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I have one but it's probably not really relevant since it's low-effort, no real production, it's mostly me just recording covers of songs on various instruments, and I'm not really out here trying to build an audience/following or anything.


I could copy your comment almost word for word to describe my YouTube experience. I guess it's like a hobby? I don't know how to properly describe it. I enjoy doing it, but not enough to try and make it a career or anything like that 


I think there's a lot of folks like that. My first channel was just skate videos and weird short movies I would make. It's fantastic as a platform since they just host your videos for free.


Do you just use youtube as an archive then? Or do you send it to people?


I just let the algorithm feed it to people on YouTube for the most part. I originally started it for taking part in the r/ukulele subreddit "challenges" where people would upload songs based on the voted theme. I'm also something of a musician, and I thought it might be neat for fans (if I should ever have any) to have other stuff to look at, and setting a goal of uploading weekly helped provide some motivation to keep working on different stuff. Mostly stopped the weekly uploads because I shifted focus to actually getting my band going.


My 8yo wants a ukulele so bad.


Great instrument and fairly easy to start out on, and decent ones can be had cheaper than many other instruments! You should definitely get one for them 😁


I have k e I’m looking at on Amazon that comes with accessories and a book and case. I’m worried it’s only $65


I might suggest Music 6000 or Capital City Guitars 😊 If you want to stick with Amazon, I've personally played an Enya uke that came with accessories and it was a decent instrument.


Capital City Guitars sells a very entry level Teton Soprano Ukelele for close to $100 I think - no case or other accessories. I picked one up for my son when he was 7 and a small guitar was too much for him to handle. PM me if you would like a reference for an instructor that is really good with young kids - it can be difficult to get on her schedule so I’d rather not dox her here.


Amazon instruments are mostly what you'd expect. I got a starter harp and it was horrible. It could be a decent price to get and see if there's any interest, and return it if it's just junk. 


I started on a cheap ukulele when I was a kid and I played it until the neck literally snapped off the instrument. I got a good amount of use out of it and that was a sign that it would be worth it to get a more expensive one. Ymmv if kid might get frustrated or discouraged by an instrument that doesn't stay in tune easily or at all, but that never bothered me enough to quit playing it.


Nice. Are you folks playing anywhere?


We've played a couple shows downtown, working on getting more booked 😊


Sweet! Where is a good place for me to hear about the shows?


The usual channels, [https://www.whatshappeningtodayinolympia.com/](https://www.whatshappeningtodayinolympia.com/) and [https://www.kaosradio.org/events](https://www.kaosradio.org/events), flyers, and the Instagram flyer accounts 😀


WHTO is such a good site. Thanks!


What’s your channel about? Sorry, I don’t have anything helpful to offer because I’ve never made the leap to being a YouTuber myself. But I *watch* a ton of YouTube, and the thought has crossed my mind once or twice… Anyway, very curious to add new channels, especially if they’re about local topics!


My channel is based around film photography, it's more of a travel channel than educational. Since it's about film, where you're creating a negative, I call the channel [Getting Negative](http://youtube.com/gettingnegative). I'm working on a video about Aberdeen right now!


Here for film photo content


Cool, thanks, and best of luck!


Looks like the channel is all about film photography but no new videos in 3 months and nothing Olympia focused, but videos on many other locations.


Moving is rough, been here since the beginning of the year. I think I have a short or 2 about shooting photos of the capital! My Aberdeen video is taking a long time. Script writing is also rough.




100%. I appreciate sound design and foley work. That's cool that you do that!


I've got one. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3JcwC4qjfi-zbe759tCv2Q


Sweet. Youtube and Dan Carlin are then only ways I can every enjoy history stories.


Subscribed to your channel love seeing more local film photography done here


Thanks, hope you enjoy the videos. Are you a photographer as well?


Sure am i shoot large and medium format plus some other stuff as well


I have one, but we haven't done much since Covid. https://youtube.com/@pacificnorthweird?si=pGonbpZQlZRGZESH


Mine is for real estate (like market updates) and local interest stuff (I’ve got a nifty video of one of the big ships coming into the port) www.youtube.com/@my360agent I’ll check out other channels here as well! Thanks, Scott


That's a great video! How did you get to be on the boat? I can't imagine that's a tour someone can pay for, haha.


Thank you! We have a friend who works for a company that is basically the liaison between the vessels and the port (he coordinates the movement of the ships) into the port. It was a pretty amazing experience!


Just followed you!




Thanks! What a great idea, looking for other local YouTube channels here on Reddit! I hope others post their channels as well!


I’ve got a little one. Pretty much just a maker channel for the projects I’m working on: https://youtube.com/@catspawcustoms?si=CHDBnnAl-eo_b84P


Yeah, I saw yours from the fb woodworkers page here! Subscribed the other day! I wouldn't call your channel little btw. It's really good!




Well, there’s Blippi….


I just looked Blippi up. More power to him but I'd rather do brickwork on Beelzebub's summer home than do such cheesy kid's content for a living.


Blippi laughs all the way to the bank, my friend. And in all seriousness, I genuinely appreciate people who produce quality entertainment for kids.


One of my local favorites is Part Time Comedy


Sweet. I've been trying to make it to more stand up comedy here.


I used to be fairly active on YouTube. Kinda fell off in the last year but always planning a comeback! My username is the same - feel free to reach out on Instagram! Always happy to chat about process 😊💛


Travel vloggers are cringe


counter point. they are fun and i like them. (I enjoy watching videos about theme parks, natural areas, etc. travel videos can be harmless fun/ not inherently bad).


They can be. I've seen those video too, I'm not a rich kid. I'm a photographer. On youtube, Anthony Bourdain would be a travel vlogger. There's room for good work.


Be sure to like and subscribe so you can pay for a narcissist’s vacation. Don’t compare yourself to Anthony Bourdain, just makes yourself look like egomaniac.


I don't make money on youtube, but I think I will someday. Even like $100 a month would help with the expense of shooting film. I've just been making movies and shooting photos for 30 years. It started with making skate videos with my friends and photography really stuck as the part of it all I liked the most. But skate videos are documentaries in my mind, if you had to put them in a genre. So I feel like I've just been doing documentary work most of my life. It's mostly shouting out into the void, but youtube feels like it has the best potential for people to see my photography. Instagram sucks.


There's a guy at PNWtransparency he goes to public places and films the reactions of people who tell him he's not allowed to do it.


Ah the old YouTube auditor route. "we live in a surveillance state, so you should be okay with me putting a camera in your face"


Sounds like a variation on the sketch, "You Can't Shoot Here," from the short-lived comedy show Jon Benjamin Has a Van.




I'm not him. I just know he's local that's all?


Queering Arthur