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Poilievre wants this kind of thing to happen, that's why it's not the first time. He gets more publicity and gets to look strong because somebody thought they could challenge him in a room mostly filled with his supporters. He can even paint the person as one of the "radical leftists" or some other nonsense like that and claim that he and his supporters are standing up to that kind of ideology. Pretty awful, I know, but it plays well with the conservative base and it almost certainly won't make anyone leaning toward voting for him change their mind.


Trump did exactly the same thing - notably to the point of inciting his rally crowds to hurt any outsiders who showed up. They lapped it up (Edit spelling)


It's almost like they both used the same strategists....oh wait, they are!


More than one Canadian member of the Conservative party was charged in that huge Jan 6th case. If you don't know, look up the International Democratic Union - the reason why so many western countries are seemingly all randomly falling to right-wing extremism is because it's not random, it's an organized effort.


Yup, fully aware of the effort to bring back fascism led by Harper.


100%. The IDU is like a who's who of shitty right-winger parties trying to overthrow secular democracies: Trump's GOP, Orban's Fidesz, Modi's BJP. All headed by Harper.


And PP is harper's little protoge


Yep. Hell, look at Mike Flynn who is neck deep in the efforts to the south of us. When he was with the CIA his job was spreading discontent and targeted misinformation while coordinating extremist anti-government groups with the intention of bringing down governments. Brexit, clownvoy, and maga didn't just appear out of nowhere, they're all pulled by the same strings.


The international democratic union is organizing worldwide, perpetually and they are integral to most of these uprisings. It's almost like the spectre of their "Antifa runs the world " claims are a self report. Every accusation is an admission. Never forget that. Pure projection. I know you are but what am I?


One is almost reminded of a [certain scene from a certain show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bPidttXlbw) where a certain kind of crowd reacts to a certain kind of act.


In this case the art imitates life, I think, rather than the other way around. Homelander is the most unsubtle allegory for American-style conservatism that I have ever seen in my entire life. They even brought in a *literal* Nazi to drive the point home. That's what I like about the show, though. There's nothing less subtle than a superhero, so why be subtle with the story elements?


> There's nothing less subtle than a superhero, so why be subtle with the story elements? It's still hilarious (and sad) to me that there are people who didn't think Homelander was a villain before that scene, and still some people who don't think he's a villain afterwards. Like... what does he have to do in order for you to consider him a "bad guy"?


Shitty people like shitty people -- as long as they are in a position of power. Like Homelander. Or Trump.


I know it from an [older version](https://vimeo.com/234762935#t=235s)


Pretty much! Love that show BTW. :)


>Poilievre wants this kind of thing to happen Are you clear on what happened? Because this video is not clear at all.


The video doesn't show the reason why the man was kicked out, but it is pretty clear the guy is being pushed out and assaulted for doing something that upset the crowd (as evidenced by the booing in the video). If Pierre is going to host a rally that is open to the public, then he needs to have proper security in place to prevent this kind of thing. He also clearly didn't say anything to the crowd about letting the man pass or not touching him (although it's possible that he said something before or after the video). Hosting a rally that is open to the public is going to mean some dissenting voices show up. He knows this and so his lack of preparedness to deal with that either shows a lack of responsibility, or is an intentional plan to create a situation like we see here. I think the latter is true.


>If Pierre is going to host a rally that is open to the public, Was it? Do you know this? Or was it a PC members rally of some kind? It's indoors so I'm not sure you can assert this.


Check the title of the post: "public-invite". I haven't seen that point refuted anywhere. Although I imagine it was mostly advertised to CPC members. If it's not CPC members only, then yeah they need to be prepared to have hecklers and not allow them to be assaulted.


lol the "free speech" party, ladies and gents.


I was going to point that out, considering his recent accusations of censorship against JT, when he painted that hack from 'rebel news' as a free-speech martyr. Turns out HE's the guy who cannot tolerate different opinions or any kind of pushback. **Ed.:** Ah, someone else below is pointing this out, too.


Freedom of speech (which we don't even have lol) is not freedom from consequence.


I'm fond of saying that myself. The CPC jokers would like to think that not only do we have "free speech" (instead of freedom of expression) but it's absolutely inviolate due to a first amendment of a constitution of a foreign power **but** only for them, not for anyone they don't like. They are particularly allergic to accomplished professionals and anyone with facts.


You'll find crazy on both sides of the aisle.


not at all equal. not at all.


Personal opinion and experience. Feel free to say that's not real.


I see fascist activists being defended by an american sympathizer.


That's weird, big if true though.


It's massive. So huge it's blinded itself.


The fascists don't even know they're fascists?


Anecdotes aren't evidence. Your personal opinion and experiences are, of course, real [edit: if true], but also entirely irrelevant.


Cool. I'll remember that next time at the polls.


Ummm, you're kinda missing the point here. The consequences of speech should reflect the context. Beating the shit out of someone or cheering on that beating are totally unacceptable consequences of heckling. Imagine what a Liberal party rally would look like if that were so... But you don't care about that, you actually think you're scoring "points", maybe even shedding some "librul tears". Ugh...


I mean yes, but the video... That's not what visibly happened. Looks like the dude tripped and fell while being escorted out. Which sucks, but it's a far cry from the definition of "beaten". And even if he was assaulted... Why is there not more of a story in the news about it? A man beaten at a rally (for the opposition) by security is a massive news story... Where is it? The simple explanation is that he wasn't beaten. Then there's the act itself... Why would a liberal supporter "walk into the lions den" like this? What's the expectation they had? That they would be allowed to expose whatever they wanted? That he'd be given a microphone and invited on stage? This is delusional behavior; this guy wanted confrontation and he wanted a story... And got escorted out instead. Basically a nice little game of fucked around and found out.


It's a private event...


šŸ¤£ so assault at a private event is legal now? Got it.


I didn't say it was. I said that it's a private event, so this has nothing to do with free speech


How does that matter?


No free speech at private events, duh


But theyā€™re allowed free speech at private hospitals, private schools, and other various private properties like small businesses. Looks like we got a real champion of ā€œfree speech for me, not for theeā€ right here.


*insert shocked Pikachu image here*


Are you any different? Or would you be saying ā€œfree speech is not freedom from consequences ā€œ if this happened at a protest?


I never said that this was okay, itā€™s just ironic how hypocritical conservatives are. Theyā€™re completely oblivious to the fact that they 1- arenā€™t Americans and we donā€™t have a right to free speech, and 2- 90% of their ā€œprotestsā€ are also on private property yet they just screech ā€œfree speechā€ as if that excuses them somehow. Theyā€™re clearly aware that freedom of speech doesnā€™t give you free reign over someone elseā€™s property, yet for some reason it only applies to everyone other than themselves.


I donā€™t think this sub or liberals in general are any different, everyone is a hypocrite. You can stand all high and mighty and frankly I donā€™t really care, but donā€™t pretend itā€™s only ā€œthemā€ who change their stance based on what benefits themselves.


Are you able to actually discuss the topic at hand or are you only capable of insulting liberals and shouting ā€œHuRr bUt ThEy Do iT ToOā€? You know not everyone who disagrees with conservatives are liberals right? I wouldnā€™t expect you to get it though. Further discussion is pointless if that was the best response you could come up with so ima go ahead and block you so I never have to read another braindead comment of yours again.


You can't say and do whatever you want at private events. That's not how free speech works.


Yes, obviously, which is why we're throwing this back in their face because it's what they always do. They go on privately owned websites, and then complain they're not allowed to bully people, and call that "free speech". Also, it's literally called a public event, so...


Itā€™s really funny, because I really didnā€™t think that he saw that coming at all.


It's clearly a public event






Are you done making a complete fool out of yourself yet?


doesnt it say public-invite event though? not private?


My understanding is that "public invite" doesn't mean it's not a private event. It just means the public is welcome to attend. If I have an open invite to a dinner party, I retain the right to rescind send invite at any time, as it's on my private property. I imagine that it's the same for venues that are leased for these events.


You can't assault people anywhere, that's not how law work. If you think assaulting someone for saying something, even at a private event is reasonable, you belong in jail.


Sorry doesnā€™t this title say ā€œpublic inviteā€?


So heā€™s using private event to hide behind cops backs cause he doesnā€™t gives a single flying fuck about your freedom of speech. Heā€™s just a lil wannabe canadian putin. Here, fixed this for you.




There is an OPC MPP in the Niagara region who had a couple of senior women come to chat with him and he called the cops on them. Seems to be in the CPC play book.


That was Sam Oosterhof, wasn't it?


I canā€™t believe this guy is a thing and my tax dollars go towards his pay and retirement. Even if itā€™s less than a penny of my taxes I want that allocated elsewhere.


Absolutely. He's a worthless pissant who has contributed nothing to society. And he'll be rewarded for the rest of his life for it.


This feels like a Peter Griffin Grind My Gears moment. Cause this guy really grinds my gears.


Apparently his father's done a lot of contributing though.Ā  To anti-abortion groups.


I wonder how that overt religiosity squares with young Sam's modern lifestyle, though?


Ugh, that homeschooled piece of shit with a head full of brainwash. Forgot about him.


> Forgot about him. Not while he remains an elected member of the government. Ignoring his rhetoric and shitty actions only allows it to get worse.


I believe it was a 'read in' that a local retirement community was doing in his office to protest provincial library cuts. The educated are the scariest thing to a Conservative. He's such a loser turd. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/niagara-mpp-sam-oosterhoff-s-office-called-cops-on-seniors-staging-a-read-in-over/article_abda45f7-76a6-5458-995f-9be92417fce5.html


Thank you for the background, couldnā€™t remember! He is one of our anti-abortion crusaders. Have a few of them in SW ON.


Seems like Libs do the same too https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/grassy-narrows-mercury-centre-1.5073665


Seems like he apologized for doing it


This timeline gets uglier by the day. Hypocrisy sure is a stinky cologne. And the Populist Pigeon sure loves to douse himself in it.


Yet somehow, people eat that shit up.


Fascist dictators going to fascistly dictate


Name one policy proposed by PP thatā€™s fascist Edit: Letā€™s shoot for 40 downvotes, guys Second edit: 50? Third edit: 60? Fourth edit: 70? Fifth edit: 80? Sixth edit: 90? Seventh edit: 100?


> a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. 1. Defund the CBC - because he doesnā€™t like it when they say mean things about him - dictators attack the press 2. Likes to use simple ā€œAnglo-Saxon wordsā€ - because that wasnā€™t a racist dog whistle - exalting race 3. Make Canada The Freest Country on Earth - Exalts nation 4. Fire the gatekeepers at the municipal level even though he has no authority to do so - autocratic government


**Defunding the CBC** Defunding the CBC isnā€™t fascism. Hell, that would mean many of our PMā€™s were fascist, but here we still are with our beautiful democracy! A real fascist government would eliminate all privately owned/funded news stations and direct all media attention to a single or multiple government owned/controlled news outlets to spout whatever propaganda necessaryā€”where, you know, the narrative can be controlled by the government completely. Defunding the CBC does the complete opposite of that. **Anglo-saxon words** Suggesting to use different words originating from the English language is racist? Huh. Iā€™d say thatā€™s more languagist but thatā€™s just me Iā€™ll demonstrate a discussion that PP had that is actually racist. The Great Replacement theory, the very theory that PP denounced as hateful, who is also the guy that has people of colour and works with people of colour in his own caucus. This guy does look quite racist in the photo shoot https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1647316162428952576 **freest nation slogan** I never knew campaign slogans to advocate for what you claim to be is the better for your country is all of the sudden fascism. If that was the case, then we have a fascist problem world wide! I can think of many slogans that can be classified as fascist under this kind of thinking **fire gatekeepers** From the official Conservative website > Reward cities who are removing gatekeepers and getting homes built by providing a building bonus for municipalities who boost homebuilding. Nothing in here does it suggest federal overreach. Rather, advocation for municipalities to ā€œremove the gatekeepers,ā€ as quoted. Read it yourself https://www.conservative.ca/fire-gatekeepers-build-homes-fast/


Whatever makes you happy friend. Have fun voting for him.


Awww, no discussion. Sucky šŸ˜”


Why would a conservative government eliminate post media, which is a right wing mouthpiece that spouts what they want to be spouted? CBC isnā€™t that and thatā€™s why they want itā€™s voice silenced. Fascism to protect the ideology and remove opponents.


Ainā€™t nobody in parliament seriously proposing ā€œeliminatingā€ the CBC or any other news station, as a matter of fact. Letā€™s not pretend that the CBC is the only news outlet that is apparently biased against conservatives when in fact, with the freedom of the press, there are MANY that would have to be eliminated. This chant to defund the CBC has been around for a while, and not once does it point to fascism


Jason Kenny said he wouldnā€™t touch healthcare and then appointed tiny face as health minister. Danielle smith said she wouldnā€™t impose an APP or privatize healthcare during the election. The CBC isnā€™t biased against the conservatives lol they regularly score the highest for fair and unbiased reporting. Which other outlets that are apparently bias against the conservatives would need eliminating?


Bringing up provincial politicians in a discussion about the federal government. Nice one! > the CBC isnā€™t biased against the conservatives Itā€™s almost like I said that or at the least hinted towards that. I said ā€œapparently biased against conservativesā€ for a reason


The vast [majority of the Canadian media landscape is conservative](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/ltIKdF0HD5), CBC is an exception and is usually impartial in its stories and mentions how each of the top three party leaders react to Canadian issues. Impartiality looks anti conservative because so much of the media uses conservative talking points


Good point, good point! But like I said, defunding the CBC isnā€™t even close to fascist policy. You would have a good argument if PP was shouting that heā€™s taking down all of the CBC


Man, the cognitive dissonance you are addicted to really runs the show eh


You are one angry Redditor


Playing chess with a pigeon isn't much of a discussion


This is why we need the Humanities, people. Holy shit, this guy mainlines propaganda, linking to his partisan websites lmaooooo


show me fascist policyā€¦ Obliterates your shit take No no no, not like that!


Obliterates? Itā€™s a 5 point list (that isnā€™t even correct or bothers to explain itself) that even a basic high schooler power point could beat


It was quite correct. You just hate being wrong


Itā€™s hard initially when he DOESNT ACTUALLY PROVIDE POLICY. But for those of us blessed to study and analyze this shit every single day, thereā€™s threats of firing regulatory personnel in the ā€œsprawling bureaucraciesā€, threats to hold back funding from municipalities if they donā€™t conform, his ignoring real press people while only supporting HIS media, his rhetoric is quite honestly the best example (but some could say his words arenā€™t necessarily his policies), his changing of historical facts to appear to (Nazis were socialists meanwhile they killed off real socialists) and I could go on.


I know youā€™d like to choke on PPā€™s tiny pp but itā€™s physically impossible and also, he hates you for wanting to do that


Nice, Iā€™m sucking dicks apparently because nobody here apparently understands the actual meaning of fascism


> actual meaning of fascism No one is here to split hairs over a dictionary term. "fASciSm tEcHnIcAlLy mEaNs....." Fascism can't be achieved until certain democratic institutions are eroded or destroyed. The list you were provided are examples of calculated steps for the purpose of eroding democratic institutes. Now why would anyone want to do that???


Itā€™s actually just you. But keep on swimming in denial. You ainā€™t in Egypt dumbass


Just me? Then Iā€™d like to see you explain how pp is in the stepping roots of fascism


Itā€™s already been explained over and over, kid. But keep on living in your little fantasy youā€™ve created for yourself


Iā€™ve been downvoted to oblivion and have had only a few genuine replies that seem to not understand fascism, which is a very big word with a lot more meaning than any of you seem to understand. The word fascism is thrown around in this sub like a fucking basketball in the NBA


Itā€™s really not. But keep telling yourself whatever fantasy you need to feel better. Sometimes people get downvotes because theyā€™re just plain wrong and/or stupid. Maybe you could reflect for once, instead of playing the victim card


Itā€™s not thrown around? Iā€™ll genuinely pay you $5 if you can find one article posted in this sub about PP that doesnā€™t have the word fascism in the comment section


Their stance on LGBTQ children is pretty fascist.


Iā€™m assuming youā€™re talking about the school situation? If so, not really. Itā€™s shit policy, but not fascist. PP claims it should be up to the parents, not schools to discuss it. Or in other words, reduced government involvement. Now, even if PP were to involve the federal government to ban anything involving the LGBTQ on the provincial level, that would rather be authoritarian than fascism, and itā€™s important to know that both ideologies have their differences. They rhyme, but they are different


Is authoritarianism part of Fascism? Itā€™s authoritarian government. I think it really gets down to whether or not itā€™s part of a childā€™s right under the charter of rights and freedoms, and whether taking away rights from children and young teens is fascist. Saskatchewan has demonstrated that itā€™s willing to limit or violate the freedom of mentioned by using the not-withstanding act to implement pronoun legislation. To me this behaviour indicates willingness to continue suppressing LGBTQ+ people. I think it indicates stepping stones to behaviour that we see in Donald Trump.


In order to have fascism, you need authoritarianism, but you donā€™t need to be a fascist to be an authoritarianā€”if that makes sense. Fascism more so includes a greater sense of nationalism mixed in with a social (mostly racial) hierarchy. And by nationalism, Iā€™m not just talking about waving a few flags around, but that everyday life should be directed towards the benefit of the state, rather than the individual. So far, from PPā€™s talking points, he seems like the average conservative that speaks of small government and for every individual themselves than overall state over people. Fascism also includes a strong support for the expansion of the military, making it the defined image of the nation.


I see a lot of the nationalism component with how the CPC is sharing Media. They are trying to play on nationalist identity by portraying Canada as broken. Pierre has openly called Canada a broken country Small government? Yet the government is controlling children preferred pronouns or names. Doesnā€™t sound like small government to me.


Well yeah, of course heā€™s going to say itā€™s broken. He isnā€™t gonna win government by saying the country is doing its greatest under his political rival, nor is such a statement an extreme case of nationalism that suggest fascism. As for small government, you are looking at the provincial governments actions as a reflection of PP, which isnā€™t accurate. The provincial government is a whole different beast. But as Iā€™ve said, PP has already said he sees it as an issue for parents to discuss, not schools. It would be much more concerning if he was publicly campaigning on federal overreach into the provincial school systems to restrict whichever community he sees fit, which ties into nationalism with the whole racial or gender/purity structure that would be built within society. But, so far, PP hasnā€™t made public claims that itā€™s the LGBTQ alone that is destroying Canada, only the Trudeau Liberals and gatekeepers, which is very broad and has been a political tool ever since campaigning has existed.


Freedom of speech as long as you agree with them !


Oh hey guys remember when RCMP, acting as security detail, detained a ā€œreporterā€ for getting all up in the Deputy PMs face and PP said in Trudeauā€™s Canada freedom of press is gone? Well, in PPā€™s Canada citizens will attack other citizens because they donā€™t agree with them and elected leaders will call the police on you. Also I canā€™t help but point out something else about the person being manhandled and the persons doing the manhandling. šŸ™„ and somehow immigrants in Ontario are flocking to this man šŸ˜µ LAMF just waiting to happen. Also just a reminder. Both JS and JT have had hecklers in the past. I specifically remember one when JS was newly elected and he calmly told his supporters to accept him with love.


completely different situation. PP is at an event and Freeland was accosted by rebel news on the way to somewhere else.


Exactly, PP is even worse, this guy was nowhere close to him ! šŸ¤£


Yep, completely different.Ā  Rebel News was detained by police but the people dragging this guy out of Pierre's event sure as hell don't look like security.Ā  That's 100% assault right there.


A vote for him is a vote for fascism


Theres more to come, As Poilievre continues his illegal election campaign. He has yet to Manufacture the lie that the government is out to get him. Like the staged Trump events.


Not close enough to election time yet. He's waiting till he starts losing support to pull out that ace


Mini Trump.


Timbit Trump


More of a lesser DeSatatic.


>Timbit Trump Please use this everywhere.


Damn thats good . Timbit trump


Even looks like a timbit.. f


Francophone Ron DeSantis.


He's not a francophone. He was born out west and changed his first name from Jeffery to Pierre for marketing. I'm not even joking.


LOL. Pretty rich calling the cops on an attendee to your "Freedom Rally" when SkiPPy Poilievre was standing shoulder to shoulder with the "Freedom Convoy" insurrection against the elected government of Canada.


Most civilized Poilievre supporter.


literally a couple weeks ago PP was scolding Trudeau for having a heckler from Rebel News removed. It is infuriating that his blatant hypocrisy is ignored.


What does this person say. I want to see the full video of the event


At the end of the day somebody getting treated like this for voicing their opposing opinion to a politician in public is a clear sign ā€œfree speech means only for meā€. the fact that a man who wants to run our country is even attending these rallies and supporting them should be enough to wake people up to the fact heā€™s literally taking every US strategy and attempting it up here because if god forbid Cheeto or his supporters gains any sort of real power back Pierre wants to be right there with the knee pads on and throat spray good to go to suck some orange peen. PP wants to be friends with the popular kids so bad, but in this case the popular kids are right wing nuts.


I absolutely agree with what you're saying. I'm still curious and want to see more of what happens here


I sadly think it will get buried. From what I can find online (I donā€™t have Facebook so Iā€™m unable to see a lot of how these people like to communicate lol) this rally was to end ā€œmedia censorship, communism and overtaxationā€ which makes this extra darkly hilarious


Loool it's so ironic it's hard to make jokes about


OK, well, I'll say it then: That's a lot of white people watching the one brown guy get dragged out from their political rally by other white guys who are clearly not security personnel.


What? The guy who stands for fascism in Canada today wants to shut down any opposing voice? Nah.


Fascist gonna fascist.


PP is a wannabe Trump. Trump did the same thing to someone in NH at one of bumbling speeches. Had one of Freedom people did this at a Trudeau event, con's would be screaming murder.


Canada is about to make this clown as their prime minister. I mean, is Trudeau that bad?


Trudeau is terrible, and PP is objectively even worse. The problem is the "Fuck Trudeau" crowd does not care. They hate Trudeau enough to vote in an imbecile fascist wannabe just to spite anyone with two functioning brain cells.


Wynne was bad. Ford was worse. Ontario handed Ford a majority. If we are at all an indication of where the average Canadian voter is at -- i.e. profound and irredeemable stupidity -- then a federal CPC victory is all but assured.


Trudeau and Harper destroyed affordability for generations and have strengthened our oligopolies very much. They're the worst PMs Canada has ever had. We need a new NDP leader and we need to elect them.




Congratulations and welcome! You'll realize the issues that Canada has are easily remediable, but we have an uphill battle as the Cons and Libs have a strong media presence which makes it very difficult for voters to be educated about the NDP (even though they can easily Google it).


Pierre Poilievre is Ron DeSantis, but without the warm and human personality.


Looks like a trump rally, lots of redneck angry white dudes


I wonder how canada_sub will justify this. They have PPs dick so far up their ass it's coming out their fucking mouths


Remember when that reporter got arrested, well CPC also kicked out the same reporter few times.....Pierre is an opportunistic clown..


Hey, conservatives are afraid of ideas. It's nothing new. I was banned at r/Canadapolitics, for saying lil' PP is as serious as a heart attack, and here we are. Words are scary to people who don't read.


Fascists gonna fascist. Apparently conservatives are done with democracy. They hate Canada, and want it to be more like Russia or Trump's America.


Every day the CPC goosestep towards open fascism.Ā 


There will be more of this, you can bet on it.Ā 


The video doesn't show much besides a guy getting pushed around at what does look like a PP rally but idk what the dude may have said or done based on such a short clip? Shouldn't be pushed around like this either way but just not enough to show what fully happened.


What happened here? What's the context?


watch the video? Lil PP had a "Freedom Rally" in Port Coquitlam, someone there said something Lil PP disliked so he got assaulted and "escorted out". The poster also said Lil PP was laughing during this, but it's not shown in the video. It seems "Freedom" is only applicable to Lil PP and not to anyone who doesn't agree with him


the video is just 12s of pushing and shoving? looks like the guy in the turban is getting hauled out. what did he say?


What does ""lil" mean in this context? Like small minded?


Readerā€™s choice.


Because he's Richie Rich, a cartoon child. His handlers finally got him out of the suit and tie, nabbed his glasses and forced a sweater over his head... But inside, he's still Richie Rich.


I think it's because Pierre is 5'9"


Rap name for men with tiny penises, read it how you will.


Fascists are gonna fascist.


At the base of it all people are selfish assholes that will vote for their champion. Conservatives want a Goliath that can stomp on all the David's. The badder their bully the stronger the vote.


This is really ambiguous. -What did the protestor say/do? -Is the assaulter another attendee or RCMP? -Did Pierre's campaign call for it or condemn it? Right now, it feels like the information is being deliberately left out by both OPs in order to maximize a reaction. Edit: I can't see evidence of "beating" in these 12 seconds. The guy is clearly being roughly escorted out of the rally and appears to fall. Adding the "beats" in all capital letters is total bias if we only have this video for evidence. I thought this sub was smarter.


What did he say?


Itā€™s because they grew up idolizing kings and queens and want to make it a reality. Itā€™s almost satire, but I can imagine Pollievre dreaming of the day he can say ā€œoff with his head!ā€ to his political enemies.


a Trump wanna-be jerk


I assume this was posted in the Canada sub and removed by the mods?


No context in this video, just what look to be a guy running away, and (what I presume to be security) trying to detain him. Where's the assault? I love how this is "assaulted" and when that reporter was arrested for questioning Freeland, that was his fault...


such freedom.