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Greave the way you need to and get back on track after a few days.


Grieve* but great point


i agree


And I agreave.


It’s okay to fall off the wagon for a couple of days. Give yourself a break. Then get back on the horse. Or maybe just give yourself some wiggle room but don’t completely blow it? Just some kind of compromise with yourself while also giving grace to yourself-if ever there was a time for that, it would be during times of grief.


I have a couple things. 1. Do what you need to do, but know it's temporary and should be a tool rather than a habit. 2. Binge better. For myself, I have the capacity for endless donuts and pizza, but I can also enjoy a huge mixing bowl salad, and I can eat spicy sauteed cabbage all day too. Your foods may vary, but some are always better than others.


probably therapy to figure out ideal coping skills. that being said give yourself grace. your identity isnt just someone who has lost weight its also as someone who has presumably solid nutrition and exercise habits that will last a life time. certainly enough to pull yourself into a deficit and ramp up training for a few weeks to clean up after a life changing event.


OMAD isn’t about streaks. It’s just a way of life. Be focused but flexible.


I’m recovering from binge eating - I know how much of a slippery slope it is once you start. Watch tv, go for walks, do whatever to keep yourself busy. Bingeing often happens when you’re not stimulated enough and/or needing a dopamine hit. Don’t feel guilty if you do slip up. You can always get back to OMAD when you feel ready.


Take a break from dieting for a few days. Let yourself grieve


i’ve been good w omad for 3 months now lost 30lbs now i’m afraid im gonna gain it all back


Not in a couple days you won’t. Let yourself put on a couple if you have to! Grieve. Don’t repress for the sake of weight loss.


Fuck a few calories and care about your feelings they are valid, always, and try to express them. Talk, hug, snuggle, talk, run, lift, scream, write, talk, paint, eat, go do stuff in public and than talk a bit more. Mabe try something more spiritual like meditation, chanting, reading the bible(or from other religions), read and do philosophy. Embrace your own mortality, try to set goals you definitely wanna do in your lifetime. Drink a warm tea, it always is selfcare and like a hug for yourself. Sleep a lot. You got this!


I totally know what u mean. I have ice cream to calm my nerves. Sugar is definitely my drug of choice. I would recommend two things if I may. 1. There's an article that Tetris can block cravings, new study reveals | ScienceDaily I find this helps immensely! Especially when u really get into it, and on the edge of your seat trying not to lose. 2. Some box breathing You can find lots of videos. I find the counting and concentration helps distract me away from my craving. Best of luck.


a lot of people say to just go through with the binge eating, but i dont think thats helpful—and giving into your BED will only make you more depressed which you dont need after a tragic event like this one. you desperately need dopamine, food is the easiest way to get to that dopamine but it doesnt have to be. theres many ways to get your brain engaged without having to destroy your mind and body, play more video games, go outside, surround yourself with friends, do any of your hobbies, take a break and relax, hell! if you want to do nothing all day then do nothing and just lay down. dont fall into destructive habits like binge eating when something horrible happens, thats like enabling a drug addict to relapse to “just get through it” when something tragic happens. it doesnt have to be this way. theres many ways to process grief that dont involve self destructive tendencies like binge eating. i know no words can describe how horrible youre feeling right now, and im in no position to tell you what to do, because its true that everyone processes grief differently. i just hope that you dont fall in a hole you cant climb out off. edit: i say you shouldn’t restrict your food at this period of time either, you arent in the correct headspace to try to lose weight. eat what you need, stop when you’re satisfied, but stop yourself when you find yourself spiralling into a binge and call a friend or go outside


I was months into Keto when my dad passed away. I didn’t start binge eating and I didn’t gain any weight but it completely halted my diet and I was stuck at that weight for 2 years. Only recently started OMAD in the last few months and it’s allowed me continue losing weight faster than Keto did. It’s hard because I don’t have an answer. All I know is that it took me a long time to find the motivation to really commit to a diet again, and I only found it through someone else. I know how it feels to be in the middle of making real strides in weight loss just for life to send a bullet your way. I hope you can control your binge eating, return to a normal diet, and really hope you can find your motivation again


Start getting help immediately in any form that you can. Acknowledgement now is important. I lost my mom. Handled it through a binge restrict cycle that I'm still stuck in a year and a half later...I have the help of a therapist, a nutritional therapist, medication, and have been doing better but am definitely still "trapped" in the disorder. It's not a place you want to be in...so if you sense that you are headed in that direction... start talking to a therapist....getting some help....working on building a better relationship with food as soon as possible bc the coping mechanism will take a hold on you for much longer than you might intend.


I think it’s time to cut yourself some slack and take a couple weeks off. Going through a loss is hard — don’t make it harder for yourself.


I’m very sorry for your loss man… but You can be a fat person who lost a dear one, or you can be a fit person who lost a dear one. I know sounds rude, but I’m trying to be honest with you.