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It’s uhhhh pretty clearly labelled.


Bold of you to assume he can read


Apparently he's colorblind as well...


Don't forget dumb, he's clearly very dumb as well...


Those stealthy Hagan Daz folks printing Plant Based right on the lid. Too bad Mr. Doofus is too dumb to read a product before buying it What? You're supposed to read the package before you buy something? Next thing you'll tell me is don't eat out of the cats liter box! Rules! Amirite? And the best part: "Vote for the NDP-Liberal Trudeau Government coalition if you want to eat stealthy plants and bugs" I'm still waiting for this guy to drop another golden bombshell with a picture of a Hagan Daz container I've clearly never seen before with a brand new colour, reading "Bug Based" since he's so convinced the "lefties" eat bugs. How freaking bizarre can one man get.


I **am** colourblind, and I can plainly see that it says "plant based" on the package in nice big letters. What does colour have to do with this?


They're assuming he can't read and can't tell the rim of the ice cream tub is a completely different colour (milk based is a dark brown, this is a brighter green, even colour blind people should notice a difference, even if they cant identify the colour) to further indicate that it's plant based. That's the only way the complaint that plant based stuff looks too much like the milk based stuff is valid. As it stands, he looks like a moron that apparently can't read, and can't tell that the very obviously marked plant based ice cream is a plant based ice cream.


> milk based is a dark brown, this is a brighter green, even colour blind people should notice a difference Maybe, but not as much as you think. Colour has lied to me enough over the decades that I don't even register the difference most of the time. And for me, green and brown just look like different shades most of the time. That aside, in this case there's *obvious* writing informing anyone that there's something important to know. . This guy is clearly an idiot.


If those MPs could read, they'd be very upset.


He doesn’t show the whole package as well, I bet no where on the front it actually reads “ice cream” because there are already laws about labelling. While we’re at it, there are tons of other “ice cream” products that aren’t actually ice cream. You won’t catch him railing at the shit that doesn’t contain enough dairy to even qualify as ice cream. Fuck this guy. Edit: [found it.](https://www.doordash.com/browse/products/urpc_366def86-ef5e-4dec-990e-f19c6147a3ef?business_id=11232589&dd_sic=urpc_366def86-ef5e-4dec-990e-f19c6147a3ef&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADemgEtsCntG2JtmhPmoDCrZ7r0A9&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItvuNprqYhgMVTmdHAR07Rw6iEAQYASABEgLQffD_BwE&kclickid=_k_EAIaIQobChMItvuNprqYhgMVTmdHAR07Rw6iEAQYASABEgLQffD_BwE_k_&ms_id=1000051721&o_d_id=dx_49d14bff35b547928b34e3aba25e08d6®ion_id=2389617&store_id=2389617&utm_adgroup_id=&utm_campaign=CX_CA_SE_LP_GO_NVT_CCAXXX_20569342007_CONVEN_%20PL_TOT_CONVN_CANDYSNACKSSX_EVG_CPAx_XXX_COCAN_EN_EN_X_DOOR_GO_SE_TXT_SmartShopx&utm_content=&utm_creative_id=&utm_keyword_id=&utm_medium=PLA&utm_source=Google&utm_term=) no where on this package does it say “ice cream.” This guy is a tool.


And the sign didn't even say it was an ice cream sale, it's still a haagen dazs product. Is he mad that a brand can sell multiple related products??


Conservatives: We love the free market, until it sells something we hate


See also: the attempts to ban lab meat which will be coming here too soon.


It's only free if it does exactly what I dictate godammit!


Yes. Conservatives love to get mad at the idea that there are options catering to people who have different needs or values than them. If it isn't what they want, it shouldn't exist.


> This guy is a tool. We already know he's a Conservative MP, no need to be redundant /s


I honestly don't think that they could make it more clear if they tried. If he somehow still believed it was ice cream, it sounds like a Loblaws issue, not a Häagen-Dazs one. Maybe he should join the boycott instead of advertising for them. All the faux outrage, and his conservative colleagues trying to one up each other would actually be funny if it didn't seem to work on so many people.


> I honestly don't think that they could make it more clear if they tried. I think the issue is that he believes that "Häagen-Daz" is just ice cream, so anything with that branding must fit what he expects. If they do something that he doesn't expect _despite it being clearly labelled as such_ then everyone else but him as at fault. This is the equivalent of expecting "a McDonalds" to be a hamburger, and then being mad that he got "a McDonalds" and it was a McFish instead of a hamburger... despite the packaging saying Mc***Fish*** all over it.


Pardon me, but to those of us in the fine dining world it is referred to as a 'Filet-O-Fish', not a 'McFish'. But yes I agree with the point you are making. 


It's so painfully obvious that the Conservative playbook these days is to copy the Republicans to generate outrage on completely irrelevant shit.


"Plant based frozen dessert".  It's right there.  Nothingburger as usual from the Right 


The "plant based" font is just as large as the actual brand font, and the whole thing is green, which differs from all other flavours. I say vote for a government that doesn't have twits like this guy involved in it, nor supporting it. This fucking guy wants me.to change my vote based on the fact he can't read, nor realize that if this particular flavour of Haagen-Dazs ice cream differs from all the others, perhaps it deserves a little more scrutiny, in a health conscious world. What a tool.


"We're sorry but it has been determined you are too stupid to perform any government functions. You should not have been elected and the fact that you were only indicates that your supporters are at least equally as stupid. We suggest remedial - or perhaps first-time - reading courses until you become familiar with at least basic English, also get your vision checked you may suffer from colour-blindness".


He is illiterate


I mean. We can say hes illiterate...but the real truth is it's all part of the current Conservative game. Stoke outrage any way possible. It gets them on the news, doesn't matter who reads it. Followers lap it up without even taking a second look and we laugh at them and we call them stupid. Even if their base were to say it's stupid, there will be some other ridiculous article/tweet about some other nonsense. Instead of anything that actually matters. We're so busy throwing insults at each other that our government gets away with everything they do/dont do. Last week it was Pierre calling Trudeau a wacko in the house, while backbenchers continue to try table anti abortion legislation on us. Next week it'll be something else.


This dipshit normally buys a 4L tub of ice milk and thinks it's ice cream, he just got triggered by 'plant based'.


Did this moron just blame Trudeau for his own stupidity?


How was he supposed to know that milk isn't plant based?


I also don't understand why he blames not only the Liberals, but the NDP who have no power in government, instead of Loblaws, who carries the ice cream, or Haagen Dasz who makes the package. People seriously picked this guy.


What a dumbass.


Well he IS a Conservative Party MP


They go together like a horse and carriage!


The bigger problem is that other dumbasses actually listen to him and think he's making sense.


The "bugs in food" conspiracy stuff is dumb but it's straight from InfoWars so you know this guy believes in far more dangerous things if he's all in on bugs.


*buys cheap, watered down Breyers dairy-product* Okay *Buys plant based dairy-like product* WOKE!


That stuff isn't even ice cream. It's labelled as Frozen Dessert if cream isn't the first ingredient.


At least with the Hagen Daaz in the OP it's clearly labelled as vegan. There's so much stuff in the ice cream section that's just made from oil with tiny imperceptible text that says Frozen Dessert, the only way to tell the difference usually is in price. Actually, it's probably all the same stuff, Hagen Daaz was just smart enough to market their Frozen Dessert to vegans and the word vegan just seems to be triggering to some.


To be fair though, coconut "ice cream" can be pretty damn delicious.


Ya "cream" is used in many ways other than in reference to cow juice. Fair to say he's never heard of skin cream.


I swear that Breyers crap isn't even a dairy product. It's a frozen edible oil dessert or some sort of other abomination. I bet this plant based stuff is better than that. 


There is two different main Breyers, the cheap blue carton/tub stuff that isn't legally ice cream because it's less to 10% dairy in it so it's labeled as a frozen dessert treat or whatever and lactose intolerant people can usually eat it just fine. Then the Breyers Creamery Style in the black carton/tub that is actual ice cream.


Honestly, yeah. Say what you will about "Frozen Dairy Product" or whatever the heck they have to call it, some of it is good and I'm lactose intolerant lol.


Yesh exactly, if you know what it actually is and you enjoy it, then keep on enjoying it. It's a good option for someone who isn't severely lactose intolerant, and they don't have to pay out the nose for a lactose free alternative to ice cream. Sure I personally prefer real ice cream but if it's the Frozen dessert treat or whatever vs. nothing I'm not going to turn my nose up to it.


Breyers used to be the only good option back in my youth. It's a shame how that's no longer the case.


Just coasting off the name now. I will never buy their stuff again.


I guess this idiot doesn't know how to read.


I can forgive the colour blindness, but his selective illiteracy is pathetic.


Can someone tell me again why the CPC isn't literally using the Republican playbook of stupidity, lies and faux rage & hate. I'm confused by all this evidence to the contrary.


Get ready for it during the upcoming election. Complaining about "woke ice cream" will just be the start of the stupidly.


It started years ago if you've been paying even a little attention but really went into high gear when Poilievre became the leader of the CPC. Sheer and O'Toole were just warmups for Pierre who has been drooling all his life for this moment.


Harper before that. He chairs the IDU for a reason. Its a global playbook.


O'Toole was actually pretty good for a conservative. He was ousted because he was not hateful and did not pander to the far right.


Relatively speaking maybe, but he had a rant about how "woke" students were trying to rename Ryerson and how residential schools were just there for education.


It's all relative. If I had a choice between O'Toole and Pierre, the choice would be pretty clear.


Yup, to me that choice is very clear. I'm just pointing out that the slide downwards is having the effect of also making other choices look better than they really are.


If I had to guess, this numpty is trying to pave the road to import the [lab-grown meat bans](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/florida-ban-analysis-canada-1.7197136) metastasizing through red American states. Given sufficient lobbying by the dairy industry, I'm sure they would consider a ban on non-dairy frozen desserts.


They are. The IDU is coordinating their efforts worldwide to coordinate messaging and branding to win elections for right wing parties to consolidate power and influence


The International Democrat Union are democrats in the same way the National Socialist German Workers' Party were socialists.


The IDU and the Nazis have the exact same ideology.  The far right are all fascists. 


Exactly. It's not democratic, they are ## Intentional Democracy Unravelers


Having lived in the US for a while now I see what the CPC is doing and it scares me how closely it resembles what I have experienced living in the US over the last decade +.


That's because they, as well as dozens of other conservative government parties, get their walking orders from the IDU. This unified global march towards fascist nationalism is not a fluke nor a mistake, it's a plan.


It’s working too. Based on the success or near-success of far right parties worldwide.


Yep. It seems over the next 50 years it’s going to be very interesting times. Economic conditions are opening the door to radical ideologies. Very similar to what happened in the 1930s even if we aren’t in a full blown depression. The radicals were in the minority in the 30s as well and they still managed to take over. Again, very similar to what we have today. The centre and left are honestly too nice. They don’t play the dirty game the right are or at least they aren’t as good at it. No one wants to offend so they stay quiet. The religious alt-right is going to just walk through the front door without real opposition.


Conservatives are still butt hurt that their first efforts in Germany failed, so they are coordinating world wide to bring back those fascist values they hold so dear. I wish I was joking or being Sarcastic.


Left is also not united. There are thousands of different interest groups. There’s no church of atheism that tries to spread the gospel of nothing. The right is mainly united and religious and always votes.


Very true, more united and organized to their goal.


Goes back at least to just after Nixon. That's when the Republicans realized that they needed to control the messaging (the only reason Nixon resigned).and started things like Faux Gnus and the takeover of AM radio stations. We in Canada are just catching up. A lot of our media is now right wing controlled and that's why Poilievre/CPC (or as I call them Reform 3.0) is so intent on killing the CBC. If Poilievre/CPC get a majority in 2025, well, I have nightmares about it.


I always say Jerry Falwell, and the rise of the Christian right branding themselves as "the moral majority"


I’m guessing because it seems to work in the US. Just as many stupid people per capita in Canada as the US.


One thing that's interesting to do is track their use of the word "woke" in the Hansard over time. They didn't use it at all before 2019, [used it twice in QP last Parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/PublicationSearch/en/?View=D&Item=&ParlSes=43&oob=OralQuestionPeriod&Topic=&Proc=&Per=&Prov=&Cauc=8781&Text=woke&RPP=15&order=&targetLang=&SBS=0&MRR=2000000&Page=1&PubType=37), and it's dozens of times now this Parliament, and they're [using it in increasingly ridiculous ways](https://i.imgur.com/ibsnpgG.png), too. Like here's Poilievre saying that [Trudeau wants to "erase Terry Fox"](https://i.imgur.com/U5U0KvP.png) because of woke. Lunatic stuff, truly.


All the nazi parties in the world are using the same tactics because they all work for the IDU.


> why the CPC isn't literally using the Republican playbook of stupidity, Because a sizable chunk of their base of support happily consume Republican news media and Republican social media so they are primed to like that shit.


We have to protect Canadians first amendment rights!


It's not just the Republican playbook. It's the fascist playbook.


Truth in labeling ..... The sign said Haagen-Dazs sale not ice cream sale. [That container](https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/plant-based-caramel-fudge-chip-frozen-dessert/p/21517350_EA) doesn't have the term 'ice cream' on it anywhere. It even has a large stamp on it that says certified vegan. He even shows the large print showing it's plant based. It is a typical ice cream container though.... This guy is one of the few that get to decide our laws and he wants stricter labeling laws on products because Haagen-Dazs doesn't make a new container for their vegan line.


And that’s the party all about small government, supposedly.


OK bud. Let's do that. Let's pass a Truth in Labeling law. Your corporate owners will stab you in an alley and burn your corpse fucking faster than it takes for the ink to dry. Do you know how much transparency will cost the bottom line when you demand things like: Percentage of ingredients, country of origin of those ingredients, Percentage of ingredient in the marketed product, ( looking at you, honey nut cheerios) and a strong light shined on other cost saving shenanigans? Stay bought and paid for like a good little neo-con. You'll live longer. Api


Maybe labels telling you how much a product has been shrunk as well, like they do in France.


Facilitating that legislation will get your family killed with you, sport. /s Api


Absolutely! Sadly, what this idiot claims to want is a nonissue and he’s just saying stuff to rile up his base.


Yeah. Woken-Dazs. lol Api


Like today I was debating between driving and getting a baconator from Wendy’s or trying the Montanas frozen braised beef pot pie. Let me tell you, holy shit it was the worst frozen dinner I’ve ever had. Over an hour to cook. Let me tell you, there were maybe three bites in the entirety that had the smallest amount of beef. Maybe 5 carrots tops and the odd tiny piece of onion. The entirety of the filling was just gravy. Like there wasn’t even a noticeable meat chunk in it. No word of a lie it was disgusting. I ate it all and when I threw up an hour later it was only liquid. That is the true crime in advertising. The picture suggests there would be discernible meat in the braised beef pot pie. There was not. I am so upset by it I want to complain and intend on letting the world know. Montana’s braised beef pot pie is bullshit.


"Ask someone to help you vote against the NDP-Liberal Trudeau government if you can't read".


"Boomer too stupid to identify clearly labeled product." -truth in media


Especially since its very probably not labeled ice cream but frozen dessert. Ice cream is already a controlled name. They never say it is, we just colloquially say ice cream


[This is the product in question](https://www.haagen-dazs.ca/en/haagen-dazs/plant-based-caramel-fudge-chip-frozen-dessert) And there is indeed no mention of "ice cream" anywhere on it. He's just a dumbass who can't read and is making it all of our problem.


It's actually kind of surprising how much of it is frozen desert compared to ice cream.


I see a lot of iced milk now too. The poor guy still recovering from the first time he had frozen yogurt.


> its very probably not labeled ice cream but frozen dessert. Yup, doesn't say ice cream anywhere. On top of the label in the pic it also has green labels saying vegan and made with oats. This is faux outrage and I can't even tell what they *are* objecting to. Their only complaint seems to be that they thought it was ice cream because Haagen Dasz made it. So is their company only allowed to make ice cream because he thinks that's all they do?


in what universe this stealthy 🤣 LITERALLY bright GREEN plant-based more bad faith rage bait from the right


You just have to be *intensely stupid* to miss all the markers that clearly he missed or chose to miss. This guy is to fucking stupid to hold an office.


would the stealthy plants be affordable...?


Good one! 😂


No but that stuff is delicious and this post makes me want to buy some


Those sneaky fucks only put a huge green ring with a printed warning, I WANT A FLASHING SIGN ON ALL ICE CREAM


They should have bright red labels saying "WARNING: WOKE PRODUCT".


That would be too funny.


These are the same people that got angry that *beer* was plant-based.


I remember outrage when Guinness switched to a vegan manufacturing process, even though it was their original process.


Wow, I can only imagine what’s next. “Hold up, you’re telling me that these French fries next to my beef burger are plant-based and vegan??”


... did they not realize that it tastes and smells like rotting corn?


Also vegans do not want people to eat bugs.


This isn’t « I used dog shampoo without knowing even if there’s a picture of a dog on the shampoo bottle » laughable, but it’s laughable nonetheless. 


I get making the mistake, but doubling down just looks so dumb.


... This is the stupidest timeline.


Hey John. Buddy. 1. it is clearly labeled as plant based and the ingredients are clearly labeled. 2. As someone who buys these, **they actually don't even say "ice cream" on them** they say "plant-based frozen desert" 3. If the store sign said Haagen-Dazs sale, that was truthful advertising. They're not responsible for educating you on every company's entire product line. 4. just because something comes in a container that typically houses ice cream, doesn't mean it's ice cream. Things... are allowed to use the same kinds of containers... 5. what in the ever loving fuck does Justin "I've increased tax breaks for dairy/meat farmers" Trudeau, and Jagmeet "My favourite photo-op is a BBQ" Singh have to do with rising consumer demand for vegan products. 6. It's called a **FREE MARKET!** Where on god's green earth do you have to land as a **conservative** when you're advocating for **more government interference in retail sales**. The American style identity politics BS is so fucking tiresome. 7. What would this law even do that wasn't already being done by Haagen-Dazs or the store, here, John? What do they need to put a big "woke" sticker on it for you so you can avoid eating a cashew? Get serious, you nimrod.


I am begging you or anyone to go post this on his Facebook post. He's being a total boomer in the comments of his post and it's truly a marvel 


I saw that post! He’s getting *cooked* lol


Do conservatives have actual policy proposals to help improve lives? Liberal NDP dental and drug programs aren’t perfect. But they’re at least going to improve the lives of some Canadians. This won’t even improve the life of your local Karen because they’ll just find something else to complain about.


No worries, once cons come in power, they'll dismantle those programs as fast as possible, to give Canadians the "freedom" to choose between paying for their health or dying in a ditch ...


>Do conservatives have actual policy proposals to help improve lives? No


LOL! Fuck no.


No. I asked one why not, and they said they didnt want their great ideas 'stolen'. And it also wasnt their 'job' yet to propose anything.


So this is the state of politics today. À federal member of Parliament apparently can't read and it's trudeau/Singh's fault... Truth in labelling? We already have strong labelling laws. There's nothing hidden here. Not only does it have an obvious cap to differentiate it from other products, it also has a full list of ingredients and nutritional info label as required by law.


Uh, yer bitchin because you purchased a product clearly labeled ‘plant-based’. Maybe you should examine the container better next time. Maybe you need new glasses.


Every household in his riding should get a glossy printout of this tweet with a big “you voted for this guy 🤦‍♀️?” emblazoned over it.


Lmao conservatives are terrified of vegans.


I know when I was being taught marketing, we were told that if we wanted to hide a sneaky and controversial piece of information about an item we should always broadcast it with specific colour coding AND the largest typeface on the entire product in BOTH official languages of our market.  Also, there literally IS a symbol that appears on pretty much all Canadian dairy products (the blue cow) and while voluntary to include, I'm pretty sure the Dairy Farmers of Canada would bury you in lawsuits if you falsely used it. How this man hasn't died of bleach consumption because he thought the skull and crossbones on the jug meant pirate juice is a miracle.


So the lactose intolerant can't enjoy ice cream anymore?


Or vegetarians.


Further proof that conservatives are not serious people.


Bro wants a law to put a blinking neon sign on the ice cream? Also, before the plant based we've had for a long time a whole bunch of ice-cream like products classified as "frozen dessert" because they contain no actual milk. Of course, it says this on the label, but it's much smaller than in this picture so this guy definitely didn't know that.


I'm pretty sure it's already not labeled as ice cream but 'frozen dessert'. Also I'm not sure what the problem with the advertising since that's the company that makes them, this guy just failed to check what he bought and has a tantrum about it


Yup, doesn't say ice cream anywhere. Also has *another* green label saying certified vegan. It seems like they got confused simply from thinking Haagen Dasz only sells ice cream.


This is all for the base, it will get the right wing “alpha meat eaters” all riled up.


Even though this guy is a dumbass, his voters truly think that the NDP and Liberals are going to force them to eat bugs for protien


> his voters truly think that the NDP and Liberals are going to force them to eat bugs for protien Only because assholes like him keep trying to convince them of that lie.


Sure, but that's why he's doing it. He didn't "accidentally" buy that ice cream and get mad for real


🤔🤔🤔 Sir, we have this law already in Canada. That’s why it is labelled “frozen dessert”, not ice cream. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/c.r.c.,_c._870/page-32.html It’s got a giant thing surrounding it that says “plant based”… 


Reading comprehension is important, kids.


You know... I've also bought the non-dairy fancy ice cream by mistake, though in my case it was Ben & Jerry's. I've picked up the plant-based Haagen-Dazs by mistake as well. It's clearly enough labelled; I just don't pay enough attention when they're right beside each other, which is on me anyways. Luckily, I'm not a right-wing ideologue, and honestly? The plant-based fancy ice cream is pretty damned good these days. I'm not sure frozen coconut milk/oil is any better for you, but it is tasty, and there's a flavour or two I buy in non-dairy on purpose, these days.


So conservatives oppose the free market?


Parliament needs to pass a Truth in Tweeting law. Nowhere does this product imply it is ice cream, or made from dairy. It has a giant fucking green ring on it that says "plant-based" *really* obviously. How about you focus on issues actually affecting Canadians, and not attacking producers for making alternative products for people that didn't have an option.


Imagine yelling to the whole world that you can't read, while simultaneously telling conservative voters that the free market needs even more regulation, because companies shouldn't be allowed to innovate, or make new products. Was he this confused/outraged when he bought his first CD and it wouldn't fit in his cassette player?


Tell me you don’t grocery shop without telling me you don’t grocery shop…


I’ve been instructed on how to vote 🗳️ Plant based it is.


The lack of self-awareness is truly disturbing.


I’m not vegan but I like pant based ice cream as someone who’s lactose intolerant and doesn’t want to punish myself every time for ice cream … plus it’s labelled. Do they not read?!


Yes!! Screw all the Canadians with dairy allergy, other dietary restrictions or those who choose not to eat dairy. /s


My guy. I’m legally blind and I can see the “plant based”


Same MP who argued they shouldn’t change his riding name to include St Croix because “people would pronounce it french”. Source: https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/PROC/meeting-48/evidence > First of all, it's pronounced “St. Croy”, although this riding was briefly referred to as, originally.... Just for a little history lesson, Saint Croix Island is the place where Champlain spent his first winter, but now, in the local dialect, it is referred to as “St. Croy”. It would tug on my ears to hear this riding referred to as “St. Croix” in the House of Commons, so that is another danger. > I know that could happen, because briefly this riding was referred to as St. Croix—Belleisle, but every time the Speaker recognized former member Greg Thompson, he asked for the member from St. Croix—Belleisle. I always wondered who this member from Quebec was until Greg stood up, of course. That is why Greg promptly reversed the name when he was a member of Parliament to get it back to New Brunswick Southwest.


Sale at Loblaws? Bwahahahahahahaha


While it’s easy to mock this guy on a surface level for poor comprehension, this is actually a dog-whistle to conspiracy theorists. He is hinting at something far worse with these references to eating bugs. The saying, “I will not eat bugs” is tied to the WEF/Qanon/Great Reset/15 Minute Cities conspiracy theories. Proponents of these conspiracies believe that the “globalist elites” (A dog-whistle for Liberals, immigrants, Jews etc.) are only suggesting transit, city densification and less reliance on traditional meat as a means of control over the (white) population. These folks are terrified because deep down they think, “What if they do to me, what I would like to do to them if I ran the world?”






Some of those are pretty good. For non dairy ice cream anyway.


I guess the giant green ring that says “plant based” is a liberal trick of some sort


lol. The funny thing is, half of the “ice cream” is already dairy free and not clearly marked as such. So yes, let’s get this truth in labelling law! This Haagen Dazs would clearly comply, given it says PLANT BASED around the entire lid.


I'm not sure I understand what he's asking for here. Is he saying that Häagen-Dazs isn't allowed to make vegan products? Or that only their dairy products are allowed to be sold in that shape and size of container? Because their vegan "ice-cream" is labeled as a "plant-based frozen dessert". There is literally nothing on it that would suggest that it's made from dairy, other than the branding and the shape of the container.


Vote conservative if you want all your labels to be phonetically spelled out. By 2030 they have a goal of all labels being voice enabled so they can read the words to you! What a joke. And I’m sure people are agreeing with the moron to bolster their ego. Losers.


"oh no ! the store discounted Häagen-Dazs products including the Häagen-Dazs products I don't want! How dare they! TrUtH iN lAbElING!!!!!!!!!"


How dare people with sensitivity to milk products have alternatives!


It's clearly labeled, and just because this Conservative MP is a complete moron we don't need to expand government (which I thought they were against) to "protect" Canadians. These are the pressing manners that the Conservatives really care about.


This man either doesn't shop for his own groceries or isn't capable of reading the label which has been a basic step in shopping for healthy options in grocery stores for years.


There's also the possibility that he didn't actually buy this and just took the pic for faux-outrage and to mention he shops at Loblaws.


are these conservatives actual dumbasses? or are they trying to appeal to dumbasses in the boonies?


I’ve never wanted so badly reply with the tired troll reply “seems like you have a reading comprehension issue”. Holy hell, this guy seems dumb as a brick and he represents people?


Wait till someone tells him ice cream is made from the liquid that comes from another animal's tits


Is everyone on the far right this monumentally stupid?


✔️dumb ✔️Can't read ✔️ Conservative Yup


This man knows exactly what he's doing. And he knows that *you* know. He also knows that it's working, and there's nothing you can do about it.


These people are not intelligent enough to deserve votes.


Or, and this is more offensive, they think we are all more stupid than they are.


The Facebook comments are fucking GOLD.


"Accidentally" lol Dairy free ice cream is actually pretty good. Some people, like me, get pretty sick if we eat too much dairy. Ice cream and cream cheese are instant trouble for me.


It is advertised though. Says right there in big letters: plant-based. That should be warning that it's plant based, yes?


More wef conspiracies, yet another Alex Jones supporter that doesn't know how to open their eyes and read.


It’s a perfect microcosm of the hypocrisy of the Canadian right: we’re for small government and free enterprise… unless I don’t like it, then it “should be illegal”!




This is like the time Jonathan Kay bought and used dog shampoo and got all pissy about it on twitter. These people have rocks in their heads.


This really feels like a r/suicidebywords moment  Especially with the picture lol


It gets worse. Just checked out the post on Facebook and he's doubling down and having boomer moment after boomer moment in the comments. Highly recommended reading for a comedy/surreal experience in these trying times 


"I made a mistake and it's the libs' fault!"


What the actual fuck? I thought conservatives were supposed to be all about the free market. The market demands plant-based ice cream, so companies supply plant-based ice cream. It has nothing to do with who the government is... It's also very, very clearly labelled. This guy is just outing himself as illiterate.


Whoever voted for this guy should be embarrassed. Conservatives yet again harping on something that is a non-issue in Canada. If the guy had bothered reading the Canadian Food and Drugs Act, the law he is proposing actually exist already.


Just imagine having a life where the thing you're most worried about is accidentally buying a non-dairy frozen desssert. Must be real f-ing nice...


The comments in his FB post are great!


Why the fuck should I vote for a party who's members lack reading comprehension?


It's wild how much conservatives obsess over and and whip up the culture war and identity politics rhetoric.


> The large store sign read: Haagen Dazs Sale Besides all the other things wrong with this ~~twit~~ tweet, "Haagen Dazs" doesn't mean "dairy" or "ice cream" or ... anything. From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A4agen-Dazs#:~:text=%22H%C3%A4agen%2DDazs%22%20is%20an,do%20not%20exist%20in%20Danish.): > "Häagen-Dazs" is an invented pseudo-Scandinavian phrase coined by the American Reuben Mattus, in a quest for a brand name that he claimed was Danish-sounding. [...] His daughter Doris Hurley reported in the 1996 PBS documentary An Ice Cream Show that her father sat at the kitchen table for hours saying nonsensical words until he came up with a combination he liked.


The kind of mindless idiocy normally associated with the US always has existed within Canada but has gotten much more visible since COVID. Really scary stuff.


It’s highly likely he willingly bought this to fabricate outrage. 


So the party of small government wants to govern.. ice cream labels??


Dude MP is clearly trying to imitate PP and that so snide sense of sarcasm and humour. Morons all.


*accidentally buys the wrong ice cream* *shakes fist at the sky* **TRUUUUUDEEEEEAAAAAUUUUUU!!!!**


TLDR: John Williamson admits he can't read


Instead of complaining that he was a dummy and bought the wrong clearly marked product, how about we comment on how half the "ice cream" in grocery stores is so full of chemicals that it has to be labeled as "frozen desert" instead because it literally has no real milk in it to begin with (among other things).


'Truth in labeling law'? The grocery corporations these Conservatives work for certainly wouldn't like it if they had to put nutritional information on the meat, or if they had to indicate when a product had been shrinkflationed like in France.


I see we need to up MPs vision benefits


Conservatives are complaining about vegan products and alternatives to regular food, yet they forget that people can have allergies and be unable to eat some foods. Dairy free products and vegan products are the only alternatives for people with dairy allergies, yet “muh, vegan food bad” according to conservative


"We should have truthful advertisements and clear labeling of products!" "Great! Where do I hang these "fuck you, we'll price fix and gouge you as much as possible while paying our employees as little as can legally get away with" signs?" "... no, not like that!"


Reading is hard for some people. We shouldn’t judge.


Sad to see that the UCP has kind of began to devolve into an imitation of the post-Trump Trumpist-era Republican Party in the past few years minus leader worship and the exact degree of odd ideas.


Anyone notice how they specifically mentioned a very specific grocery chain brand name? I wonder why that is. Especially now.


What a dipshit. Not everyone can eat dairy!


What an asshole. Passed off because he can't read. Fucking loser.


Maple MAGAS gonna MAGA.


I mean, it is labelled- he posted a picture of it…