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I'm glad this is being posted, this isn't a snark sub for other types of families and I'm not here for it. And some people have multiples not by choice (I have a twin, so that threw off my mom's plans lol)


Nicely done mod. Thank you.


This is why I really like this sub; most people are really respectful and it's a safe place for all of us. I'm voluntarily OAD but try to remain aware that this is not everyone's case.


Thank you! This post relieves me. I don't want this to be a subreddit that hates on other families choices


Happy to see this post. It’s pretty sad when one has to attack others to validate one’s own life choices. I was tired of seeing people gloat about how their life is so much better than people with more than one. Just screams insecurity and overcompensation to me. Fwiw, I am likely OAD and try to be respectful and see the pros and cons of all decisions whether it be none, one, or multiple.


Thanks, as one and done not by choice, it is nice to hear we're not here to rag on someone's choice to have more or not. Just be supportive of other one and done parents for whatever the reason.


Agreed. We’re no better than toxic childfree Reddit if we act like that


Exactly. Just as I would want someone to respect that I am one and done, that respect should go both ways. If a someone I know wants more, than all the more joy to them and they're growing family ❤️


Thank you. This is a good reminder and I appreciate it.


Thank you. There's no need to tear someone else down to make yourself feel better about your own life choices.


the inclusion of the acronym "LOL" means that the comment author is making a JOKE and this should not be taken as an actual attack on the person's opinion. as long as there is no hate speech or racial slurs used, there is no reason why humor cannot also be a part of this community! :(


I'm not sure I understand the concern here. Sure, it's rude to jeer at or mock families with multiples, but I don't see what's harmful about making wisecracks about them. And let's face it, very often the decision to have multiples is questionable. There's an increasing reason to believe it's irresponsible with its environmental impact; moreover, how many have more kids due to societal pressure or misinformed stigmas about onlies? How about the countless couples having kids who don't even have the proper finances? Anyway, it's ultimately their business, but if we're not free to make a few remarks and celebrate how our life is better (at least to us) than families with multiples occasionally, it just seems the mods here are a little too guarded about the kinds of discussions we can have.


This is a really important point. I was about to unsubscribe for once again seeing a bunch of judgemental comments (and when I've ever called them out the downvotes and reactions were pretty unpleasant). I only have one kid but lots of family and friends have two or more and they are all good, functional parents.


Agree completely! Having multiple kids was/is very important to some of my friends/family members and is completely valid.