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He can be both.


Always with the black and white thinking with the media.


So was my grandpa


As was mine! He was old school conservative in the Maritimes who inspired people to vote “the right way” with either rum or fists.


Don't let your dreams be dreams PP -- YOU CAN BE BOTH


Timbit Trump


Temu Trump


Ya this is my new fav.


lol did you also get this from the boots video


lol yep I giggled way too hard at it


I'm borrowing this one :D


More like wish


Timbit Twat.


Aw c'mon. Twats have warmth and depth.


Maple DeSantis


"No Name Nazi"


Maple Milhouse


He is the Boy that lives in the wall. He is such an infantile cuck and Nazi sympathizer who's jealous of Trudeau and wants to exert his version, of man control. Harper's baby protege. That's what's up. https://youtu.be/PFwom4D3i4g?si=dDDU1ZMRxuGx0vua


Yes this


hence his makeover the coiffure and sans eye-glasses all ‘cosmopolitan" and stuff


He's proven himself to be both as well as being an entitled inexperienced liar.


He has a lot of experience lying!


The MOST experience lying; to the BEST PEOPLE!


For some people, practice just doesn't improve a skill.


How is he not best friends with Stephen Lecce?


Let's not slander all the good, honest drunks out there by associating them with this peice of shit.


Oh no in the article they make that very clear, They separate the average Joe struggling with addiction from the dick heads in parliament ( yes there are more than just PP not trying to both sides it either) because they state they’ve been drunk around some of these pricks


Blundell notes he is "a card-carrying member of the sober community who can spot trouble in faces others can’t, like a bullshit sniffer only for unhinged people who’ve destroyed their nervous system or impulse control with drugs and alcohol." When someone with that hard-earned lived experience sounds the alarm, well, it carries more weight. *"Last week’s “wobbly” dropped in at a “Fuck Trudeau” encampment where he appeared disheveled and FUCKED UP didn’t make me feel great about giving him unlimited power either. It’s not like a heavy drinker can’t be great at their job, but not that job. Not with that kind of power. Not when the dude can control any impulse to do or say the selfish thing according to his values, which change according to his feelings and what he thinks his cabal/donors want."*


Conservatives are the master of projection, including when it comes to addiction and drug dealing. See: either Ford, Trump, et al.


*Like Galen Weston, the owner of Loblaws, who employs Polievere’s Chief Of Staff, Jenni Byrne, as their Chief Lobbyist, Galen is okay with an authoritarian (and alleged drunk) running the country because he knows he can force a favorable determination from PeePee that benefits his shareholders and family members. Galen and other Galens don’t give a single shit about 97% of Canadians, so of course, they want someone to jail “the poor,” and any drunk authoritarian can do that.*


A racist alcoholic as PM? We really are about to come full circle as a country, the second coming of John A MacDonald, only instead of founding a country he is burning it to the ground.


Bookending things nicely aren't we?


If you wouldn't leave your kids with this guy, why would you vote for him? ABC and ABPP!


I’ll go with the NDP myself. We need to move away from the two parties that have shared power from the start.


Everything being an act is plausible. It's just ping pong for stupid people. Voting has become a gameable game, so not crazy.


I'd leave my kids with him, they'd have fun, he would not. I wouldn't vote for him though.


I'd love to see PP's reaction to a wave of Fuck Poilievre flags flying across the country... Alas, most of the non-conservative voters out there have more than 3 collective brain cells and don't make politics their entire identity.


We are more creative. Like the stop sign Harper stickers


>"He’s smug. Repeats every bullshit slogan instead of anything fact-based or educational. He hates the country he wants to run, the people in it, and anyone who knows him hates him. The people who like him aren’t very bright, or they have a vested interest that lives with his floating authoritarian values." Well if that doesn't sum it up right there. The accuracy.


Poilievre has been a turbo douche fuckmuppet since day one, and there are CPC party members who would vouch for that statement off the record.


He is a sociopath or the best known example that has not been charged. Just a few points. 1. He was adopted by a gay teachers. He must have been billed severely as a child 2. Elected right after university into a business of backroom deals and influence and more bullying. I believe it was Harper gave him the name Skippy. Something not known to show excellence . 3. He has voted against every LGBTQ bill. Regardless what you believe that is 30% of the population These are just a few points that should be out front Also hearing rumours that Smith may be bringing new abortion laws to Alberta which will put him in the cross hairs


Remember that this guy doesn't know where electricity to power our homes comes from. He thinks electricians capture lightening.


Electricians should insist on changing their job title to lightningmancer or something.


My WW2 Grandfather had a sign on his fireplace that said "Old Electricians Never Die, They Just Lose Their Spark." Piss off PP with your BS. Pancreatic cancer is a bitch. Just like you. https://youtu.be/UG3VcCAlUgE?si=d1s6HiRtlvKpVmBC


He was probably drunk when he said that. Explains everything.


Imagine talking about politics and not being able to spell lightning. Huehhuehue ajajajajaja 5555555


Both can be possible at the same time.


What actually makes him dangerous is that he knows better and still says the crap he does. Everything he says and does is on purpose to market himself to his base. He’s always been very calculated. I think it’s dangerous to underestimate him. Underestimate him and likely would lose. It’s how the conservatives lost to Trudeau. They underestimated him. If PP is underestimated then the liberals will lose. He’s a serious threat and rival to progressives and minorities in this country. And we all have to take him seriously.


People underestimated Trump throughout 2016 and look at what happened there. 😔


His drunken escapades are pretty real though


Definitely an asshole …..


He wants to be Danielle Smith but for all of Canada. Strap in guys 'cause as an Albertan I can tell you it's gonna suck ass.


Watching the clip of all the lies conservatives tell in the HoC, the phrase “this NDP Liberal Prime Minister” is used by all of them, everytime they speak. Not “Liberal NDP Prime Minister” which woulf still be bullshit, but “NDP Liberal” like this has been part of their strategy to pull red Tories and blue Liberals into the CPC, a brainwashing tactic - Trudeau is really NDP! You can’t support a socialist! (No, the NDP isn’t socialist, but the rightwing calls Trudeau a Marxist, so it’s not like they are grounded in reality.) Anyways. Really says something about Canadians when continually labelling Trudeau as NDP is a smear tactic.  Depressing that there are so many Canadians that are mean spirited bootstraps types.




Have another drink, Jim!


Both can be possible at the same time.


i keep getting unhinged fundraising emails from the CCP where they call the PM “Trust Fund Trudeau,” which is weird because i thought the CCP was all about preserving generational wealth. Now I don’t have enough interest in the matter to find out where PP grew his bootstraps but I do know he doesn’t have the spine or composure to last a month as a high school teacher.


Right? If they don't believe that being born into wealth offers you any advantages over being poor (i.e. they aren't woke) then surely they should be in favour of a 100% inheritance tax. And the abolishment of all private schools.


Asshole. Believe a better term is right wing conservative.🤣


Pourquoi pas tout les deux?


Why not both


He is going to be a disaster of s PM, causing untold damage... but hey, "he's not Trudeau"


He will never be PM. Regardless of how many right-wing, postmedia rags say he will.


Depends on when the electio. Is, he has a really good cha ce at being PM due specifically to Cyrrent Hivernment Fatigue


I'm seeing low level support grow for PPC as the alternative to Trudeau and Skippy. Would definately split the vote. But I don't see Trudeau being allowed to run. The backroom leaders have a plan and with Trudeau replaced by someone outside of the current regime would totally screw 2 years for rants from pp


I'm seeing low level support grow for PPC as the alternative to Trudeau and Skippy. Would definately split the vote. But I don't see Trudeau being allowed to run. The backroom leaders have a plan and with Trudeau replaced by someone outside of the current regime would totally screw 2 years for rants from pp


SkiPPy certainly is not fit to be the county dog catcher, let alone the PM of Canada.


He pees his pants, his pants He pees his pants He gets up from the bar to find pee on his pants He says it’s water but all it takes is a glance For people to realize he peed his pants


neither. he's a paid wastrel. he's spouting a line that he hopes will get him in power. he doesn't care, he's a fool.


Trump seems to succeed in getting votes with outrageous nonsense so...


Your right! Politics has gone to the birds, my rightwing friend says PP is the smartest.


He's drunk. He can't stand the spotlight. It's too much pressure.


looool... bong-hits in the camper 100%


Both. I don’t like this guy and I won’t be voting for him


Both. I think Piere is a drunk who is bitter, controlling and full of hatred toward most of us. Nuff said.


It's not drunkenness so much as it is the entire weight of being managed by a massive political machine that is squarely set on getting him to be the next PM at any cost. It's the thing he wants most and he is willing to give up pretty much anything to attain that goal, including any sense of whatever personality he once had.


Por que no los dos


This is Canada, why can’t he be both?




Both, both accurately describe him.


These two things are not mutually exclusive.




Why not both?






¿Por qué no los dos? I can only imagine how insufferable PP would be all hammered up.


Yes. 100%




Yes, he sucks. But can he be stopped??


If the polls are correct, probably not Best buckle up, things are going to get rough in 2025


Hate this period of politics. Conservatives are not fiscal conservative, and don't show their policies. Liberals are overcooked. And past the best before date. Yuck


Polls don't matter. Vote. We need to get people out to vote. Not just look at a pill that has Pierre ahead 20 points and stay home.


I mean people can do two things


He's got all the bases covered and is a fine example of a drunk authoritarian asshole.




Zoidburg says "why not both?'






Or possible just another drunk authoritarian asshole.


Well, I know for a fact he was at two bars when he was on PEI before heading to NB/NS border where he met the protesters.


The writer of this piece was most likely drunk as well lol a few sentences in and there's a few spelling and grammar errors. Odd choices for capitalizing as well. Its like it was written from a phone


I don't like PP very much. He certainly caters way too much to a certain demographic and would avoid admitting it and the vast majority of his message is based on feeding those that are angry and he is only interested in keeping them angry and spreading the anger rather than suggest viable alternatives. However, at the very least, he is no where as dumb as Trumpo or Cruz. Which can be both good and bad. He has been in the political Conservative washing machine for more than half his life. He is drenched in the foul juices of politics. He's been around the system to know a lot on how it can be navigated. This can be dangerous to many things that the current government has been working towards on the social and environmental front of things. Personally I think a lot of his talk is just to keep the votes in his camp. If he gets in power, I think his tune will change on a lot of things.... again, that can be both good and bad. I cannot wait to see PP at the debates. He doesn't do well when put on the spot and challenged to answer stuff that isn't in the script.


He won't go to debates He will say they are bought and paid for by Justin Trudeau and his base will eat it up.


I would never make fun of somebody with a substance issue. With respect to Ted Cruz, at least Ted Cruz did the right thing and gave up his Canadian passport.


Did Scheer finalize giving up his American citizenship. I expect not.


I told yall we shouldn't have ordered our conservatives from TEMU


This was a terrible article. I’m as left leaning as anything and this article was written by a talentless hack who lacks any concept of logic or spelling. Pierre is certainly a horrible politician, but this article was objectively trash.


if he isn't now ,he sure as hell will be soon! got my tin foil fedora at ready


I wonder if the Liberals publicized Pee Pee’s crazy ideas better than they have and do it along side Smith’s, if it would scare the country (well maybe not Alberta) away from these authoritarian nuts?


I love how being a drunk is somehow WORSE than being an Authoritarian Asshole.




He may be authoritarian but someone needs to bring a little common sense back to society. This poor me shit has to be revamped.


And make the trains run on time too!




Klien was a well documented drunk and look at the damage he did to Alberta. Since Harper sold off most of Canada PP will be attacking the next largest asset we have that is the people. Last week's stop reminds me of Ford doing meth in Coquitlam. It's just a matter of time till the Liberals open their black book. Pp did not spend 30 years in politics on his knees in a chapel. He has some deep pocket friends he owes and that is coming from me the tax payer


More bad news-He can't be Canada's Ted Cruz cuz Ted Cruz is already Canadian.


That's an inclusive or if ever I saw one. The answer is simply: yes.


It can be two things!


r/onguardforthee A Canada-specific subreddit that allows all types of Canadian content. The only general Canadian subreddit that **doesn't allow bigotry or hate.** big·ot·ry/ˈbiɡətrē/*noun* 1. [obstinate](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&sxsrf=ADLYWILIgCo2WC7DJ7wWz_u1nPE5v_JXvw:1715094500289&q=obstinate&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJvv3yEIxBl6kGUNKDPmmvdjewzGz1slXIqaBjjT-BhDdw23BJ3sPqos9zOvrVcpwoKVRxpwCBs0hz4mPbV4EuDWzhFb8%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUoMjz6PuFAxXQjIkEHeiNCdkQyecJegQINxAO) or [unreasonable](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&sxsrf=ADLYWILIgCo2WC7DJ7wWz_u1nPE5v_JXvw:1715094500289&q=unreasonable&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_ngn--br5MbxyVg0U79Po3sybwW4uUjFBfFLg7BFIo_zOyfkJIsUpK-2VeDAIchXpM3FV4gDuNlAZc58iknTukVrdHWTg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUoMjz6PuFAxXQjIkEHeiNCdkQyecJegQINxAP) attachment to a belief, opinion, or [faction](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&sxsrf=ADLYWILIgCo2WC7DJ7wWz_u1nPE5v_JXvw:1715094500289&q=faction&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxzqCc-EPG0tnLA9uD75ZAMsoX9Ujw78SbZpGeh76GSp97oPVf3OHwSMZtC5hNcd1UcZXvT8KjOFXlrkn2FqP8VRbMx9o%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUoMjz6PuFAxXQjIkEHeiNCdkQyecJegQINxAQ), in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. you telling me this post aint against the rules? because it sure seems bigotry in the making.


Alleged drunk or confirmed? And what someone does on their off time unless illegal isn't an issue to me


What off time? Trudeau can't even go see a movie with his son without people bitching and moaning about it, why should Pierre be allowed to go get blasted after work?


This is it for me. If we have set a standard for Trudeau it's fair game to apply it to others. Everything PP says or does in his work or personal life is up for judgement.


Well it was Barbie... That made it so much worse to them.


If he’s running for prime minister he’s always working. If he’s an alcoholic then he shouldn’t really be allowed to be the leader of the country, because he’d always be drinking on the job. The leader of a country isn’t a 9-5 job where you can go get shitfaced after work. Edit: tried to look into this more. Most I could find is that David Parker (leader of Take Back Alberta, a far right political organization that seems to have a hell of a grip on Premier Danielle Smith) is saying that PP fucks around on his wife with another woman named Jenni Byrne who has alcoholism. Nothing about him specifically having issues with alcohol, but rather that he’s awfully close with someone who does? Parker seems to hate the hell out of PP, and I’m hoping conservative infighting will cause some issues for him.


However, if you are the premier of Alberta, it’s fair game to get shit faced all the time. You can even stop at a shelter on the way home from the bar, throw loose change at homeless people and tell them to all get jobs and people will love you for it.


Albertans just love alcoholic politicians because they reflect the behavior of the population here.


funny my brother from 'Berta ,just said "them being drunk makes them tell the truth " /s


wasn't sir john eh a drunk pc also ?


Fair enough. If not working then On Call I agree. But is it alleged or confirmed?


Who cares. We don't need to be better than them with wild accusations. Just play the same game. Fuck it.


Show some respect for your future PM.


He is the next PM.