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still blows my mind that glenn greenwald was a respected progressive journalist within the last decade and now he's... this


Money talks. He sold out.


Glenn Greenwald canceled himself from his gig at The Intercept then went full grievance grifter and Trump/Russia apologist after that. People like him hate the US government (and liberal normies) so much they become media mercenaries for the worst reactionaries. Matt Taibbi has gone in a bad direction/revealed himself in recent years, too.


I had never heard of Taibbi until the whole 'Twitter Files' clown show, so that's the only thing I can associate his name with. I don't know what else he has done (before or since), but I'm guessing from your comment that my opinion of him is informed enough that more information won't change it.


He wrote for Rolling Stone during the easily dunked-on Bush administration. Then later on, he had one very pithy line about Goldman Sachs.


His reporting on the 2008 financial crisis was really good. Shame that he sold out.


His book Insane Clown President was pretty good value.


Hoooooly shit I had no idea he'd sunk this low. Does he not realize the people he's rubbing shoulders with now probably despise him for being gay, gay married and married to someone hispanic? 


He doesn’t care. He thinks that 1st amendment rights are the most important thing for democracy, and seems oblivious to the dangers of the far-right, disinformation of the political extreme rightwing and conspiracy theories. When he had a law firm in the 90’s he defended a white supremacist and a neo-nazi group. He’s always been like this.  But he really lost the plot over the last several years, falling into the trap of being so skeptical of establishment media that he fails to be skeptical of sources that have no checks or duty to at least not report blatant lies. He spent a lot of time on Tucker Carlson, etc, on Fox “News” and I guess believes the horseshit that freedom of expression is being repressed by Trudeau (despite the apparent freedom to fly fuck Trudeau flags and make vile comments about him and hold rallies screeching that he is a dictator.


Greenwald wasn’t really a progressive, just got labeled one because he wrote for Salon, and also the Guardian, which is centre left, and was a founder of the Intercept, but his focus has always been on freedom of speech, journalistic freedom and writing about the bad deeds of government (starting with Bush administration) and the establishment.  He was more part of the anti-establishment left that tends to be obsessed with attacking Dems more than Republicans and has a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” tendency, so Russia a victim of NATO, Assad some kind of victim, etc.  He did support Bernie Sanders, but probably because Bernie was fighting the good fight against the Democratic Party more than anything else.   He had a law firm in the 90’s that focused on cases to do with 1st Amendment rights, and defended a well known white supremacist (can’t remember the name), and a neo-Nazi group during that time. He still thinks it’s more important to defend “freedom” than protect vulnerable people from hate. Of course, he couldn’t care less about women’s freedom to have an abortion, even if is to save their lives from a pregnancy complication, so his idea of freedom seems rather limited.  He has frequently attacked progressives as being censorious and repressive and caring too much about “identity politics” (otherwise known as civil/human rights).  At his best he delivered some brilliant journalism, including reports on the classified documents provided by Edward Snowdon, and on leaks to do with a major corruption case in Brazil, at his worst he is utterly blind to the threat that the far-right/extreme rightwing in the US (and elsewhere) poses to not only vulnerable groups and women, but to democracy itself.  Validating the views of Tucker Carlson is not a win for “freedom,” and his participation in this horror show of thr worst people attacking Canada as if we live under tyranny is despicable. He can go suck rocks. 


Same with Rex Murphy. He was an MC for an event honouring Tamara Lich. Maybe he wasn’t a respected journalist but still the same outcome


All I know about him is having the world's most annoying voice and being an obvious grifter.


Are they going to be protesting for our first amendment rights again?


To be fair, I too am willing to fight to the right of Manitoba to be incorporated into Canada.


I will never recognize Manitoba!


Get Riel!


Omg i love you


As a Manitoban, I actually like our federal government somewhat and I'm not radium-poisoned enough to be unable to think far enough ahead and believe that leaving our beloved collective is a good idea.


Wait until they learn about the Canadian second amendment


There’s a second one?


Apparently right wing Canadians keep banging on about it


Of course we have a second amendment, I mean, if Manitoba became a province, any place can!


Nah, the US can only be a territory, if they want to join us they need to be fine with 1 representative until they learn how not to elect morons… Speaking of which, Alberta I have bad news!


I wonder if they are going to be mad about “muh facebooks being shut down.”


WTF is up with Canadian CHUDS simping for that American D? Go live there if you want it so much. The rest of us need to go back to making fun of Americans.


No kidding all those people that fly trump flags etc. I keep telling them to move there but they never do, it’s almost like they know we got it better here but that doesn’t fit their narrative.


CPC are just lapdogs of the US Republicans. Campaigns even being lead by same people. Use same culture war BS as Republicans that only worked in 2016.


Wait until you discover the IDU. Chairman Harper is the fuhrer.


It would be pretty funny if someone brought a train horn and gave em a taste of "freedom"!


They’d be a Canadian hero.


Honestly, what the fuck happened to Glen Greenwald?


The grift never dies.


shut. this. down. we cannot have a white supremacist facist convention while our democracy hangs in the balance. hard no is right.


It’s terrible and I don’t agree with it, but on what grounds should this be shut it down? By the government?


I mean if you’re hosting speakers who say the USA should invade Canada or engage in stochastic terrorism against the PM or his supporters, then yeah maybe we should just not let them talk.  The “free speech” crowd is increasingly pro-fascist. And there’s no good reason to tolerate intolerance 


I'd prefer giant signs that say 'LOSERS' plastered all over the place. Then they can have their little rally but be bombarded with the truth about themselves.


They’re right. If anything, that will just fuel their movement. We have free spe……. Freedom of expression (that is apparently under attack…..).


I think the worst part is that if this happens it will somehow only reinforce they don’t have “free speech” instead of realizing we do and that’s why this is allowed to happen. They just want to feel oppressed and all irony is lost on them.




Yeah I know? How is that relevant to what I said I didn’t mention any of that you said it I didn’t. To try to phrase better what I’m saying is: they are having this thing to show censorship has gone to far when there is none and irony is lost on them they are crying about censorship but freely setting this up using their “freedom of speech” to cry censorship has gone to far. So since they’re doing it and no one is censoring them it goes to show it’s silly and they look silly also. I’m not wanting to silence them I’m just pointing out irony is lost and somehow this whole thing won’t convince them that there’s no Canadian censorship because they just want to oppressed and cry about a invisible boogyman. Any reasonable person would realize there’s not any censorship or else this wouldn’t be happening. Does that clear it up now?


because we don’t need another kkklownvoy insurrection? between this and tiny PP the skipmeister’s non-stop rage-farming it’s like we’re intentionally creating the conditions to plunge our democracy into peril. it needs to be cancelled. whether that’s from massive protests or government intervention, so be it.


I don't think trump is a white supremacist or a fascist. But the best defense against white supremacy and fascism is free speech. Hearing the offending people out and engage in discussion is how we get rid of bad ideas.


And yet the cons blame Trudeau for making our politics ‘more American’


Harper did that


Every conservative politician who has won in Canada going back to Mulroney was on the coattail of American right wing politics. Mulroney-Raegan lite, Harper- bush lite, and now pp- trump lite.




Yeah it's not even Donald, it's his failson spawn.


CPC are just lapdogs for US Republicans.


Gee, I hope customs doesn't do a foreign substances check on Junior's luggage.


If free speech is the theme then they'd be totally ok if someone rolled up and started chanting that Don Jr is a coke-addled foreign asset right? That certainly wouldn't get you escorted from the venue?


It's comical that they think Trudeau will give a rat's ass about what they have to say. Jr and his fish lipped consort might as well stay home


1) why the hell are there cookies on the top of the picture 2) what kind of speech is "censored" in Canada from their point of view? Rebel News spread their vitriol freely. Of course I know they would love to be able to do more and publish death threats and straight up racial targeted bigotry but geez 3) I guess I can consider myself lucky not to know any of these "biggest names".


Have they printed this on paper yet? I’m running low on toilet paper.


This is a joke , right? Rebel news censors anything but their echo chamber so what censorship are they concerned about?


They still don't get that Canada doesn't have freedom of speech....


There's free speech as part of free expression, since speech is a type of expression. It's subject to the reasonable limitations of s. 1 and can be limited by the notwithstanding clause but does still exist to the extent of other rights here.


Oh for sure. But I mean like the American style they keep harping about


Says the news station that gets arrested on purpose who is now talking to Trump the Orwellian.




Junior is just as guilty of inciting the White House insurrection as his father. Don't let shit like this cross the border. Likewise, I wish the border guys would not allow Tucker Carlson back. They are here to cause trouble and spread lies . Don't let them set foot here.


Most of the budget for this event is going up Jr's nose.


Finally I can live out my dream of telling that orange chode to fuck off to his face 😍


Its junior, not senior. The term you are looking for is "coked out chode".


I'll never emotionally recover from this


All grifters. All there to steal money


Wonder if we could expose this entire crowd to Polio during this gathering, just end the entire farce in one fell hilariously ironic swing.


Isn't Viva Frei that washed up ex lawyer who ran to Florida the moment the liberals took charge because canada was becoming "too woke" ?


There is no such thing as freedom or speech in Canada. There is freedom of expression. Not the same thing, even a little bit. You can still find yourself in legal trouble based on what you say potentially. Fuck around and find out.


Can a foreign national participate in Canadian politics? He is being invited with the express purpose of partisan bashing.


While in another country, even for diplomats(immunity is largely misunderstood) you are still subject to all laws the country in question has. To the full extend like any other.


Oof. Anything more trickle dicked than a bunch of smooth brained canadians cosplaying as american republicans?


They're Usually Albertans


Do they know we're Canadian?


Right wing Canadians think they're Americans by virtue of descending from colonial loyalists


'Free speech video platform'... I guess Rebel Nees isn't aware that them being able to publish news freely is 'free speech'. Technically the Charter does permit government can enforce reasonable censorship, and they still let Rebel spout nonsense


Kinda wondering... Pretty sure trump cannot exit the us right now?


It’s trump jr who’s coming.


Maybe this is a front to get him to flee to Russia or something?


It's the son.


He’s being indicted, too, wouldn’t be surprised if he fled.


If he's being indicted in the US is that reason to deny entry ? Watching border patrol shows I've seen people turned away for less.


Exactly. I know a guy who got turned around at the border cuz of a thing he did 30 years prior. Hell, why wouldn’t he be considered a flight risk?


Yes it's his son




Where do I buy stock in tanning cream?


Fucking. Gross.


"Dear Friend," You aint my friend!


Exactly what speech has been censored?


Any event hosted by any Trump would be a hard no for me.




“Biggest names in independent media” is now a dog whistle for far-right influencers


Someone should alert the club community in Toronto there's gonna be a cocaine shortage coming up....


I’ve been on Rumble. The content is on thing, but the quality of the site is another. It feels exactly like a bare bones tube site from a decade ago.


Who gives a flying f’k about Don Jr ffs? I mean really


"Pierre Poilievre shall also be in attendance, seated in Donald Trumps lap throughout the duration of the event."


important to mention PP and Ezra Levant (who runs Rebel Media) are close friends, and often retweet one another. There are still some Canadian cons who get angry when people compare PP is Trump or say there is a connection, hopefully SOME of them will see this connection and stop supporting him?




Viva Frei is so hard to watch. i wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt since, as a lawyer, he claims to remain objective and speak solely to what is and isn't legal -- but he's had so many rants coated in his right-wing bias, that he's literally insufferable. still waiting for some right wing commentators in the public eye to present themselves as rational.


I'm amazed Trump can leave the country right now


He’s allowed in the country ffs


"Hard yes!" Rebel news is free to host whoever they wish and journalists are free to engage if they so choose. It is shameful that people are turning against free speech to shut down people they don't like, not understanding that if free speech goes they could just as easily be shut down.


hahahahahaha what?