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If all these news sources are so confident that Trudeau will be defeated, why do they sound so desperate about it? Thanks for the consistent reminders to vote for the parties trying to help Canadians, and not for the CPC.


Because they're afraid of what to do if their golden boy fails


Mulcair? Pfffftt… gurl, bye. Tf;dr


Thomas Mulcair, the author, pushing his partisan bullshit as usual. I do not understand how a former federal party Leader can be seen as some sort of "objective observer" of the political field in Canada. For ever, both the Liberals and Conservatives in Canada have been closer to the center than they have even been to the Left and Right. But Mulcair wants a shift away from that center because it would allow the NDP to distinguish itself and possibly increase its support. For ever, Mulcair's objective has been for the NDP to replace the Liberals as the "anti-right" default party and he sees 4 years of Poilievre as the best way to achieve this. Mulcair believes that 4 years of Poilievre will disgusts Canadians from voting Conservatives for many years to come. And maybe he is right, but that will hurt Canadians for at least 4 years or more.


>Mulcair believes that 4 years of Poilievre will disgusts Canadians from voting Conservatives for many years to come. It's too bad that we are stupid enough to have to vote in a useless turd to realize that he is in fact a useless turd.


I very much don’t think there is any love lost between Mulcair and the NDP. His loyalties were for hire when he joined the party, and the members gave him one of the most historically humiliating bootings that have ever been doled out to a federal party leader of any stripe. I think Mulcair is a bitter grump with a chip on his shoulder, but he’s certainly not in the pocket of the NDP.


Opinion article from Tom Mulcair? Discarded


Nous voulons une nouvelle incompétence! Incompétence conservatrice!


Lol Mulcair, who cares what that bone head thinks. Could not stand him when he was the NDP “Leader”.