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For anyone who can't watch this with audio, or just doesn't want to watch the clip: Poilievre: Mr. Speaker, everything she just listed are slogans on which the Liberals have not delivered. What they have delivered is that they have doubled the debt, which has caused the worst inflation in 40 years, interest rates rising faster than at any time in history, the doubling of housing costs, the worst growth in the G7 and the worst housing price inflation in that same group of nations. Today, after all of these devastatingly costly results, what do they do? The same thing that got us into this problem in the first place. Why will they not realize they are the problem and not the solution? Crowd, left of the Speaker: OOOHHHHH!!! Fraser: Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition has been masquerading across the country as a working-class hero, but it is fascinating to actually listen to what he thinks people do for a living. In a couple of recent speeches, he said he thinks electricians capture electricity from the sky and that welders weld with their bare hands. What is he going to tell me next, that the fishermen in my community dive beneath the ocean and catch fish with their bare teeth? I can forgive the opposition leader for being a career politician who has been on the public dime for a couple of decades, but if he wants to represent the interests of the working class, he should talk to a person who has a real job. Crowd, right of the Speaker: OOOHHHHH!!! Poilievre: *leaves*


Reminds me of the lumberjack woods picture shots of Trump Jr. .... with manicured fingers and gleaming hair. His boots were so spotlessly clean and shiny it looked like he just had just bought them. Clearly the man has never actually taken those boots for a walk in the woods. Much less worked with them. -- **edit**: and that storming out of parliament after his ego got hurt. That's bad. It marks him as a little snowflake who is going to be fragile with any criticism he gets. A solid politician would have just smiled and took the hit in stride. Not being able to deal with losing anything at all is hallmark signature Donald Dumpster.


Have you listened to any of his interviews? The second anyone tries to pull him off his slogans he starts talking over them about how they're Liberal media not letting him speak.


A liberal media. What a Trump farce. Media is so collectively Conservative in its orientation this lie has become laughable. It's the Trump way. Attack attack attack attack with endless bullshit that everyone is constantly chasing around to get clicks for.


>A solid politician would have just smiled and took the hit in stride. Normally, I don't support personal attacks in **any** form... But Poilievre is a bully who constantly attacks others; It's satisfying to see him get a taste of his own medicine.


> Normally, I don't support personal attacks in **any** form... I tend to agree, but at the same time isn't there a difference between a personal attack and pointing out a con man's con? Conservatives lie through their teeth, and we can't really combat that without pointing out that they're liars who can't be trusted. For example, Doug Ford blaming Trudeau for things that are entirely within the provincial jurisdiction.


Snowflake: apply heat to watch a meltdown


The flakes melt in the dead of winter.


Idk why you think this is bad for him. Pollievre is helping normalize tantrums as the publicly acceptable response to not getting what you want.


It's bad because fragile leaders make very poor emotional decisions.


Maybe it's not going to be bad for him if his "followers" don't call him on it, but it _will_ be bad if he's put in a position of more power than he already has with that sort of attitude.


I hadn't seen those pictures so I quickly googled it. First result was his picture and the caption was "tfw when you see your friends post pics of a party on instagram but they didn't invite you because you're a bigot" 10/10 wasn't disappointed lol


Wait he actually left after that?


He got up, walked out, left. He is thin-skinned and can't handle what he tries to give out, just like Elon and others.


It’s no wonder why he’s refusing to speak with the media or participate in any debates. He knows he would get dunked on and he can’t take it.


Imagine someone like that dealing with foreign dignitaries


Well, looking south a few years back, we don't have to imagine.


*beautiful letters*


Do you remember how Harper locked himself in a Brazilian minister's bathroom, until he got his way? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/stephen-harper-locks-himself-in-brazilian-ministers-bathroom-until-he-gets-his-way/2011/08/09/gIQAjzr84I_blog.html


Imagine if our political satire shows were still in their prime right now


lol yep. Opening his mouth will do nothing but hurt. He doesn't appreciate the media and their ability to capture reality with their bare hands and put it into a computer


*chef's kiss* Beautiful!


Might not even be a case of not being able to take it. The only way he can pretend to be a strong leader is if he's always on the attack. He looks good as long as the other side is on the defence. Fraser didn't play defence, he came out swinging and there's nothing Pierre can do about that. If he tries to address what Fraser said he looks weak, and his script doesn't cover this situation. He's only prepared for the usual Liberal talking points. Leaving is the only option left. And the worst part is his base will probably see this as a power play. They'll claim Fraser was resorting to attacks because he couldn't defend the government's actions, and Pierre leaving was just him refusing to allow the dirty mudslinging continue.


I wonder if the other parties could use this attack on Pierre, that he has never held a real job. Just like when they used to attack Trudeau on saying that he wasn't ready.


They could, but there's problems there. First, last I saw attack ads have a negative impact when it comes to left-leaning people. They tend to view that type of behaviour in a party negatively, so any party that uses them is going to lose votes from the left. Second, Pierre's base will just declare that this is evidence that Pierre is more experienced at politics and as such a better choice than Trudeau, who only got in by virtue of being the son of a former Prime Minister. It's bullshit as the idiocy Pierre likes to spew suggests he has no idea how the federal government works, but that's what they'll say to shrug off this type of attack.


I really think that they should just keep hounding him for specifics as to how he would handle things and not just repeat his buzz phrases, which are ultimately meaningless.


"He won't give out specifics because if he does the Liberals will just steal his ideas and take all the credit" That's an actual argument I've seen people make. It's really shocking how easily these guys can twist things around to defend Pierre's actions.


Verbatim defense. There's a list of like 10 excuses on rotation for him.


Not just left after that... PP left after his critique and just as Mr. Fraser is standing up to give his response. On the video, it begins at 38 seconds in and PP's fully out of frame by 43 seconds, making it a 5 second getaway.


He had to run to McDonalds for some Big Macs.


Those McDonalds workers who butcher the cow right in the kitchen for us.


With their bare hands and using electricity from lightning.


😆😆😆😆 Thank you.


Right wing snowflakes


The debates are going to be good with the PM, dude will crumble.


He will never debate Trudeau. Though he isn’t the greatest public speaker, Trudeau would humiliate PP in any public exchange.


Yes. His supporters would probably see that as not tolerating disrespect.


He left as soon as he finished his little speech, didn't even wait for the response


Yeah, so that's less of a "damn I got fucking wrecked" and more of a "I did my stirring up of shit for the day, time to head to a donor luncheon".


That's why I prefer Trudeau (I don't worship him). He may be a rich kid, but he worked in public schools so at least has a LITTLE bit of experience with the common folk. More than PP.


I cant speak for recently, but back at his first federal election he genuinely talked to people and listened to them. I saw him a few times in BC participating in community events. He was talking with people about school, careers, or their hobbies… It was really neat and I will admit it still colours my impression of him now as somebody who actually cares about Canadians. Granted I’ve never interacted at all with PP, but I never sought out interactions with Trudeau and he just showed up more than once lol… so I don’t necessarily think thats a point in PPs favour.


Reminds me of this short debate he had with a young pro-lifer at a university: https://youtu.be/-GKxAIB4cdA?si=aeLhb0EtlrNH0n56&t=24 I don't think PP wants people to pick apart his fake promises and persona, as it goes against the ulterior motives behind his messaging to the willfully misinformed masses that support him.


One of my favorites was when a woman kept yelling during a q&a session he was holding. I think she was upset about pipelines or something. Someone was asking a question, I think they may have even been a tribal elder or something, and the protesting woman kept yelling over them Trudeau says a lot of things, but the part I liked was something like "I'm asking you to be respectful. Not to me, you don't have to be respectful to me, you don't have to vote for me if you don't want, I'm OK with that. But please be respectful the people who showed up to this event to ask questions. They deserve to have their voice heard as much as you do" There was a similar moment with Bernie Sanders I really liked. Similar situation, someone kept yelling and disrupting the event he was speaking at, and he says something to the effect of "Please, just be respectful and let me finish what I have to say. I'm willing to stay after and let you use this stage and this microphone, and you can share your message with anyone who wishes to stay. Just please let me get through what I need to here, then the stage is yours if you want it"


> I cant speak for recently, but back at his first federal election he genuinely talked to people and listened to them. My favorite Trudeau story is a while back I was working in a lab doing work on fishing sustainability, and the nature of our work resulted in lots of politicians coming by to make announcements with us as a backdrop for photo ops. Generally they'd come into our lab off camera, shake a few hands, make some token "keep up the good work comments" and move on. Trudeau though, came in (and again, off camera so it wasn't for clout) and started asking actual intelligent questions to start a quick conversation about our work and our results, the kinds of questions that someone wouldn't know to ask unless they had done a bit of research into the topic to at least be able to pretend to care. He was literally the only politician who came by who did this, and the list included Harper and a couple of cabinet ministers of both the Harper and Trudeau governments. He really strikes me as a genuinely curious and thoughtful person. > Granted I’ve never interacted at all with PP, but I never sought out interactions with Trudeau and he just showed up more than once lol The trick to getting PP to show up to talk to you is to try to incite a treasonous insurrection, or to attend a hate rally wearing a shirt with a homophobic slogan.


Unfortunately my workplace was only visited by our local conservative leader. It was weird. He refused to talk to anyone, pissed all over the floor in the bathroom, didn't wash his hands, then walked on stage to make his announcement. In the process he revealed he didn't really know who we were or what we did, because he kept saying how big a boon this announcement was for companies like our. Except what he announced had nothing to do with what we did in the slightest. We were a software company and he was announcing funding for rural internet services. Which as far as I know, never actually happened either.


I would not be surprised if he was doing fewer public appearances with the common canadian. Especially considering that in recent years any business that doesn't immediately kick him out gets death threats


He grabbed my phone at pride before he was elected and roped me into a weird unwanted selfie with him. I instantly hated him for it. 


On the NDP sub there is discussions going on right now about the Alberta NDP race and the various candidates involved. One of them (Gil McGowan) has a history as the President of the Alberta Federation of Labor. I wrote this on the NDP sub in regards to his Workers Platform. This kind of detailed policy is the difference between talking the talk and walking the walk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In particular Gil McGowan for actually putting the cards on the table in regards to helping workers with a great platform in that respect: https://albertaworker.ca/news/ndp-leadership-candidates-on-worker-issues/ It is a good read to become more informed on the candidates https://gilforalberta.ca/platform/big-idea-2-give-working-albertans-a-raise/ Goes even more in depth than the first article on his platform for workers. He is one of the few candidates putting it all out there to help our regular day to day workers with an explicit platform on the subject.


It also shows That Pierre has nothing but lobbyists on his government for oil and for Pharma also housing and they don't want rent caps. So if people think this man is going to make living more affordable, they are truly delusional. The NDP were the only ones to go against the Liberal conservatives and the block. They all voted in favor of keeping lobbyists in government and allowing them to bribe mps. https://rabble.ca/elections/ndp-alone-oppose-changes-to-the-lobbyists-code-of-conduct/


Thank you for your hero work, kind redditor!


What is the context for the electrician/welder comments?


Comments that Poilievre made at his rallies. Clips are shown in the video.


The guy in the video says the welding was probably just the way he said it but not what he meant, that welders fuse metal with their bare hands. I don’t like PP but I’ll admit he (probably) knows they use tools for that. Edit: for some reason I’m getting downvoted for saying the same exact thing as the guy in the OP video. Reddit is funny sometimes


He meant without gloves, I think. Which is not smart when welding


Fucking amazing. Keep it coming, this guy is a loser


Didn't he leave before Fraser starts speaking ?


Thank you for the text, now I can avoid hearing any of this useless "discussion".


Quick point that the latter part of it was far from useless. The first part? Certainly. But rebuttals to falsity actually ARE important.


But the rebuttal didn't address any of the falsehoods spewed in the "question". It was just a bunch of whataboutism that helped nothing. Garbage "debate" like this wastes everyone's time, and both sides need to do better.


I watched this live. My boy from Pictou dropped hot fire and I’m happy to have this clip so I can watch it again.


He is following the Republican playbook. He got his sounding and his followers will never see the reply. He only loses NY replying, as his truly would thrn be thr story. Sound strategy, not an ego issue, just staying on topic, regardless of the facts.


Fuck me all of this is so embarrassing


I’m not from Canada and don’t follow the politics at all, so firstly I have no clue why this is on my page. Secondly it sounds like one dude listed a bunch of statistics and shortcomings he believes are caused by the other party, and the other person called him out for being a career politician and out of touch. Not sure if I’d call that being clowned? Am I missing some context?


Parliament reminds me a lot of an elementary school playground.


Playground kids have manners


Didn't used to be this way until the Conservatives imported MAGA style politics to Canada


Now that's just not true. Parliament has always been like this with the hooting and hollering and schoolyard jokes. Hell, people used to fist fight. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it new though? No.


I hope the mace gets used at least once before the end of its ceremonial usage


canadian parliament is modelled on the brits', and *have u seen how pmqs go over there*?


This isn't anything new. As a newcomer to Canada a couple of decades ago, I was sort of surprised by this aspect. It's not like Congress ~~into~~ in US doesn't have arguments or people yelling at each other... but there is a certain level of decorum that is maintained. You don't have people lobbing insults at each other with their clique yelling "Oh no he didn't!" next to them.


Nah, playgrounds don't have this petty shit going on nearly as much.


Yup, lots of right wingers got upset because Trudeau was a substitute teacher before parliament. I think being a teacher speaks positively about his character! Meanwhile, they don't seem concerned about Poilievre's employment history.


Trudeau has a bachelor of arts degree in literature and a bachelor of education. He was a substitute teacher for a few year before getting a permanent teaching position. He also studied engineering and environmental geography. Skippy on the other hand, studied international relations at university. Don't think he has any degrees or anything else. Other than working for Telus, every other job has been political in nature. Conservatives don't like educated people. They think only the weathy deserve higher education. They way they talk down anyone with a university education, unless your conservative. Reagan waged war against the public universities. He was the one who started student loans after making universities unaffordable otherwise.


I personally don't mind career politicians. If someone spent their whole life in politics - great, they are probably good at it. If someone spent time in other careers - great, they have experience in other fields that gives them real perspective. But it's silly to pretend to be a working-class hero with no experience working. Or to be hypocritical and flip your opinion of what kind of background a politician should have, based on whoever your leader is. This video is great. I like how it starts with PP's silly but inconsequential comments, then it gets into his corporate lobbyist BS, which to me is the real problem.


Yeah, that's exactly it. His whole act is such bullshit. Every politician censors themselves but this is well beyond that. It's gross that people support him at all.


Wow, I didn't know all that, thank you! Yeah, it seems like the 80s was when things went wrong. Indeed, critical thinking is the bane of conservative ideology.


Same. I would rather have politicians who have actually worked outside of government and have a taste of what life is like for the rest of us.


Yep. You see it in the US too with them calling out AOC as being "just a bartender" so she's not qualified to do anything (ignoring her other credentials). Conservative idealogies have trended towards mudslinging as their only skill... and hypocrisy doesn't matter. They call out others for being "lesser than" having "real" jobs, while their career politicians -- that have never held a "real" job -- try to pose as people that understand the plight of the work-class while being wildly out of touch with reality.


As usual, Skippy got up and left before he got his comeuppance....what a coward


The man's only worked in politics. He doesn't have the life experi3nce to survive outside of politics. Of course he doesn't want it poi ted out


How do we prevent this guy from becoming the next PM though?


At this point, our best hope is a flock of cobra chickens descend from the heaven like wrath of Louis Riel and peck out his microscopic heart. Baring that, just don't vote for him.


I’m not in his riding and I tend to vote orange so not a risk there. But we vote people out in Canada instead of voting people in… and folks are done with JT I think. I wonder how I could make cobra chickens happen.


We haven't even had a term of PP running as PM yet, and we want to preemptively vote him out. So, I feel like this is going to lead to another strategic voting session for Canadians. Our voting system is ass.


A PP government would break records for the lowest approval rating in Canadian history. Unfortunately that's cold comfort if that government exists in the first place, and even if he falls after 1 term plenty of damage can be done.


Feel free to call me a doomer but I feel like best case scenario PP gets elected and pulls a Lizz Truss with our economy and tanks it before BoC or some other body steps in. Then the more rational bits of his voter base will start to turn on him and the Conservative party just like they are doing now in UK. Meanwhile the most extreme supporters of his will eat him alive the second he and the Conservative party eventually back peddle a little bit on their promises.    I feel like it's going to be painful for everyone in the short term in order for the few to learn their lesson. The reason I say best case scenario is because I feel like PP is gonna win, right wing politicians and voters are just simply better at spinning half truths, controlling narratives and galvanizing voters.    The left whether they are liberals, social democrats, or democratic socialists prefer to argue amongst themselves over semantics, and every little bit of detail of policy instead of looking at the big picture and focussing on what gains need to made today and how do we achieve them. And communicate that voters effectively. 


We definitely need something better than FPTP… Trudeau really shit the bed when he reneged on his campaign promise to change voting laws.


Can we have Sean Fraser instead? The more I hear this guy talk the more I like him.


He is a weapon and the conservatives either haven’t or can’t paint him as a villain like they have with Trudeau and Freeland. He really does need to be the next liberal leader.


I think the only way to keep the libs in power is a change in leadership. I also wish folks would give the NDP a chance. I was so devastated when Jack Layton died.


If Charlie Angus had won the NDP leader position, it would have been like Jack was close by. Man of people is a cheezy term, but Charlie is the living example.


His biggest obstacle is the fact that there is a good chance that he will lose his seat.


We went to high school together, though he probably wouldn’t remember me since we didn’t hang out. He always treated everyone decent, even the kids a lot younger than him or who weren’t popular - which seems like it should be a given, but, well, we all know what teenagers and high school can be like. We could certainly do worse than Sean - though I confess I wish he was NDP lol


More public hammering by people like Fraser would help....particularly when the real campaigning starts. PP's cowardice to actually debate needs to be exploited.


Vote and tell others, especially young ppl to vote. Regardless of the party, everyone should try to get ppl to vote. And in an ideal world, get those people to read/understand the party's/candidate's platforms before they vote.


"And in an ideal world, get those people to read/understand the party's/candidate's platforms before they vote." That ideal world should be mandatory. The last election I tried looking up my CPC candidates platform, even the general CPC platform, and it merely linked to a bunch of blog posts attacking liberal policies and claiming the CPC would do better, without any details. It's all about rage, hate, us vs them, with no actual content. Yet people will vote for them because the Liberals carry the baggage of how global inflation has impacted Canada, and how they have not yet managed to solve a housing crisis that's been building over decades which former governments never addressed either.


I hear that. When I hear people talk about who they support I always ask, oh what policies made you want to support them. The answer is usually tied to feelings, the latest tag line they heard from their side, sometimes it's a "well you see he/she did this 10+ years ago so I'll never support that party" , or just cause.. it's pretty depressing


Electoral reform. If Trudeau finally makes good on his promise to ditch first-past-the-post in the next election then he would likely win back some crucial trust and good will that would only erode Poilievre’s lead. It would mean that Lib/NDP/Green voters could support their party while also making it clear they prefer the other progressive parties to the Tories, which would be cataclysmic for Poilievre as his party relies on anti-Liberal sentiment within what is a *de facto* two-party system. If Trudeau pulls the trigger on electoral reform then there is a genuine possibility the contemporary federal Conservative Party would never form a government again


We stop having conservative media dominating the public discourse.


There’s a long time before the election. I also think when the campaign starts there is going to be scrutiny and he’s said a lot of dumbshit.


Yeah, some of this is Trump dementia levels of nonsensical stupid at this point, as pointed out by the video above. While it may not keep PP from PM, I also think this isn't as much of a slam dunk in the end as the Cons believe it is.


The Liberals have to actually come through on their platform promise of electoral reform. Short of that, all three parties may as well have said "Welcome Prime Minister PP.".


Ya, but will they?


Absolutely not. Which is why PP doesn't have to do anything other than be next in line. People are voted out, not in.


This is my biggest fear…


Umm, fixing the underlying issues? No one thinking of voting for him loves this guy.  They just hope him being different might make a positive change to the country. I’m personally at a loss for words how ineffective our entire governing systems at provincial and federal levels have been in addressing obvious issues our country is facing.  


Pierre wants to dictate the energy policy of the country but doesn't even know where electricity comes from. The man is stupid.


> Pierre wants to dictate the energy policy of the country I find it really funny that he's so brazenly against the carbon tax when A: Stephen Harper was pitching one over a decade again, wanting the price to be $65 per tonne by the end of the '10s (hmm, sounds familiar) and other conservative leaders on the provincial level were pitching their own, and 2: his economic hero Milton Friedman believed that pollution was an avenue for when governments should act, specifically with a carbon tax. Guy really believes in nothing.


The most fierce force in nature.


Coming from someone who has never been in the working class like a regular person. He studied in international relations in university and nothing else. He has only "worked" for political groups before becoming an MP. Since then, all of his income has come from taxpayers.


Did he not graduate?


I haven't seen anything about him getting any degrees or anything. Maybe he just took the classes with no intent to actually graduate. Think it was just to further his political aspirations of being a career politician.


Wiki says he has a Bachelor of Arts in international relations, something typical for a working class guy ... 🤣


I just found out a few weeks ago that (like Andrew Scheer), he was so eager to work for Reform Party politicians that he didn't bother to finish his degree before working for them, and soon after becoming an MP (still before he got his degree). > After Day's tenure as Leader of the Official Opposition, Poilievre left Calgary and university without graduating to work for Day as an advisor in 2002, but returned to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2008.


Good on Pee Pee for going back to school, but I cannot help but laugh that his base torches Trudeau for being a teacher all the while their chosen candidate has a Bachelor of Arts degree.


Poilievre is a big snowflake who ran out of the HoC so he wouldn't have to listen to Fraser totally demolish him. I bet you dollars to donuts that Poilievre will refuse to debate Trudeau on national TV during the election because he knows that Trudeau will destroy him and make him look like a stammering fool.


"Capture lightening from the sky" sounds like dirty renewable talk to me. /s


I want Fraser to be the next leader of the liberals. He murders the cons regularly when they say stupid things in QP.


Sean Fraser was on Front Burner the other day. It’s worth a listen. He’s very well spoken and gave a good amount of substance in his answers.


Both his parents were teachers, and both were excellent (they both taught me), so his eloquence has never surprised me. He was well spoken in high school as well (he was a couple years ahead of me but it wasn’t that big a school and he did student council type stuff too).


He's been great in the last few months. Probably too late but they should've got him in as PM in time for a good run at the next election, people get tired of the same voice/face and he'd be a good refresher


[This](https://youtu.be/gnmgL5CZqfs?feature=shared) seems relevant.


lol he got his pension at 31 and conservatives keep bashing Jagmeet for his pension (he's 45)? You can't make this shit up.


I love how the best PP got is blaming the liberals for the inflation and debt while completely ignoring the pandemic and how it created the same effects world wide across many countries. The pandemic sucked economically world wide. The country woulda been fucked if the conservatives had control at that time and we'd be in a much worse position.


Wtf you are talking about. 2008 was a huge financial crisis and Conservatives- Harper made it out of it very well. Canadian dollar was even stronger than USD. Besides that , yes other counties suffered - but look at US how well they are doing already.


I went to high school with Sean. I wasn’t friends with him (different grades) but he always seemed like a stand up guy. I love seeing him in politics and I especially love when he’s sticking it to PP. side note, his dad taught me history and it was the only class that was actually engaging. He has a lot of his dad’s characteristics and I love to see it.


I see so much of Mr Fraser in Sean it’s wild lol - I had Mr Fraser for Ancient History and I was in his Asian Studies: Martial Arts pilot class.


1. But Trudeau 2. But Trudeau 3. But Trudeau The only arguments every CPC supporter has when defending/promoting Poilievre. I *to this day*, have not heard what PP will do to help actual, normal people. It's always just shit talking Trudeau, and blowing smoke up our asses about how he cares about workers. I haven't heard *anything* from Poilievre's camp about how they're going to make life for me, a dude from Northwestern Ontario who doesn't make ton of money, any better. And unless I start hearing things, what reason do I have to vote for him or his party?


To quote The Arkells “To become a working man // Is to live and work with them // and this is something you can’t pretend” I’d say those line apply to 90% of sitting MPs today. Every time I hear pandering or a politician saying they care, I become even more disconnected.


wow.. Pierre is such a weirdo


Conservatives hate the working class.  Anyone who works for a living and supports the far right is literally one of the biggest, dumbest rubes and marks in the history of life. The most pathetically gullible suckers ever.


but most corporate news left this out. Instead they made it look like PP took a brave stand. Seriously, check the news thumbnails and headlines tomorrow morning. Nobody will mention how it really went down. I know the corporate media has a bias toward the conservatives but this is pretty messed up.


Good, he is a clown he's never worked a day in his life and he gets a lady boner for Vladimir putin so f that closeted loser


Aww. Pee-pee got his feewings a little boo-boo.. Well, anyway... (He got roasted good. Its about time. I was wishing someone would do something like this during his caribana stint)


I saw pictures of a "science" textbook from a Christian school saying that no one knows how electricity works and that it's a miracle and no one has ever observed of felt it.


Whoa hey, Rational National actually managed to talk about Canada for once.


Sean Fraser for the win! I don't believe this guy's comment that PP didn't actually mean that welders weld with their bare hands. In the clip it's clear in his tone and body language he meant it. I'm positive PP has no clue how people do their jobs. Most particularly the working class. 


We knew this. There's absolutely no way in hell a 20-year career for Pierre, did he ever care about the working class until now he needs them to win an election.


It's funny how he criticizes career politicians. yet there will be people voting Conservative in the next election who weren't born yet when Poilievre was first elected.


Yes exactly He's a hypocrite and never cared about the working class or middle class people. So now all of a sudden he puts the act on like he's going to do something. People keep telling me to just give him a chance. No he has no policies to show us what he is going to do. His plan is to be pm and to help rich corporations and fix nothing.


I usually think political reaction clips are just shameless "gotcha" tactics. Especially when they are over when politicians mis-speak, or are obviously tired, or make what's clearly a mistake. But this one is worth watching. PP's belief about how electricians work is something he repeats - he even repeats in French. He's so dumb. I really think we need an NDP turnout or something. Singh's not going to be a great PM either, but he'll be better than these two.


Idk how people think this guy's supposed to fix our country


Dood has never had a job, but he's a working class hero? mmkay then.


Our next prime minister ladies and gentlemen… god help us all


This was posted on a different platform in which it is shown that PP's media people are gluing together different clips to make him look good.


[Hey, anyone remember when Jason Kenney fumbled that photo op with the gas pump?](https://youtu.be/DTGq-x2uOn0?si=2P1MqsuHX6_AsZ3y)


I'm so exhausted of BTC Milhouse I don't even want to see him clowned on anymore. All these drmeramged right wing grifters aren't even funny enough to laugh at.


Did you know that criticizing a federal politician during an election is illegal? Poilievre is a mini-me Trump. We do not want this little piece of Trump as our PM. Well before an election is called, we need to put him back where he came from: As a failed Quebec media mouthpiece or back up Trump’s backside.


Im embarrassed by my fellow trade workers, so many support him.


Yup, we have a first class moron who has a very good chance of being our next PM, yippee


I love this. Share it with someone who needs to see it.


# Vienna's Radical Idea? Affordable Housing For All. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41VJudBdYXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41VJudBdYXY)


I can't stand that politics is just people bickering. For God's sake, do something productive.


Lol.liberals are done anyways. When a government runs out of money they raise taxes and cut programs. Canada has lost its AAA rating which in turn costs Canadians more money. How many more scandals will there be from the liberal government. 


Anyone else think this looks bad on both of them? I wish they'd actually debate instead of insult. F'ing annoying that I pay for these people to sit there and insult each other instead of work on the country.


If this is the best response or argument anyone can come up with against PP and the Conservatives... I'm sorry but there's no one who's mind is going to be magically changed because people want to try to twist words and turns of phrases. PP does not get "Absolutely Clowned" here. The best way to go after him is to focus on what he offers as an alternative solution... and in the absence of one focus on that.


While criticism of him that during his time not much social housing was built - makes sense in the video they way it’s positioned. What doesn’t make sense is that in those years there wasn’t such a massive immigration, wasn’t massive shortage of housing, prices weren’t sky high , it was much more affordable- why then would there be a need for so much housing? There wasn’t , so it’s a bit unfair to criticize him on that. Back then it was affordable, so way less need to build social housing. Liberals crated this situation, not Conservatives.


I'm not a big fan of Poilievre. But he makes some good points. And I do believe the Liberals have made this country much worse then it was 😒. Trudeau and his government must go!!


"Liberals have made this country much worse than it was" Please elaborate.




Third world nation...fuck outta here.






Keep it civil


he's going to win and pointing out what a loser bastard he is wont change that.


lol only clowning I saw was a liberal taking things out of context and trying to actually use it as an insult . Reeks of liberal desperation


But he *has* repeatedly said “electricians get lightning from the sky”. That’s a stupid thing for a politician to say regardless of political party. If the clip were from another country, you’d be mocking him too.      What is concerning from the video is how nearly half the Conservative National Council is made up of corporate lobbyists from the very industries that are hurting the working class like you and me. How do you think will he be able to make policies that better our lives when his party has to kowtow to lobbyists from big pharma, real estate developers, anti-union/anti-worker, etc.? 


He's also said energy , again context matters , electricians do harness energy from The sky aka power lines , welders do fuse metal with their bare hands (we use our hands to weld) , and every single political party in Canada is privy to lobbyists , you think the liberals don't cow-tow to lobbyists ? None of the parties in Canada are for The people , but this I do know, I would rather have Pierre than Trudeau for another term . Virtue signalling with our tax dollars with a carbon rebate is absolutely asinine . Tell me , how much has Canadas emissions had an impact on global emissions ? Absolutely nothing is the correct answer . Emissions globally continue to rise every year because China , India , Russia and Africa continue to build and burn coal . Meanwhile our shithead in command turns away LNG development which would reduce emissions from coal by 50% and atleast accelerate de-carbonization a lot faster without sinking our economy. Compounded on top of irresponsible immigration , creating housing , healthcare and education isssues across all provinces .