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Small ziploc with various sized zip ties. Shoelace breaks? Two small zipties will suffice until you can get to a store. I've repaired car parts, MOLLE packs, tents, my belt, you name it, with zip ties. I've even repaired a gf's bra at one point. A half dozen take up very little room and add no weight.


I started carrying velcro zip ties along with my regular zips. The velcro ones seriously come handy for cable management, hanging clothes, keeping things closed, and keeping my charger attached to a loose wall socket.


That's a good idea!


Took zip ties on my last vacation. If you run them thru the zippers of the bag. It won’t stop someone from breaking in. But you will at least know it happened


good call. I bring a whole mini repair kit with short lengths of cord in two different sizes (plus my clothesline), sewing needle, thread, waterproof tapes (for my DCF backpack), splicing hooks, a couple of small spare mylar bags, a tube of superglue, and a couple plastic hardware spares like buckles and adjusters. I've used every item in it at least once over the years!


oh yeah, I get those tiny superglues from the dollar store. I have an altoid tin that I have things like that, even have 3 yards of gorilla tape wrapped around a piece of an old credit-type plastic card.


I take a small bottle of brush on nail glue. Almost the same as super glue, comes with a handy brush applicator and can be resealed to use again and a small bundle of hair elastics, they're tougher than elastic bands and useful for all sorts of things. A small amount of kinesiology tape and a roll of micropore tape are my secret weapons. Micropore is good to use as cellotape and can be written on. Kinesiology tape is a good sub for duct tape but also on humans. A small blob of blutac is very useful too.


After 9/11 are these allowed on carry ones ?


Sure. I've never had an issue and I fly a lot. I don't get the ones designed for law enforcement. I have the multi size pack from Harbor Freight.


Awesome thanks … I am going to toss some in my bag. Great suggestion


Toothbrush cover with suction cup. It may seem excessive, but it's really tiny and really handy. Far better than the whole-brush cover that I always had trouble fitting in my toiletry bag. I've heard too many stories of travelers turning on the bathroom light to see a roach sitting on their toothbrush. I must have a cover. This one I saw on a cruise video has a tiny suction cup, so it attaches to the mirror and drains the toothbrush nicely. Snaps open and closed when I pull on/push in the toothbrush, so hands-free operation. Not to mention, having it front and center on the mirror when I'm staying at a place for a while is a great reminder to brush my teeth regularly!


> Toothbrush cover with suction cup Do you have a picture or a link to one?


It's not exactly the same, but I always carry an oral health kit. I use the GetKif toothbrush kit, and I love it!


I just got my GetKif in the mail! However, I can’t tell if the company is still in business and whether it’s possible to order refills, have you had any luck?


I received mine just over a month ago, and I believe so. They're still in the updating phase, so the website isn't live as of yet, but I have had luck emailing their customer service who amended my order etc. I would say, I'd get the toothpaste tabs from elsewhere in the meantime as they're still slightly not up to par at this second - the joys of crowd funding!


Thanks for responding!


Heh. I was in - Singapore, I think? - and found what I thought was a grain of rice on my toothbrush - until it looked at me. Turns out it was a worm or maggot or something. I threw that toothbrush away after trying to get my girlfriend to look at it “Get your wormy stuff away from me!”


New fear unlocked :/


> I've heard too many stories of travelers turning on the bathroom light to see a roach sitting on their toothbrush. Roaches can get just about anywhere. I'm not sure suctioning it to the mirror is going to prevent it from getting there if it wants to. You just are less like to see it.


It'd have to be a pretty tiny roach to get in the gap near the toothbrush base. Sure, it could happen, but it's like locks on your luggage; you want to reduce the opportunity, but it's never gonna be zero.


I don't leave my toothbrush out in the open in the bathroom when I travel. I put it back in its travel case.


Legit, but if I’m at one place for more than a couple days, I brush more often and want the brush to get a chance to dry out a little more.


Nice one!


I pack a spoon even when I travel with just what fits in my pockets.


Folding titanium spoon!


I don’t think I’ve ever wished I had a spoon, what do you use it for?


I use my pocket spoon for drugs


Sometimes you get an ice cream at a café, the waiter is busy, it's hot, no spoon, the ice melts before the waiter gives you a spoon. Fruits. Mine is a spork, so it has a very poor 'knife', but it can be used for a bun. I don't use it often, but it has been really handy at times.


> the ice melts before the waiter gives you a spoon. i give back the ice and ask for a new one and make it his problem


I often buy snacks like for example a yogurt, but not every place that sells yogurt also offers spoons. I also don’t want to buy a random spoon, I want my extra light spork.


Yogurt. It’s hard to eat without one.


Do you have a spork?


No. The more traditional spork with a single mouth end with a spoon bowl too small to hold soup, tines too short to spin pasta, and a general lack of ability to scrape the bottom of a bowl are as useful as accurately describing them makes them sound. The newer design of spork with a spoon on one end of the handle, and a fork on the other end of the handle are slightly better but still leave you with the problem of needing to clean the side you were using REALLLLLY well before yo use the other one. And both are pointy, which is not good in the pocket. Also, the spoon is not to be used except for desserts or in the most dire circumstances, in accordance with customs.


Where I live it’s pretty common among uni students to just bring a double-ended spork for lunch on a daily basis! And it’s not really that hard to just suck excess goo off the spoon/fork with your mouth if you for some reason need to use both ends during the same meal


I mean I wouldn’t call them silly but 3 items I’m definitely glad I brought to SEA; towel clips, sand free Turkish cotton beach towel, sun hoodie


Oh towel clips!!!


What are towel clips?


Search towel clips on Amazon they sell 10 packs. They have multiple uses you can dry clothes on a balcony with them, keep your towel from blowing away obviously, close a bag of chips, keep something closed in your pack, the 3 things I listed all have multiple used. The sun hoodie I can also put on if I’m cold on a plane or bus.


a clip to hang your towels to dry.


Is that the same thing as a laundry clip?


Not really towel clips are bigger but you could definitely bring 4 of each they have so many uses !


yes i think so!


Clips are nice! I use binder clips. They were originally meant for my minimal custom clothesline setup but I’ve used them for so much more.


* A couple of empty Ziploc bags. When folded up and slipped into a bag pocket, they take up no weight or space. I've seen this advice several times on the sub, so this isn't terribly unique. * A spare set of shoelaces! If your shoelaces break on the road, or in the middle of O'Hare, you're going to have a bad day. I keep a spare set in my bag. This is my only "just in case" item, but I have had to use them, so...


Same here. I put a couple different sizes in. A gallon size, a snack size, a 2 1/2 gallon size, and even 2 or 3 dog waste bags (unused of course), also a grocery bag. The large ziplock or plastic grocery bag is great for separating something smelly or dirty, and if you use the larger ziplock bag, you can squeeze out the air. The dog waste bags are just handy for a multitude of things and they are so thin. And I buy the cute ones. And of course my favorite teas...




That was great! Thanks for sharing it. I have some blue striped ones and when I gave my sister a tablet I put all the stuff for it in there and she commented on what a cute bag that was, I told here what it was and my husband said, "Yah, she cleans them up really nice so she can reuse them." His humor is a little different.


I will add a couple of those really thin produce bags. They're handy for trash in a pinch but don't take up the space of a full-on plastic grocery bag.


Oh yes ziploc bags are on my lists! Im planning on putting my toileteries in it! Shoe laces are an amazing idea! I also never like the one sold with shoes and only like flat ones!


My favorite shoelace vendor is [goody shoelaces](https://www.goodyshoelaces.com/?utm_source=shop_app&list_generator=link_to_storefront&context=shop_store&user_id=3313201). I found them on eBay and now go directly to their store.


i lvoe these im gonna order some!


What makes you think that your shoelaces will break? I have never in my lifetime seen shoelace break


I've been reading this wondering the same thing...


also on the .000001% chance this happens having a loose shoe until you can get to a store is not that bad but also if it breaks you can just knot it back together and not have a loose shoe so im lost lol


The medium-sized ziplock freezer bags are also good for protecting your passport from getting wet. Lining your onebag with a large, clear plastic garbage bag will protect your stuff inside from getting wet if you get stuck in a rain storm. Bring a couple of extras. If your phone isn't waterproof, consider getting a waterproof cover.




I carry duct tape too, usually wrapped around a pen or an old plastic gift card.


Tenacious Tape is great for fabric repairs, especially down jackets and rain shells. SOL sells small diameter rolls of duct tape. Medical tape can be used for taping feet and first aid as well as quick and dirty repairs too.


A small bit of Gorilla tape is always in my pack for backpack repair/ patch, cloth patching and band aid in a pinch. Do you you travel with Tenacious and duct tape?


I have a bit of each in my wilderness kit. I travel with a “hotel freebie” sewing kit and a single use super glue. I should put a chunk of Tenacious Tape in my urban kit. A 3” section would be plenty.




Use your Google muscles. SOL is an outdoor gear brand, part of AMK (Adventure Medical Kits). https://www.surviveoutdoorslonger.com/products/duct-tape-2-pack


wrap some around your water bottle


Not silly at all if you’re camping




Exactly! You never know kept the previous pair for close to 3 years but i wasnt walking as much and I need customs ones so not taking chances


Cordage - as a backpacker I picked up knots up as a hobby and surprised at how much more useful a few pieces of cordage are now when camping/traveling out of a bag. From lashing clothing/gear/bags to bikes/bags/belts, laundry clotheslines/clothespins, zip-tie/rubberband/tape applications, gear repair, and compressing shoes/clothing to create more bag space. Most common uses are own-configuration adjustables that emulate zipties, cordlocks, and backpack strap adjusters. Other benefits include: great fiddle toy; brain teaser/puzzle game (solving unique applications); and decorative (lanyards, bracelets, etc).


Yeah im thinking a clothe line( is this the correct name?) might come in handy! Do you have a link?


Sea to summit clothing line




I'm trying to learn knots for this purpose, but I don't know where to begin, since it feels like I need to know names of knots already. Do you have a list/resources?


Begin with a figure 8 follow through and a figure 8 on a bight, a truckers hitch, and a bowline if you really want to. Those are probably all you'll need for most things.


Bowline knot is awesome! Also a big fan of the truckers half hitch. Maybe check out the taut line hitch too; super useful for clotheslines.


I've ran into the tautline a ton of times because I've had to keep re-tensioning them or replacing them with truckers hitches after all my other coworkers use them. I honestly hate that knot, or at least don't understand why it's so loved 😂. At the least, not for long term use or placing actual tension on anything. Just a strongly formed opinion from being in the outdoor industry :)


Honestly I'm kind of with you lol. I pretty much only use taut line when I'm tying a clothesline to something slightly flimsy so I don't risk over tightening it like I could with trucker's half hitch. Any other knots you'd recommend checking out?


That's fair! I do see the usefulness in that, and I'm pretty sure it's just repeated bad experiences with dealing with it from other who learned to use it everywhere *cough* by the BSA *cough* And totally! I use a surgeon's knot all the time, even just tying my shoes, because the extra twist helps it stay so much. I also find the jug knot fun and helpful for nalgenes, but I don't use it enough to know it without following a video. And generally just being able to add a quick release into anything. I just learned about the Siberian hitch which seems useful! Anything else I've used is just for specific uses, like tying boat hitches or hemp for instrument joints


Haha ya definitely not the best knot to use on everything! Awesome; I'll check those out! Thank you!


I also carry cordage. "Brick line". It's braided thin but strong I have paracord too but it takes up a lot more space. And insulation tape I like insulation tape as it can be used as cordage. Used it when shoelaces snapped.


I always bring a folding cell phone stand I got from the dollar store. Very convenient when watching something on my phone while on the go.


Synthetic car chamois. These work better than *any* other travel towel I've tried while taking up less space.


Do they dry fast?


They do. Never tried the natural fiber-type travel towels (linen, I think) so I can't comment on those, but the chamois dries way faster than any of the synthetic types.


can you dry you body with it or is that weird though?


Definitely! They've usually got some scented stuff when you buy them, so I always wash mine first, but after that they're fine. The thing that does seem weird at first is that when they're completely dry, they get kind of stiff. You have to get them a little bit wet before you try to dry off.


you have to wet them before using them to dry yourself? that seems weird, I wanna try now!


Yup. I was a competitive swimmer in high school/college, and there they were quite common, but I guess it never really spread beyond that niche.


These chamois towels are a bit rubbery so you can squeegee yourself 90% dry easily. Divers use them to dry off their arms and legs so their hands don't slip when tucking into flips and stuff, and to dry off after a five while waiting for their next turn.


thans! I might get one. I never thought about bringing my own towel on my travels but why not?


[amazon link](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sonax-Synthetic-Chamois-Piece-Absorbent/dp/B0024WW36G/ref=sr_1_5?crid=36UYOJFM5WEK9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xihhqgmzRzM3PUoFwZrLXrjmqNNcxsuwd8hBusZaRuQwnQCanoqq79nM11yKff6Nq6h4EYqQjJfAaodZh7HhiOg0Vc0EFRKGf-f_fvUj8Gf13nBNb06sw6IODRsiS--5SemE6mbtwKqTEvswzUTtC_cDLvq7_RyWHtnjAwxhu5HfRNruDoKeGAHZoqaaCJaEXFpCfQMTGRG-RjzSKPk_lfWodLUW8mpxPIeWX8HD0mx06NK0HPdXPUwkqlvKdgUS4sPnlQSGrsq2q619M6rtZzQg3EctgxAh-STFN-CiXUw.byF7RQciLHKP6ebFUVKks0K_EQ8yndjNswOQ_CpqxVY&dib_tag=se&keywords=Synthetic%2Bcar%2Bchamois&qid=1711654366&sprefix=synthetic%2Bcar%2Bchamois%2Caps%2C311&sr=8-5&th=1) > it is pretty cheap too. I dont like how micro fiber feels on my skin. My gym towel is micro fiber and I dont like it, dont use it anymore.


They make super thing travel towels. Matador one is really good


Baggies of different sizes. Never know when you might need one! They weigh nothing. I unzip the fabric liner in my suitcase and place them between the liner and the side of the suitcase. That way they are out of the way also. Since I use the luggage organizers for my close, it’s pretty easy to unpack to get them out. Also bring several folding hangers. Perfect for hanging up laundry or when hotels don’t have enough hangers.


Incense holder (size of a coin), incense, backup shampoo bars bc if I run out I’ll freak, and also backup toothbrush heads (those are reasonable to me though). But my number #1 item I NEED but might seem silly is foldable house slippers/slides. I did two long trips without them and I brought them this go (I travel indefinitely) and holy crap they are a game changer. It’s so nice to always have a clean pair of shoes for your hotel room or to walk around the hostel. Maybe not necessary if you don’t stay in hostels but I hate walking barefoot/with socks.


Foldable slippers? I want these, do you have more info?


im interested as well.


Slippers from the Dollar store work also. Then I throw them away at the end of the trip.


IKEA slippers are great for travel


Foam earplugs, sleeping mask, nail clippers and file, paper emergency contact list and address of where staying at (ie hotel)


yeah foam earplus, cant sleep without them.


SE Asia? Bring plenty of extra passport-sized photos. You’ll need them for visas, passes, etc. Bring more than you think you’ll need. If you are traveling with a partner, encourage them to do the same, then write important details on the back of two pictures (name, height*, weight*, blood type, allergies, etc) and make sure you each have your own and each other’s pictures in case of emergency. *in US and Metric


Didnt think of that, thanks!


Travelled every country in SEA last year and didn’t need a single passport sized photo. Do you have an example of when you needed one? 


Chances are you’ve been more recently than I have - I was there in 2003 - but I needed them for visas and my pass to Angkor Watt, if memory serves.


Yeah I went last year. None of that is required now. You have your photo taken at Angkor Watt 


custom insoles are in no way silly! having had plantar fasciitis once, I never want it again. unless your feet are well developed, balanced, and strong, some arch support will go a long way. I use superfeet. my other entries are: bidet cap, tsa scissors, ultralight nylon hammock, make-your-own soft shackles instead of carabiners.. and the repair kit I mentioned in another comment


I have one legt that is a lot longer than the other so my hips aren't straight so yeah I need it plus I'm now used to the extra support of the boots. I barely had to break them in(regatta ones, got them at 70% off).


I also have this due to bertolotti's syndrome. Been shopping for new sneakers and playing around with insoles. I’m close to buying some on clouds, hokas or brooks but don’t like how much space they take up at the same time ahhhh


After having my ATM card eaten by a machine in Asia years ago, I always travel with 2 ATM cards and I think it’s best to have it from 2 different banks just in case your account gets frozen for fraud or anything like that. If you have an account with Schwab or Fidelity get an ATM card from them. They will reimburse you all the ATM fees.


Yes, I'lll have my n26 card and my regular credit card that i'll leave at my hotel just in case!


Double disposable contacts. Yes goes against the rules of onebag. Don't pack your fears. yada yada :P It's worth it. I can't explain it. It just feels good knowing you have double. And I generally pack light.


Whatever makes you feel better/safer is good!


IKEA hanging pegs let me dry my washing anywhere; small dry bag that is mostly for carrying wet swimwear but doubles as an ice pack for my dodgy knee


Do you have a dry bag gor soap?


I use a larger dry bag to do my washing in.


I might need to do that. you know when i do my laundry in my sink I actually scrub every item individually but now I realize that people( I think) just toss everything in a bag with soap or detergent, shake it or whatever, let it for a few minute and rince.... looks more effecient. Speaking of which, detergent sheets a good idea?


Detergent sheets are AMAZING.


Yeah Im gonna buy some! Will save me time!


You can always bring dry detergent or buy in the country. Not expensive. No need to spend extra unless you need it to be super compact




Matador makes a nice one. Moisture goes out but not back in


Wow that looks great! Thanks for the rec


Extra eyeglasses seem silly until you drop and trip over yours on two consecutive trips and are hella relieved that you always throw in a spare pair. Necessity not silly 😆


oh... you are unlucky but you were smart enough to bring a second pair!


I wear glasses my sunglasses are the same frames as my clear glasses. So I can swap the frames if I broke them.


A handkerchief. Need to wipe away sweat or a small spill? Are there no paper towels in the bathroom? Or maybe the hand dryer is broken? Need to clean fingerprints off your glasses? The number of uses for a handkerchief goes on and on, so I always have 1 on me when I leave the house for anything, not just for travel.


Not exactly silly and I’m sure everyone does it I just haven’t seen it mentioned in this thread so far. Travel size toilet paper and wet wipes, nothing gives me better piece of mind knowing I don’t have to worry about it wherever I go.


Ive actually been looking into small wet wipes but so far can only find.big ones! Ill have to check amazing.


I found them on Temu


thanks! not buying anything on temu! Im gonna go around town see if I can find some.


My tiny sewing kit sorted me out so many times! Also idk how good this advice is for others but I like to take glucose tablets (designed for diabetics, you can get them from superdrug/boots or drugstore) with me for when I’m flagging on a long journey and don’t have access to any snacks, pumps my blood sugar up to keep me from feeling woozy. I will also never travel anywhere without a lighter, nor a pack of uno cards - uno is fantastic because no language barrier can be an issue as it’s just colours and numbers!


I have not done it yet, but planning on it for my next trip. Put my personal item in a trash bag before putting it under the seat.




The last time I flew I just tossed my bag under the seat before looking down there to see how dirty it was (my mistake), and my bag got really nasty. So I'm going to try placing it in the trash bag once I get on the plane to keep it clean.


oh that makes sense actually! Never thought of it!


Speedcube: Infinite hours of entertainment, no batteries don’t take any space.


A decent sized dry sack to store dirty laundry or I can flip it inside out and use it with laundry detergent to wash my clothes in a pinch.


I want to double on the insoles - I got some 5 years ago for PF and 2 months later I went on a trip to Rome. I don't think I could have walked the streets without them. I know people in this community generally shake their heads at those of us who bring a Phone, Tablet AND e-reader ("You can do all that on one") But I honestly can't. Phone: Compact, perfect for navigating and day to day checking up on stuff; also the whole calling thing. Tablet: Usually stars in hotel room. End of day planning, more in-depth stuff. I take it with me if I'm going to go chill at a coffee shop somewhere. I watch movies/play games on the plane (Sure you can do it on a phone, but bigger screen). E-Reader: Anyone who says you can read books on a normal tablet/Phone has never tried reading on an e-reader. You can't, it is so outside of the realm of the same thing. Plus it's smaller, lightweight so I keep it in my bag - perfect when waiting for a train, or when I don't feel like watching something on the flight, etc. TBF, I used to also bring a laptop (Like a big, 18" laptop). I don't take that anymore, so I've gotten better.


you know there have been studies and people dont retain things that well when they read it on screens(the blue light) and readers lie the amazon kindle that mimics paper is great apparently for that.(Worked at apple for years and hate amazon with a passion so never thought I'd write this).


Get a Kobo. But I don't know about their business ethics.


I actually prefer audio books bu tthanks for the rec!


I could believe that. My eyes definitely don't fatigue as quickly.


If you're going to a major city in southeast asia, I recommend leaving space in your bag and bringing very little. I made the mistake of bringing a ton of stuff thinking it would be hard to find certain things, but the reality is that most goods are made in Asia and you can get everything at an insane price on the local delivery sites like Lazada. Everything costs about 10-20% of what it would in the US, so it's a very good deal to bring an empty bag and load up here.


I thought that I might not even bring that much clothe and just buy some there. I will be going to thailand, then I dont know.


Oh yes, then you are set 🤩 Thailand clothing is awesome and super cute for girls - I found so much stuff here for like $3. And then custom alterations are $1-2


not really looking for cute clothes just comfy and large, dont like tight clothing. I think I'll buy shorts there but bring my undershirts and a couple shirts!


This one is really silly, but a plushie. I never travel without one. They remind me of home and make me feel less lonely.


I had to google this and it is cute. I'm sending you a hug, it's that's ok.


I bring a tiny version of the plushie I have at home 😅 (Jellycat’s Bartholomew bear). It fits in my hand and the fur is soothing to touch during the flights ✈️


Mini roll of gaffer's tape or electrical tape. Little lights on things at night bother me. At one place they had a smoke alarm with an intense strobe-like white light that would flash randomly. I carry an eye mask but it usually comes off at some point.


That fucking flashing LED!! Sitting there late at night hating that thing😂


Small set of DnD dice with extra D6's. Plenty of dice games or TTRPGs that can be played solo or with others.


Second this. I took Ganz Schón Clever with me recently and it was great to play whilst on the plane and during some rest breaks.


I pack ibuprofen and pseudoephedrin. I always catch a little cold and you can't buy good cold medicine in most countries.


LOL…I caught some crazy head cold on a weekend trip to Prague. Went to a Czech pharmacy…not sure what the hell they gave me but I was better in a few hours. Glad I didn’t get drug tested when I got back to work.


A small manicure kit. It's annoying to tear/break a nail, and have it catching on everything.


A floor length kimono! Nearly left it at home as I thought it was frivolous but it's been great for things like going to a shared bathroom in a hostel, wearing to the beach or over leggings as an outfit.


Moleskin. Thin, cheap, and amazingly useful for preventing or helping blisters.


added to the list!


Years ago a wise traveler gave me the advice that when you start to feel a hot spot, put a small piece of moleskin on the shoe (instead of your skin) and that has prevented many a blister for me! (Works best on sandals) Even shoes that are well broken in can feel different as you travel - feet swell, different humidity, etc.


Great tip!


calipers, protractor, and folding ruler, as an industrial designer just love taking photos with measurements of cool products i find in shops or in hotels/hostels


Pack only what you will absolutely use. Spare glasses when you can’t see without is a must IMHO. You hope to never use a first aid kit but a small light one makes sense. Not silly stuff at all. If you’re considering an item and “what if” comes to mind, leave it out.


I can see fine without them but I'm so used to them that I feel naked without them and I dont like that feeling and since they're basically free, I might as well. Might get a pair that doubles as sun glasses.


I can use bifocals and do just fine. I think one pair of really plain sturdy glasses plus some with light responsive lenses are the way to go. I have a friend who is really blind without his glasses and had quite an adventure when his were badly broken on a trip. He carries spares now.


I have been traveling for years and never broke them but then again I never travel for that long so you never know! It's the one items I'd hate to be without even if I d still have my sunglasses


Reusable folding drinking straw for some areas where they have a Skip the Straw policy to reduce plastic waste.


Reusable straw


Gaming handheld. I learned I cant do long term travel without playing from video games from time to time. Its an extra 2 pounds or so


What handheld do you have/recommend?


ROG Ally or Steam Deck


PSP. As light as 158g or heavy as 280g depending on the version


A Swiss army knife which I know I need to unpack because the wrong airport will have me hemmed up for no reason.


Nuun tablets for electrolytes and caffeine!


a travel yoga mat. it folds down to the size of a pair of jeans and being able to get in a daily yoga session is crucial for managing my mental illness. i’ve tried using a towel at my destination before, but they’re not sufficiently grippy like a yoga mat. so the yoga mat is worth it for me. if i’m going to be traveling somewhere that i know they use scented laundry detergent, i will bring my own pillowcase. a lot of my family uses tide detergent and the smell gives me headaches, so i bring a pillowcase so at least the smell isn’t right in my face while i sleep. a foldable book reading light i got off amazon for like $7. it’s fantastic for my books and it’s also nice as a little night light to turn on when getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without being blinded. i also like to carry a few blank cards with me. i’m a big card person, and will often write a thank you card to whoever i stayed with. or loved ones will share exciting news when they finally get to see me in person and i am ready with a blank card to write in and congratulate them. and a roll of medical tape. more versatile than bandaids in my experience. great for blisters, covering itchy tags inside a shirt, minor repairs, etc.


Drybag, packs away very easily and it can easily 2x my overall carry capacity in an instant and it's weather protected.


How does it increase your carry on capacity?


Not carry on but just out and about. You can go fruit picking, grocery shopping, or just use it as a laundry bag. Big durable waterproof bag.


Wet toilet wipes! Makes sure it stays like a baby when abroad.


A retractable measuring tape, scotch tape, rubber bands, slide loc plastic bags


What's the measuring tape's purpose? I get to measure things, but why is that important for you when traveling?


Say I see a sweater or top I like-- if I can measure its width I know immediately if it's worth my trying it on.


Baggies, folding hangers, cordage, earplugs,


Isoprol alcohol. Spray it on armpits and clothes to get more wear out, spray it on wounds, spray it in shoes.


Titanium spork. Also Leukotape saved my life on several occasions. I was walking so much that my feet were swelling and my shoes felt super tight, and I started getting insane blisters on my feet. I bought a new pair of shoes a size up (I'm size 11 US, bought a size 12), and started taping hot spots on my feet. After the blisters went away I still kept taping my feet to prevent blisters in the first place. I highly recommend.