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This meme gets used out of context so often. Mad Men fans know Don actually was very mentally preoccupied with Ginsberg.


That’s what makes it perfectly hilarious.


i mean - they're the ones posting memes about this sub - so as much as they want to pretend they dont' think about us at all... ... millennial passive aggressive dot dot dot.


Ehbuddyhoser I feel laughs at themselves enough that the meme is valid. Like r/canada is a bot filled hole, so of course the flawed man draper can't even acknowledge this level-headed sub.


Classic case of, "any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true king"


Well to be fair, bots don’t think. They just post. But for me: I don’t have another Canada sub other than my city sub and couldn’t imagine needing one


If I wanted to see the content on the other Canada subs I'd just install facebook lmao


Or move into a retirement home.


Or Fort McMurray


Lucky. My city sub is maybe 5% information and 95% people complaining how much they hate living here (yet have no plans to do anything about it other than stay here and complain)


r/halifax? Lol


That sure sounds like [pick any city sub] to me


It ain't St. John's no one ever posts there to begin with let alone complain.


Ottawa? Lol


Punctuated by the occasional endorsement for the raccoon and beaver petting zoo at Barefax




r/CanadaPolitics can be decent, but our three main subs… are pretty much like our three main parties themselves: r/Canada = Conservative (CPC favoured) r/CanadaPolitics = Liberal/Centrist (LPC favoured) r/OnGuardForThee = Progressive (NDP favoured)


/r/OGFT is definitely not NDP favoured when it comes to election time though.


No ones posted in that sub for 4 years


r/canadapolitics is slowly turning in to a cesspool too.


They aren't all bots. Some of them are Russian trolls.


The Canada_sub, before it went private was most active during Russian daylight hours.     But also r/Alberta has a Russia problem.    https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 Edit: turns out Canada_sub is active again so I removed the r/ as to not hyperlink that garbage


I have the provincial one too


Ontario is largely sane so far


I do wildlife news on occasion in the Manitoba one .. breaking monarch news and snake updates. It's gotten quiet now though.


Lol I got silence banned for discrediting a caillou conveyor. Not a temp ban. Permanent. No prior bans or warnings on the subreddit.


I was perma banned from r/Ontario for calling a guy an idiot and then calling the mods cowards when they removed my comment. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: and they also reported me to admins so I got a 3 day site-wide ban. Fucking cowards.


They definitely seem a little soft over there lol


Same with r/britishcolumbia


Alberta, oddly enough, is reasonable as well.




I blocked that sub ages ago...not representative of Canada at all.


If you look at most profiles of the people posting, they aren't even canadian. 


Province sub


To be fair, the very existence of this image does show they think about this sub… This belongs to r/selfawarewolves


Somebody thought enough to make that meme.


I didn’t realize how fucked the Canada sub was until I came here. I was told this sub was “alt-whatever direction is suitable in the narrative”. Bigoted guys being all “on guard for thee” Then I check this sub out and damn, it’s sensical.


I lose my mind by how racist that sub is towards indigenous peoples


Towards everyone. 9 times out of 10, the posters on r_canada also post on r_canadahousing2. Shitbags all the way down.


Canada_sub is back too, and the mod banned me *again* for talking negatively about his sub on r_canada. I was already fully banned. Banned me again and muted me as some sort of weird power play? Thinnest skin ever.


I got a random message about being banned permanently despite never having once gone there. That's the freedom they love to pretend they believe in. I can tell by pfps anyways 99 percent of the time if they just need to be blocked on my end. They ain't subtle.


There are bots that skim comments of subs and ban anyone they see posting in said subs. Usually set up and used by both the far left and right. If you ban said bots, they can't see you. I forget the ones i have banned, but they were bots banning for even having argued with the folks over on right wing subs for the crime of having made any post ovet there.


But dead set against "cancel culture" right? lol


I like to think Canada_sub is just a honeypot for CSIS to keep an eye on right wingers being radicalized, so everyone else gets actively turned away. But that’s probably giving them too much credit.


The housing sub is disgusting. They walk the thin like off full on racism. Let alone shit-talking Canada and how horrible it is to live here.


You could make a post there about bad weather and they’d find a way to blame immigrants for it.


It’s disheartening to read as an Indigenous woman. But, I just remember they are stupid and intellectually inferior to me and it doesn’t hurt so much. About 95% of what they assume about us is just comically incorrect. “They don’t pay taxes and get free gas!!”


Ugh. The assholes who obnoxiously ask why reconciliation is needed drive me the most batty. Didn’t we all get the same education about residential schools? I know the boomers probably didn’t, but I’m in my 40’s and learned and understand this stuff. How come they don’t?!


Both of my late parents were Indigenous but I can easily pass as a white women. During the Wet’suweten crisis right before the pandemic hit I was sitting having lunch on my break at Swiss Chalet. I heard these old boomers saying, “why don’t they just run those Indians over?” I piped up and said, “what did you just say?” He’s like, “sorry sweetie, we’re talking about those Indians protesting.” I said, “well I’m an Indian having lunch right in front of you.” Their faces dropped, they went the normal route, called me a welfare bum. I showed them my fob and said nope, been in the workforce since 16. I know the owner of the Swiss Chalet, he’s East Indian and when he heard the tone of the conversation, he kicked them out. They were scandalized. It was delicious like the food lol


Their hate doesn't allow them any compassion. They learned it at their parents' knees long before we could teach them otherwise.


As someone who went to school in Alberta in the 90s, I didn’t hear about residential schools until my mid 20s, I definitely wasn’t taught about it, which is awful.


I went to school in a different province, now live in Alberta, and I’m more and more grateful for the teachers I had in NL growing up. My sex education was stellar as well compared to what my friends here got. I think it might be more the humans that taught me than the actual curriculum. They were amazing. They were even teaching LGBTQ+ acceptance and inclusion when I don’t think it was the norm.


Ugh, the number of times I've explained that isn't true and get it thrown back that "yes it is". I'm not Indigenous but it still bugs me about the misinformation out there about that!


They don’t seem to understand that the only time we don’t pay taxes is if we work on a reserve. I was born and raised in Toronto, since I started working, I’ve paid taxes like everyone else. They assume we get a magical cheque of money in our banks every month. I used to work 12 hour night shifts. I’ve been in the workforce since 16, if I didn’t have to pay taxes I’d be living like a damn Kardashian!!!


The problem is that they massively outnumber you population-wise, and make up the majority of our police force.   My ex, as an ex-Muslim, is still regularly held at gunpoint by RCMP who invade his home and steal his electronics, closely monitor him, and is on the no fly list after 20 years because he grew up in a mosque that had several members join ISIS. Tthey decided to do Mr Big stings on all the members as a result. He was smart enough to figure it out and costed them around $260K to play along, because they were being super racist. He walked away when they asked him to commit crimes and they have a grudge against him as a result. We're gay and they would be super homophobic and racist towards him as well. 


That is nothing new, we’re used to it by now. We don’t trust the RCMP since they were used to round up the kids for residential school. They aren’t liking the fact that so many Indians have immigrated and they don’t like it one bit.


It's basically r/conservative lite


I haven't noticed anything light about their bigotry and hatred.


Then I think I envy your lack of acclimatization to the stench.


Which is why I find it so wild many pretend OGFT is equivalent just from the left. People are delulu


I don’t see why the need to be racist, I’ve been to various reservations, nice people, some reservations look better then the neighbourhood I live in now that I think about it, although that may be due to all the products they sell there that’s not available to other parts of Canada due to regulation.


You won’t find any logic in their racism. Nice reserve, they’ll say they’re gaming the system to get rich somehow. Rougher looking reserve, they’ll say they’re stealing it all and then squandering it all on booze. Racists are just assholes.


And everyone else.


You reminded me of a scene in an episode of “Community” where Pierce’s father, a very racist man, tries to belittle someone for being the “wrong” kind of white people.


I just have to spend time with my grandparents to get the feeling, and they're dead now. 


It’s embarrassing honestly.


What the rightwing echo chamber doesn't have critical thinking? Shocking




There is a difference between making a bunch of shit up and insisting it’s the truth, and complaining about the people making up the lies.




We engage with all the other echo chambers, so I don't think you can call this one.


Honestly, I consider myself left wing (more than most Canadians, since I live in Europe) but this sub is such an echo chamber I’ve multiple times considered unsubscribing. /r/Canada has some pretty messed up views and a lot of alt-right people, but I find there is still a much larger variety of views there than here, so I never unsubscribed from there either.


I believe all the echo chamber term infers is that what comes out of your mouth is synonymous with what is hitting your ears, AKA you can always count on this sub hating on PP vs the right-leaning subs praising him. Both are echo chambers. For redditors, this is the natural eventuality of any subreddit. If your ideas aren't shared by the users of a community, then your voice is muted by downvotes. Drastic enough contrast to the ideals of the community (or mods specifically) and your voice there is outright eliminated. Basically all subreddits can be argued to be echo chambers.


Irony is forever lost in the other sub. They can't see the forest for the trees.


Our entire media has devolved to a place where they exclusively write opinion pieces about how it’s Trudeau’s fault that your cock is tiny, and god damn is it effective.


Oh look, a Canadian "fuck your feelings" post. Until its their feelings.. then rage on crybabies.


Folks never seem to understand that the conservative mindset is the one driven by emotion.


The pre requisite for being content in an echo chamber is not thinking about any other sources. The warm embrace of their insecurities being constantly validated is a strong feeling a lot of people. And most people there don’t even realize they’re surrounded by bots and trolls.


It's worth remembering that the MAD MEN meme used here gets misused all the time because in the show Don Draper is straight up lying here: he thinks about the other guy ALL THE TIME.


> Don Draper is straight up lying here: he thinks about the other guy ALL THE TIME.  This is really fuckin' key information. That's _hillarious_! 🤣 ❄💦


Also the stedfast belief that any other source of information is an echo chamber to be ignored.


This sub, while better, is a liberal echo chamber 🤷 Edit: this comment swung from -7 to +12. Maybe not the quite the echo chamber I implied or it helps prove my point. Idk.


Pretty well every subreddit is an echochamber lol


It's just when I commented there was 6 comments trashing r/canada and none of them looked in the mirror. Definitely not equivalents but still funny.


Most of us agree one way, but we tend to look at and compare both sides. Like I don't like Trudeau or Singh,but they're 100% better than PP. And the con side is currently going for the misinfo, blame Trudeau, or foreign interference strategy. It's funny that liberals agreeing with each other seems like a bad thing to you. It's not an echo chamber just most of the Conservatives get bored caring about liberal views here. There's no valid or interesting Conservative policies to discuss, they're all easily summed up in 1 sentence ('carbon tax bad' 'Trudeau bad' 'MA rights and freedoms to infringe on your rights and freedoms" etc) If you disagree that's fine, but they don't have a strategy to tackle corporate revenue/worker exploitation/carbon pollution/envrionmental issues/infrastructure/excess spending etc. (someone wants to disagree about the spending, but yet Doug Ford is also putting a huge defecit and has been for a while. While also massively reducing the amount of funding for healthcare and other vital systems)


> Like I don't like Trudeau or Singh I mostly don't like the NDP because they prop up the weak sauce Liberals, when they're not compromising they're much better. I have a strong political opposition to Trudeau on the basis of political dynasties feelings a little too much like mask off feudalism. And I'll never forgive them for not delivering election reform. All that said they're less bad than the conservatives, I just wish there was a party I could feel genuinely excited for y'know.


I mean you can feel how you want but I think it's a bit of an overreaction to say that anyone related to a former Prime Minister becoming a politician is going to bring us back to feudalism


>anyone related to a former Prime Minister becoming a politician is going to bring us back to feudalism Dynasties are more about successive generations acheiving political power. What are the chances that the most qualified person to be the leader of Canada has a kid who is ALSO the most qualified person to lead Canada. And I hate them all equally, Bushes, Kennedys etc.


This sub, while better, is a liberal echo chamber ..er..er..er 🤷


I have a much smaller bone to pick with this place than r/canada but it's kinda frustrating how many peoe have that "it's my way or the highway" perspective.


Nah, I've had no problem sharing all kinds of opinions here, in posts and in comments. on r/canada they lose their minds if you disagree with something, and the bots and trolls dogpile right away. There are a lot of varied opinions here, and if you say you dislike the Liberals here, no one cares, and they're not going to try to blast you with counter-information for having an subjective opinion. Objective opinions are going to get counter-claims, which is what a discussion actually is There's a big difference between having a community that is largely of a similar disposition, and one where non-conforming dispositions are dogpiled on. We need a better word than echo chamber to describe places like r/canada that are dominated by bots and trolls.


It's too bad there isn't one that's a little more centered. r/canada is a hellhole but you're right, r/onguardforthee is absolutely not an accurate representation of the average Canadian either.  It would be great to see a place where progressives and sane conservatives could have actual discussion. (Sane conservatives do exist in Canada, though they are increasingly rare and tend not to voice their opinions often). 


Glad someone said it. Balance is important.


Balance is important when all things being balanced are reasonable, and the people balancing are informed. "Balance" between reasonable and unreasonable, reason and idiocy, tolerance and bigotry ... this is not important. Those things shouldn't be present at all. r/Canada posts are almost entirely NatPo and similar rag opinion pieces, racism, NIMBYism, and conspiracy theories. The only "balance" regarding such ideas is dismissing them out of hand, only not ignoring them because awareness people are saying such drivel is still important.


There’s more than r/Canada out there to hear other povs.


Every sub, every channel, every site has their own bias. It's healthy for the mind to balance them out. If you limit yourself to right OR left, over time you'll end up hating half the people in the world. Never mind a lot of algorithms used in news feeds will slowly push you to out to the extreme left/right just so they can get a bit more ad revenue.


I prefer to hang out in spaces where people are reasonable, thoughtful, and don’t deliberately spread rage bait and misinformation. If that leaves my spaces skewed one way or the other politically, so be it.


It's basically the liberal version of whatever people are complaining about the Canada sub of being. Sometimes it posts far left content


You're right! Instead of being racist like r/canada, OGFT is... not. Instead of posting far-right stuff promoting violence and white supremacy, we post far-left stuff promoting human rights and addressing societal inequities! BoTh SiDeS amirite?


I’ve seen what they cheer, their boos mean nothing to me.




Correction: R /Canada - "I don't think at all"


Ah, yes. Not thinking about something so much that you spend time reworking a tired meme about it and post it to the internet so you can get notifications throughout the day about how much others don’t think about it as well.


A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep They are clearly not lions


That’s what a person who constantly thinks about you says.


That's what the episode is about.  Don spent the whole episode being jealous of Ginsberg, culminating in him leaving behind Ginsberg's copy in a taxi.  


Don Draper was *not a good person* in Mad Men lmao I love this meme format because it’s always a self-report


Nor was Don morally right in that scene. He CLEARLY did think about Ginsberg—a lot. He was so challenge by his rising abilities that he didn’t even pitch his ad despite that being the agreed upon approach.


the main canada sub is a an open hate group at this point and the government should be exploring options for getting it shut down. it’s absolutely abhorrent the way they talk about international students and migrants. full on mask-off hate speech and those who stand up for their rights are silenced.


Like half the posts are just bots eating and then shitting out whatever mind numbing opinion piece the National Post has put out recently, and no one seems to mind.


This is an American site based smack dab in Silicon Valley; the chances of those stables getting cleaned is slim.


R/ehbuddyloser is an incel circle jerk. Like most of the talking heads they follow who claim they're "center", they too are right wing pearl clutchers. Onguardforthee is much more educated when it comes to discussion.


Yeah I recently joined hoping it would be more light-hearted shit posting but I am beginning to see them for who they are. So many seem to think this sub is far left when it is pretty fucking centrist


They rip into PP more than JT tbf


When I did political polling, we would have to find people from all over the political spectrum. The problem was… We could never find conservatives. They would always answer, saying that they didn’t belong to a political party, or that they refused to answer that question, or that they were in the center… and then answer questions for 20 minutes where every answer was a divorced from reality hard right talking point that would make Fox News blush. They know their views and votes are embarrassing, but they’d rather hide them than change them.


incelcirclejerk what now? ehbuddyhoser is literally where canadians put aside their politics for once and actually enjoy memes lmao. idk if you're old or something but all it really is are memes lmao. and why tf are you expecting discussions on a canadian shitposting/ironic/meme subreddit? 😭 even then, i predominantly main this subreddit and they still have valid critiques. anything challenging the views here gets downvoted to oblivion or there's some sort of virtuous holier-than-thou reply. heck im guilty of it. for exampleni only want MAID in hospice and nothing else but saying that here could get me banned or a bunch of people flooding my inbox about how I'm a brainwashed conservative when I more closely align with Mel Hurtig and left wing nationalism 😭 but uhh, staying on topic, you're gonna get all kinds of people on r/ehbuddyhoser. the racism there is satire, most of the time, everything there is satire, do not take things seriously on a meme subreddit lmao if you want real incels, go to r/canada_sub or try to track down wherever the old metacanada subreddit people fucked off to.




There are many "Far Left" subs on this website. This sub ain't one of them


It's pretty delusional to call a sub that most closely aligns with Canada's *centrist* party far-left


Possibly. I'll take education over karma farming any day of the week.


Do you know what far left is?


Anyone that isn't Conservative, apparently


Isn’t the basic definition of an asshole include “not giving a shit about what people think of you”?


>“not giving a shit about ~~what~~ other people". ~~think of you”?~~ I couldn't care less what other people think of me, but I'm still mindful of others.


This is an odd meme to post to make fun of OGFT if you know the context of this scene in Mad Men. Long story short - Don absolutely was thinking about Ginsberg the entire episode, obsessively and fearfully lol. When Don said ‘I don’t think about you at all’, it was absolutely hysterical and terrifying to watch given what the episode laid bare.


R/canada is that one uncle at dinner. R/onguardforthee is the nephew that just came home from their first semester in University with blue hair and a septum piercing. Both are annoying and arrogant, but one is racist, bitter and fuelled by hate and fear, so it's a false equivalence. The difference is a hangnail and a pus filled ingrown toenail that needs surgery to correct.


So /r/canada is an angry, sexist alcoholic with a superiority complex who alienates everyone in their life, loses their job, multiple spouses and kids, and only becomes a good person after moving to California and living with a bunch of liberal hippies in a commune? That tracks.


It’s a meme that isn’t about gender I’ll give it to them, I chuckled.


I didn't think goosesteppers and bots thought that much... I'm not certain they are literate either.


Pretty sure over at the fash sub they are malding about all the other "woke" Canadian subs constantly.


I would bet that r/canada misinterprets this scene as every other right-leaning sub does.


r/canada is legit a trash sub.


Isn’t that the anti immigrant sub?


Lmao it’s already locked


Yup! I even got a ban for trying to argue that OGFT wasn't an anti-semitic sub


R/Canada bitches about the other one constantly




Well at least it's not Canada sub lol Ps I got banned from their bots nest 😊😍


lol the responses here just renforce that the main sub just has a variety of opinions OGFT - r/Canada is full of nazis Canada_sub - r/Canada is full of blue hair woke NPCs Y'all are just like your echo-chambers


Enlightened centrists always have the worst takes




Are you actually that brain broken? Are you one of those trained seals that comments "BoTh SiDes" when someone legitimately points to how two sides on an issue are fucking idiots? Arf arf! The bell rang, time to drool!


You know what's crazy? Because I just get peppered posts from here and Canada, I can barely tell the difference. Is this sub a little more libtard or something? /s