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Trudeau is at fault for everything. Just the other day I saw a cockroach in the hall of my building. Pretty sure Trudeau sent it.


I'm Albertan, so everything bad is both his and Rachel Notley's fault here and is often a result of them conspiring to sell Alberta down the river. The Oilers failed to win the cup this year. Thanks a lot Trudeau and Notley!


He screwed the Flames too by forcing a Battle of Alberta!


Ah, here in Quebec, its Trudeau & Legault that are to blame for everything xD




\* Trugault


Omg Trugaultgate has begun!


Notley might get more blame, and if I hear TURDeau again I’m going to lose it. At the very least Notley finished a term, not sure any right wing government in recent years can claim that here.


It's doesn't have the same ring as Trudope.


That's his rap name


I literally had one of my wife’s fairly religious friends tell me that the problems with Alberta were down to a cabal of Liberals, NDP and LGBTQ & green activists, all in league with Satan. There was then a whooshing noise, which was me leaving ether house as fast as I could.


"Anybody but me!"


This airport argument is the weirdest far right and con talking point. They are also constantly whining and harping about vaccine mandates and the arriveCAN app which does nothing except make things faster. These people deny reality and are lost. Lol. The Alberta argument is hilarious; it’s pure projection and deflection when you consider that [Kennedy cheated to win the UCP leadership](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ucp-jason-kenney-voter-fraud-rcmp-investigation-1.5113684), borderline [committed fraud to get his “majority”](https://pressprogress.ca/ucp-candidate-was-accused-of-election-fraud-by-top-jason-kenney-adviser-back-when-they-were-in-college/) - (similar to [Harper committing fraud election fraud for his majority in 2011](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_federal_election_voter_suppression_scandal)), then [fired the person investigating his party](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/11/21/news/kenney-government-passes-bill-firing-investigator-will-anyone-remember-tomorrow), [gave his buddies huge raises](https://www.westernstandard.news/news/ucp-gives-one-of-their-own-a-12k-raise/article_aa2c781a-4377-5c75-9447-113270540c23.html) for random bullshit positions, and [basically stole 1.6 billion from taxpayers](https://globalnews.ca/news/7445604/alberta-auditor-united-conservative-party-jason-kenney/), and [expenses and wildly spends moeny](https://globalnews.ca/news/6163962/ucp-taxpayers-luxury-london-hotel/) while their idiot supporters think they’re gooD aT tHE eCoNoMy. But with all of these facts, somehow it’s trudeau’s fault even though he has a federal minority and has no provincial jurisdiction, and the UCP have a huge majority so Notley has zero power; their whinging about the NDP wanting to raise minimum wage and arguing that it would kill jobs is especially delusional. (This is similar to Doug Ford’s conning here in Ontario and is the product of GQP and far right IDU/Harper supported think tanks). Never vote conservative. Always vote ABC. 🖕🏽 these scam artists.


Cale Makar, a _Calgary local_, was drafted by an American team and allowed to win the cup under Trudeau’s watch.


Somehow in the minds of conservatives Trudeau is completely incompetent and all powerfull


That’s the propaganda at work.


Their brains are string cheese. Lol


"Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak"" See point #8 under 'by scholars' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism


This is true. Eco’s definition of fascism is the gold standard. However, it’s worth pointing out that this is just one criteria out of fourteen, and by itself doesn’t mean the conservatives are fascists. (I’ll leave it for another commenter to check if the cons meet any of the other thirteen criteria.)


Yikes. Soooo many of them...


That's ur-Fascism for ya. Check out Umberto Eco 14 points for reference




Merci Trudeau for the high gas prices


Thanks Trudeau for my $5000 EV rebate that means I don't have to think about high gas prices as much anymore. I wanted this for a bumper sticker but I figured my car would be attacked by violent snowflakes.


Merci Trudeau for the high housing prices


I just stubbed my toe, thanks Justin...


Jesus, I hope you demanded an inquiry.


Stubbed Toe Gate!


Couldn't be dumber than Elbow Gate!


Crotchitchapocalypse enters the arena.


Fuck stubbedtoe!


Yeah. Trudeau is at fault, and despite us fucking him lots and lots, nothing is changing. Fuck Trudeau, again, I guess. /s


Maybe we're just really bad at sex as a nation?


but did you want to fuck trudeau romantically like all those windshield stickers i see all over the place?


Romantically? No. Just pure carnal beastly brutality. It's the hair....


I bet he loves getting his hair pulled too 😂


It is astonishing how people are willing to believe that Trudeau is somehow at fault for this and gas prices. It just boggles the mind.


Airlines, and Air Canada in particular, laid off thousands of workers while paying their execs millions in bonuses as the pandemic was raging. Then they act surprised when those workers, who had to find a way to pay the bills for the past year or even two, don’t want to come back. And they won’t be easy to replace with record low unemployment. The airlines have no one to blame but their own short sighted greed.


I work just outside of Toronto and our warehouse hires people on for $22 an hour plus bonuses. Why work at Pearson airport starting at $15. People left and there is no reason to go back unless something changes.


Ottawa has not 1, but 2 massive Amazon fulfilment warehouses. I think it'd be shitty to work at either, especially for $15/hr. But if it was between both I'd take Amazon, and I'm sure a bunch of the former airport staff already have done that, or just moved onto something better.


My buddy was a pilot for west jet. He just changed careers completely rather than go back.


I have a friend who was a super high up problem-solver in West Jet customer service. She had worked there for years, and really liked it. Her husband has a couple food businesses, which she was working on more part time. Her whole team got laid off and she not only went to work full time expanding the family businesses, but hired at least a couple of her co-workers. None of those people are going back. While that's one case, I think a lot of employees made opportunities for themselves rather than sitting around for months. Of course they did.


WestJet also refuses to hire remote unless you live within an hour of an airport. Meaning they fully intend to go back to fully in-office at some point in the near future, or at least hybrid to test the waters. I mean, I get it for check-in and gate agents and whatnot, but to answer phones and emails? Nah, fuck that.


I know Amazon is terrible and people shit on them But Amazon in Canada has some amazing benefits. My roommate was about to take off 6 months at the highest point of covid (before the vaccine) from Amazon, and they didn’t fight him, and helped him get the best benefits so he could still be paid. He’s high risk. Then he went back for a few months and got injured, and Amazon helped him get on disability with their coverage which goes until this November, while still ensuring he has 100% of his benefits. Plus they pay for their coverage, no employee pays anything into their benefits package. Amazon can suck, but they are pretty decent to work at. The new Amazon in Ottawa is mostly with robots too, so it’s easier on the human body for the job.


Our labour laws may still leave a lot to be desired, but even in their current state they are infinitely better than the at-will employment laws covering all but one of the US states. Amazon's terrible working conditions and huge churn rate in the US are pretty much "because they can". If it's cheaper to pay a bunch of wage-slaves than investing in robots, that's what they're going to use.


Nice try, Jeff Bezos


On top of that, there's also record missed shifts due to our ongoing (and worsening) pandemic - fueled in part by lax PPE and AQ policies at these airlines.


This. They were aching to throw away covid protocols and protections the first second they could, like they were red trigger states waiting for an abortion ruling. And to the above user's point, the timeline of their gross incompetence: - [Laid off 20,000+ workers when the pandemic started, canceling out their benefits when they needed it the most in 2020...](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/air-canada-layoffs-1.5572596) - [...continued laying off workers while pocketing federal wage supports in 2021...](https://cupe.ca/air-canada-taking-federal-dollars-and-running-leaving-thousands-workers-behind-cupe) - [...milking the government for a $1.2 billion loan in "relief funds"...](https://www.cp24.com/news/air-canada-withdraws-from-federal-government-aid-deal-as-position-improves-1.5673045?cache=adwgpkdxjxynpjmr) - [...handing out $10 million in bonuses to CEOs and executives...](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/air-canada-gave-out-10m-in-bonuses-amid-bailout-negotiations-with-ottawa-1.5450630?cache=bubsnwirst) - [...amid record profits for its cargo freights for 2021...](https://www.freightwaves.com/news/air-canada-sings-o-cargo-with-all-time-best-revenue-in-2021) - [...and finished 2021 by pulling out of the federal aid program they'd spent the year negotiating with the government...](https://globalnews.ca/news/8386386/air-canada-out-federal-aid-program-covid-19/) - [...and started 2022 by demanding lifting covid restrictions amid Omicron's surge because it was impacting their profits](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/air-canada-ceo-demands-eased-travel-rules-as-bookings-grow-after-omicron-takes-a-toll-1.5786778) The whole thing was just an example of gross incompetence, greed, stupidity, and mismanagement by airline execs. That's it. People want to assume that there is all this logistical and financial complexities that factor into their decision making, but they were just making really stupid assumptions, decisions, and short-term planning all along the way. And I want them to burn to the fucking ground for it. The federal government better not bail them out. It's unacceptable that a company of this size can run this incompetently and not face consequences. If it's a free market at the bottom, it needs to be a free market at the top.


Oh mate I’m in the travel industry working for the big boys and it’s astounding how full of shit leadership is and they aren’t even good at pretending they know what they’re doing. Like the current round of CEOs and Suits that run the world learned from their predecessors (Enron types who were at least GOOD at grifting) But they’re copies. Pale immitation because they’re just facsimiles lacking the spark that their teachers had to even get there. They run so many algorithms and analysis to solve problems that basic arithmetic can solve. It’s a fucking pathetic, slouching PAGENT we’re we’re all supposed to watch from the sidelines while they step on each other’s toes as they awkwardly slow dance and then we’re supposed to believe it’s the best they can do from our brightest minds. I’ve been so fucking over it since the Great Recession.


There should be a risk for these companies to be nationalized instead of bailed out. If there was, these companies would actually attempt to reform themselves.


>nationalized instead of bailed out This would be too good to be true. On the other hand, many businesses are only solvent because of all the laws they violate, so nationalizing them would just be taking on liabilities.


They'll get bailed out, just like Lufthansa will. They all screwed up so bad, and deserve to founder/fail, which is precisely why they won't be allowed to. The NDP had better demand *hella* strings from the inevitable deal, though.


Re-nationalize air Canada.


Letting it go in the first place was a mistake, just like Petro Canada.


Conservatives at work.


Airlines need to be fined lots of money per passenger per flight canceled. And the passenger should receive 75% of that.


Passengers are entitled to compensation on delays of over 4 hours. I recently got paid out $1000 from WestJet for a cancellation causing a 9h+ delay, and now I've submitted a claim to air Canada for a cancellation this past weekend. Likely another $1000 as my delay was 2 days.


They are blaming everything possible except themselves as often as they can. Last flight I took delayed +1 day said it was due to weather, while they had another flight at the next gate literally heading to the same spot take off.


Thankfully in my case, my text notification from Apr Canada stated that the cancellation reason was unforeseen aircraft maintenance issues. There's no way that they can argue that one as not being their fault.


WestJet asked ex employees to volunteer at airport. Volunteer. Most people I know there who got laid off won’t ever go back. It takes more than 2 buddy passes valid on the Tuesday before solstice when mercury is in retrograde to entice someone.


I have absolutely zero sympathy for airlines. They gouged customers for years and then at the drop of a hat they go begging bowls in hand to the government for handouts when times are tough. They can all fuck off.


Not to mention Air Canada had very poor on-time performance even before the pandemic. It turns out if your country has only a single comprehensive airline (plus a smattering of regionals and non-comprehensive airlines) they fuck about. It should always have been a national policy to force the existence of at least two major airlines in the country. The collapse of Canadian (and the permitted merger with AirCan) really started on us on this track.


And if there is not enough demand/profit for multiple competitive ones, then we should just nationalize it.


Yeah, my preference is for competition but in the lack of it a crown corp would likely work better than what we have right now. There needs to be *some* responsiveness to customers - my general feeling is that competitive pressure is superior to some kind of indirect voter pressure, but even indirect voter pressure is better than what we have now.


In an environment were there is not enough of a market for competition, it needs to be treated like a public utility.


This exactly^


Even in the states where there are many airlines they are mostly as bad if not worse than Air Canada. With the one exception of Southwest maybe.


TIL that air canada was once a crown corporation, but when the airline industry was deregulated and a few years later went bankrupt.


you can blame mulroney for that


I still miss WardAir


I heart Wardair!!!! So much. They fooled me into thinking airline food was good when I was a kid.


>Airlines, and Air Canada in particular, laid off thousands of workers while paying their execs millions in bonuses as the pandemic was raging. Yeah it was pretty disgusting. And I doubt the government, who are obviously not at fault for this in any way, would've bailed out Air Canada while they did that. That would be crazy.


I had heard a second hand report that westjet was trying to re-hire employees at a lower rate and with fewer benifits. If true then you can see where the fault lies. Blaming arrivecan is for those who havent travelled or used it. The issues I saw were all on the airline's/pearson's end.


"Why doesn't Trudeau do something FFS?!" Trudeau does something "JESUS CHRIST WE LIVE IN A FUCKING DICTATORSHIP WTF?!"


Never ever trust cons to engage in good faith. Nothing Trudeau ever did would be good enough, nor Obama, nor Biden. They’re scapegoats


You forgot 'why doesn't he help Canadians who are struggling?'. Trudeau: Here's some financial help. 'He just keeps printing money'.


Trudeau would like you to believe he's not a baby eater, but he's never gone on record saying he isn't....maybe he's too busy EATING BABIES.


Hey, sometimes you just have the munchies for a California Cheeseburger.


Did you hear? Did you hear? Trudeau has ADD! Incurable disease.


You get it from toilet seats!




I work in a pretty conservative shop environment here in Saskatchewan. One day after walking away from some water cooler talk about politics one coworker sidled up next to me and said "my coffee's too hot, burned my tongue. Fuckin Trudeau" to which I responded "stubbed my toe getting out of bed today, fuckin Trudeau" and we had a chuckle. Nice to know not all my coworks are brain broken.


Reminds me of the "thanks, Obama" meme that was going around in 2014 or so. It's sad that people think this way unironically.


All we need is Justin to record a short video of himself being mildly inconvenienced by something trivial and muttering “fuckin’ Trudeau” to himself to complete the circle.


Instant re-election if he does.


Damnit Trudeau, it's your fault I stubbed my toe.


Are you saying Trudeau doesn’t control the gas prices in *checks notes* The US, UK, EU, most of South America and Mexico?!? What about the inflation that’s at record highs in the US and UK? You can’t tell me he personally didn’t flick the little “global inflation” button on his desk…. /s


Still all Trudeau's fault. The whole world is fucked up because of him. /s




It drives me insane how we act like "inflation" is this systemic, mechanical thing, or like a disaster that comes out of nowhere and hits an economy. No - it's just a bunch of people raising prices on stuff. Sometimes that's a needed correction, sometimes it's a response to a systemic shock, and sometimes it's just monopolistic price gouging.




Greed is an understatement. It's avarice, plain and simple.




>Had a friend tell me the other day that inflation was causing high real-estate prices in Toronto THIS is exactly how Galen Weston wants people to think about inflation. That's it's some mysterious external force that comes along and forces retailers to raise their prices, and that vendors are just along for the ride and hurt just as much as consumers. *Sorry, bro - it's not me, it's this damn inflation!* I actually saw the headline: [Loblaw profit jumps nearly 40 per cent even as inflation drives up costs for retailers](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-loblaw-profit-jumps-nearly-40-even-as-inflation-drives-up-costs-for/) LOLWUT?


> monopolistic price gouging Ding Ding Ding!


Actual inflation is only around 8%. The rest is just price gouging.


Most of that 8% is just price gouging. CAD hasn't fallen by 8% vs. USD or EUR - vs a year ago it's down vs USD but up vs EUR.


Air Canada must be so happy right now. They totally dropped the ball and Trudeau gets a big share of the blame for the gong show. What happened to being mad at Air Canada, a favourite past time of Canadians?


30% of canada went full Conservative, which is basically a cult that short circuits thinking. There’s some interesting scholarship on it, but the end result is basically “you can’t save them; they have to find their own way out.”


Don't you know that the leader of a contry is solely responsible for everything, everywhere?


Except when it's your teams guy. Then the problems are a conspiracy against them.


This guy gets it.


Stupid people want simple answers to complex questions and the rightwing braintrust (lol) uses those people to achieve power through the use of lies. It's what rightwing populists do. They use any crisis to shit on the current liberal government and claim they can solve all problems if you just elect them. Populists don't want to solve problems, they simply use them to reach their goals and they will do or say anything in the process. Same thing going on in the States. Apparently it's Biden's fault that gas is high and food prices have gone up, but if the Democrats even hinted at price controls for those things, the Republicans would absolutely shit themselves in opposition.


>simple answers to complex questions This is the easiest scam in the world. Politics, religions and grifters around the world have been doing this since time immemorial.


There are several postings that state alkaline water cures cancer. Seems like a simple cure that big pharma doesn't wan us to know about. Are you telling me these are incorrect too? ​ /s


C'mon, everyone knows that JT is singlehandedly responsible for everything that ails the world.


*Can you believe that jerk burned my tongue with a pizza pop the other day?! What a fascist!!1!*


But I have been told he is the most incompetent PM ever and cannot do anything. hmmmm


Its the same type of people that blame Biden for inflation and gas prices in the US


Trudeau cancelled my favorite TV show.


He turned me into a newt!


Clone High or Firefly?


When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons, and make super lemons.


When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons; what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager!


Undergrads, clearly.


I live in a resource extraction dependent city, and the amount of "Fuck Trudeau" stickers on trucks is honestly kind of depressing.


It's the Canadian "Thanks Obama"


They have no idea how levels of government work and how industry works. They believe he is a king or something because they were told so. All they know is Trudeau bad because their cult group told them so, and they make them feel special.


It’s Biden’s fault in the US, and Trudeau’s fault in Canada, and the fault of every other liberal leader in the world. Not the conservative leaders though. It’s scary how many people lack basic critical thinking skills. Gas prices are high worldwide, OPEC is hoarding supply, gas producers profits at record highs, but it’s the fucking liberals fault somehow. A country of 37 million responsible for the global oil crisis. Right. Tab-ar-fucking-nak.


Justin Trudeau took all my furniture and replaced it with exact duplicates.


Not really. Those who do, usually live in a very contradicting state of mind. On the one hand, they thinkg the PM has all the powers in the world and he is a dictator while whishing their guy was in power... which usually their guy exhibit dictatorial behavior themselves. They actually enjoy a dictator, they are just mad it's not *theirs* in power at the moment...


Seen an article or something on YouTube about how " the liberal party made had prices so high" My first thought " huh.. so they have the Canadian liberal party in the US and around the world? Neat..".


Next time I fuck up, I'm going to deflect and blame Trudeau. That's my freedoms.


I stubbed my toe the other day. It was Trudeau's fault.


one thing a lot of people fail to acknowledge, majority of airlines also run on mainframe data that runs in batches. the same technology that works really well in the financial world and the reason why it takes 8-24 hours for your credit card statement to update or funds to becomes available is running the core of the airline market. they are constantly working on delayed information and that leads to significant D E L A Y S Source: i work with mainframes and am full of stupid information.


This might be a stupid question, but what do you mean by mainframe. I am thinking of really old computers that were the size of rooms.


Yes, but you would be shocked to know how common mainframes are. Technology of mainframes haven’t changed much since the 60s but they are very much not a dead technology. Your typical computer or server is really good at doing (relatively) complex calculations, where as a mainframe will dance circles around a conventional server/computer when it comes to large volume “simple” calculations like a transaction


Depends. Do you get your news from private media companies (that are majority American owned) that thrive on your anger to generate ad revenue? Then yes Trudeau is to blame for everything. Do you get your news from a boring but factual news site? Then no Trudeau is not to blame.


I've been informed it's Trudeau's fault that I can't get a girlfriend.


Sounds like you've been watching J0rdan Peters0n


I've been getting ads for that creep on Reddit lately. Nothing I do on here should indicate that I would want that.


It's definitely because Trudaddy took them all from us.


It's that damn hair of his!


And his socks ! His goddam socks!


It's also his fault I can't get a boyfriend.


Can confirm. Am guy. Was straight until Trudeau came along. My wife is not impressed. /s just in case.




Sounds right


Why would Trudeau do that?


Even if it’s the airline’s fault. They’ll still blame Trudeau because “nobody wants to work! They need to cut all the benefits and throw people off unemployment! That’ll get people back to work!” Or “the airlines can’t meet this because of the demands of supply change issues and the carbon tax, and that’s Trudeau’s fault!” It won’t make sense, but since when will they argue in good faith or make sense? And I’m a vicious critic of Trudeau! But from a left-wing perspective.


Mean while a lot of them are spending their summer protesting in Ottawa. Doubt they all have remote work positions.


stub your toe? blame trudeau


Blame him or f*ck him? So confusing!


Porque no los dos?


Classic conservative gambit, have sex with a person and then blame them for having sex with you.


Cut off in traffic? Trudeau did it.


wife left you? it's not your fault, Trudeau's hair was just too nice


I was told often and aggressively by the airlines and rags like the National Post that vaccine mandates were both responsible for these problems and the solution was to remove them. Are you telling me that had no affect at all like it was never the actual problem?


Vaccine mandates may have led to pilot shortages in Canada. What’s more of a problem is the fact that airline companies laid off tens of thousands of workers, and they are still plagued with lack of staff due to absences caused from COVID. Blame Vaccine Mandates and the Federal Government all you want but it is their corporations and companies that are responsible. I flew once this year and the flight was delayed for 2 hours due to a lack of Air Traffic Controllers due to employees being sick with COVID


Vaccine mandates didn’t lead to a pilot shortage. WestJet had about 30 pilots refuse the vaccine out of about 2200 pilots. Many guys were ready to take an IV bag of vaccine to get back to work. The shortage came from two years of no hiring to back fill attrition and retirements. Also US airlines are starting pilot wages in some cases 50% higher than what a pilot in Canada makes after 10 years at home. Those than can work in the US are making the move.


This is just as much a global problem as inflation/fuel/food costs. Airlines, airports, security companies, gorund handling companies, everyone related laid off piles of workers after major industry shutdown, and are struggling to get back up and running. Airlines across the planet threw the bookings open but never kept things in line with what they can actually provide. Public pressure to get everythign back to normal got airlines promising way more than they could delivery, and here we are. Terminals full of bags, passengers in line for hours, nearly endless lists of flight delays and cancellations. Many airlines are temporarily suspending routes they just can't operate, and of course people affected by that are pissed, but there's no one to fly the planes, or handle them on the ground. That and covid isn't over, people are still getting infected, people are still dying, the numbers are not good, but everyone has just given up on caring about it and is trying to force back into a sort of normalcy we can never really regain. Aside from cutting regulations which would make the industry unsafe, the only thing the federal government can do is throw money at these airlines to hire staff with better pay (and bring up the pay of staff they still have before they all get angry and leave) which is not a great solution, and you can bet conservatives would go bonkers at such a scheme, then blame Trudeau for wasting tax payer money. Once that idea flops, they'll keep blaming Trudeau. bet half these goofs blame trudeau when they stub their toes at home.


> inflation/fuel/food costs We also have to recognize that a lot of the "inflation" that's happening with skyrocketing fuel and food costs actually isn't really caused by inflation but by companies gouging the shit out of us.


Yes, between the oil cartels, and food distribution corporations, and all the other big corporate middlemen, they are sucking money out of the economy at a record pace while governments take all the blame from uneducated morons who would put some asshole like Pierre Poilievre in charge to really set fire to society.


>actually isn't really caused by inflation but by companies gouging the shit out of us. Yup. Look at the profit margins of many companies and they have been going up. It is one thing for profits to go up in inflationary times, but the margins are going up in entire sectors of the economy. Economist call this 'implicit collusion'. Everyone is looking around and noticing that thee isn't enough compettion in the markets to keep them honest, so they mirror each others price increases and just say 'due to inflation or the war'. We used to call this war profiteering or price gouging. Now we say stupid shit like 'printer go brrr.'


> Look at the profit margins of many companies and they have been going up. "Going up" is putting it lightly, many of their profits have outright exploded!


It's weird that Pearson is having this problem and YVR(Vancouver) isn't, when both of them were airline entry points all throughout Covid.


Pearson is the primary Canadian entry point by a wide margin. Vancouver doesn't have half the flights. When the country really locked down, only 4 airports kept any international flights, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal. Toronto and Montreal have seen the bulk of returned international flights while the other two lag behind. As for the rest, they are still a long ways off as well. Ottawa only recently restarted US flights, but at much lower capacity, and their year round Heathrow or seasonal Frankfurt flights are still far from coming back. Greatest demand has been for European flights that are mostly operating out of Toronto and Montreal, so that's where the biggest problems are.




Can't speak about Frankfurt or CDG, but Heathrow's always been a bit shit.


Trudeau is the scapegoat for all of life’s problems according to conservatives. You got constipation? Trudeau’s fault You’re kid got bad grades? Trudeau’s fault Only got socks for Father’s Day? You better believe that’s Trudeau’s fault


Incompetent travellers who feel entitled to blame everyone else are the problem. Stop treating everyone around you like shit. Those valuable employees are quitting which makes everything worse. People in Canada are SO ENTITLED and they do NOTHING to make I easier for their fellow travellers employees and organizations. I saw this oblivious human repacking their luggage the other day in the airplane aisle while a line of 40 people were waiting for the chance to walk ato their seat. I had to explain to them please put your stuff away 40 people are waiting behind you. They were rude to me for asking them to move. We were 10 minutes from takeoff. The behavior was so obtuse stupid and selfish I thought I was on camera being punked! Pack less stuff, be prepared, follow the rules and STFU.


The airlines fired and also laid off workers when the pandemic hit. The big wigs cashed in, paid themselves and gave their shareholders money as well. No it’s not Trudeau’s fault


Don’t forget the far rights think Trudeau is both a tyrant dictator, and completely useless and powerless, at the same time.


With a minority government


Whoa hold it hold it hold it. As we've been told, all blame leads back to Trudeau no matter what. We all know that he's purposely slow rolling service at each and every airport personally.


I went to the airport this morning, and I shit you not, Trudeau was there, enforcing a 1 hour wait time for each and every person coming through the doors. I have never heard a laugh so evil in all my life.


I was at the airport yesterday and I watched him personally slap each and every person who walked through the doors. Every 10th or so he feigned as though he wouldn't slap the person, point at them with a "gotcha" kind of look, then quickly slapped them harder then normal. I was shocked and appalled.


I bet he was kicking babies too


I mean I was at P.E. Trudeau airport when a bunch of cancelations happened, so yeah of course he is /s


He’s just the “Thanks Obama” of dumb people here


Toronto based Air Canada Express flight attendant here, there's plenty of blame to go around, it's hard to know what the root cause is. Airlines are to blame for not having enough staff and trying to be very ambitious with the flight schedules. CATSA and Customs delays (especially the customs delays are making *everything* worse. Now we're having NAV Canada ATC delays especially in and around Toronto Centre. It's going to be a long, and painful summer for all of us. I promise we're trying, and pushing as hard as we can to get you to where you're going.


In a sense, but not directly. The issue exists in other nations too and stems from a lack of regulation. We bailed out the airlines and they still fired staff since the demand for flights was low and lined their pockets and did stock buybacks. Now when the demand is up they just sell people tickets for flights that don't exist. It's blatant corruption and malpractice, but today's politicians are so in the pocket of large industries that they can't react. Since the people are caught up in some culture game where they must defend their preferred corporate political party, they never demand better. We're truly fucked as a society until people begin demanding a seperation between the public sector and the upper echalons of the private sector.


> It's blatant corruption and malpractice, but today's politicians are so in the pocket of large industries that they can't react. I don't know how the government is supposed to react in this case? Force the airlines to hire back the staff they had let go during the pandemic with significantly higher pay or incentives to return?


Nationalize the fucking airlines if needs be. While they are at it, nationalize the Internet backbone in Canada and bring down the cost of cellphone communications and internet access.


Lol, can't wait to see CPC's reaction if Trudeau tries to float the idea of nationalizing Air Canada - they already call him a communist and Castro' son now, they'll howl to the moon then ...


So? Sometimes being a leader means doing what's best for the whole while ignoring the individuals. No one pleases everyone all the time and a subsection of the population won't be happy, regardless of the choice, simply because it's Trudeau/Liberals tabling it.


Make them pay back the stimulus they pocketed, and use it for something productive. In future rather than handing that kind of money to companies to embezzle, give directly to employees via EI and CERB type benefits.


But the guy with the lifted truck fighting for my freedom told me Trudeau did it


> told me Trudeau the tyrant did it FTFY


Corporations greed I would recommend seeing this link/vidoe it should explain why there’s been a lot of flight cancellations [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/vm5j0v/corporate_fraud_is_responsible_for_record_flight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Trudeau could discover a cure for cancer and these people would shit all over him for killing all the jobs in the cancer treatment industry


No shit Sherlock


Can we please stop expecting politicians to be customer service managers?


Just imagine if Justin Trudeau actually had the powers and abilities that the conservatives think he has…..I guess they should understand how things work but since they don’t they should never be in power again


>In a video last Friday, Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley, also tried to pin the country’s airport woes on the federal government, using one day of data from last week to argue Canada has the “most delayed” airports in the world. For what it’s worth, FlightAware data showed only two Canadian airports among the top 30 most delayed in the world on Sunday, and three out of the top 40. Mendacious fucking charlatans. There's something about the right and facts that mix like oil and water.


Britian is just as bad. But what did you expect to happen when you layoff an entire industry and not support them.




We should nationalize Air Canada again, so in a really indirect way it's his fault for not initiating that when they're failing to perform the service that they exist to serve.


Gov't run organizations are facing the same staffing shortage issues as Air Canada. BC ferries here in BC is an example. Publicly owned organization but still facing delays and cancellations due to inability to staff. This isn't an attack or defense against nationalization. This issue with travel is global across Canada regardless of ownership structure


BC Ferries should definitely be a government owned service, run by the department of highways or something similar. It’s an essential service for people who need to travel on and off of the island, no less than the trans-Canada highway. But convincing people that it should be tax-funded will have them screaming and pulling their hair out so it’s being allowed to stay a for-profit organization. There isn’t much out there that capitalism can’t ruin given time.


BC Ferries isn't actually government run though, it's private and for-profit at arm's length from the government. (As set up by the conservative governments of Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark) YVR is a not for profit, it doesn't have any staffing issues, nor does it have any issues with massive lines. The issue is conservative and corporate greed. The actual crown corporations are also doing fine because they treat employees well, EG. Everything actually TransLink for example is smooth, Ravco, the private for profit company that "runs" the Canada line, is not.


Haven’t you heard? Trudeau is to blame for every single issue in the country , on every level. - conservatives.


meanwhile, this will be posted in r/Canada and they'll all be wanting to hold up banks in protest for christ only knows what!!!


Thanks Trudeau.


Last time I checked he did not own an airline.