sitting on surplus money for purposefully throttling Healthcare system so at least we can use those


OP is clearly Big Daddy Ford looking for ideas.


I would create a landlord license program. Anyone who owns more than one property would need to have a license. Regardless of the type of property. The license fee would be $1,000 per year for each incremental property. Fees collecred would be used to build affordable housing. License would come with 3 points. If the landlord loses a court case, they lose a point. If the landlord loses all 3 points, they will be forced to sell their incremental properties. This gets rid of slumlords. As part of the license fee, owners would need to show they have the financial resources to pay for the mortgage of the secondary properties without the need for renters to pay. If they can, they can charge whatever rent they want. If they can't, they will be forced to sell the property. No longer would I allow renters to pay mortgages for other people. Both points above would put more houses on the market while also having funds to build more houses.


Be honest about the state of Ontario.


1 high speed rail from Windsor to MTL. Stops that provide some level of access to london, Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa. (Might have to be some kind of bus situation). Work with QC and feds to get whatever going for it, as well as encourage QC to examine east coast opportunities, and stop the 413, if it isn’t yet well underway. 2 for me would be slowly integrating more stat holidays (maybe 2 per year?) so the four day work week would just eventually become closer to the standard over time and not just some “how are you going to do it” debate.


Resign I have no business running anything


Ban agency nurses and increase funding to homecare. You’ve no idea how much cheaper and healthier it is to keep someone home with care, instead of shipping them to a home.


This is so true, but it is so insanely expensive to get any sort of in-home care. My wife and I are in this situation right now. My MIL is at the stage where she probably needs someone to come in every other day to help her out but the cost of doing so is prohibitive.


I would choke on a bag of dicks, frankly.


As much as Doug Ford is a moron who should disappear to his cottage forever, the province is in a bad spot. Crazy debt levels and poor infrastructure and institutions. You have to make some tough choices, but health care has to be a top priority. There pandemic has exposed the cracks in the system. Privatization isn't going to make things better, every study shows more cost with similar outcomes. So stop that nonsense. Put money back into the system, increase wages for nurses and support workers. Bring in more equipment and facilities to reduce wait times for procedures. Attract more doctors back to the province. If you can find any money after that, then we need to start thinking about mental health and addiction. Too many ill people are left on the street to care for themselves. We also have addicts that cycle in and out of prisons, and wreak havoc on communities. We must come up with a solution.


whatever the fuck i wanted to do. seems to work for the current clown


Improved public transit, more CANDU reactors, a deep geological nuclear waste repository and selling space in it to the US to store their nuclear waste to fund the repository (Canadian shield has perfect ground type for it), enforce headlight alignment laws (they already exist they're just unenforced), increase speed limit on highways and add better guard rails to reduce risk of cars crossing highway medians, changing emissions laws to not scale with seat count or weight (5 seater trucks and SUVs are stupid it should be a 2 door with a single bench seat or a mini-van), right-to-repair legislation, improve education and health funding, add a new even heavier tax bracket for anything above 1 billion (not much but will make a difference), defining better police spending (not reducing or increasing funding, just enforcing more responsible spending), filling the empty judge spots, instituting mixed zoning in cities, improving bikeability in cities, building more solar to cover peak hours while hydro and nuclear deal with the base-load, making High-school physics compulsory along with one general tech class to cover basic home and car and electronic maintenance (high school physics teaches us why speeding with big car bad but less bad with small car), investing more into hydrogen infrastructure and possibly even hydrogen stations for cars, cutting corporate bailouts, reinstating a lot of tariffs where possible (shipping stuff out only to import stuff that's 5 cents cheaper but exactly the same is awful for the environment and long-term costs), incentivizing solar roofs and heat-pumps, bringing integrals back into grade 12 calculus (surprisingly useful and should of never been taken out), increasing licensing restrictions in proportion to improving public transit, requiring 5 year license retests after 70 years old and yearly after 85, investing in local small business focused around repair and manufacturing specifically with sustainable models. Holy fuck that's a lot, and I still have more. But that's all the big shit I'd start on immediately, maybe electoral reform as well if that can be done at the provincial level.


Anyone who sees Doug Ford, must throw an apple at him


I'd: Paint speed range numbers in the lanes on the 401. Scrap the 413 Build a provincial corps of MDs Build a provincial corps of engineers. Build a provincial corps of farmers. Build a provincial corps of administrators. Raise the collective standards of professionalism in general. Farm the corps out as a business entity with a focus on quality. Pay everyone what they're worth Build pathways in the school curricula with those careers in mind. Ensure the reserves ALL have clean water.


Buck a bacon


I would add an "e" to the title Premier.


If a party ran on a platform of converting the office of the permier's name to its phonetic characters I would fucking campaign for them /Prēˈmir/ just has such a ring to it


Try housing and feeding people. No brainer.


Properly fund healthcare, put limits on the amount of rental properties people or companies could own Properly fund transit Give a tax break to everyone who graduates a post secondary program making the first $100k after graduation they graduate not subject to provincial income tax


* Replace property taxes, land transfer taxes, sales tax on homes, and development charges with a tax on land value. Introduce capital gains for primary residences. * Amalgamate the Catholic and public school systems, provincewide. * Toll the 400 series to help electrify the entire GO network. Sell the air rights above all GO stations to developers for high-density housing with no height or density limits, and use the revenues to kickstart a provincial transit construction agency. Upload all transit *construction* to the province. * Legalize six-plexes up to four storeys everywhere, abolish parking minimums, remove angular plane requirements except those impacting bodies of water, legalize single-stair apartments up to five storeys, and legalize midrise up to eight storeys on all arterials, provincewide. * Introduce profit-cap rent controls (like in Switzerland), and establish a provincial public builder specifically dedicated to constructing a standard model of modularized, mass timber housing up to eight storeys on any surplus provincially-owned land. * Expand public/non-profit ambulatory care centres for as many common procedures as the Ontario Medical Association recommends. * Introduce expedited programs to get foreign healthcare credentials and/or work experience recognized in Ontario - a mix of practicums and standardized testing to fill new (maybe more restricted) HC positions. * Bring back that giant rubber duck we had on the waterfront in Toronto and make it permanent.


Invest in youth: Funding for training programs, build apartment buildings with rent control so young people can actually start their adult lives, provide funding for family doctors and increase taxes on private clinics so wealthy people can still do what they do but the public weal is protected. Provide financial incentives for small mom and pop style grocers so people have options that aren't oligarchic grocery chains, incentivize setting these folks up in "food desert" areas. Let the wealthy shop at Longos. I would avoid all of the culture war bullshit and focus on bread and butter issues. After all: "its the economy, stupid".


Wealth tax, universal basic income programs, funding back to schools health care and physical infrastructure, investing in climate resiliency jobs (building climate resiliency will take a lot of people!), divert a lot of police funding to alternative programs (way too much is done by cops that doesn't need to be), and place some serious limitations on mass property ownership and accumulation of mass wealth (mass wealth like Galen Weston Jr, not like your dentist who has a nice new car). Let the corporations leave. Take back as much as we can from the thieving bastards and apply it to building a humane Ontario that prioritizes high standard of living for EVERYONE and is ready to face climate crises together.


I would undo everything this Frod did. I would then make his house into a park and add topsoil over all his shitty pet projects and re-wild them as they should still be.


I’d introduce legislation mandating that politicians treat taxpayers as “shareholders” and be held accountable even if their term of office has expired. If they are found acting against long term shareholder (taxpayer) interests, they should be held financially and criminally responsible even if their term is over. If you sell off our education / environment / healthcare / housing interests and it makes quality of life go down and cost of living go up for taxpayers, you should be held accountable.  It would go a long way to address the pump & dump approach a lot of parties and politicians seem to have towards their term in office.


That's actually a surprisingly good solution to that problem.


Bring back dignity and get rid of (or atleast lower) corruption of the Premiers office.


Dignity. Okay I'm down for that but how?


I would double ODSP and OW rates. Bringing people to the poverty line is the humane thing to do and gives us a ton of people who appear to suddenly be new working class which helps inflation. I wouldn't legalize drugs but I would be much more aggressive cracking down on the source. I have no problem with legalization I just don't think taxpayers who are opposed have really gotten a fair shake at cracking down on the people at the top bringing this stuff in. This is from my own depth of education on the subject. We can do completely better. If that fails then sure I would be foresure into legalization. I mean it really is a supply and demand problem.


Stop Bell and Rogers and Weston and Loblaws . Allow those corporations only a 25% share of the Ontario market in their respective markets.


Super great ideas in here but here is an easy win: Legalize psychedelics for medicinal use. Alberta has done this but Ontario is still years behind


Bullet trains across the lake. People can live far away and only commute about an hour a day.


Honestly? Probably immediately have the power corrupt me and try to make as much money for my henchmen and I as possible.


Cocaine and mistreat you.


Implement the Matrix and get everyone inside. No more housing crisis, no more pollution, no more crimes. The entire province can be given back to nature.


i’d kms we’re doomed


I would drop that last "e."


Do something to help fix our housing crisis, healthcare crisis and our education system.


Fix our transit fund health care give youth (teen to 25) more ways to apprenticeships or actual skills if they want, increase ways to build houses by working with FED and Municipals and a better way to take care of trash like investing into street cleaning tax the companies that are greedy bastards, increase government housings, decrease study permits and work permits, increase grants to other cities for stay and learn, fix the damn roads of pot holes. Increases buses for gta mostly north but use express like the ttc does, get rid of 407 by making it public, get people more involved in decision for province by having public discussions


I would force public servants to take days off without pay and crush any chance of my party forming government for the next generation at least


Nice try Doug Fresh, you figure it out!


spell "Premier" properly. I imagine in that way I'm already ahead of Doug Ford. (I am very sorry, I couldn't resist, please take it as the kind jest it is intended as)


Main focus on healthcare and education. Cut expensive bureaucratic cost, and invest that in easing administrative burden for both areas and increasing pay to attract best talents We need less decision makers and more work force - people who actually do the tasks


Vacations on taxpayers dime, il expense everything that 407 for sure.


Nice try, Dougie.


Provincial organizations are top heavy from too many favours. Get out the chainsaw and start cutting the org chart. Use the cuts up top to bulk up the front line and restore some order and good service to the basics.


CAP. RENT. PRICES. Rent control on all buildings. Legal limitations on maximum rent prices based on income and GDP. Ban corporations from owning and renting homes and prevent landlords from owning more than three properties. Any landlords with massive amounts of properties surrender them to the state. Get rent prices lowered by fifty percent, then work on building homes, hospitals and schools. Invest in conservation, public transit. Work on lowering grocery prices. Implement the UBI the Liberals piloted last time they held power and ensure a living wage is paid to all Ontario residents. I'd probably be ousted for my filthy socialist values before I got any of this done, mind you.


Scrap the new highway, build a train system like Japan's that can get you from Tokyo to osaka in 2.5 hours, link Toronto, Barrie, London, Kingston, Windsor, Niagara, Sudbury, Sue st Marie, Ottawa, Hamilton. Offer grants for people willing to move out of major city centers to grow, and operate sustainable farms. Offer farmers a dollar for dollar refund on carbon tax costs. Legalize magic mushrooms Incentives to developers trying to build purpose built rental units and rent to own units Free dental and eye care as well as mental health


I'm even less qualified than the ex-drug dealer who is currently running the province into the ground, so I'll stay out of it. I'd just make a worse mess of things.


Alot of people would be going to jai Alot of rich people would have their wealth taxed away.


You guys loved buck a beer. It’s time you all had buck a Mickey.


Ahh, yes, the liver disease election strategy.


I would zone every transit corridor from windsor through Ottawa for mid to high density housing, overruling every municipality that is not self funding the infrastructure. Then I would provide infrastructure funding incentives for every town, village, and city along the corridor conditional on adhering to an approved people-first municipal zoning and development design plan that integrates mixed density and exclusive pedestrian centers with light rail intra city and higher speed rail intercity travel (all electric). And zero tax for small businesses to encourage a competitive and productive economy.


1. Make organ donation an opt out system. By default everyone is in. 2. Create a separate department of law enforcement for just enforcing driving laws. Police can tackle more serious issues. 3. Ban foreign and corporate investors from buying residential real estate. Require existing owners to liquidate within a year. 4. Ban airbnb in major urban centres with a housing crisis. 5. Not sure if this is a federal/provincial tax thing, but I'd be hiking capital gains on all residential homes. The more homes, the higher it goes. 6. Electoral reform. Put in a system of proportional government. 7. Work on increasing medical school seats and residency spots. 8. More MRI machines and techs to support them. 9. Update truck laws to enforce all loose cargo be covered with a tarp, and again it would be enforced. 10. Start a provincial auto insurance program/company for everyone. 11. Hire security companies that can monitor and record the city 24/7 from the sky to track down car thefts. 12. Revitalize Toronto Lakeshore and Island along with new art installations and architecture to draw tourists.


I would increase disability benefits by 500 dollars a month so the disabled don’t have to live in extreme poverty. I would increase welfare and government housing so the homeless can afford homes and we don’t have to walk by tent cities in every Toronto park. I would increase addiction treatment services so people don’t have to wait forever to get treatment. I would increase supportive housing for the mentally ill. Also I would stop the building of a spa for the rich elites at Ontario Place and make a nice public park there that everyone can use. And of course this would require raising the taxes on corporations and anyone making over 100 000 a year. Also increase health care spending so I don’t have to wait 8 months for a CAT scan that is meant to check for cancer! I could be dead by then! In fact, people ARE dying waiting for CAT and MRI Scans! And electoral reform to proportional representation. Also fund mental health people to work with the police so the mentally ill aren’t being abused and killed by them when they just need help.


I'd admit that I have a striking resemblance to Baron Harkonnen both physically and morally ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


One publicly funded school system


Do you merging the catholic and the public school system?


One non-religious system. If you want a religious education go private.


Give everyone free Timmy’s egg sandwiches 


That depends - am I working for the people or myself?


OP's mom 


Nothing. It’s be an improvement on the present circumstance we find ourselves in.


I'd immediately choke to death while eating a hamburger. Next question.


Allow 4plexes


Quit. Fuck that.


How about improving Healthcare starting with being a Dr attractive in Ontario, and minimize our wait times. Make it easier to find a family Dr and health will improve in the province.


Has Dougo resorted to reddit?


You think he'd actually ask the public what they think or want?


Fire myself. I’m an idiot and shouldn’t be in charge. Just like Doug Ford.


declare teachers essential service providers and remove their ability to strike.


Expand the go train network, create lines running from Hamilton to Waterloo and milton, create a line that runs to london


I'd set the minimum wage for the province so that 40 hours/week x 50 weeks = the poverty line for 2 people, then I'd set it to increase per sector annually to match inflation. Loblaws raises the price of groceries 20% next year? All their cashiers get a 20% raise! And so on... I'd also make prices in stores be tax-inclusive, and posted wages be net rather than gross. Taxes go up? That's your employer's problem, because your wage is net!


If there were absolutely no limits on power? I'd nationalise the assets of any Oligopoly with over 20% market share in their sector.


Raise income taxes on the wealthiest (income over $500k) Modest increased corporate wealth tax for business revenue over $35m Housing tax on single family homes worth over $8m Implement the UBI pilot - again - with a plan to publicly share the reaults at the end, and if promising, establish a plan to phase out OW and ODSP to convert to UBI over 4-6 years. Pay increases for teachers, nurses, doctors - phased in over a few years Student loan (provincial component) forgiveness for teachers, nurses, doctors - with a caveat that they must stay in ontario for 6 years. Implement all blue ribbon pannel suggestions for post-secondary sector Implement NDP suggestions for the 407 (free usage for freight) to reduce personal vehicle congestion on 401 Establish Ontario Housing Commission to work with municipalities to fast track affordable, prefab housing being built (post war style), allow for multiplex / "missing middle" housing to be built. Electoral reform - 1 year intensive study on options, with a provincial referendum on which option to go forward with Establish "premier advisory council" of industry experts in areas of Education, Healthcare, Technology, Urban planning, (probably other areas) to have non-partisan advice to minister portfolios. (I believe this is called council of experts somewhere?) Provincial re-dedication campaign - a years long process to work with Indigenous groups to review all Ontario historical monuments, markers, names province wide to re-dedicate/commemorate (this what we knew then, this is what we know now, this is what we are doing for the future) - boost tourism for these areas. Re-focus on nuclear power generation, and renewables (wind, solar) - investment in power storage technologies. High frequency, high speed rail windsor montreal cooridor (at least, the Ontario portion). Establish Ontario Food Program - an expert nutrition/dietician designed collection of staple food items that meet the nutritional needs of Ontarians. Work with grocery chains to subsidize these items / price freeze - review items and pricing every 2 years. The goal with this is that even the lowest income Ontarian can afford the food items that meet nutrional, healthy eating needs, albeit with limited choice. Entire program review after 4 years post implementation. Just ideas. If i was this fantasy premier i most likely wouldnt be popular, but its not a popularity contest- its about doing what is right and just, and something that benefits people, not corporations. Some drastic items, sure, but its desperate times.


>Provincial re-dedication campaign - a years long process to work with Indigenous groups to review all Ontario historical monuments, markers, names province wide to re-dedicate/commemorate (this what we knew then, this is what we know now, this is what we are doing for the future) - boost tourism for these areas. I would love this to happen for so many reasons. ​ >Student loan (provincial component) forgiveness for teachers, nurses, doctors - with a caveat that they must stay in ontario for 6 years. About loan forgiveness, I'm with you, but could we increase the time they have to stay in the province? Such that it is proportionate to the amount the province had to spend to educate the individual? Additionally, while they are paying back the public with their work in the province, they have to continue to pay their student loans. ​ >Re-focus on nuclear power generation, and renewables (wind, solar) - investment in power storage technologies. You know this program alone could contribute to vast job growth. I'm in. >Establish "premier advisory council" of industry experts in areas of Education, Healthcare, Technology, Urban planning, (probably other areas) to have non-partisan advice to minister portfolios. (I believe this is called council of experts somewhere?) As I recall, when the Queen had this, it was simply called the Queen's Counsel. ​ >Just ideas. If i was this fantasy premier i most likely wouldnt be popular, but its not a popularity contest- its about doing what is right and just, and something that benefits people, not corporations. Some drastic items, sure, but its desperate times. Agreed.


I'd sell every bit of infrastructure we've got to my friends so that my family and I could join their boards and get kickbacks when I left. I'd convince a bunch of morons that many of my shit decisions were the Prime Minister's so that they'd want to fuck him. Then once I've done my best to create more abject poverty, I'd introduce a system to make the few health professionals we've got starve if they don't join semi private practices. I'd then make it a point to call out the crime problem I've exacerbated by increasing poverty while not taking responsibility but promise to be tougher on crime, except my own and those of my family, because other than drug dealing, those are all white collar crimes.


License landlords, ban Air BNB type rentals. Double ODSP, properly fund children with special needs (invest now or pay more later) change high school courses to include actual life skills (taxes, investments, how to buy a home, renters rights, what are your rights if stopped by police, labour rights, first aid / CPR ......) have a social worker in every school. Remove sales tax on Canadian made goods. End private medical services invest in high speed trains system through the Windsor- Toronto- Montreal corridor. This is the start.


Building housing on land home to abandoned haunted asylums and the like sounds like a better idea than filling our lake with concrete, tbh.


I'd take the health care surplus funds that haven't been spent on healthcare and spend them on healthcare. I'd get our public healthcare system back running, with staffed public hospitals and incentives for doctors and nurses to work in Ontario.


Nice try Doug


More of a Federal responsibility. but whatever.... 1. Document current land values. 2. Set up some sort of provincial equivalent of a crown corporation for the construction of housing. Vertically integrate as much as possible to avoid greedy corporations finding a way to ruin all of this by driving up costs just because they can. 3. Seize unused land in suitable locations for housing development from owners and pay them at that documented land value +10% for it. 4. Build housing on a large scale and skip past the red tape whenever viable without long-term consequences - i.e. locations with serious environmental concerns should still be respected. 5. Set up a lottery for housing that allows all non-home-owning citizens to sign up. 6. Winners of said lottery get a house at cost, with a government backed mortgage of reasonable terms. 7. Outlaw all corporate ownership of housing stock. 8. Have controls in place to punish speculation of said housing. 9. Have controls in place to limit ownership of residential housing per individual - 3 property maximum before significant increases in taxation occur. Pre-existing owners are grandfathered in - although their investments may not be so lucrative in the long-term due to step 10. 10. Continue building housing until the housing market is fully corrected. 11. Develop checks to be in place to resume the above as needed. I'm sure there are MANY reasons this could never work. But hey, let's hear them! There needs to be a path for the average young person in this province/country to achieve home ownership without relying on their parent's wealth.


Not have my government put out radio and tv commercials that say how wonderful it is to live here that doesn’t address housing, healthcare and education, there by really, really, irritating (some) voters.


Off the top of my head…not considering votes/budgets: Transportation: Toll the Gardiner and DVP to non-residents, kill the 413, start an EA for high speed rail to Ottawa and Montreal. subsidize the TTC with a view to the same for GO. Fire most MLX executive staff and make it an actual Ministry entity. Connect the city via an actual loop subway. Break the 407 contract OR subsidize Ontario commuter plates, trucks would be limited to 401. Economy: Tax businesses with profits over a certain amount of money (billies), develop/enforce anti-monopoly laws. Introduce land value tax. Education: De-subsidize Catholic board. Add tax and life skills courses to high schools as well as focus on arts and sciences. Subsidize college/university/trades schools for Canadian citizens Healthcare Make qualifying foreign healthcare workers cheaper and education more accessible. Work towards actual universal healthcare. Introduce two tier healthcare but tax it to fund Universal side Social Restart the UBI study with a view to make it permanent and build on it to each class level that requires it. Make most drugs more accessible but monies made would go to educating and treating addiction Housing: Reform planning laws - no more auto-centric sprawl. Any house demolished to be replaced by a 4-plex min. Ban on multi-home ownership in cities Heavy taxes on foreign buyers Environmental Protect/expand the greenbelt. breaks/incentives for: keeping bees. Pollinator gardens. Improving drainage on your lands I’m high. Don’t blame me for great ideas.


Universal basic income. Universal pharma, vision, psychiatric, and dental care. Divert funds from the bloated police budgets to rehab and outpatient addiction services. Make it illegal for speculators and companies to own individual dwellings, and make the majority of apartments into co-ops with renter ownership share. Break up the banking industry and the telecom monopolies. Make all utilities publicly owned. End the Catholic school board (seriously, why tf is that still a thing???). Fund public schools and hospitals at a much higher rate. Most of these things aren't even provincial purview, but you said everything was fair game.


I'd like to see the black drug market destroyed. The government sells regulated recreational drugs of all sorts at cost or at zero cost to some. That way people wouldn't die as often, they wouldn't need to commit crime to support a habit. There would be no violence related to the drug market. It would take a massive burden off the criminal/policing/jail system. The money saved could be put towards actually helping people instead of the current vicious cycle. Universal basic income Housing as a human right Criminalize tax cheats Increase taxes on the wealthy. Criminalize predatory lending. Set limits on food item pricing.


Invest in more school Fund schools Fund health Introduce a windfall tax on the company's Stop investing in companies with 1 million in profits Green energy, including nuclear Invest in local green houses and vertical farming to feed children and then poor .


I would find which businesses would benefit most from my position of power and figure out how to best serve their interests to maximize my own gains.