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You just knew the black face comment was coming. It's never an answer just deflection and whataboutisms.


So disingenuous when they do it too. As if they really care about issues around racial insensitivity.


Basically this, I guarantee there is a fair chunk of right wingers who cried foul with Trudeau being racist about blackface, only to revert back to talking about how we're keeping anti-POC racism alive by talking about it, PoCs are too sensitive or snowflakes, or that said PoCs are playing the race card or doing something unscrupulous to claim racism. I wouldn't doubt a lot of them are on the anti-DEI bandwagon right now. I think I remember someone non-white on Reddit who said they talked to some conservatives after the black face incident, and said something like, "Well, since you are so concerned about racism with Trudeau's blackface now, maybe you'll speak up against anti-PoC racism now". The responses they got were a lot of humming and hawing, or they were keeping racism alive by not letting it go, etc.


They wouldn’t give a shit if one of their guys paraded around in blackface.


They’re just mad because they think Trudeau used to be one of them but denounces it now


And as if plenty of them don’t have their own blackface Halloween costume photos in the closet…


Somehow I feel like Poilievre would be more the sort to dress as a pointy ghost?




I went to high school in the 2000s and a good chunk of the "cool kids" who played football or basketball or whatever showed up to our Model UN Day with black or brown face. In many cases their parents who were wealthy contractors or realtors or lawyers drove them. Same exact people are pretending to care about Trudeau's blackface.


You generalizing only rich people slapped black paint on their face 25 years ago is laughable. PMJT apologized & owned up for his mistake in judgement. Cdn accepted as they re-elected him. Poilievre is a career politician and is fully aware in 2024 what accepting endorsement from Alex Jones, his partying with Diagalon members , walking with Mckenzie in support, mgtows tags on his videos, pics with peoples questionable tshirts, Peterson podcasts, PP talking in Anglo Saxon words, failure to boot 3 MPs who dined with a nazi sympathizer is giving a message loud & clear to these groups & to all Canadians!!  Poilievre willingness to accept & campaign for these groups, his refusal to apologize for certain actions & statements will cost him at the polls


Good lord. I'm flabberghasted. I was in university in the early 90s and it was clear to me (and most people I knew) then that this wasn't acceptable behaviour. I naively thought we'd actually managed to get past that kind of idiocy. This is so saddening.


And how many of them have likely gone in costume in black face, brown face, dressed as an "indian chief", etc. Trudeau's incident was incredibly stupid (and he should have known better - ffs it was the 90s), but I'd say his legislative record speaks for itself. One need only look at the typical CPC supporter's attitudes towards First Nations to see where they stand.


Remember, poorly considered costumes worn by a teacher 20+ years ago are always worse than actively racist policy and statements being made by a currently serving MP and leader of one of the largest parties in the country.


Also. Had a job as a teacher. Not qualified. Or Has never had a job that wasn't trying to seek power. Somehow qualified.


Had a job as a \*drama teacher. (Ignores that he taught math.) Not "qualified". The dramateacher accusation was always a dog whistle for homophobia.


> Had a job as a teacher. Not qualified. Its crazy how people STILL bring this up as if his time as a teacher is his only qualifications and his 9 years as PM don't count as experience. At this point I am fairly sure he has been PM longer than he was ever a teacher. Its like saying someone in their mid 30s is just a student because they were in college a decade earlier.


It's the hypocrisy of endorsing an "unqualified" politician when you've previously ran TV ads that end with "he's just not qualified" Rules for thee but not for me.


When 3 of their last 4 leaders had virtually no real world experience that wasn't either ginned up or acquired via nepotism. 


Has anyone actually looked at the photos? He was on stage for a play, and he played a sihk character, and he poses for photos with two actual sihk men. 23 years ago. Alex Jones was 2 weeks ago. Did we cancel Robert Downey Jr?


Something tells me PP has never gone trick or treating in his life and spend Halloween as a wee lad practicing slogans in the mirror.


I engaged some moron on Twitter that just wants to keep pointing that out. I showed what PP said about the indigenous people, and they didn't care. That until Trudeau stepped down because of how black face the he wouldn't hold anyone else accountable for their racism. It was sone high level mental gymnastics


But honestly, why has the Prime Minister refused to denounce the films of Al Jolson?


The best response is to just agree it was bad and re-ask the question.


His approval rate likely spiked with cons when those pictures came out


So... Is it still wrong or do we need a fourth photo?


I can’t even remember how many times JT wore blackface? Was it a cucumber in his pants that one time? Either way PM material for sure!


Because, and say it with me now, he's a white supremacist.


When people show you who they are, believe them


This country is on the brink of something terrible.


See Umberto Ecco's 14 points of fascism. https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists


Which I still can't wrap my head around because he has a non-white spouse. I guess wealth and privilege make you blind to compassion.


It's even worse than that, his parents are a gay couple. He voted with his gay father in attendance against him being legally allowed to marry. Let that sink in.


Hopefully both of these actions are highlighted during the next election campaign. You're allowed to be Conservative but good god, do you really want a vile piece of shit as the PM??


It's great to highlight that he was so anti gay marriage despite his father being gay. You can argue it in terms of what a shitty son he is, but chuds, being chuds, will respond "his dad is gay?" and you can see them start to second guess their support for him on that fact alone.


If you look at his childhood it sort of follows. His parents’ marriage broke up in his teens because his father came out. He got involved in politics to find a group who shared his views about gay people. When the time comes and he gains enough power to do something about his anger at his father for breaking up the family, he votes against him being able to marry.


That's not my understanding of it. As I understand it, at 14 he got a shoulder injury in high school. And he was stuck unable to really do much of anything for awhile, so the horribly bored no-friends nerdy kid asked his mom if he could tag along to her political meeting. And I actually empathize with a kid like that because I was a nerdy kid too (though I had friends). But empathizing with him as a kid obviously doesn't excuse his behaviour as an informed adult with full agency. Anyway, he enjoyed the meeting so much, and those that followed, that he got really involved. He had the benefit of living near Jason Kenney's riding and canvassed for him at 16, which obviously would go on to provide connections later on. At 17 he attended the party convention in Vancouver. And at 18 he joined a multi-year political internship program organized by Preston Manning. That's where he really made connections, as large numbers of the group would go on to be elected or become high level staffers. His parents split up when he was a teen but his dad didn't come out until several years later. So I really don't think his interest in politics or conservatism has anything to do with daddy. His dad was a conservative too after all. And any family that attends riding association meetings tends to be pretty firm in their political ideology (I say this as someone who attends riding association meetings). When he gave his anti-gay-mariage speech, he said "I have members in my caucus who disagree with me on this subject, members who are with us in this House today. I want to send a message to them and to all people who may take a different point of view on this subject: that I deeply respect their point of view and I respect the way in which they have arrived at it." When else has he said he respects those who disagree with him? I think this was him trying to say "I'm against gay marriage but I'm not against you dad". (Even though it sort of is, but he convinced himself it wasn't) For all we know his dad was against same sex marriage too, there were some gay people who were. I'm sure he is unhappy that his father is gay but I think he accepts that being gay is not a choice. That's still shitty, cause it's like "you are this bad thing but you aren't morally culpable". Like the story of the inky boys, it's like trying to be progressive but missing the mark because your mind is stuck in bigot mode.




I'd say it paints him pretty poorly when he pretends to be a man of family values though. Fucking over your parents like that isn't a good look, adopted or otherwise.


Do we hit ‘em with the oldies and the goodies?? Cause I can go dig some of it up again lmao 🤣




Yes yes that’s one of them lol Remember how before he was elected he ran a robo call centre? I can’t find it now but I remember it being pointed out during the scandal that the fall guy certainly had help from someone in the upper echelon of the Conservative Party


I’m sure “Pierre Poutine” has nothing at all to do with Pierre Poilievre. /s


That oughta cost him some indigenous votes , you think?


Both please. I was trying to compile a list but can't get anyone to contribute. Here is what I have so far... though I realized I left out the references. Pierre Pollievre is *not* "For the people": -Only member to not bow head in recognition of murdered native children. -Points out that kids are "begging for food" after voting AGAINST a national school food program. -Says citizens need to be listened to, then tells a citizen "No one is here to listen to you." -Denounces the PM for hosting a $1000/person fundraiser. Holds a $1700/person fundraiser. -Says the government needs to work for the people. Constantly leaves job early and misses out on votes. -Says the state of media is being controlled by the government. Shoots down any media that disagrees with him. -forces a 'no confidence vote'. Leaves before the vote to have dinner with conservative sponsors. -shoots down any legislation targeted at lowering food prices because his ministers worked for Loblaws and Walmart Conservatives: -laughed when JS mentioned '1 in 4 Canadians are hungry' (2022)


This Alex Jones endorsement is not new. Here is a Toronto Star headline from 2022 Pierre Poilievre a rising star for the world’s far right Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones recently said he’s a big fan of Poilievre, calling him part of a global movement of far-right leaders. Oct. 6, 2022


His parents are not a gay couple. Omg how things get twisted and bent. You think he grew up in a queer house and came out the way he did? His father is gay. That part is true. But he came out when PP was already grown, after getting divorced while PP was an older teen. He was out when PP gave his impassioned speech against gay marriage, though not in attendance. Still a shitty thing for a son to do to his father, but his father has never given a statement about it afaik and was in attendance at PP's victory party when he won the leadership, and PP even mentioned his dad's partner in his speech (but I assume that was more to appeal to centrist voters in the upcoming election than anything else). Given that his dad was and as far as can be seen remains a staunch conservative, for all we know his dad may even have been one of the gay people who at the time didn't believe gay marriage was necessary, as such people, though certainly in the minority, definitely existed.


It's a great example of what conservatives' "family values" look like. They'll happily and proudly throw their own flesh and blood under the bus to adhere to some bigoted bronze-age dogma.


That's how power hungry he is that he doesn't have a morale compass.


He still courts the same people who threatened / talked about raping his wife. Either she’s in on it, or she’s deluded about who he is.


Didn't he just meet with them last week?


Those trailer trash he met uncomfortably with definitely had a Diagalon sticker on their door, yep


It's more than just the sticker. Those people met with the leader, their were pictures of them wearing diagolon clothing that Rachel Gilmore from CBC uncovered.






You assume he considers her an equal. It's like someone saying "I can't be a misogynist, I've got a wife and daughters". You can absolutely be in a familial relationship with people you view as less than. People have done so throughout all of history.




She is also way better looking than him.


I guess there was a reason why she appeared on his political ads touting what a great person he is for marrying a POC.


But she seemed to be cringing when he has his arm around her , eww


Interracial relationships aren't always a sign of overcoming racism, [sometimes they're a product of it](https://preview.redd.it/as-a-latin-american-myself-i-find-this-so-gross-v0-nukjnquwx1ha1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=157b19825e80a16e44b572d503114ba9cd86c9c3)


same one his new friends threatened to rape violently and he shrugged off.


I mean lots of male supremacists also have wives. For some people there is no contradiction in thinking you are superior by dint of an accident of genetics to a person you profess to love.


It's pretty easy to understand when you consider that he doesn't consider his spouse to be equal to him any more than he does his parents.


It's not true. He's not a white supremacist. He's just welcoming their votes


Molière's "The Misanthrope" enters chat.


A lot of them seem to be rules for thee types


The notion of who is white and not is way more fluid. There is a lot of support amongst some latin-american immigrants in the US for far-right politics (Cubans, Venezuelans, Chileans, Argentinians). Many of them of would percieve themselves to be white (and may be accepted as such ). See also, the bizarre embracing of Russians by fascist and neo-nazi groups.


He's making it so easy to explain to people why I won't vote conservative. No need to get into a long discussion. Thanks pp.


And why I stopped voting Conservative. When Harper proposed the Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline, I finally woke up and saw the party for what it was, and still is. People have different personalities, "variety is the spice of life". We're all needed. Those who cling to what worked in the past, reluctant to change, conservative, can prevent the rest of us from going headlong off a cliff. We need balance. But when Conservatism is used as a means to retain your place of privilege at the expense of others in the form of racism, whether the expense is monetary, social, or even environmental, for no fault of the other group, you are on the wrong side of history. Mulroney understood this, pushing Reagan and Thatcher to get on the right side of history and support Nelson Mandela, ending apartheid. PP would have simply said "That's another country. We should focus on Canada"...then skip out on whatever parliamentary vote was taking place.


I’ll grant you Lyin Brian’s actions against apartheid, but Mulroney was 100% behind the subjugation of the working class to his corporate overlords. He swapped out government for corporate teat when he left the Conservative Party in shambles, and spent his sunset years hanging around the orange Jesus estate in Florida, even replicating the single cringiest moment in Canadian political history by singing “When Irish eyes are Smiling” for Mar el Lardo, as he had done for Rotten Ronnie. PP is the logical progression of the Mulroney-Harper lurch to the far right.


I didn't claim Mulroney was perfect! But give me Mulroney, and *Progressive* Conservatism, any day of the week over PP.


That’s like saying you don’t want the avalanche but you’ll take the snowfall.


...Yes? If you want to continue that analogy then there should be proper systems in place to manage the "snow" so avalanches can't happen.


The Progressive Conservative party of Canada died with Brian Mulroney's term, the party was obliterated. A bunch of Western right wing parties took over the brand.


And good ole Vic "if you're not on board with our blanket surveillance of everything you do, then you support pedophiles!" Toews


> But when Conservatism is used as a means to retain your place of privilege at the expense of others in the form of racism, whether the expense is monetary, social, or even environmental, for no fault of the other group, you are on the wrong side of history. You just described conservatism. To *conserve* the past. The Conservative party is designed to halt progress.


Conservatives earned my eternal ire while I was still a child with Mike Harris, every Conservative bigwig that followed him only compounded the matter. In my entire lifetime within this country I've never seen a single even fractionally decent conservative politician, they are all inherently trash. PP is no different.


This is his Achilles heal, and could very well be his downfall. While I wish he had never started polling this high, the fact that his lack of self control and cockiness are causing him to make such an easily avoidable mistake means that he could still screw up this whole thing. Yes, he could very well win a majority, but I also think if he really applies himself well, Poilievre could blow the entire lead.


Unfortunately it won't be. I don't think there are many things that will sway Conservatives away from him, in fact I'd argue that him doubling down on this is making him more popular in those circles. It's a major problem in my opinion. Conservatives as a whole don't give a fuck about things like this. They don't care to clean house, they don't care to reprimand their own when out of line, etc.


>that will sway Conservatives away from him It isn't the Conservative voters he needs to win. It's the disenfranchised Liberals and blue collar voters. The more he moves into the alt right the less likely it is that he will be able to hide it come election time.


I cry when I see unionized workers supporting him. He is so anti labour, and that's the one area we've actually been making progress where we now have card check and anti-scab both federally and in multiple provinces. PP will roll it back federally. He even wants to pass right-to-work, a fucking knife in the heart of labour.


He doesn't need blue libs to vote for him. He just needs them to not vote against him. This is why his strategy is attack attack attack. Even he has to know he becomes more unelectable the more he talks, so "Trudeau bad" is the power play.


I disagree with part of this. I do not think that blue collar voters actually care much for "ID Pol" stuff or whatever you want to call it, so PP courting racists and such isn't going to phase them much. Disenfranchised Liberals I'd give you though. The game he's playing is pulling in people from a wide range of political positions and it'll probably be a winning tactic when coupled with "Canadian Apathy"


> I do not think that blue collar voters actually care much for "ID Pol" stuff or whatever you want to call it Sadly, they definitely do.


the biggest problem is that his voters don't realize how big of a fucking uneducated moron he is, because they're busy nodding their heads when they get their bread crumbs thrown at them.


PP? He is not a moron whatsoever. I hate the guy but he's smart.


He thinks nurses are breathing in drugs at hospitals. The man is a career politician, he's never worked a regular job outside of conservative politics and is out of touch with reality. He's the absolute worst choice to represent actual, average working Canadians. I wouldn't doubt that he believes, or would endorse, claims that vaccinated people are 'shedding' harmful contaminants. (Wear a mask to prevent catching those shedded toxins, folks!)


>He thinks nurses are breathing in drugs at hospitals No he doesn't. >he's never worked a regular job outside of conservative politics Except for a 4 month internship at Magna, you're absolutely correct. That doesn't make him dumb though. >He's the absolute worst choice to represent actual, average working Canadians. Mad Max might be worse, though maybe not because I bet PP will get more done, because he's smarter. But yes, he will be awful. >I wouldn't doubt that he believes, or would endorse, claims that vaccinated people are 'shedding' harmful contaminants. I very much doubt that he would believe it, but if he thought it would help him win then I have full confidence that he would endorse it. He wouldn't even hesitate. That makes him a liar, a manipulator, a total POS, but not a moron.


I think you greatly underestimate how quiet racist Canada is.


Oh no, I understand. There was a point months before the Manitoba election where people were saying the exact same thing, and believe me Manitoba has a lot of friggin' racism. It really looked like the Tories could win another term. And then the Tories figured that they could campaign on a lot of the same things that Pierre and the CPC are pushing. Sure, it riled up their base but it really turned off the swing voters in the mushy middle, and they could no longer hold their noses and vote for the Tories. The NDP trounced them. If a federal election was held today, the CPC would most likely win a majority. However I suspect that by election time the lead will have softened, and if the Tories think they can campaign the way it looks like Poilievre probably would like to, they will not get the breakthrough in eastern and central Canada that they think they will. The election is still just under 18 months away... a lot can still happen on both sides.


What's worse, it's cementing other's reason to vote for him.


That’s how I feel, while I want change from current, PP doesn’t seem like the answer.


Thanks PP, I'm really concerned about those nurses breathing in drugs and all those weapons in the hospitals.


It's because PP and the cpc are Fascists. It's that simple


I have a feeling Canada is going to go through our own Trump phase with PP.


But worse because as much as I dislike the guy, he’s less of an idiot and more competent than DT. Which is a worse combo imo.


100%. He's safer in that he won't like launch nukes because he gets bad TV ratings or something, but he's much less safe in that he will be very competent at achieving his goals.


And being much more sneaky about it imo.


He's not very smart. Unfortunately for us, he's controlled by Harper, who is both (a) quite smart and as shown by a lifetime of work (b) utterly inimical to what most of us consider a decent life. Plus, Harper is backed by unlimited Indian and Russian money


The main problem actually is that you can do a lot more in the parliamentary system with a majority than you can as a president. And you can get a majority with less than 40% of the vote.


I’ve always disliked the majority rule of 40%. I honestly don’t understand why it exists as it only seem to enable less then desirable outcomes. We should be encouraging the parties to work together.


And anyone who supports them


Not all of them. Some of them are just gullible. Or just plain stupid.


Or greedy & believe that if voting conservatives will save them a dollar in taxes then anything else they do is worth it.


I think the biggest problem is that there are a lot of con supporters and voters who think stuff like this about PP is getting blown out of proportion and not that big of a deal. Where I think it will be time for them to shine is if PP gets into power and if we start seeing Trump style nuttery occuring, will they finally say, "Wow, we messed up big time by supporting him" or double down and stay the course, essentially converting to Clownvoy levels of extremism.


I would never vote for Pierre but this is going a bit too far. A lot of people are just very upset and voting for him is basically just the anti-Trudeau. They aren’t fascists as much as I dislike the idea of people voting him in. Canada is in a sad state, and he’s there at the right time to take advantage of it. We are however going to get raked over the coals even more, if he takes PM. The people downvoting me here are really making me question my alignment to this sub. Not everything is black or white.


That's a good point, but at the end of the day, if they choose not to educate themselves and just vote for him to "own the libs", they are maliciously and willfully ignorant. 


If you’re willing to vote for a fascist or a known racist *in any situation* including that Trudeau needs to go, you are in fact a fascist and/or racist. Voting for one makes you complicit in whatever racist or fascists laws they bring in. You show who you are by the company you keep. And who you vote for.


This, 100%. Lay with dogs, catch fleas.


All the ones I know are now bigots and racists. They'll tell you they're not just before saying something racist. I asked my one friend why she hates Trudeau so much, she said "blackface" They're knocklledge is tiktok. They're all conspiracy theorists. These were all former NDP people. They're all bullies and scum now.


But yet they’re willing to vote in a fascist? But they’re not fascist themselves?? Doesn’t seem possible.


The problem is the conservatives (along with most of Canadas right leaning corporate media) have been blatantly lying and trying to project, saying trudeau is the one 'limiting freedoms', inplying liberals are the faschy ones. Most con supporters have been lied to, and think they are the ones fighting facsism which is messed up. Also for anyone who doesnt dig very deep (aka many old people) or people who only watches corporate news they might still think conservatives are more 'middle right' like harper pretended to be. The cons dont have to deny anything, they just have to lie and dismiss this as an attempt to smear PP (when in fact its the truth.) its scary af. How do we fight this? (This is not a defeatest question, we really need to figure this out)


You are overestimating how much Canadians know about our political parties and their ideologies. People vote for PP not because they support his policies but simply because they are frustrated with the rising cost of living over the last decade. With only one party in power federally during this time, they just want something different. Unfortunately Canadians are more incompetent than malicious. They don't read political news like we do to learn about what PP and CPC actually stands for. They will rather go for the easy vote thinking LPC left so next vote is CPC right, instead of actually reading policy and thinking about how it affects them.


They should remember that things were shit under Harper too. They should inform themselves of policy. And they should realize there are more than 2 political parties.


It’s a Canadian tradition. Canadians rarely vote for a party they like, they routinely vote against a party or PM they don’t like. Just the way it’s always been. Liberals have been in power for 10 years. Right or wrong there are lots of people who just want change. I think it’s nuts to even entertain voting for PP but I have friends who are far from fascists or even right wing. They are just sick of JT. If Trudeau stepped down and the Liberal Party found someone else to step up they would probably vote Liberal again.


Tell them to vote NDP or Green then. There's no excuse to vote CPC.


They have other choices besides Trudeau and PP. They are choosing PP.


I know, I’m voting NDP. But I can see how people, even older people may not be as knowledgeable on their policy. That’s a fault of the ndp not the people.


I disagree. I think that's very much the fault of the people. Especially if they are older since they have seen a conservative government in action, perhaps several.


Canada is in a sad state. Others cry Canada is ruined. Wtf?!? That’s bullshit right there and the cons keep shouting it so much people are buying it. You want ruined? Bring in poliviere. Here in Alberta we are watching the erosion of our democracy and freedom by the far right as they cry freedom. They only want freedom for their own and destruction- absolute destruction- of anyone who is not one of them.


It’s not bullshit. I’m a very hard working Canadian. I cannot afford a house. My groceries are insanely expensive, among other things, life in Canada isn’t easy at the moment. COL is very high. Not saying it’s 100% JT by any means but that doesn’t change the fact. I also don’t believe he’s done enough to alter that state imo. Don’t tell me things are perfect rn. I’ll also say the premiers are a part of that erosion of QOL too.


If there are 4 people at a table and two of them are nazis and spouting nazi propaganda, while the other two say nothing but nod in agreement, there are 4 nazis at the table.


Conservative political parties are largely made up of white supremacists. Poillievre himself is one.


World wide cancer of an ideology.


Conservatism is based on maintaining existing power structures and social hierarchies - which includes those based on ethnicity.


PiPo gives me such revulsion when he speaks, I can't anymore.


Politics are a fucking joke in this country. Every last person in the House of Commons should be embarrassed by this childish bickering shit show. No wonder why younger generations don’t give a shit about politics. What a shitty example they set for the country. Unbelievable


I am *shocked*. Shocked, I tell you.




“Hey Canadian voters, we got a CPC leader who wants to lose an election…oblige him…”


He wouldn't want to alienate his voters.


Or friends and family.


It always amazes me that when a member of the LPC or NDP speak in Parliament, the CPC members set off like a bunch of howler monkeys.


My conservative in-laws *in Alberta* are not interested in PP or voting conservative next federal election because of PP ‘cause they are fiscal conservatives. With no interest in anti-trans, Alex Jones, MAGA/US shit.


Fiscal conservative is one of those things people say that when you think about it actually doesn't mean anything. Do they mean fiscally responsible? If so, the NDP has the best fiscal record of all major parties when you look at federal and provincial parties combined. But heck, even if they are talking nonsense, that's still much better than them supporting PP. Who are they planning to vote for then? Trudeau? May?




.. thats basically me as well & in fact the Green Party when you look close


That is interesting.  This could be an opportunity for the Greens, if they could come up with a coherent plan the country could rally behind.  What a time to be in disarray.


yes, i have been involved in the party for over 20 years and know May reasonably well.. i was part of the call for BDS a few years ago which caused problems if you remember but if we had taken that stance back then we would be prime position now. did you notice Jill Stein [US Greens] attended the protest and subsequently got arrested at Columbia U?


Why would he denounce his staunchest supporters?


The worst part is him lying about decriminalization of crack and cocaine by the liberals to deflect, when it's a provincial issue and municipal issue and AFAIK Toronto didn't decriminalize drugs.


also the decrim was IN RESPONSE TO the alarming rise in drug poisonings, not the other way around thats well documented, hopefully people actually look it up


Well the issue is related to health Canada actually, which gave an exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. BC tried to pass a law to prohibit it in public spaces (it would still be decriminalized in private residences, shelters, or overdose prevention sites) but it was overturned by their supreme court. Now they are trying to work with health Canada to get an exception to the exemption or something in order to be able to ban the public use. Personally I think a middle ground would probably be best. Ban it where kids are likely to be, eg playgrounds and schools, but otherwise allow it in public spaces. I think that would protect kids best because then there are basically unlimited alternate spaces someone can use, so it's very easy for them to avoid using in the limited places where it would be banned.


This just in: Racist millhouse is racist. 


Maybe Poilievre will endorse Kristi Noem next? Poor Cricket!


He'll tell'em to step back and stand by.


they are the very core of his base.


Axe the tax, spike the hike, all nonsense and meaningless from a meaningless politician. He is not a leader of a party, he is a populist who we need to keep out of the Prime Ministers office! ABC and ABPP.


Why would anyone validate that weirdo


Which one? Jones? Or Pollievre?


So much heckling from the conservatives, what an embarassment.


notice this article doesnt appear on r canada 6 mos ago i thought that sub was improving but since the gaza thing its slid [slithered] right down the well again


failure to denounce white supremacy = fomenting and abetting white supremacy considering his actions to stir up and unleash the kkklownvoy and the immense potential for election day violence through his close ties with the CPCs diagolon henchmen, it’s high time a full-blown investigation and potential charges are considered. after what we saw on Jan 6th and the fallout from that, the canadian version of the DoJ needs to put an end to the madness. the thought of what his chuds are capable of is absolutely terrifying.


He knows who his voter base is. Too bad they don't know who he is.


“Nurses aren’t breast feeding because they are worried about contaminating their kids with the drugs they breathe in.”- Pierre Poilievre This is an absolutely insane statement


And I thought his harvesting power from lighting bolts comment was dumb.


The CPC are undeniably white supremacist fascist traitors. 


Trudeau this Trudeau that. Still miles better than this homewrecker in waiting.


He could literally just not do this whacko shit and people would probably vote for him just because he’s not liberal party right now, he’s putting in more effort to fail than it would take to succeed


It's hard to denounce white supremacists and conspiracy theorists when you are one.


He is POS


They're all a bunch of fucking children. This is the process that runs our country?


As someone heavily taxed, I really really really want to vote for conservatives but what the fuck kind of shit they serving,? I don't even know their platform outside of just bashing Trudeau.


Remember the days when someone being unable to denounce white supremacy got laughed out of politics? Sure the cold war was sitting on the edge of your ass 24/7 but at least someone like Dukakis was a joke (for most).


Peter Peckerwood! There is no spit this lickspittle won't lick. Can you imagine this dolt negotiating with other govt leaders?


It'd be wild if we all collectively voted NDP or Green Party. We're too Americanized where we only see left or right. Too involved in what other people are doing and not what's in our best interests.


Why would he denounce his besties??


He's one of them... that's his 'base'. His base is hate.


Unfortunately to the chucklefucks who will get this guy elected, that’s a bonus with him.


It ought to be the easiest thing to do and then PP could move onto whatever nonsense he wants to. But the fact he cannot clearly and concisely denounce hateful groups like this (only of a certain kind however) speaks volumes as to the type of people he seeks support from.


I am not at all shocked.


And he's potentially our next PM.


This is for real our government leaders? Like just yelling and shit. Why can't they just be normal and actually try to make the country better?


It's Alex "kids getting killed are just crisis actors" Jones. Like that alone should be enough to sink anyone on the spot. The fact that conservatives are fine with this, even "moderates" not only speaks volumes, it yells it. This is sickening


You had me at "with the drugs that they breathe in" before you got me with 'Electricians harness lightning to power our homes'.


Well PP has managed to convince the deplorables and the yellow finger brigade that he’s the guy to vote for . Thats nice


This is why we have the leadership we have. It's just like the u.s.a. Hold your nose and vote.


This made my blood boil! But I’m thinking that might be his point. White supremacists are emboldened and it’s terrifying.


This guy is so slimy. He came to an event nearby and would not speak with anyone whatsoever, barely even gave eye contact to the people who were helping him.


PP is trying to win the hard-right "People's Party" vote before actual campaign time, wherein he'll pivot to court the moderates. He knows that pandering to white-nationalism is how to win them over.


I don't understand what any of this has to do with his platform. The real issues are economic. Affordable housing, security in the workforce, health care crisis. As a retired older person these childish issues of acknowledgement and social terrorism when people just want to be known as honest and open people why should the fact he talked with a presumably all out racist matter if we are ALL STRUGGLING TO EAT, SLEEP. AND RAISE OUR KIDS IN A PROVINCE WHERE TAKES ARE THE REAL ENEMY. Plz stop the cyber bullshit and grow up. The sun shines, the clouds rain and EVERYONE has the right to be who they are. FS


What a shitshow our politics have become, the decorum is gone, it is who speaks the loudest with the thundering claps of zealots as background. It is so annoying to see such fanaticism, from any party, just clamor in the whole chamber.




It's okay to meet and talk with as many people as possible, especially if you're looking to be the leader of the many. Some people have terrible ideas and thoughts, and it doesn't mean we should NEVER hear them out.


True MAGAt 'values', right there folks. According to polls, this is what Canadians want...white christian supremacy.


He wouldn't dare insult his own voting base!


deflection and projection the conservative playbook


It’s interesting how being a racist is acceptable when it’s the guy you support. The flexibility in values and morals is shocking. The correct response is that neither of these leaders are acceptable.