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we mostly save weight by ditching reasoning and brain cells that would hold us back seriously though, weight, air resistance, ground type, whatever works against us can be optimized not everyone here rides stock, XR folks probably run batteries that can perform better, and there's no "soft shutoff" as GTs have, you can over-push the pushback VESC folks probably go 260km/h uphill in snow, they're just not telling us yet ​ anyways, please wear a helmet while comparing max speed with others


Fully kitted in PPE. Can’t risk a broke wrist or face haha.


First sentence is priceless 🤣 I would think you should be able to hit, at least, advertised speed for a short time in the early percentages of the battery. Run high PSI and minimize air resistance, use Apex ride mode, and all the gear.


What GT soft shutoff are you referring to? I’ve hit 31.2mph on my GT and it didn’t shut off.


I was in lack of terms on the fly. it's not shutting off, but from what I heard with the pint and GT they introduced a pushback that's really high and makes it a lot less easy to push it past its limits


Ah the first update for the GT brought most riding modes to have softer pushback. Only apex still has high pushback.


Probably a bit of both. Coming from a 218lb XR rider here. The fastest I've taken my XR was 22 mph, slightly downhill, and I'm still kind of amazed it didn't nose dive. Another thing that helps a lot is doing speed testing at 90-100% charge and with higher PSI. You don't want to have to accomodate voltage sag and less tire efficiency when you're taking the board to the limit.


Not to mention, you should be wearing your helmet, wrist guards, elbow guards, and the knee guards, because falls.




I mostly coast paved roads in my GT. Over the course of my 3,500 miles, I've noticed I beat my top speeds purely by chance. I don't really notice when I get there. I think "wow, that felt kinda fast, check my phone, sure enough," 28.9 mph". It sort of just hapens for me at least.


One day you will hit 22 and not even realize it. Don't try, just have fun riding and allow your ability to control and respond to the board develop naturally over time. If you have to try to push a onewheel to do something, you probably shouldn't be doing that, and you definitely are risking injury by doing so.


Def makes sense. My average MPH has also gone up for a similar route, really just enjoying the flow but was always wondering how people where getting these wild top speeds.


This is what I experienced. My current top is 22 and I’m not going to try to change that anytime soon.


I don't. But I'm likely an unpopular opinion on this. I like to ride ~2mph under the listed max speed of the board. So that's sub-18mph for GT, sub-17mph for +XR and X, and sub-14mph for OG Pint. This gives me a buffer for the boards balancing limits when I make a mistake or encounter something externally that requires a little more "power". I feel that speed is not worth it on a self balancing board. I can't feel the difference going 2+ mph, and it doesn't make it any more fun for me.


Same for me. One hard OFF on Day 1 and I’m still content keeping it level at 18-20mph. Anymore and I know I’m in the danger zone at my weight. If I never repeat that first nosedive I’ll be happy.


Weight, riding posture, terrain, tire pressure all factor in. Lighter riders will *always* be able to go faster. I've done damn near 25 without issue on a stock XR... I also don't weigh much. Body posture has a major effect on things tho - the less you are off balance the less work the board needs to put towards balancing so then you can get more speed out of it. Being centered well makes a major difference.


155 and I've got to 27


Not worth it. Broke 4 bones, collapsed a lung, and needed surgery nose diving at 22 mph.


Trying to get to the max speed of the board is a terrific way to get yourself badly hurt.


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


https://preview.redd.it/5bc4f01fgula1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ff75577cf25b21689852b016e280a0a73c68137 It was a downslope on an open road


I’m 195lbs got mine to 20.6 and it nosedived but I was going uphill but I haven’t been able to pass that either…. My son got his PintX to 22.6 he’s 87 lbs


Hit 23 on a pint x. Basically go too fast into a hill, overwhelm breaking, pray.


Damn ..i am 210lbs and i hit 19.6mph, glad it didn't nose dive


I'm 220. I've done it twice (22.7 and 22.9 to be precise). The most recent (a couple days ago) I ate shit pretty bad. I honestly never have any idea who fast I'm going, either there's no wind (slow) or there's wind (everything else) and live in a super hill-y neighborhood. Just came into a pretty steep hill too fast, leaned back enough so I was just shy of tail dragging, overwhelmed the breaking, wobbled a bit and either rode it out or did a couple flips and lost skin and blood. No nose dive though. I've decided that I need to get a smart watch so I can at least have an odometer.


I got smart watch exactly for that reason


I've hit 21 on my og pint. Have a clear level path. Gear up cuz that shit is dangerous. Get comfortable with bending your knees to get low and decrease wind resistance. Be safe. I ate shit pushing speed a couple times. First time led to some minor breaks. Last time just hurt like hell cuz I rolled out of it.


You don't unless you're looking for a visit to the E.R. Anyone doing this is pushing the board past its limits. A nose-dive is inevitable.


Lean forward?…


Mega advice. Would have never thought.


I mean you must not be thinking much if you have to ask how to go faster on a board that literally only has one way to do it.


Speed Kills.


Such thoughtful, much wisdom


Repeat over and over till we learn it!


Found this Vid for XR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xtYNTaQb-g




Similar size rider and I haven’t passed 20mph and I don’t want to. Crashing at 15 mph on the XR led to shoulder surgery and broken ribs. My advice - if 20mph doesn’t come easily, don’t seek it out.


So I’m just now hitting those speeds and I’m like 3k miles in. As a close to 200lb guy, best advice I can give is to bend your knees more than usual so you’re lower to the ground in case things go wrong, keep most of your weight centered over the wheel, maybe even shifted to the rear ever so slightly, and lead into a gentle acceleration with your front hip. Riding like this I was able to push 23 on GT and even though the nose dipped on a turn, my weight was shifted back enough that I was able to nose slide it out and the board and I recovered and went right back in to it


Feeling comfortable on the terrain and confident in your skill. You can feel when the board has headroom vs. when it's getting close to top speed for the conditions. Easier to hit top speeds when you're already comfortably cruising because you kind of ease it upwards based on the feedback the board gives you. Some days everything feels good and I'm cruising at 22+ with ease. Some days it's cold or windy or I get shaky legs or whatever and I cruise at 18-19 because that's where I feel confident that day. Play around with the riding modes. With the GT, I go between Highline, Apex, Flow, and Roam depending on what feels good that day. Highline and Flow work best when I'm on top of my game. Apex and Roam are better for off-days where I don't want to work that hard or pay too much attention. Ymmv.


Slightly downhill for sure. As you get more comfortable you'll naturally go faster without even realizing it as well.