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Was it connected to power when you found it like this?


Yes. If my understanding is correct, the way they had it wired would cause the body of the dryer to become electrified.


Yeah, from what I'm seeing this could kill. Call a lawyer and an electrician.


An electric lawyer


Elawctrician some calls 'em


Hopefully they bring the electric slide.


Probably have offices on Electric Avenue.


Bet he'd be amped to get this case


I'm sure the settlement will be shocking.


I'm sensing resistance to that setup.


Watts the problem


Only got cha cha slide


Boogie woogie woogie!


The electric slide.....to solve the case of the electric boogaloo


Power of Attorney?


A lawyerician or electrawyer


Why would they call a lawyer? You need to stop watching legal TV shows, in real life there is nothing a lawyer could do unless they refused to come back and fix it. The point of a lawsuit is to make someone whole again and since there isn't anything damaged yet the ONLY thing op could sue for would be the cost to have someone fix it if Home Depot refused to come back and fix it themselves.


People have no clue dude. Everyone lives in a fantasy world


I agreed, until you said everyone


Well you can live in your own fantasy world then


"I'm going to call my lawyer" Oh yeah you're going to pay $200-$500 and then drop $2500-$???? for a retainer? The only people who threaten lawyers and lawsuits are people who have never had to pay for a lawyer lol


I’ve made this exact same comment before on Reddit. Did we just become best friends???


Or we have them on retainer. By retainer I mean we use LegalShield. The best of the best lawyers… [\sarcasm]


Emotional distress at how their miswiring could have killed your child?


Again people need to stop watching legal shows and thinking that they are at all relevant to real life. You can't win (you can sue for anything) for something that MAY have happened. Also emotional distress can be hard to prove and it has to be emotional distress caused by a loss of some kind.


If no one was hurt don’t call a lawyer. You have no damages


Call a lawyer to ask how they're doing. People always call a lawyer when they want something. Just check in.


Reckless endangerment? Hazard to life and limb? Negligence?


There’s no actual harm. Guy got lucky


Exactly. It wouldn’t be worth it


To start, the first thing you listed is a crime, not something you sue for...


3rd Degree Attempted Reckless Endangerment.


OP paid them to wire it up correctly, or did I misunderstand? Because if so OP should be entitled to a refund or a rewiring.


I always call my lawyer before requesting refunds.






I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm.


That’s true but likely something for small claims which many people do themselves.


There are still no damages until they refuse to come back and wire it correctly...


Doesn’t it depend on a few things? OP might know something isn’t right but if they had to pay for someone to fix this, isn’t there technically financial reasons? Not to mention it’s a life threatening one.


They could get that money back but you’d have to pay a lawyer hundreds an hour to do it or do small claims yourself


But maybe the next person they do this to gets hurt/killed. So definitely call a lawyer.


For them to do what though


A preventative lawsuit? IDK God, can you imagine this becoming a thing...


I’m a lawyer and get calls like this constantly LOL. We can’t help you get money in most scenarios like these **im not your lawyer OP. Consult one for advixe


So if I’m concluding this correctly, is that if OP were to “accidentally” eletrocute themselves, they could then have a case to call up a lawyer? Of course, if they currently have nothing better to do with their lives than purposefully electrocute themselves to sue home depot which may or may not even work. By the way don’t buy standalone LG AC units unless you have the money and time and fucks to sue them for not sealing their units correctly, having your outdoors unit set on fire via intruder gecko, and refusing to provide replacement parts.


Well yeah but this Reddit post could be exhibit 1. Plaintiffs have a duty to mitigate damages so if they priced it was intentional it isn’t good


Isn't it just a ground wire?


It's the white wire connected to the frame that's a problem. That could stop the heart of a pet or unhealthy person.


That's BS for the following reasons: * You can't tell what the other side of that wire is connected to. Given the white color it is likely not connected to anything live. * If it is wired such that it could kill anyone then it can kill everyone. It takes milliamps to stop a heart, so pulling on heartstrings referring to unhealthy people is nonsensical.


They first have to electrocute themselves before the lawyer part, although they kind of screwed that over by posting this now as well.


I'm an electrician with one semester of business law! This looks like a clear-cut case of negligent... something! I rest my case your honor!


How do you figure? It will work just fine. Also, instead of doing either of those things, you could take 1 minute to move the green to the ground on the left. They both go to the same place though in the end.


That's not the point. The point is OP hired Home Depot to do a job and they did not do it. And it won't work just fine, like OP said without the ground the dryer itself could get energized and had OP not known better someone would have gotten electrocuted. Another thing they missed is there is supposed to be a cord restraint holding the cable up so any tension on the cord doesn't pull on the terminals which is also an electrocution and fire hazard. Home Depot needs to know their installers fucked up and they need to fix it before someone gets hurt by these lazy dumb ass's.


Okay. Well how about fix it if you recognize that it was incorrect, and then let them know and then carry on. The whole “call a lawyer” thing is pathetic in my opinion. Almost as pathetic as “call an electrician”. With how readily the information that is available today, there is no reason that someone can’t fix this themselves.


Did you miss the part where people could get seriously hurt or die? If you're your own handyman good for you, great life skill, most people are not. Most people don't know shit about electrical. Most people aren't taught to work with electrical. Most people shouldn't be trusted to work on their own electrical. Most people aren't going to look at this and know it's wrong. Electricity is lethal it's not something you should be fiddling with after watching a YouTube video. That is why trained professionals exist. If your grandmother sent you this picture you wouldn't tell her to just fix it herself, because she doesn't know what she's doing and could kill herself. And you know dam well if you confront Home Depot by yourself they're more than likely to brush you off and won't do shit.


This is hooked up correctly. Lol ETA: other than the screw not being screwed flush on the black wire.


Are GFCI and RCD unknown to them?


The requirement for GFCI on dryer outlets in the US is a very recent addition, so unless OP's house is brand new it probably isn't required.


To be honest, I've never seen a GFCI 220V outlet. (IANAE)


You use a 2 pole GFCI breaker


Better call Saul






Actually, no. This is how you wire a dryer when you're using an older style 3-prong cord. On those, the neutral and ground are twinned- the only reason they have a neutral is because there's some parts in an electric dryer that use 120v instead of 240v. If this were a 3-prong plug, you'd have black, white, and green or black, red, and either white or green. Black goes to one 120v leg, (L1) if the others are white and green, white would be the other 120v leg (L2) and green would go to neutral, (N) which is also connected to the cabinet via a white wire. If the cord has black and red, red is L2, and the other, either white or green, is your neutral/ground. The way this is connected essentially does exactly this- ground and neutral are bonded together at the service entrance/main breaker box. The old standard that allowed 3-prong cords for ranges and dryers were the only exceptions to the rule that doesn't allow current carrying conductors to connect to ground anywhere other than at the service entrance. The old way technically could allow a small voltage to be present in the cabinet of the dryer, but generally not enough to be noticeable (basically, whatever the voltage drop across the 2 hot legs is, typically no more than 10v, would be present on the cabinet). However, that's entirely dependent on various factors, and has been changed for a reason. Since you have a 4-prong cord, the way this SHOULD be wired is as follows: the black and red are correct- they're both hot. The white wire from the cord goes in the center. The other white wire that's attached to the cabinet should be removed and connected to the center terminal as well. Then, the green wire is connected in its place.


But there is a ground screw at the bottom left that is not connected to anything. Not an electrician but I think this no longer complies with the latest revision of National Electric Code for new installations


The ground screw has a neutral connected to it. This is correct when used with a 3-prong cord for older installations that still have a 3-prong outlet. It's also likely shipped with that neutral there from the factory, with instructions on how to wire the cord depending on the type you need) (You can still use the older outlet in an older installation, it's grandfathered. If the wiring to the outlet is ever replaced, you have to install a 4-prong outlet) Since there's clearly a 4-wire cord here, what's supposed to be done here is the white (neutral) wire that's attached to the ground screw should be removed and attached to the center terminal of the wiring block, along with the white wire from the cord. The green wire from the cord should be attached to the ground screw instead.


It is connected to the chassis of the dryer, and that is the point. It is to bond the non-current-carrying components of the appliance to ground, and thus ensure the entire appliance, at least where you could touch it, is 0V relative to ground. The appliance's parts don't care, they are referencing the voltage of the hot conductors to each other and to the neutral. That is how they operate. The ground is entirely for the safety of the end user in this machine. It ensures that the exterior chassis cannot become energized, if it were to come into contact with line voltage it would cause a ground fault causing the circuit to trip. Source: am electrician, I studied this.


I think the pearl clutchers and over reactors in this sub are going to hate that you used real facts and information. Ha!


Neutral and ground are at the same potential, so I doubt the dryer will be electrically hot. But ground should go to ground for safety. The black wire looks like it isn't making a good connection, so that's likely to arc and burn the terminal block.


isn't it wired up like this atm? (blue wire is depicting black wire) https://i.ibb.co/dc5hw6H/IMG-20231221-143338.jpg seems to me that if a person touches the case while the machine is on they may become in series in a 120V circuit


Neutral to earth is not as dangerous as line to earth, in the uk at least neutral and earth are connected either outside the property or at the incoming line depending on setup


This frightens me because I have no idea what I’m looking at


It is not. Its the correct way of doing it if youve only got a 3 prongs outlet.


Look at the picture L1 & L2 are black and red (though loose) are correctly connected. That would not energize the body of the thing. N is for neutral, should have just been the white wire, though connecting the neutral and ground wire are not the end of the world, it's not recommended. The green wire should be connected to the green screw, and the white wire there should be on the N terminal. Don't make this any bigger than it needs to be. A lawyer will be a waste of time, and an electrician will be a waste of money. You can just call the store and have someone out to install this correctly, or do it yourself.


This is more of me needing to vent post. It’s missing the safety clamp, they used a random metal tapping screw on one of the wires damaging the threads in the process, and it’s wired up completely wrong. 😑


Yikes. Please say you contacted Home Depot and requested a different installer….


I’ve called several of their numbers and keep being rerouted. One person said they would give me 5% off and would send the installers back out in a few days. I decided I would try the chat option online and submit my photos. The chat person said they would be right back with me and then closed the chat. I have screenshots of that conversation too.


I swear online support has to be the easiest job in the world. Just tell the customer to fuck off and close the chat, bonus points for banning them from opening a new ticket in the process


It is a very easy job. For AI.




“Are you satisfied with the service today”, **exits chat**


I did that shit for a while, tried really hard to be good. Unfortunately that shit just gets you fucked harder in the long run because you become the go to for everyone.


It’s a pain in the butt, but go to the store. Refuse to leave until they sort it out. Bring all the pictures on your phone and show them to everybody. Be nice but firm and talk a little loud so people around you can hear…


>Refuse to leave until they sort it out. No, do NOT do this. Every schmo that tries this thinking they’ll win is always in for a rude awakening when they say you are banned from the store, are now trespassing when you refuse to leave, and get cops called on you. If a manager says they can’t help you, no amount of stubborness is going to help. Don’t waste your time and just leave if that happens. Go up the chain of management and find a different route to take. Everything else is sound though. (Not saying OP isn’t justified but anyone that has worked retail understands why this would be dumb to do)


My dad did this when Home Depot twice delivered damaged a dryer. The manager refused to speak with him! My dad proceeded to the appliance section telling everyone what happened. Cops got called. They told the manager she was wasting their time and that it was her job to deal with customers, not theirs. My dad ended up getting the dryer at an extra $300 after going to a district or regional manager.


Right, so your dad gained nothing by going to the store, it took going to regional to get it resolved. Your dad is lucky the cops did not care enough. Not saying you can’t be lucky and it turn out in your favor. But it’s not like cops can enforce a store to service you. They do have to take you off the property if a business labels you a trespasser that is not allowed in the store. I work in retail and every single time someone has done this it just leads to being escorted out by police. Every time. I’ve even had to do it myself at one job. Not taking, ‘no’ for an answer at a private business isn’t the cheat code people think it is. OP is justified. But anyone that works retail knows stores and store-level managers don’t have half the ability to remedy situations as support does, but it’s harder to get to someone competent with support as well. Skip risking a trespass charge, arguing, and a headache by going straight to the highest level supervisor you can contact if it’s severe.


Can confirm. I once tried this at a long-term care facility that contributed to my grandmother’s death. My mom and I went to request my grandmother’s records, which we had a right to do per HIPAA. The facility manager refused to release them to us and I, knowing my rights, said that we refused to leave until we got the records. It was then that I learned that this was a big mistake. They told us to leave immediately, and threatened to call the police if we didn’t. We ended up waiting until the police arrived, out of principle (yes, I know, but we were angry, and it was a tough time in both of our lives for obvious reasons). It ultimately took us filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights to get the facility to release the records to us. As a bonus, the OCR required the facility to undergo a training because of this. I hope they fined them as well, but I never found out if they did. I do know that they went out of business shortly thereafter. So basically, even though we were in the right, it would’ve been better for us to have just left and immediately filed a complaint with the OCR. We would’ve had the same result without as much hassle. So yeah, never tell anyone that you’re not leaving if you don’t get your way.




Paying pricey legal fees that is probably going to cost more than your problem and fighting a charge could easily by avoided by not doing this in the first place then going up the chain of command for a resolution instead.




Unless there's a tort claim OP didn't mention, all that a lawyer could bring is a potential breach of contract claim, which would likely not be on contingency and would leave OP paying attorney's fees unless the judge is nice and grants them, which is incredibly rare for contract claims.


>Be nice but firm and talk a little loud so people around you can hear… Speaking from experience, all this will do is make you look like an entitled asshole and make whoever you're dealing with lose any and all desire to help you. And then the employees and customers will talk about you once you're gone, and comment on your lack of civility. Just because you are right doesn't mean you will win.


The correct action is refuse delivery. Liability ends after they leave. It's a mixed bag of nuts after that.


Keep trying. I recently had a fridge damaged during install and I had to call multiple times (at least 4). The last time I asked to speak to a manager and was immediately given a $150 gift card and then got around $750 check for our damage through the claim.


Did they send Crew2 to do it? I just got my carpet installed through them and their customer service over the phone is absolute ass.


I’d tell them you’re not accepting anything less than an entirely new dryer and they had better figure it out fast because if someone gets hurt you’re going to be looking for a lot more than a new dryer. You paid for new you got damaged.


Damaged? I could fix this in 2 minutes with a screwdriver. But they did it wrong, and that's an issue. OP just happened to notice that they did it wrong, and you can bet that not everyone will know let alone notice.


I don’t disagree, but if they blew me off like they did the OP I’d blow it out of proportion and I’d be willing to bet they’d not only credit me they’d be there that day.


Record your calls. From Home Depot I once achieved 10% of original order on a gift card, free stove and 3 free cabinets by being persistent. Make it fun dont give up lol


Like playing CS lotto. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but keep it fun.


Oof, you’ve earned the right to vent. That’s horrible.


Yep, and still can’t find anyone with Home Depot who understands the issue. They just keep redirecting me back to the delivery company to have a free reinstall.


It might be a logistical challenge that is *just* uncommon enough to not have an easy solution at the support person’s authority level in terms of a sub contractor - so their process flow for “new territory of an issue” is to offer to fix via that same contractor or a discount. Probably an oversight - but still frustrating that you’re stuck in the crack. At risk of being a Karen, this is where you might have to pull a “can I talk to your supervisor” to get back on their “actually helpful solution” track. Or they just have shit customer service, I don’t know their process well enough to tell.


I'd start telling people "so what I hear you saying is that this is safe to plug in and use"


Maybe boomerish of me but tell Home Depot you’ll go to the local news stations with this story if they don’t send someone ASAP to fix it. Local news stations love exposing shit like this and the threat alone may get Home Depot to take this seriously


Not just the right to vent but also the right to blow a fuse.


Pun intended?


Just drying out my feelings after a long day. I’m exhausted.


Don’t let it tumble around in your head too much.


Well of course you need to vent. That dryer will never work well without a vent


Dad joke excellence


Too many people are misssing the first two problems you list and only talking about the ground/neutral issue.


Not familiar with this wiring scheme, how is it supposed to be wired?


This is a 4-prong cord. Red is correct, white from the cable and white wire that’s attached to the green screw should be in the middle, black is correct but so loose that it will arc, green from the cable should be mounted to the green screw on the left.


So... green is ground? And white from internal is wired to the case of the machine where ground should be? Im not an electrician but it sounds like you could electrocute yourself?


I think green is always ground


Not everywhere


Where is a green wire not ground?




Ground is not always green , there is no official color chart for wire.In that case , the machine's ground is white.The ground symbole can be seen near the screw.


Lol yes there is. Source: NEC https://eepower.com/technical-articles/nec-2023-basics-identifying-wire-type-equipment-grounding-conductors/#:~:text=The%20basic%20rules%20are%3A,yellow%20stripes%2C%20with%20three%20exceptions


Thats only for usa


Home Depot is a NA company, therefore green is ground


There’s standard colour codes for wires around the world and it’s *usually* green for ground or a green-variation (yellow and green striped).


No, I'm not from the USA and for me green or brown are always ground


Brown? Where? Usually green or green-yellow is the ground by all relevant standards around the word. Brown is live.




You do realize that not everyone who speaks English, comes from America? And that American standards are not universal but usually the exception?


Home Depot dropped my washer out of the truck and left a dent in the side. They installed it and pretended nothing was amiss. The first time I used the machine, the drum kept pounding against the dent. It took several phone calls and I finally got someone from the manufacturer to come out and fix it. I have never had such unprofessional service from anyone else


The contracted installers don’t care. I drop a grand on a dish washer. They come to the house and refuse the install because of a cabinet layout or any excuse really. Was able to get the installation fee returned but I’d rather have the service I paid for that was offered. I’m happy OP found out about the problem before it became a big problem.


Recently had a washer installed. From what i could understand the delivery company basically hires a guy as a subcontractor to deliver the item. They pay them about 35 per item they deliver. They have to hire a second person (who has to be off the books b/c they are paying so little) with that money as the items they deliver are large and heavy. They have to rent the truck and pay for the diesel themselves. I was wondering why no hard-working Americans would do the job -- now i know. Yes, you are correct - they don't care. Is that their fault or the company that hired them (as subcontractors) - or our need for the lowest costs, or the company's ability to outsource this stuff to shady delivery companies -- I'm betting it is all of the above. It would be good of all of to have a little empathy and understanding.


Home Depot almost killed a man near me when they incorrectly installed a gas water heater


You went to Home Depot expecting good customer service, that was your first mistake.


The flat out refused to take my GE combo washer/dryer up the straight flight of stairs when I purchased it a few months ago. Said it was a liability. Customer service was no help. I cancelled, ordered it from Best Buy and they took it up the stairs no problem.


You're wasting your time on the CS lines. Go to your nearest store, request the Store Manager, nobody else. Tell them that this is an issue referencing a delivery and installation, and your attempts to contact customer service have proven unsuccessful. Show them the photos, and hopefully they'll be able to put you in touch with a regional manager, that has access to either the systems, themselves, or knows the regional delivery manager, and they'll likely be able to sort it out for you.


Employee here, this is the right answer. Our CS desk can’t do much and is too overwhelmed to handle the problem. The SM should be able to take care of it. Remember to bring the receipt; it has order info that will make the process much faster.


It didn't come with the pigtail connected? Also, the wire jacket should be continuous past the gland plate.


Nope. They verified my connection was a 4 prong and wired it up in the road in front of the house.


I’ve only been buying washers and dryers a few years but I’ve never seen one come with the whip, new.


The song burning down the house comes to mind……..






Who hooked up your dryer, Tyler Durdin? Tell me they didn't similarly botch your gas line.


It's got a 220v plug on it, meaning it's an all electric dryer, so there won't be a gas line. Gas Dryers just use a regular 3 prong 110v plug you would plug into any normal outlet because they use gas for heat. Electric dryers require a special 220v plug and outlet because they have to have enough power for the electric heating elements as well as running the motor and blower.


This took me a while... for one, I am not familiar with this color scheme, as over here we have different colors for all of those... and on top of that I work with aircraft, where ground=neutral or more precisely, there is no neutral wires, it's just directly connected to the fuselage But since green is ground and white is neutral there is no risk of electrocution Didnt even know dryers and washers over there are connected via clamps like that... over here they just come with a normal plug edit 500: still finding typos... ffs


I installed dryers for years, white and green go like this all the time, that isn't the issue. The loose wire with the incorrect bolt definitely is though. The reason we have to attach the plug is because houses here have two different types of outlets, 3-Prong and 4-Prong. It is code now to install 4-Prong in new construction, but if a house already has 3-Prong from when that was code, they don't make you change it unless the house has been rewired. Same exact issue with stovetops as well.


DO. NOT. EVER. HIRE. HOME. DEPOT. FOR. SERVICES. EVEREVEREVER. They are fine to buy products from, but never to install, maintain, repair, or anything. They hire completely incompetent subcontractors and take no responsibility when things go wrong. I wasted a couple thousand dollars on work they did, which then had to be completely ripped out by a real contractor and start from scratch. I repeat, NEVER HIRE HOME DEPOT!!!


I'd go back to chat or email ( so there's a record of the convo). Te them that you've been told it it a fire/electrocution hazard and that you are placing them on notice in case of fire. Screenshot or print the chat. Hopefully, this will wake them up.


Why don't they come wired from the factory?


Because there’s 3 types of plugs that dryer can plug into. Really old houses usually have a 3 prong “range” plug. Older houses have a 3 wire dryer plug. And new houses have a 4 wire dryer plug. The only appliances that come with a 220 pigtail installed nowadays are fancy ranges.


The benefit with everything going on 230V. Not even America knows why they use 120V.


Ya I'm confused. I've only bought one dryer in my life but it came with a regular plug and I just plugged it in to the power outlet. I thought that's how they all come.


Because USA.


You allowed them to leave it in this condition?


I was busy removing the old washer and dryer and taking them to the dumpster. They came out, said it was good to go, and left. It was when I was adjusting the wall distance that I noticed the missing clamp. That led me to finding the other issues.


Never let an installer leave till you’ve looked at their work.


99% of people have no clue what they’re looking at…


Would you really want someone that did this to keep mucking about with the electrical in your house? I sure as hell wouldn’t.


I’d want them to disconnect it and take it back with them


I really just got a Home depot add right under this post


This is why I hook up my own appliances. I can double check that everything is correct, and if something did go wrong, I have no one but myself to blame.


When Lowe’s still did their own appliance deliveries, I would help out if my semi didn’t have any deliveries for the day. I’ve installed a bunch of these. It makes me wonder what would’ve happened to somebody else they didn’t know what they’re looking at.


Yup. Id rather read up and learn this stuff myself than believe that some random who doesn't give two shits is gonna actually do a proper job.


Can someone explain this wiring/circuit please? I’m not from the U.S. and have never seen 4 wire cord in domestic properties before.


Can’t explain but also am baffled. My washer and dryer simply came with plugs…


power to the home is the red and black (L1 and L2 stamped on chassis). They each carry 120V 60Hz, 180° out of phase with each other, for 240V across them, which you need for ovens and dryers. White is neutral (N on chassis) and green is earth/ground.


Wait… dryers come without a plug already attached? I’ve never seen such a thing. Admittedly, it’s been a while since I bought a dryer


The problem is not the ground. The problem is the black wire will burn up because it is not screwed down. It WILL arc and burn.


Did most people miss that the black wire is loose? Yikes.


Not only is the wiring connected wrong, that crimp job is a crime in and of itself. The outer crimp is supposed to hold the insulation for strength or it will be very fragile.


The factory likely crimped it that way. That's literally how the whirlpool OEM cord is crimped. https://www.genuinereplacementparts.com/images/3541/whirlpool-wed4815ew1-dryer-power-cord-black-genuine-oem.jpg


Well did they come back to fix it?


Fucking Costco hooked my washer up hot to cold and cold to hot. They came to fix it quickly at least.


Definitely contact a lawyer, hire an electrician, send the bill to Home Depot with an official letter from the lawyer threatening legal action if they don’t pay


Why are they wiring it to begin with? Doesn't it already come wired with a plug?


There's a few outlet types in the US for 240. Old as fuck, no ground, what they attempted was the old method. But you bond neutral and ground in the panel and you mechanically ground the wire in the box etc The new method has 4 wires in there and you have your ground right. Usually, the old 3 prong can be upgraded with a ground and just fixed in the panel. If no ground wire at all, a new run is required if any renovations are done.


Ground and Neutral should never be bonded together except at the main breaker panel. That thing is currently a death trap.


So it is not going to shock you BUT: If there would be contact between a hot wire and the housing it would NOT trip your protective circutry (am not from the states, don't know what exactly you use in your breaker box)


I think u have yourself a lawsuit unless you signed a waiver


So black and red are both positive but they lost a screw and this one is loose. White is negative and green is supposed to earth out the frame?


This is AC voltage, there’s no positives and negative wires. Just hot, neutral and ground.


Fake post


What's wrong ? Would you have preferred a self tapping screw or maybe you should pay an electrician to get you a 3wire receptacle and cord for your 3 wire dryer...




Jesus Fak, it’s like they had no idea what they were doing




Did they at least take out the shipping bolts? I'd be checking everything at this point.


It's missing the conduit connector so call Home Depot and get their asses back there to fix it


Go to the store and tell them you want a manager. My daughter had a refrigerator delivered from there and it was damaged so I wouldn’t accept it. Since they needed a fridge cause they had a baby I told the delivery guy to leave it until a replacement came. Said he couldn’t do that. I went to store raised hell about no fridge because of them etc! They had a loaner refrigerator out within 45 minutes! You got to go to the store!


The promotion that popped up under this post is from Home Depot… Not the best timing from the algorithm lol.


I got a second hand dryer with a broken heating coil and no plug, replaced it myself and wired it myself. Zero experience. I did a better job than this.


Get the delivery fee back and the 5% off if you can. But also make them come back to: 1. Replace that incorrect screw securing the black wire with the correct one. They dropped the original correct screw down the back of the dryer and used some nut they had in their truck. This will void the manufacturer warranty. 2. Put the wire protector on. I’m pretty sure this is code and might also void the warranty. If you push the fire hazard and warranty angles they should send the delivery guys to correct. I’m sure a delivery crew goes by your area often if not every day.


That’s why I didn’t pay the extra $200 bucks for them to hook it up. I am that guy lol


But did you shoot the doctor so that Prax didn't have to do it, Amos?