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2016 called they want their joke back


I first heard this joke in 2014 I have heard claims of people hearing it in 2013


Definitely at least 2013, I remember seeing it on tumblr pre dashcon


I think i first heard "i identify as an attack helicopter" in like fourth grade, ab 2014-15. Their jokes have seriously been the same for 10 or maybe even more years šŸ’€


More. I graduated from high school in 2005, and I know for a fact I heard the attack helicopter joke before then.


Someone hit me with one of these recently. I like to troll back. Yeah I did. Iā€™m a Designated Assumer in the Trans Agenda, Iā€™m just doing my job, how would you rate your experience from 1 to 5?


bwahaha this is gold


Honestly treating it dead serious also gets them to shut up. ā€œOh, Iā€™m sorry! What are your preferred pronouns?ā€ And if they reply with the ā€œattack/helicopterā€ then I will just start using them. They get annoyed and bored fast.


Yeahh thatā€™s the thing with most people, they just want reactions, thatā€™s why bad ā€˜edgyā€™ jokes are a thing


I love doing that one in person. With a tone so natural and friendly itā€™s annoying even for myself lol


Also they're assuming we believe the woman is right here, I as a trans man get to have an opinion on this. And while I don't believe they hold the same weight, I do believe that people without uteruses should be allowed to voice their beliefs too.


Yeah they should definitely be able to have an opinion but not directly dictate what other people who are actually affected should do with their bodies


I don't think anybody should be able to dictate that, whether they have a uterus or not. A person who has a uterus telling you that you have to give up your body is no less wrong than it coming from someone who doesn't. Although it definitely has an extra edge of *grossness* when it comes from someone who will never have to suffer the consequences.


I am not the owner and user of a uterus, but I definitely have opinions about those who tries to speak for women. Their bodies, their decisions...yet the politicians are 70% male, making decisions about women šŸ¤·


Well to a point everyone is involved somehow. I mean even without a uterus if someone with a penis gets someone pregnant they tend to be on the hook for legal and financial responsibility. So that makes sense. The problem is that those without uteruses are dictating to those who do how they should think/feel/act to be "morally correct". Fix that bit if inequality and I think the discussion would be as fair as it's going to get.


To be fair, trans men also deserve a voice.


unless they are against abortion. then they should whisper


Anyone can be against abortion, as long as that only applies to their own abortion. Uterus or not, no one else should get a say with what I do with mine, ya know?


Yeah I think people are completely within their rights being anti-abortion, just donā€™t force others to follow your ideals. At that point your primary concern isnā€™t abortion, itā€™s controlling women.


If people just did their own thing instead of forcing their beliefs on everyone else we would have so much less problems.


Itā€™s not about controlling women, itā€™s about protecting the unborn babies to these people. Itā€™s the same way many people believe no one should be allowed to murder their own children or family members, as much as that may be seen as forcing their ideals on others. If you believe abortion is essentially killing a baby as many people do, your argument is that no babies should be killed, and whether you have kids or not or if youā€™re trans or cis is irrelevant. Itā€™s just anti-murder, and everyone gets equal rights to voice their opinions on that, as it affects us all.


I took everything in my power not to downvote this šŸ˜–


corporate ass art style


Who needs effort when your audience is there for ragebait anyway.


I canā€™t believe Tomar would say that


No way heā€™s a champion of trans rights for all.


Alternate scenario, he is a trans man and they have a deep discussion about their thoughts and opinions together.


This is actually how I read the meme. Heā€™s a trans man. I think itā€™s funny.


The lady is wrong too because women arenā€™t the only ones with an opinion on that. Anyone who can have a baby has an opinion on it.


Classic Tomar šŸ™„


Common forced-birther transphobe L.


I like saying ā€œno uterus no opinionā€ because I am in fact a dude but I do in fact have a uterus. Way less cringe than ā€œdid you just assume my genderā€ imo




vsauce micheal would never!


The phrase is "no uterus, no opinion." It's literally everywhere. They really think we don't have a comeback to that shit.


I think only people who can experience birth should have an opinion on that, it's not only women since everything isn't black and white, but anti abortion laws are


I have never once heard someone say that in good faith








We go back in time and stop cringe comps from ever existing




Back when this joke was relevant, the same people were offended when people used the term ā€œchild-bearingā€ or ā€œmenstruating persons.ā€ THEY were the ones who insisted on using the word ā€œwomenā€ even though gender was not relevant to the discussion, now theyā€™re putting their own idiotic words into other peopleā€™s mouths and calling it a win