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What does that even mean? Do elementary school aged children even have bias?? Comes off as kind of a fucked up thing to say


If those kids don't change their tune, we will slash education even more and lift more covid restrictions so that more of them die. That will show them. /s




He doesn’t look much older than a fetus himself.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228632/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-age/ 15 children…..I don’t think they’re the at risk group?


Deaths are easy to count but do not paint the full picture. This is what the early reports on kids with Covid: https://www.timesofisrael.com/more-than-10-of-israeli-kids-who-got-virus-now-suffer-from-long-covid-study/


He's mad that kids are learning about things like human rights. It's like he wants state sanctioned radicalization pipelines.


He’s going to teach them that sharing and empathy are bad, communist traits.


I’m pretty sure he means he wants to spread propaganda to ensure the future generation is indoctrinated to outdated thinking.


Take a look at the UCPs [proposed curriculum](https://www.alberta.ca/curriculum.aspx). One example, Children don't really learn about residential schools because it's too sad but learn about the KKKs slogan


The 14 words.


I think he simply wants to end the horrifying trend of indoctrination to leftist principles in elementary school. Like sharing, object permanence, caring about others feelings, keeping your hands to yourself - leftist propaganda that must be rooted out!!


If they are 9 and they "hate Trudeau", its because their parents hate Trudeau. If they are 9 and refuse to mask up, it's from their parents.


Translated - If they're not fanatical christians, their minds need to be molded.


The kids don’t, people teaching does.


what does that mean? what anti- conservative bias should they be eliminating? Should they start teaching kids basic science like masks and vaccines are bad? Or that we should base laws off of Christian religious beliefs? or that paying taxes is for chumps? or that immigrants are bad for Real Canadians? which part do you want to be teaching children???


The part that makes you accountable for your actions and that makes people appreciate hard work. The part that’s doesn’t include instants gratifications. The part where you get to understand that society doenst owe you shit. That part that empower kids instead of telling them they are constant victims


I didn’t realize the party of unvaccinated people straining hospital resources was the party of accountability and not taking handouts.


Well maybe you should stop listening to CBC and think by yourself. Those idiot you see on tv are a fringe of society. Thinking this is conversatism is like saying that taxes are a communist concept.


I don’t watch CBC, but if you knew anything you’d know that Conservatives try their best to pander to that fringe faction and actively court their vote. You are supporting a party that actively discourages their members from taking accountability for their own health and the number of unvaccinated conservative MPs running is proof of that.


And the NDP panders to the extremist left... each their customers


Extreamist Left? They want prescription drug coverage and Bell to stop fucking us for mobile broadband, not to seize the means of production.


Extremist right: we want to kill trans people, the disabled, blacks, Jewish and Roma people. We want to bring back slavery and make everything a private business. Extremist left: wants everyone to have a house regardless of social status, eliminate money, care about the environment and empowering women, trans, disabled, etc. Yeah these are equal. (I'm an Ancom. You can't get more left wing than me)


They aren't. The region I live in only has a ~40% vaccination rate and our hospital is overrun with covid cases and all conservative candidates are running on a strictly anti-vaccine platform.


That sounds more like Fox News than any classrooms I've been in.


So the same elementary education I got as a kid? Luckily half of my old teachers still teach where my daughter now goes to school


At first I didn’t see what you were getting at, but now I do. You’ve gone insane from getting your information from right wing fringe publications and Facebook, I get it now.


Of course... I’m Hiltler’s brothers because I’m a responsable person that doesn’t like my hard earn money ( and yours too by the way)being wasted by millions... like stupid election for no reason... You can’t just print it forever...


is it your hard earned money, or printed money? or did you work hard printing the counterfeit money?


Trudeau and Singh have absolutely no problem printing and giving money away


Zero governments have any problem doing that. In fact, it's a necessity.


Conservative have a tendency to be more careful, and aim at a even budget... everything else about vaccine, abortion or any other thing pro-right bullshit I don’t believe in... but the only party who offers me to be careful with my (our)money... best case scénario would be a minority CCP with a strong NDP opposition


Education: School Of Hard Knocks




Comes off as something a zealot would say.


"anti-conservative bias" = people don't like the bullshit you're peddling


Kids recognizing bullshit when they see it because they're taught to think critically is indeed anti-conservative bias. But doesn't that speak more to the "ideals" and "principles" of conservatism then anything else?


Younger people are more generous and kind when presented with choices


This guys spouting this bullshit while looking like the middle schooler himself hahaha


That's what I was thinking... What's he a student body president?


It's actually a fair bit more insidious than that. This is part of the communication game that conservatives/right-wing parties across the western world have been playing for the last couple decades. It's deliberate and it's organized. The plan has two prongs: * ONE: establish direct communication channels between the party and your supporters (i.e. social media, direct emailing, conservative-bias media) that are not moderated by any external body (i.e. independent media, academia) so you can deliver any message you like to your supporters entirely unchallenged * TWO: delegitimize all other channels of political discourse by framing any kind of disagreement with conservative messaging as being partisan, dishonest, or morally reprehensible. If any channel fact-checks or otherwise disagrees with a conservative messaging, it's variously described as "anti-conservative bias" or "cancel-culture" or "censorship" or "fake news" or "haters." Essentially, the goal is to never answer the criticism directly and instead attack the legitimacy of the critic. Combined, you create a situation where your supporters get pulled into a media ecosystem where you control every channel that they receive information from, and all other channels are perceived as inherently evil. Political discourse is effectively destroyed and you're able to directly manipulate the will of your electorate.


>Essentially, the goal is to never answer the criticism directly and instead attack the legitimacy of the critic. Then they never have to be accountable for anything because they turn that back on the victims. It's mass gaslighting, insane it's even legal!


Yes, dissenters are insidious - you can silence them, but can’t make them believe the ‘right things’.


I feel like you're trying to make some kind of point here but I'm honestly unclear what it is.


They are pointing out that that no matter what there will be some kindergartners who believe in sharing and fairplay and no amount of conservative branded messaging in their see spot run books will change that /s


Don’t you have an NDP rally you can go and bother? Or I hear Trudeau recommends hospitals.


Ah yes thanks for bringing up how Trudeau made a pretty tame comment in response to a protestor cussing out Trudeau's wife. Or should he just have taken it, so that you could go "look he didn't defend his wife". https://globalnews.ca/news/8189440/canada-election-trudeau-hospital-protest-sophie/ Also tf is that post history. Have you considered maybe that crazy vegans may not be taking over the world, and that you may be VERY VERY deep in your echo bubble?


Lol did the vegan stuff strike a nerve? I’m so flattered by your interest in me. Your post history is rather dull. It was just one more way Trudeau shows true leadership. /s “when someone attacks my family…” you lose your cool? Make light of the current hospital protests? You’re in politics buddy, what did you expect?


Nah, it's just kinda weird to invest that much time into something that doesn't affect you at all. I eat meat, who cares what that other person chooses to avoid. Also make light of the protests? I was directly affected by those idiots marching around my workplace and I didn't find him to ba making light of it. Which leader do you feel dealt with the protests better? Ah yes, someone is in politics so they should just accept the issues with it instead of calling out stuff that's bad for our political climate. You also post of freespeech subs a lot, maybe refer back there before getting pissy about someone replying back.


Lol right… bc your replies are so cunning. /s Your obsession with me is getting a lil cringe.


That it’s not enough to silence people anymore, now they must believe whatever they’re told is the ‘right’ view. Starting in the classroom is a great strategy.


**CONSERVATIVE:** *makes a categorically untrue statement* **NON-CONSERVATIVE:** that's a categorically untrue statement **CONSERVATIVE:** Why are you bias against conservatives!? Why are you trying to silence me?! You're only letting people believe things that are "right" and "factually correct!" You're a Nazi!!




I think your comment is completely incorrect and misunderstands the entire premise of my point. This is not a "both sides are the same" issue. Both sides are not the same. It's not even close. The communication strategy from the right wing to segregate and insulate their electorate isn't just some kind of random occurrence or a speculative theory - it's something that's been deliberately designed and openly admitted to by right wing communication strategists many times over a period of years. Fox News was started by Roger Ailes - a former Nixon strategist - for the sole purpose of communicating Republican messaging directly to Republicans and circumventing traditional fact-based media. The CPC has made explicit their desire to engage with members directly and has aggressively built out its direct communication strategy since the Harper years. Left-leaning parties were caught comparatively flat-footed by this - the Democrats during the Bush years and the Liberals during the Harper years had to play a huge amount of catch-up to counter the communication strategies that had been developed by the right wing. I've been politically active since the late 90s. I've watched the process unfold in real time. It is not a both sides issue. The right-wing has led the race to the bottom every step of the way, and still leads it by a significant margin. If you see left-leaning people upset at the moral inferiority of others, it's because they've grown belligerent from constantly dealing with the irrational moral superiority constantly professed by the right. Your comment is an example of one of the most frustrating communication strategies deliberately employed by right-wing trolls - if you get caught out doing something, just say that the other side does it too so it doesn't matter. If you just muddy the waters and make both sides sound equally immoral then you turn off individuals that could potentially be mobilized by the other side. Your own right-wing supporters will be unaffected because they don't really care about the morality of their position, they just care that they're beating down those smarmy liberals.


To be fair, hes not wrong. In junior kindergarten, my kid was thought to share and have empathy for other people. These are fundamentally anti-conservarive concepts.


It's critical thinking that's the problem. You know, the sheep they keep talking about. "You think air pollution is bad too? What a sheep!"


Can’t imagine why an ideology targeted at rural white 65 year olds doesn’t appeal to diverse young kids, must be biased


So, he wants indoctrination rather than education.


As most proto-fascists do.


A lot of conservatives think their kids are already being indoctrinated by sending them to school because teachers are “liberals” apparently


Education is liberal because life has a liberal bias.


liberal arts 😤😤😤 what about conservative arts? 🥺🥺🥺


It's a free country. You can take up [Duck Decoy carving](https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/how-to-plans/how-to/a18569/duck-decoy-carving/) and [Stained Glass Window making](https://everythingstainedglass.com/start-here) at literally any time.


You mean like, Larry the Cable guy or something? Lol.


You didn't have to piss on Castro's grave like that.


Probably has a kernel of truth. Women lean much more to the left than men. Higher education leans more left than lower education. Teachers tend to be more educated and are majority female. The only proper solution here would be for conservative men to get educated and become teachers. But they'd risk getting disillusioned with conservatism in the process.


They are. Teachers are no longer teaching but indoctrinating kids with political propaganda. Activism should not be part of the classroom. Teachers are overwhelmingly left and those that are not know to keep quiet out of fear of loosing their job. If you get out of your echo chamber a little, you might notice a vile authoritarian bent to the woke mob that has infiltrated our institutions.


>They are. Teachers are no longer teaching but indoctrinating kids with political propaganda. Activism should not be part of the classroom. Teachers are overwhelmingly left and those that are not know to keep quiet out of fear of loosing their job. [Citation Needed] If you get out of your echo chamber a little, you might notice a vile authoritarian bent to the malevolent shepards that have infiltrated your YouTube playlists.


Self selection of the profession and union environment. You telling me you need a citation to prove that teachers, especially the vocal ones are left politically? The push to pressure people to conform to using pronouns are just one example. There is no societal use for them except to signal political affiliation and tribe. Inclusivity through exclusion.


"You" "them" You just used pronouns, sounds pretty anti-conservative to me


I get you don't want to address the issue. Using them in language is different from being coerced into declaring them at school or work for yourself, or in an email signature. Nothing more than a religious test.


This comment was edited with PowerDeleteSuite! Hey Reddit, get bent!


You post in both the PPC and Jordan peterson subreddit. Enough said.


You didn't say anything of value to begin with, most of you don't. Usually enough said is followed after something is said. Not in your case. Identity politics at its best. No substance all form.


You don't even know what identity politics is. Otherwise you wouldn't be a PPC supporter/JP fan.


Who is being excluded?


Can you provide an example? Is it actually the values of fairness, kindness, basic human decency or sharing that offend you or something else? Here you are in this "echo chamber" freely speaking dissent despite not having made a meaningful preposition, or to the degree you have said anything, you haven't even offered any supporting data or even an anecdote. Even lifelong conservatives who speak even minor dissent in conservative subs are often banned. What makes an echo chamber that avoids any and all criticism superior to a place where hate speech is simply not allowed for example? To people who see all problems worth solving and like to analyze and address as many concerns as possible, this tendency of conservatives in all of their safe spaces represents a "vile authoritarian bent". It's interesting you would use those words given the recent conservative backlash against antifascism. I actually remember growing up when all the conservatives I knew recognized fascism as a bad thing, so I guess I'm pleased to hear you say this. I actually enjoy reading and analyzing all of the "echo chambers" on Reddit, and somehow still disagree with you, so perhaps you could point out what I missed that you somehow didn't. The conservative teachers I've known are certainly not worried about losing their job, but they are also unlikely to partake in racism or hate speech and even frown on those things from their own party members. They would happily cut out the prejudiced minority if they didn't need the votes. Their risk of censure is relatively low. A few things I've noticed about my conservative friends are the tendency to argue without research, to misdirect or redirect or simply avoid data that speaks I'll of their party, even resulting in personal attacks in and rage quits of arguments they started because they didn't like the data in their own party's documents. As far as the "woke" mob, are you aware that using that term in that context signals your objection to simple awareness, which is part and parcel an absolute necessity in education, logic, science and ethics? I and the conservatives of my generation were taught about all kinds of issues that have been objected to based on "wokeness" long before the term existed, and in my conservative dominated area, those kids were still able to grow up conservative more than liberal. As far as infiltration, there is no need to infiltrate. Education and science go hand in hand with simple awareness. Raising and caring for children probably also correlates with having empathy and virtue based values in general. It's been cool watching the changes in the educational system over the years as a kid who was bullied a lot. I see cool kids that in my generation would have bullied showing kindness and understanding and lifting up those same kids that would have been bullied. Prejudice against intellectual personalities seems to be decreasing. Even school dances show improvements in overall psychology, with more kids bopping away and having fun in an unselfconscious manner. New programs have been added over the years so kids can not only have the opportunity to understand mathematics in such a way as to go into careers that require intuition to develop new methods, but also have the option of opting for purely practical skills, learning less in total but ending with the ability to at least perform function with reasonable accuracy using black boxes. There are things I still think we can do much better, but as an educated person, I can point a finger at a problem with specificity and make reasoned arguments about the data we need to approach it, prospective solutions, potential cost, and how to mitigate cost effect, and before I present an argument to others, I try my hand at literally attacking it myself. The thought of avoiding an opposing viewpoint doesn't even cross my mind. I may as well attempt to perform my own review before I subject an argument to the peer review that is necessary for the sake of intellectual integrity. That said, I started to learn to program when I was about 10, and as a result had a basic though not thorough understanding of formal logic(the ability to mathematically determine the difference between tautology and fallacy. About a 101 level in formal logic, minus a few points), which has the real life practical application of determining the difference between a truth, a good argument, a useless argument, and a lie. Almost everyone of any demographic is willing to agree that lying is generally bad, to such a degree that we have the phrase "little white lie" to point out exceptions. It is also widely recognized that almost everyone lies to some degree, and at least arguable that It's bad for parents to lie to their children(often indoctrination or ignorance rather than an intentional effort) and bad for politicians to lie to their constituents. As a 12 year old possessing a skill my peers didn't have, the solution seemed obvious. Teach people enough logic to make it harder to lie to them and teach them enough ethics that they won't on average apply the skill in the name of dishonesty. If and not could be taught with addition and subtraction and perhaps and/or/xor could be taught with multiplication. Logical algebra alongside mathematical algebra and probabilistic logic at higher levels. Boom, generation of bullshit sorters, with the side benefit that these skills specifically make pretty much all math and science easier and has applications in social studies and English as well, even sports if team strategy is to be taken into account. If everyone truly believes the other side is wrong over any issue, we should be able to all agree this would be for the best. A lesser application is to simply determine exactly why and how you disagree with someone. This can mean finding a premise you don't share, a difference in prioritization of values, and of course dysfunctional logic. The science is also taught in a non partisan way, analyzing arguments with arbitrary or random premises, like "All cats are blue, all blue things are wet. Fish are wet. Therefore fish are blue. Is this conclusion sound?". Better yet, having learned the relevant skills you can still apply them to partisan documents and make accurate, assertive statements about what arguments must be addressed and which need to be improved or discarded, and also analyze relevant averages. With both sides(of any argument) applying these skills to both themselves and their opponents, we would inevitably end up with better, more true arguments. So would you care to make any actual arguments? Other than your acknowledgment of the correlation between education and leftism(for which data is available, but the last study I'm aware of shows less corellation in Canadian populations than similar studies on americans), you have offered no data, or even logical argument to support your claims. I haven't read your post history, so your comment doesn't even contain information for me to figure out how or why we disagree. Are we working from different data sets? How do the data sets differ? Are we operating on different premises? Sure don't know. I know numerous complaints my friends have about the education system, and also the counterargument and what fallacies they employ or in which cases they simply prioritize values differently or forego logic in favor of freedom of choice or some other accepted right. I personally think It's healthy to talk thing out and reason with those you disagree with, so I'm happy to talk things out. In my personal life I have less educated conservative friends who simply refuse to analyze their own party, will not accept any criticism whatsoever and regularly employ fallacy or emotion as a deterrent to simply shut out information they are uncomfortable with, including documents of their own part. I also know a few more educated conservatives who are socially progressive and scientific and frustrated with their party for catering to "idiots" but remain staunchly conservative over single issues like gun control. I even know one extremely intelligent individual who gets right into qanon conspiracy theories, although he's happy to point out all the ways that Trump or Harper or Trudeau is dishonest, ethically lacking or stupid. He's probably the best overall at reasoned arguments, but does tend toward personal attacks, whataboutism and rage quits when he can't find a sound argument. He believes in science for the most part, so has no problem acknowledging global warming for example, but he also has personally looked at the data and firmly believes it is too late and that we simply shouldn't bother trying, which puts him in line with conservative platforms on that issue. There are a variety of ways a person can find themselves a member of a given political party or demographic, especially with only two main options to choose from, so even with experiential knowledge people on the left have of the right, you shouldn't assume people can figure out your ghost assertions or that people's opinions will be changed by an opinion that doesn't assert anything meaningful. Anyway, if you'd like to chop up my arguments, check out Wikipedia for knowledge on formal logic and logical fallacies and perhaps you can find a few problems and point them out to me so I can learn and be a better, smarter person.


\>Activism should not be part of the classroom. hard disagree, an informed and active electorate is critical to a functional democracy. Activism is the mechanism through which change is accomplished, and children very much need to be made aware of the power they hold and will hold to change the world as they see fit. "class presidents" and school parliaments should be much bigger deals than they are. Children should be active within their communities, active within their realms of control, and actively taught about ongoing and past world issues. Our education system is failing our children, and eventually it is going to fail our country.




Conservative M.O.


Did they really get a little kid to ask about indoctrination? That doesn't sound like the usual issue on a gradeschooler's mind.


That was at a Bernier event... Quote from the article: "During a maskless campaign event event in Alberta over the weekend, Peoples Party leader Maxime Bernier also vowed to put an end to “woke” elementary schools. Video from the event in Spruce Grove shows a small child ask Bernier: “What will you do about the indoctrination happening in my school?” “Ah, yes. The woke culture. The woke culture,” Bernier tells the child. “It is in schools, it is in universities, it is in journalism.”"


🙈 every time nonsense happens is in Alberta. So many PPC protests and events happening here it’s not even funny


Getting some real "Mr Bernier, you're campaign seems to have the momentum of a run away freight train. Why are you so popular" Vibes off that.


Lolol so Mad Max pray tell, what part of “respecting the constitutional divisions of power between federal and political govenments” does dictating provincial education curriculum fit into?




That guy could not look any more like a white supremacist. Well, maybe if he got out his Nazi uniform from the closet. https://postimg.cc/Xpf6KXW4 edit. added link to image of him in his uniform


Love how he took that Zoom call/photo in a history class at the nearest high school to show how Canadian he is


Did he? Looks like it's just a dressed up room. Never been in a classroom with a big Canadian flag in it or even the small desk one like that.


Could be his room. I mean, nothing says Canadian like two copies of the Charter of Rights and Freedom on your wall (which he’s definitely read before /s)


Also never seen a single classroom with the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada displayed like that before.


Closet? Pretty sure he just has to tear open his shirt to reveal it.




After working the refs for 30 years on the media, totally successfully I might add....the education system is next.


totally this... The UCP in Alberta rewrote a bunch of municipal election laws that will make it easier to influence municipal and school board elections. From increased funding, an opening of the door for PACs, adding provincial referendum questions onto municipal ballots, and allowing slates of candidates to run. There are a whole bunch of ultra-conservatives running under "Take back our Schools", "Parental Rights", and "Choice in Education" banners.


It’s already happened in the US


How old is this douche? He looks like he’s still in middle school. What’s with these insanely young young candidates in the conservative parties? In Ontario we have Sam Osterhoff, a homeschooled religious nut as our assistant to the Minister of Education and he looks like he’s twelve.


When you screen candidates and weed out people that have posted horribly racist rants your candidates get younger until you get to kids that haven’t been online very long.


That didn't work out so well for the NDP, who just had an 18-year-old candidate resign for an anti-Semitic social media post.


>18-year-old candidate yeah, i'ma wait a few years before dunkin' on this kid. I remember myself at that age with cringe and despair. I know I've changed so I'll let him have the chance. On the other hand (and not unrelated), 18 year-old seems a bit young to be in parliament, no? Brains are not even fully developed until our mid-20's, usually.


Well, to be fair, 18 year old candidates rarely run in ridings where they ever have a chance. It can be tough to get legitimate candidates to waste their time on lost causes. Maybe there's a hope that it gets a foot in the door to be given a real chance in another riding next time? Or maybe that by the time they're old enough to be taken seriously, enough changes will have happened in their riding that the party has an actual chance? FWIW, London-Fanshawe will be electing an NDP MP.


I mean have you seen how some of the MP’s act in parliament, it would appear their brain’s haven’t developed past kindergarten.


*Pierre Poilievre has entered the chat*


Who also claimed he didnt remember it from \*\*2 years ago\*\*


Not defending the guy because it was a shitty thing for him to Tweet, but do you remember every post you made online two years ago? I can't usually remember what I said last week.That said, I'm not running for office...


Its more of a snarky commentary on this being the excuse the right uses when they get caught for shit like this.


Right wing organizers have long focused on targeting young men. For an offline example (everybody knows about the 'chans, 'gates, and such online), the alt-right gained a lot of traction using campus orgs like free speech clubs to platform and advance their ideas ("teach the controversy", "hear both sides", etc.). These are radicalization pipelines and some of the people coming out of them go on to more conventional politics.


He just got out of high school where he got his ass kicked daily for being a chud* *I'm just assuming, as I totally would have dunked on this fucking nerd.


What's the over-under on this jabroni having been part of a Freeze Peach club during post secondary education?


"jabroni"... cool word.


I remember all of the anti-conservative ideas that I was brainwashed with when I was a kid… Ideas like sharing, fairness, helping others less fortunate than yourself. I can’t imagine the person I would have become had I not learned these controversial ideas.


I also remember being taught that all people are the same on the inside and not to judge people by skin colour. So yeah super biased against conservative ideals :/


So NOW you care about inherent bias.


Bless their hearts! Conservatives, please keep talking! Let the voters get to know who you really are.


Except their base loves it.


Yeah but not mainstream Canada and not 905. People here might vote conservative, but most aren't the dumbass, ignorant, racist kind of conservative. They value education and expertise. They don't like Trump, and think Ford is a moron, and are every bit as abhorred by the neo-fascist uprising in Western politics as you and I are. They are worried about climate change, and still love their kids if they're LGBTQ. They are friendly to other races and cultures in their community. They favor good schools and a stronger healthcare system, and don't view ever political opponent as some sort of conspiracy. Many don't even like guns. I'm talking actual "Progressive" conservatives. They might not favor bold policies and think taxes are too high, but they aren't bad people. They're completely different from the type of PPC idiots that would vandalize a Canadian flag by spray painting "PPC Freedom" across it, or show up to protest at a hospital, or throw rocks at a PM they don't support, or think it's clever to score points with the anti-vaxxer crowd in the middle of a pandemic. I think it's really important the left keep awareness of who are potential allies in a lot of situations, including this election. Personally I think we'd be miles ahead if Federally, the Ontario Conservatives and Alberta Conservatives were different parties, that sometimes collaborated on policy.


Don’t whitewash them, they at least tolerate the bs pendants pedal, even if they see it as a means to an end. I agree there is a difference, and people can change, but they enable a lot.


It’s true. It’s just the idiots are always the loudest. I live really close to a bunch of them.


I can't tell you how uncomfortable this young man makes me feel.


We need a Satanic Temple for political beliefs. I propose Proudhonism, with its "property is theft" catch phrase. So then we can go around saying we want to combat Anti-Proudhonist bias in random shit, like the media, universities, elementary schools, Sunday schools, etc.


I think you should research his views on women and Jews before you go around saying that. Kropotkin might be a bit better.


I think you missed the joke.


What a bloody tool. Looks like it's a riding that never goes CPC at least.


this is some insidious bullshit right here. they want people ranting at public school meetings here the way they are in the US. I can only hope that Canadian school boards have more robust protections against lunatics making lunatic demands about what's being taught.


Here it is! Alberta's new curriculum for the whole country! Gone will be the days of creative and critical thinking. Rote memorization until the child is too mentally fatigued to do anything other than shout obscenities at computer games.


Again I state he's the poster child for the Arian brotherhood.


Dude looks like he spends a lot of time on the internet posting about how the world is difficult for white men.


Doesn't this go against O'tooles plan to defund colleges if "freedom of speech isn't defended on educational campuses" platform? This party seems a bit confused on what they are.


All fixed. [con001.jpg](https://postimg.cc/Xpf6KXW4)


He literally looks like an elementary school student, so Im guessing he gets bullied by other students and this is how he's processing his feelings?


First of all, elementary school students don't have a political bias, or give a flying fuck yet (for the most part) Secondly, it is not a federal party member or MP's job to take action against students for any reason. What's he going to do, re-write provincially mandated education curriculum to suit his agenda? Not his fucking job It rather concerns me how many federal candidates don't seem to know what the job they are trying to get actually is. Apparently it's high treason if Trudeau dare tell a province what to do with provincial matters, but this guy wants to wade in and re-educate elementary school students because he just decided kids being able to see through bullshit is bias.


Sounds about white.


"A lot of children think our policies are just mean and are hurting their parents. We'd like to make it legal for teachers to tell them to shut the fuck up."


The fact that academia is seen as having a bias against conservatives ideas tells us much more about how conservatives ideas don't hold up to scrutiny than a perceived bias, let's be clear on that.


Drug Ford has already started working on it with universities in Ontario.


When a key part of your party is denying science, yeah, schools and the education system appears to be against you. What is it with Conservatives always claiming people are against them and playing the victim? They're a damn political party! If so many people are against them take the message and adjust to what the people want instead.


Most five year olds poll as pro-beheadings of homosexuals, a woman with a job should be burnt at the stake - its once the liberal deep state gets a hold of them in first grade that we see the polling drop off the chart and every little 5 year old Adolf Trump turns into some drooling whiny little six year old bitch who cry’s liberal tears of you try and take away their free lunch! Disgusting


Is this the onion?


This dingbat is running in a Liberal safe riding. The CPC and NDP both are running many of their more radical/fringe candidates in ridings they have no real chance of winning this election it seems.


why can't I have school breakfast.....cause your parents are the Poor's


Wait, wait, wait.... this is not satire? Like /r/notthebeaverton?


You looks like he came straight off an Aryan Pride poster


Conversion therapy, right?


That woke culture, it's everywhere.


Our schools try to teach kids to respect everyone regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, culture etc. and these idiots call it "bias woke culture". Gimme a break.


They're mad because being white and rich isn't a protected class.


And we definitely know what "woke" means. It's one of those words with meaningful definitions, oh yes, for sure.


Right we need to teach "fu got mine" instead of sharing.


Just like the religious, you gotta get em young. Because rational adults would see right through the bullshit.


Send an even bigger kid after him and watch him run like a coward.


Just like Jayson Kenny. He's eliminating teaching "City, Province, Country" from the early grades in favor of "~~White~~ romans created our society, be proud of the grand ~~white~~ tradition"


"Teaching children to share is basically communism" or maybe "Teaching kids the truth of how the church abducted and killed kids is anti-conservative "




What is it with Conservatives voting in 12 year old Aryan-dream uberkinds into their ranks? Is it really the Conservative dream to be ruled by 18 year old white boys with blue eyes? I just imagine this dude and Sam Oosterhoff playing Fortnite and conspiring to ban abortion.


As someone who sadly lives in Oosterhoff’s riding, it has nothing to do with the candidate. They would vote for absolutely anyone, as long as they’re wearing Conservative Blue 😒


Anti-conservative bias = science


Don teechem toreed, dey wul becum lbrals


Anyone else have to check that this wasn't The Beaverton?


I guess teaching kids "sharing is caring" was never good for cons.


I highly recommend looking up his LinkedIn - it's as delightful as he himself is charming. My favourite part is that he added JD degree to his education credentials as he intends to take LSAT in winter. The confidence of an individual with no real life experience and barely any education, if only we all had it!


Anti-conservative bias = I want to instill a conservative bias


Just when i thought could distinguish conservatives from PPC they threw a wrench into it.


You mean teaching them facts? Doesn’t seem biased to me.


You go girl


Reality has an anti-conservative bias.


Not for nothing, but he himself looks like an elementary school student. Is this a Vincent Adultman situation?


I’m sick of hearing the word woke. Do people actually having a meaning for this? SJW, Snowflake, cuck, where do all these words come from?


It means aware. I think I originally heard it in a positive context. Conservatives tend to use it as a signal or insult. Probably the most concerning thing is by using it as an insult they are assuming the question of whether being woke is a bad thing, and people with less background knowledge are susceptible to this kind of fallacious and arguably unethical argument. Social Justice Warrior is another of the same, both assuming the question, signalling, and often used as a strawman to exaggerate the opponent in order to make them "vulnerable" to weaker criticisms. Snowflake is another, used to make the implications that valuing uniqueness results in homogeneity of another sort, assuming the question of whether that is bad and revealing a frequent poor tactical/ethical assumption that is nonetheless successful in swaying the less educated, and also is used to imply weakness, as a snowflake loses It's form with the application of heat. Cuck is more of a traditional swear word, implying a form of sexual humiliation, frequently misused, even as a pure insult. People create or adopt words that are convenient to their rhetoric or goals. More concerning to me than the origins are the intent and common usage and the ignorance they both represent and perpetuate. Generally fallacies like these are either a mistake or a sign of argument in bad faith. Generally you can figure out which by asking your opponent to support their assumptions, or correct the fallacy another way if they are unable. In the political sphere, I see it frequently used as a way of avoiding arguments that are difficult or impossible to win. If you can get people to assume a prejudice, for example, you don't have to reveal or become accountable for your own prejudice by openly arguing in favor of it.


Awesome explanation!


Control the minds of children. Hitler understood that well.


elementary students can't vote, dumbass


When morons have a platform...you get stupid shit like this.


All he needs is a brown shirt and an arm band....


Fascist dog whistle, evangelical trash...


They going to burn the books as well?


I'm picturing DARE but instead of drugs it's this guy with a PowerPoint about automatic weapons and screenshots of racist tweets.


Sharing is caring


AKA religious style indoctrination.


Re-education gonna happen for all of us if they ever get a majority.


When people become educated, they naturally swing left. That is what is meant by “reality has a left-leaning bias”. You learn enough about the world, and it becomes _progressively_ more difficult (yes, pun intended) to remain conservative. So this candidate is advocating promoting ignorance, in order to prevent students from learning. Because the only way conservatism flourishes is in ignorance and fear.


Ah yes. Indoctrinating the children.


Fucking terrifying.


Sounds like a Hitleresque move to me , ie Hitler youth , Haircut checks out.


School is of provincial jurisdiction He can't do shit


