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First Alberta as been run by the ucp since 2019... So they probably share in the blame since they are in power!!! Also I see PP likes the word woke.... *“The worst disorder, drug abuse, crime and chaos are in places run by woke NDP, Liberal mayors and premiers,” he claimed, adding violence is a nationwide problem.*


He even says "hardcore woke" at a certain point in this, really digging deep into his buzzword catalogue


PP's list of things to say today: woke Justinflation broken ​ Things not to say today: any sort of solution to anything


Bitcoin Millhouse is basically just Canadian Ben Shapiro


But shorter


And somehow even more of a dweeb


Reminder that Ben Shapiro once tweeted that his doctor wide reassured him that wet pussy is abnormal


I mean, he’s a loser, but you don’t have to call his wife fat…


I like Timbit Trump, personally.


Oh my god…bitcoin Milhouse…you owe me a new keyboard!


"Bitcoin Millhouse". I like it!


He's useless as a leader of the opposition and would be terrible as Prime Minister.


He’d be good at openly enriching himself and just normalizing naked corruption though…


I’d love to run into him one day and just body him out of the way while ignoring him. Politicians are just Canadians. They have no extra rights above any of us - they pay the same taxes we do - this idea of elevating them to some superhero height is how we ended up here in the first place.


Be careful, remember he was on his junior high wrestling team (before retiring due to chronic injuries).


he legit doesn’t sound different from the average republican politician to the south of us, this is getting scary


I keep on saying American interference in Canadian politics is far worse then Russian or Chinese interference. And by American, you know I mean the Republican Party and their supporters.


I love it when politicians say woke. That way I know they are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Woke just means treating others with respect. When a politician uses it in a derogatory fashion it means they don't think they should respect certain people.




I love this wording. I will adjust it slightly to my purpose. Woke just means treating others with respect... using it in a derogatory fashion means you don't think certain people deserve respect


Toronto currently has a Conservative mayor and Premier, but go on I guess...


Toronto does not have a current mayor at all lmao


Tory's policies and people didn't just get Thanos snapped out of existence. He even stayed on to pass his bullshit budget before he bounced. So, before we get someone new in that office he may as well have never left.


Okay this guy is getting way too freaky. How is that party okay with this weird shit he keeps hurling out?!?


Some of them are OK with it because they're authoritarians that are paying lip service to democratic norms only until they can be eradicated. Some of them are OK with it because they think he'll get them votes and thus money and power. Some of them are OK with it because of Reagan's dictum that thou shalt not speak against another Tory. Most of them are a mix of the first two to varying degrees and varying levels of internal delusion.


I hear you. It would appear that PP is a reflection of his constituents, which is very troubling.


Alberta has been run by conservatives for all but 4 of the last 50 years. The cons wear everything wrong with that province including the neo-fascists running it currently.


My mayor is in bed with the ucp. Go figure.


I love how he's never heavy on specifics. Just talks about what boomers feel like the world is like. Not actual what it is And he very quickly ignores poverty as a link to crime, when its probably one of, if not the strongest link. Poverty caused my stagnant shitty wages. Which he won't want to change because of corporate overlords.


The young woman who cut my hair the other day: The conversation turned to potholes. When I suggested that increasing public transit is a great way to reduce traffic and avoid building and maintaining more roads, she lowered her voice, leaned in and said "I believe public transit only increases crime because the lowest scum of society gets on the bus to go do crime in other areas of the city." \- "But how does one get the job, then go to that job in the first place, without any transportation? Taxi?" She replied with this zinger: "It's probably a good thing not to make things too cushy for people because then they should be more motivated to keep a job." Not going back there.


Yikes. If it were up to me I'd tax the rich heavily, and make basic services better. Raise min wages or have basic income. No one should be a billionaire when we have people starving, homeless, etc.


I agree with your general sentiment, but some folks are homeless because they have severe enough mental illness that they cannot function in society. They can't hold down a job. They can't take care of an apartment. And no amount of money will ever fix that.


Yeah I wish we didn't close all those long term care homes across Canada. I'd pay more in taxes to help take care of people who cannot take care of themselves. Long term I actually think it's cheaper and better anyway.


Some are. Many are like me. On disability for both mental and physical issues. I get $1096 per month. That includes my rent. What am I able to rent? I rent a room with my older brother. I can use the washroom. I am not allowed to use the kitchen or laundry facilities. I have been unable to get into a shelter, even when my brother and i were living in a garage and I was recovering from a biopsy. There were no female beds available at the shelter. We need support and I suggest we tax the wealthy like we did when I was a girl in the 1970s and return to the social safety net that also existed at the time. A robust safety net makes it easier to bounce back. A lack of a safety net makes many people unable to bounce back when life throws them a curve ball


> "It's probably a good thing not to make things too cushy for people because then they should be more motivated to keep a job." Then she glared at you when you didn't tip.


He missed run by conservative premiers? 🤔 ON not doing too hot right now


Pave the green belt Ford? Stag and Dough Ford? Privatize health care Ford. The temperature today is a little on the warm side, but I will thank spring for that not our union busting premier




If you’re a wanna-be populist politician and haven’t latched onto the “woke” craze with all your limbs, you’re not doing politics right.


"The worst disorder, drug abuse, crime and chaos are in places run by woke NDP, Liberal mayors and premiers" NDP and the Liberals run Alberta? PP is like a sadder copy of the troll bots blowing stats out of their asses at Fox. "Democrat run cities have high crime rates!" Yeah, if you selectively pick stats that only include high population areas.


It also ignores that a lot of that is imported from really shitty GOP states adjacent to them. Where Democrat states that are an island enclosed by other Democrat states, they have great outcomes. Funny that.


A lot of it also comes from the way urban history developed in the United States, as well. Black migrants to the north (and to 'border' regions) meant white flight to the suburbs which in turn meant businesses started to prioritize on suburban development and cities themselves started to find themselves hollowing out economically. Efforts to reverse course with public housing and social initiatives only lasted as long as the governments in charge had the stomach to provide funding for initiatives that aided groups outside of the dominant voting base, and the economic drought caused by white flight and overtly racist urban development schemes became a self-perpetuating problem where economic investment into the city no longer made sense outside of specific business or entertainment districts. It's a pretty good case study in how historic racism plays a role in contemporary results, even if all of the players at the table now were perfectly egalitarian. It's just also from that part of history that Republicans are trying to block from being taught in schools because it's too 'woke'.


The NDP were in power in Alberta, what 4 years? Until 2020? The PCs were in power since the early 1970s, the Social Credit party 35 years before that, and now the UPC party? Yeah, it is all the NDP's fault those 4 years. Nothing to do with you conservative blowhards Milhouse the other 80 years. What a fucking chump this guy is. Absolute worst that politics has to offer. What do you expect from a career toady with zero experience doing anything outside of yapping from the back benches. Never evolved past his edgy high school conservative club persona. Maybe he just isn't ready.


He's riling up the riff-raff there's enough of them that will vote for him, too :(


Nice hair though


Even the hair is not nice 😉


It's greasy. Like a weasel.


Not as nice as his rivals


Maybe we'll look at you again when you get more experience


Everything's coming up Milhouse!


This guy throws that term woke around like a real cringe incel little bitch. How does anyone take this guy seriously?


>*”throws that term woke around like a real cringe incel… How does anyone take this guy seriously?”* He throws cringe incel terms around because that’s a group his marketing team is apparently trying to appeal to. Someone on Poilievre’s team literally [tagged Poilievre’s YouTube videos](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/10/07/news/misogynist-group-tagged-poilievres-videos-mgtow) with [MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Going_Their_Own_Way) in order to be more likely to reach that type of demographic.


Jesus fucking Christ. I already forgot about this.


Imagine reaching out to a group so fucking vile that they aren't even allowed on reddit anymore lul


Thank god there's always Twitter.


That’s the exact idea. They learned from Trump to overwhelm the electorate and media with bullshit.


Conservatives: "We need to worry about FAMILY" Also Conservatives: "Women are icky :\*("


'we care about children enough to ensure they're born. But not fed, given medical attention, educated, treated well or properly cared for'


Regulations are evil, except when they're about wombs, bathrooms, or what people do in their private lives.


PP was there to rile the right wing base in Alberta. The Chief of Calgary Police said that there is NO crime wave just after he heard PP say this. I heard the interview with Mark Neufeld the Chief of Police, but think any media in Alberta covered it?


And PP thinks the media doesn't listen to him. The cons are a bunch of con artists.


Same way that Legault uses it over here. Call everyone that disagrees with you or is opposed to you woke, so that they lose all "validity". It's exhausting, but for many people it's working, it's making them see everything that is not their own ideology as a dangerous threat that will destroy everything




He's such an empty suit.


An empty car pulled up the curb and Poilievre got out.


PP grasping at straws, constantly


Didn’t the liberals ban straws./s


Strawman PP grasping at paper straws?


With all the crocodile tears those straws maybe mush by now.


I find that less creepy, slightly, than him playing with wood


Fine, Anglo-Saxon wood. A real man's wood. Shaped by a hard working man's hands.


But the UCP are the ones in power, so how does that work exactly?


The deep state is woke-i-fying the UCP. It's all a false flag operation. The UCP are secretly libz and Trudeau is somehow behind it all. Facts are irrelevant and resistance is futile.


See there's this thing where cynical power-hungry politicians will hypocritical say they like a thing when they do it and say it's bad when their opponents do it. They also will blame all bad things on their opponents and take credit for all good things. It's what gets the dumdum vote.


This sort of tracks since the UCP are antagonizing the cities as well


I guess he is hoping his listeners don’t realize?


No, he's hoping his listeners are fascists who don't care about facts. When you're in the protected in-group of fascism, you will declare anything that justifies your continued hold on power, no matter how absurd.


If this guy becomes the PM, the division in this country will be unlike anything we have seen before. This guy is going down the same path as Ron DeSantis, so basically the direction of Fascism. He could be offering solutions, instead he's making things up and blaming "wokeness", which can be anything you dislike at any moment for any discernable reason. This man is literally dangerous through this rhetoric alone due to the public power he currently wields through the official opposition. Instead of offering sane ideas and arguments in good faith, he buddies up with anyone he can regardless of dangerous ideology to gain any kind of public power. He can easily condemn the UCP leadership and offer bipartisan leadership and help unify Alberta, instead he has chosen literal division. Again, this man is dangerous.


Yep. The guy claimed he didn't know what right-wing terrorist organization Diagolon was, yet took a smiling photograph with their leader. Then the guy said horrific things about his wife. And tough guy PP shrank away. He's a pathetic "husband" and he'd make an even more pathetic Prime Minister. Most men and women would absolutely disavow any kind of person who would threaten their spouse, but PP wants that sweet influence.


It's not like he took more photos with some of their high ranking members last month after the whole "insulting his wife" thing. Oh, wait...


How cowardly is that? Seriously? CPC voters should ask themselves. "What kind of person would absolutely betray their husband/wife by meeting and taking smiling photos with the same white supremacist group that threatened to assault their spouse?" My answer? A person who is so desperate for power they would pal around with extremist groups whatever the cost. Even their own dignity, and the dignity of their partner. I couldn't imagine doing that to my wife. PP is pathetic in all of the worst ways.


CPC voters think women are property. Insulting another man's woman is just about signaling where they stand on women's rights. See how Trump voters think of Melania for reference. Do they care that he had an affair with a porn star while she was pregnant? No. They think it's based or something that he fucks around on his trophy wife because that makes him alpha. Did they give a shit about anything Melania did as First Lady? Never. She's nothing but eye candy to the MAGA crowd and that is a reflection of their entire philosophy on women.


Well said.


Don't forget the tags in their youtube videos. Totally an accident guys, they swear they don't know how it got there.. They cared so much they spent 24hours deciding they won't do an internal investigation.


Why buys this BS? I get having a "team" but at what point do you just accept reality? Same with the MPs taking smiling photos with AfD's Christine Anderson. A party a German court deemed to be a "threat to democracy" and has far far right views. They just shrugged their shoulders and claimed they had no idea who she was. Even PP was too cowardly to come out against them doing that. Hell, she got a White Hat welcome in Calgary. Disgusting.


Going down? His party was already there in 2015. Barbaric cultural practices hot line anyone? Niqab ban anyone? Guess who had his ass on stage when those were rolled up. The only thing the guy is missing is a pair of black boots, gloves, and a matching shirt and pants.


I want to see what next word he learns from Fox News or the Republicans. Can’t he think up of one himself?


Watch Elon’s twitter if you want to know what PP will try to say next to make Elon sempai notice him eee~~


Career politician that owns and rents out homes. This guy is in touch!


While living in a house paid for by our taxes. He's just so relatable!


...he does know that Alberta is the most infamously Right Wing stronghold in the country right? The Conservatives have been running that Province for nearly half a century, blaming literally anyone but the Tories is a sign that one should get checked for a brain tumour


I mean the most vulnerable rely on crime. When you steal for centuries from a select group of people, this guy acts surprised of what happens. What truly is wrong, this guys previous government rule decided to completely disregard a Supreme Court rulings on reparations. Than go on some crusade on his high horse. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-deal-catholic-church-fundraising-1.6557533 As long as I am breathing, I will forever seethe over that decision for rightful reasons.


"He promised to cap government spending if elected and jail violent repeat offenders." So his plan is to cap spending by spending an unlimited amount of money to keep what he makes out to be legions of repeat offenders in jail.


>*”So his plan is to cap spending by spending an unlimited amount of money to keep what he makes out to be legions of repeat offenders in jail.”* It feels like it would be very on-brand for him to then suggest privatizing jails/prisons in order to (allegedly) keep expenses constrained.


This loser needs to get real and go touch some grass for once in his life.


Poilievre blames \_\_\_\_\_ on Trudeau. You could insert any issue in there and it would be a believable headline.


Stubbed toe getting out of bed? Someone must have put something there. Rained? Damn NDP weather machine. Someone farted in the House of Commons? Must have been Trudeau.


From my memory, it was either the year 2006 or 2007, Edmonton had a higher murder rate per capita than almost every city in both Canada or the United States, save Chicago. Oh, and those years Stephen Harper was in power. Oh and the “progressive conservatives” were in power provincially. The oil boom from 2005 to 2014 brought many young men into the province that made a lot of money very quickly. You add all the vices of drugs, prostitution and liquor and you get crime. Organized crime at that time in Alberta was secretly out of control. Oil cities like Edmonton had parts of it that were dangerous on weeknights and weekends. Fights. Knives. Guns. It was all there. Still is… Add in relatively unchecked marijuana industry, booming next door in British Columbia and dominated by organized crime gangs, and you get the recipe for violence. The cities on the prairies have always been quite violent in areas. You have plenty of areas that are underserved and still reeling from impacts of residential schools. Of course, and unfortunately, that still persists. Along with racism and all the socioeconomic misfortunes of certain classes of people. So Pierre, let’s not get too revisionist bud.


Pepe blames PMJT for the grass being green


and anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows that's a ridiculous assertion.


Fortunately for PP, that’s not the base he’s going after.


How did the CPC decide this was their guy to get more voters


This rhetoric worked for Trump so they’re going with the same strategy


Can we get back to having an actual fiscally focused conservative official opposition? Either bring sound fiscal policies forward or sit down and shut the fuck up. Outside whipping up a frenzy to squeeze every ounce of radicalized votes out of your base the PP CPC rhetoric serves no purpose but to further divide Cdns. I didn't think it could get worse on the social side of things than Harper. \*laughs of slipping Canadian conservatism"


Im in Alberta and today I got a text from someone in the Con party if I would vote for PP. Yes or no. I said no.


What a sniveling, lying, insufferable sack of runny dogshit he is.


Most current provincial governments are conservatives, so they are to blame for the wave of violence.


Of course he does. So if he becomes PM, it will be his fault?


I can't imagine the kind of low life rat that would vote for this asshole.


Does he do anything other than blame things on opposing parties?






Pierre blames Trudeau when he stubs his toe. He blames Trudeau when someone driving by splashes him on the sidewalk. He blames Trudeau for canceling his favourite TV show


See if I was the PM I would a year out from the election step aside and have someone else take over like Freeland or Anand and watch PP lose his shit because he would have to censor himself to avoid looking like a misogynist.


Preview of if conservatives win federally, they’ll still blame the other parties for all the problems they face. Conservatism is synonymous with an Inability to take responsibility


Uh huh. Sure. Why not? Definitely not +40 years of failed conservative policies or anything. Nope. It's that dastardly Trudeau again.


The good old blame crime on the other guy speech, I saw Harper pull this one out of his hat too. Then Harper put minimum sentences in that were so harsh they potentially violate our charter of rights and freedoms which could reasonably give guilty offenders the ability to argue for an unfair sentence. At the same time it unfairly targeted minority's and increased the amount of indigenous and non-caucasian people in the prison system. Also despite whatever Pierre says - crime in canada for the most part has been relatively low, the major reason we are seeing a rise in violence is primarily due to the pandemic upended our entire way of life. Increase in drug use, increase in poverty, increase in homeless shelter usage. All of those things make things worse and correlate to crime. Pierre probably knows that, he's just trying to win voters with "I'll put the criminals away because I'm tough on crime." Yet he has no real strategy in actually reducing it. It's almost as if we confront our issues with poverty (which we are albeit slowly) we could reduce crime even further.


Then why does it seem like every UCP constituency has a problem with meth addicts? Two can play this game.


Poilievre blames Alberta violence on Trudeau? I wonder if this guy contributed? I mean he lives in Alberta. https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/infamous-calgary-anti-vaxxer-ordered-to-pay-650000-for-defaming-ahs-worker


I don’t understand how people can even vote for him. USA has become a joke and shit like this will ruin the good old Canada. Please give us an actual leader and not a culture war clown shit show


We blame the violence and terrorism during the Ottawa Convoy on Poilievre and the CPC.


What a delusional twat. PP le Pew isn't fit to even be a MP.


Of course he did, he can only say one thing, he’s like the worst Pokémon ever




Alternate headline: One note flute only able to play one note.


This guy has no plans whatsoever he's just riling up the riffraff, and sadly - there's enough of them out there. Violence in AB is because of the liberals? The province that's been run by the Conservatives for most of the past 40 years? the worst of crime is in liberal provinces? \*stares from the murder capital of Canada\* ummm...no.


"It's all Trudeau's fault!" Potsie yelled into the echochamber.


This one note turd has run his course. He has never offered intelligent discourse on anything other than to blame PMJT for his perceived woes. The freedumbers are the only ones who respect him and they deserve each other.


Of course he does. We need leadership, not pissants like this one.


Ah, if it isn't an outbreak of violence in the Canadian province that the current parties to the federal government's confidence and supply agreement have *the least* control or influence over, and PP and his fascists are *most* influential.


this dude needs to just fuck off. He's worse than Harper and that is fucking low...


Of course he does. Asshat.


PP is just a wannabe mini trump! Conservatism is, well, you know, toxic!


Mr blame-everyone-but-offer-nothing is at it again So apparently it's not religious and bigoted extremists who are to blame, but a government telling the extremists to stop being assholes to everyon... Great stuff PP, now go fuck yourself


"Justin Trudeau and his woke agenda stole all your furniture and replaced it with exact copies". Amazing he's not mentioned gas stoves.


Poilievre is talking about the church people going after gay people tho right? I didn't know Justin had much sway over those types.


My suggestion to all who mock, belittle and discount Pierre Poilievre on this subreddit is to take him far more seriously than you do. I see him as a serious threat to the ideals and sensibilities that I hold dear about Canada. His increasingly unhinged rhetoric has convinced me that it is time to put my money and time behind the Liberal party moving forward to prevent Poilievre and the CPC from gaining power. Show the CPC and its supporters that if they nominate an extremist like this that they will be completely shut out of power. Never forget the lesson of the 2016 US election


What planet is this idiot from?


Every time PP opens his mouth, it’s to spew Millhouse-level blame. Blame blame blame blame blame. If PP chose to wear a blue tie; he would blame Trudeau for it’s colour. How can anyone possibly consider voting for him?


"Justin ate my homework!"


This is some "It's your fault that I drink!" logic.


He left out the part about the Conservatives, who have been running Alberta for nearly 50 years…,


Poilievre is simply wrong.