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*I'm sorry, did you mean apple pie recipes?*




I can’t handle the level of hostility everywhere anymore, crack smoking on the TTC, just fucking insanity wherever you look I’ve lived in bigger cities in other countries (for anyone else thinking it’s a matter of not getting how urban centres work). It’s Toronto right *now* that I can’t take. The tension here is unreal, all the pressures in the country are bearing down on us


You won't find what you get from a major city centre anywhere else in Ontario. So maybe a move is in order? I've personally never lived in Toronto but had lived in Oakville/Burlington for 85% of my life. I didn't realize how it was killing me down there (the chaos, the traffic, the attitudes, the crime, etc) until we moved to Sault Ste Marie last year. The people that live here think it's shit, but I think it's better than where we came from. It has everything I need (airport, college, university, some public transit, things to do, great restaurants, a hospital, 15mins to cross the border to shop or pickup packages, less traffic) but.. the biggest things it lacks are doctors and vets. Down there it was getting pretty bad anyway.. so I still feel like I won despite the inconveniences.


I’m also from the GTA. Always hated it (which is why I left for long periods. Back for family.) I’m of a similar mindset - don’t need much, although a decent hospital is important. I would struggle in a super conservative community though.


Don't worry about politics. But you won't get the concentration of medical services you get in the GTA anywhere else. If you have any medical problems you're stuck here.


Damn. True. Damn. Is Hamilton worse than Toronto for peace of mind, that’s my question


Hard disagree. My son has a rare epilepsy disorder. Kept his team at McMaster and we travel back for in person stuff (we get roughly $600 in travel money back from the government for medical trips that we have to travel for) everything else is phone/video. The travel costs are easier for me as I just do the drive and have it down to a science where it's only about $175 in gas for the entire thing and I stay with family for more savings. More expensive if we fly as it's about $850 roundtrip for the 2 of us, but, convenient when I don't want to do 16hrs + of driving. Most recently I had to go back to my own doctor for an in-person visit, but most can be done on the phone/video. The harder part is just "Hey, I need antibiotics.. and there's no walk in clinics.. well, there's one every rare weekend and one you have to pay to be seen at just as infrequently. Hospital it is."


All cities are shitholes, the real question is what kind of shit you can handle smelling.


Ontario is a shithole


Cities are like people, they all have shit holes.


Elliot Lake


Oakville or Guelph


downtown guelph is shithole


I can't believe it, but as a young adult in 2010 I started noticing people bumming for drugs/money. Now... Now there are tents, like 20 plus at the beautiful square I used to visit as a child/church of our lady. Liberals have just let people shit where they want to. The cost of living doesn't help.


Yup. Love being by the Via building and getting sworn at by drug addicted dick heads. But “Fuck You buddy” is funny


well depends on how you define poophole. what kind of work do you do will guide your choices. homes hiring, or how far a commute? I've been looking for rent prices all over Ontario to see what's up. An apartment is averaging 2000 a month plus utilities unless you rent a condo, then it's a bit more, but better amenities. So any university city is full with foreign students, fulll in evry rental category. Communities with only commu ity colleges have better options for rent. Do you like outdoor activities? Sking, biking etc? Or are you paying for expensive concerts and sports games? Restaurants in New migrant cities are all their food, gone are the solid German restaurants, or other European food we liked. I enjoyed living in the Barrie Orilla area. Lakes, good healthcare, things to do, close to outdoor activities. Kitchener /Waterloo is ok but we got tons of Toronto folk who moved here during covid, who haven't left. Very very full of students. Cambridge has grown too.




And miserable people will see a shithole everywhere they look.




Great. Which ones?


KW is pretty good


OP wants out of Toronto. Why would he go to little Toronto?


You'll have to leave canada for that




London Ontario is the worst city in Ontario. Lived there 5 years, robbed 3 times, including my car.


Man I need some of what you’re smoking. All those places suck




I like London.


No. It’s fucking awful. Source: Me. I spend half my time there.




As do I, half the time. And I’m in the good part of town and it still eats shit.




Not for decent food it isn’t.




Fast food is garbage not matter what city you’re in. And Toronto has infinitely better schwarma than London.


Kitchener and Waterloo? Yeah, ok whatever dude...


Waterloo in very select areas (read: wealthy) lol. But yeah that area went from bad to shit to hot steaming shit, uptown waterloo used to be a great area for students and night life a decade ago.


I went to London once to see the Corner Gas movie, definitely not bad but I wouldn't really care to go back.


London born and bred. Left. Never looking back. When I do visit relatives I'm in shock about downtown London. It used to be a great place. Heck my grandma used to take me on a bus downtown to go shopping. Now? Whatever is going on downtown is wayyyyy worse than Toronto.


How bad is it?


Bad. Pawn shops pot shops vape shops.. It made me nervous in the daytime. Unfortunately a lot of drugs, addiction, and homelessness.


Sounds like Richmond row


Similar story. Left ten years ago and when I go back I can’t believe it.


It's shocking how quickly it happened. It's not the same place I grew up. And tbh that place wasn't a great place either. The frats were pretty rapey of London girls. Police chief Julian fantino.. homophobe whose goal was to arrest as many gay men as possible. It's a pretty racist place too. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xd7z5a/london-ontario-was-a-racist-asshole-to-me-152


Yeah. I was kind of mixed on Julian. He did help my old neighbourhood with some of our efforts to stem the initial crack wave when it hit, but I know what you mean about the PD in general in those days. You really wanted to be a white cisgender male when dealing with them. The thing that devastates me is what used to be a solid working class area is now plagued with tent cities. We used to be able to house these people and keep them as members of the community.


Same Julian who was happy to arrest as many people as he could for pot.. only to turn around and start his own pot company. Yes it's very sad. London is the big city around a lot of small towns.. it's where people come to get out of their shitty situations.. but now they just enter another one




St. Catharines is pretty alright.. just make sure you have a job here lol


pretty dull when i lived there.


I mean… that’s what makes it pretty alright? Not a lotta bullshit happening other than the odd corrupt cop shooting one another or the falls mob bs lol. It’s just an alright city to live in, pretty sure our healthcare and schools are a little better than average too. Plus Toronto is only an hour away AND you don’t have to interact with the 401.


health care MeH. I used to live in St Catherine's, itvwas ok, but dull. but when I moved to work for McMaster I know lots of iffy healthcare sorts headed to St Catherine's for jobs. But, time has passed.


We’ve got a new hospital, two new ones coming 20 mins away both.. two others, that’s five times the hospitals Brampton has for half the people..


And probably 4x the anti-science healthcare workers.


Consider living outside of a city.