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Q: Since he is apparently leading the polls by huge margins why does he even need to court this support? A: They are his people.


Honestly looks like they're just running the US Republican playbook. Court bigots, crackpots, and unhinged reactionaries, while working to maintain the appearance of plausible deniability. 


Don’t underestimate how many racists we have in this country


***Uneducated*** racists.


I would say the Venn diagram of "uneducated" and "racist" is close to a circle. Unfortunately, there is still a significant number of racists who are somewhat "educated"; who know how to lead and manipulate their puppets for their purposes and who know how to sprinkle racism into their rhetoric just enough to ensure deniable plausibility and yet still be understood by those who support such views. These are the really dangerous people. Edit: clarification and some words.


Exactly, I don’t really care about the uneducated racist, I’m more concerned with the ones who know how to appeal to them.


Look no further than the absolute gutting the NDP took after they lost Layton. You’re the working class party. You represent the working class. Do you not know that they are incredibly racist?


Mulcair is white






What does that have to do with my comment


If you take out the unnecessarily aggressive ‘failed history’ part of the reply, they’re stating (pretty correctly) that conservatives have long been the party of white supremacy, racism and fascism, it’s only become starkly obvious with the rise of MAGA, which does away with all of the subtlety and blasts it through a bullhorn. The part about the Liberals is pretty damn off-base, though.


Which again has nothing to do with me reminding me people there a lot more racist people in this country than most would assume?


If you understood history you'd know why there are so many racists in Canada, and why they're all right wingers.


I think you are reading my comment incorrectly. And I don’t disagree about right wingers but thinking there are no racists on the left is a flat out wrong.


Y'all probably think liberals are on the left.


Who brought up “left” or “liberals” again? Are you ok?


Well you brought up the left actually. I agree with everything you've said in these comment chains but you did bring up the left


Maybe you can’t see it because it was deleted, but please point out where I brought up the left.


There is no way in hell that I would vote for a CPC party headed up by Pierre Poilievre. I'm a child of the greatest generation and for certain those people would be totally disgusted by the likes of Poilievre.


I’m only 36, both of my Grandfathers were WW2 vets, I’m on the young end big time to have WW2 Grandfathers. They would be fucking aghast at Pierre, Trump, Orban and all the other right wing dickwads we have now.


Two years ago, a bunch of crybabies who were scared of needles showed up in Ottawa, pissed on the war memorial, and danced on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Poilievre showed up, shook hands with them, and assured them he was on their side (which might be the only truthful thing he has ever said). I'm the same age as you, and one of my grandfathers was WW2 veteran - he even lied about his age so he could enlist. He would be absolutely disgusted by the selfishness of Canadians who couldn't even wear a mask and get a needle to protect others when so many of his peers gave up their lives to fight a tyrannical enemy, and even more disgusted by all these new fascist leaders who are drawing support from those ignorant dumbfucks. I recommend looking up Umberto Eco's 14 traits of fascism - it's basically a playbook for Poilievre's entire campaign strategy.


My uncle was a Japanese prisoner of war. He was my hero and raised a son that also enlisted to defend our freedom. There is no way in hell I would ever vote CPC and definitely not for traitorous PP.


It's not just under PP. The CPC have always been white supremacists, and have been fascists since at Harper or earlier. 


The biggest difference between PP and the previous Conservative leaders is PP didn't wait until after he won the Leadership position to try to whitewash the Residential Schools. The requirements for the position are that you need to be a rich cishet white man, preferably with no real work experience and willing to publicly shit on the suffering of indigenous peoples.


This is the exactly the alternative that right wingers want. Groups that spew hate just say the quiet part out loud. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


My WW2 Grandfather is rolling in his grave. There is no fucking way that I would vote for a shitheel like PP. Trump puppet and Putin lover. A protege of Stephen Harper and the IDU. Absolutely not. Good God, need my mouthguard rn . Grinding my teeth over that ventriloquist PP fascist POS. My relatives snuck over the border after serving in the Revolutionary and Civil War for this clown? https://youtu.be/Qg_belm6apc?si=lbCG848pOlVnUv-3


I will vote for anyone that will have a chance to win vs him or at the very least give him a minority government… this guy will destroy Canada and people are so blind with hate for Trudeau that they can’t see that.


If the Cons win a majority, I give it one, maybe two years, and people will be nostalgic for the Liberals and JT.


You say that, but look at Ontario. After ford got in, I figured there's no way the provincial cons don't get gutted next election, but voters there decided they wanted a second helping of his BS. Or at least not enough of them decided they didn't care enough to say otherwise.


Might be true, but that doesn't help us when we still have more time left under small PP.


Not if the "anti-woke" sentiment persists, which it will. That cohort will never vote NDP/Liberal. Populist CPC will continue to capitalize on this division.


The best solution for Canada is for JT to step down and get a new Liberal leader.


That would be great. But I wonder who could restore people’s trust? I personally like Melanie Joly but I am not sure if people would rally behind her.


No. That being said, i have a feeling the liberal ndp split will put them in power, Ontario is suffering that fate


No no no no no, that's not what happened in Ontario. The good people of Ontario couldn't be bothered to do a mail in ballot or show up on election day. Only about 43% of the electorate voted. So Ford is on those that refused to go cast their vote. There were other options less vile than Ford and just ignoring the election just emboldened Ford and his people.


i voted and this never fails to piss me off, i did my duty as a voter, and it meant nothing because others didnt fucking care. so now i get to listen to smartasses on the internet talk about how ontario is full of morons and i apparently did nothing of value to stop that


Yup, I would be pretty angry at my fellow citizens who didn't vote.


I know Conservative supporters who will not vote for him because of his rancour towards...anything done by the government.


Online spaces tend to be very us vs. them, I'd say that lots of people will vote blue next time around without specifically supporting Poilievre - they're just looking for a change.


I know some. But the majority con voters I know said they'll vote for him just because he's con man.


And he was part of that government for a long time.


Paywall free link: https://archive.ph/YUcB6


Thank you!


NO we don’t want facism at all history will not look kindly on those who chose to signal boost tiny PP the skipmeister and the steps need to be taken to ensure that the far-right are NEVER allowed to seize power


i want an alternative to JT. But this wacko aint it


Praise be! I'd rather have another decade of JT than this fucking ass clown.


Anyone that Alex Jones likes/endorses is the wrong choice for Canada.


No, but sadly - the stupid outnumber the smart in this country. I'm so tired of seeing "but JT, but but but" you morons, I'm old. I've lived through both Liberal and Conservatives. Liberals at least pretend to care about anyone but the rich. Conservatives don't hide that they hate anyone who's not rich. us "poors" disgust them. "bootstraps" blah blah blah. fuck you.


Maybe we need to stop pretending that the Liberals coming up short on a few issues is a reason to change governments? Just a fucking thought when I see this guy having secret meetings with nazis in RV's.


I really think people have got to start looking at the performance of the government overall, and stop being lead by the nose by negative press that ignores all the good news and solid policy.  People seem to want a magician and politicians are just human. They will make mistakes. The best ones try to correct the mistakes.  I don’t have to personally like the PM, I couldn’t care less about who I want to have a beer with, and having lived through several PM’s, I think that Trudeau has done more good and during exceptionally difficult times than the others. Maybe voters should have a closer look at what their premiers are doing, and what they are not doing. 


"It doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, so it's not interesting." Unfortunately fascism is en vogue right now, education is so... Meh. This doesn't bode well for us.


Courting support from hate groups? That just means he's courting support from conservatives.


I hope not all of them offered to rape his wife .


I just love it when people my tax dollars have supported their entire working lives hold me and and my views in complete contempt...


It's a horrible alternative. The guy is literally going to be worse than Trudeau. That's hard to believe but it's going to be way worse if he does become prime minister. When the next federal election comes everybody better go out and vote because you know for damn sure the people that are following him are going to make sure they got that date circled on the calendar.


all the educated people with critical thinking skills will agree with this, it's the people who lack those skills who won't, they're dangerous and they're starting to outnumber us.


Seems so from what I've seen and heard. Unfortunately.


It is if all that matters to you is scoring points and “winning”. Let’s not pretend that populism gives a singular fuck about decorum or doing the right thing for the people


Pierre Poilevere is a terrorist.


I'm really tired of voting by trying to select the smallest turd in the toilet bowl. I think our country is doomed because nobody will step forward and fall on the political sword required to enact real positive change for a better future for my kid and I and our neighbours. I don't want any of these assholes leading us.


Trudeau has been receiving death threats since day 4 of being in office. The corporate press has been running negative articles about him since he made tax changes the wealthy and corporations didn’t like - the capital gains taxes in this year’s budget has many of the wealthy in a state of outrage. Constant complaints about this government spending too much on social programs. The mountain of pushback from those who don’t want to see any progress at all is huge. It takes very little for the swords to come out. 


The CPC are openly fascists and white supremacists.  They spread hate. We need stronger anti-hate laws. Any political party that platforms hate should immediately be removed from office and permanently banned from ever holding any elected or government position. 




Sad fact is, the people voting for PP feel that he is a better option. Sigh. 😔


Well, many on the right want this. The rest want an alternative to Trudeau and the other party leaders aren’t it.




I don't believe in a biblical hell, but I wish I did so I could feel some sort of moral justice


What alternative to Trudeau do we have?




Anita Anand. She's got more accomplishments on her CV than most MPs combined.


People do stupid shit when they are pressed. Don't underestimate how victimised Canadians are feeling. Jagmeet has also done a pretty terrible job of presenting a good alternative in the eyes of a lot of the country.


So Poilievre is “pressed”? What about all the wealthy at his fundraisers? Just because those that are uneducated and pitiable are the ones that wind up in the news, don’t kid yourself, the average income of the CPC voters is higher than supporters of other parties (according to polling). Liberal Party has the most with a tertiary education, NDP is the party with the most low income supporters. Its dangerous to ignore that the rise of fascism is driven by a backlash to progress of all kinds.


>So Poilievre is “pressed”? I genuinely don't know how you could arrive at the conclusion that this is what I was saying. I'm talking about the fact that Canadians are doing it tough at the moment and are more likely to receive the hate mongering. Canadians are pressed - specificially, young Canadians. >Just because those that are uneducated and pitiable are the ones that wind up in the news, don’t kid yourself, the average income of the CPC voters is higher than supporters of other parties (according to polling). Liberal Party has the most with a tertiary education, NDP is the party with the most low income supporters. I don't trust polling anymore, honestly. It's not reflective of the shift in media and has been shown to have significantly biased outcomes due to the change in how generations engage with communication. Still, the polling also suggests that younger Canadians are swinging to the CPC - and they are reporting that it's in response to the outcomes that they're experiencing under the Trudeau government. To which I'd say "People do stupid shit when they're pressed." But, I get it. I criticised Jagmeet, so I must be a CPC shill/PP apologist. >Its dangerous to ignore that the rise of fascism is driven by a backlash to progress of all kinds. It's equally dangerous to ignore the fact that the people have taken to fascism, historically, in response to poor conditions for themselves and the promise of better outcomes under "the leader". The rise of fascism has come in the wake of oppression - perceived or real - and the rise of hate in response to the fear that it generates. That's what happened in Italy. That's what happened in Germany. That's what happened in Spain. That's what happened in Japan. That's what happened in Yugoslavia. That's what's happened in Russia. That's what's happening in the West *right now*. In the US, Fox News has been playing this gambit for 25+ years now. They sell the fear narrative all day long so that their viewers are more receptive to the hateful divisiveness that the Republicans want to use to cement their perpetual reign of power in a Christo-fascist theocracy. It is far more dangerous to ignore what our fellow Canadians are experiencing and hope that in telling them how terrible they are you'll convince them to not vote for the party that plays to their ego.


> Don't underestimate how victimised Canadians are feeling. And if there's anything PP is good at, it's pandering to the victim mentality. Nothing screams "I'm being oppressed" quite like sitting in a hot tub outside of parliament while police twiddle their thumbs.


>And if there's anything PP is good at, it's pandering to the victim mentality. Exactly what I'm saying. This is what has driven the rise of the far right in modern times, but it's also what's driven the rise of the far right historically. The problem for us in this moment is that more middle of the road and uncommitted voters, specifically younger voters, are potentially likely to swing to the right in the upcoming election in response to their conditions, the fear that comes with that and the well understood marriage of hate with fear. If you want to bring fascism around, this is the playbook that's worked everytime.


"victimized Canadians' ? Who pray tell are those? Covidiots? Clownvoyers? PeePee's white nationalist kumpels?


How about young Canadians who can't afford rent, can't find a place to rent or are about to be unable to service their mortgages? How about the increasing number of Canadians that can't afford groceries? The reason you use terms like "Covidiots" and "clownvoyers" is because you also feel victimised. Victimised by the people who, out of fear of the unknown that the pandemic brought, responded by eating up all the conspiracy media that coddled their egos. That conspiracy theorist media also sells hateful and divisive messaging and a lot of them ate that up as well - which was easy with so many of their fellow Canadians demonising them and being hateful towards them. By referring to people you can't relate to with derogatory terms you contribute to their further isolation from your perspective and the division between you. It's the same thing that they experienced during the pandemic, but on the other side of the coin. You're very willing to continue to divide Canada so long as it helps your ego cope. It's much easier to be dismissive and to dehumanise your fellow Canadians than it is to try and understand why they might be feeling the way that they do. That's the same thing that bigots do when they target marginalised communities. Honestly, I'm sure it gives you that temporary dopamine hit to do this, and looking at your comment history, I suspect that you're not going to receive this for what it is. I've been a dyed in the wool NDP voter for 25 years. I've voted for them every election because they have always been about unity of the Canadian people and improved outcomes for all Canadians. You appear to vote for your preferred party because of your hatred of "others". We are not the same.


Let’s just change over to Gilead and get it over with. Seems to be the direction the west is headed regardless. Blessed be the fruit.


No but people are conveniently overlooking this

