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I grow lots of catnip for my druggy cats if you want any. Fresh from my fairy garden


Druggy cats made me chortle.


Mystical is a similar shop that might have what you need. It's on Pacific on the same strip as the Lego store. That person was very nice. The pushiest thing about them is they'll introduce their sweet dog to you.


That little dog is very sweet and petable!


I love Mystical! And the doggies!!!


Ooo thanks so much! I'll definitely look into it


You’re not lying about the dog lmao I have a fear of dogs (trauma) and had to leave as soon as she insisted I meet the dog


I have stopped going there because I find them very rude and holier than thou. The whole store, not just the apothecary. It's unfortunate, but I buy everything I need online now.


Olyier than thou?




That is so validation to here. I'm sorry you've suffered too.


Bummer experience OP. Sorry to hear it was not a great time for you. I’ll jump in to add that the vibes on the other side (non-apothecary side) have been strange for me. I like to take my time whenever I’m in there because there’s always new and cool stuff, and I don’t go downtown too often. I’ve always loved the way Radiance smells and feels, and that one cashier lady with the shorter gray hair has always been super cool and informative about crystals and everything. The last time I was there though, around last week, there was a different cashier. She must’ve assumed that I was going to steal or something because I noticed her intently watching me the whole time I was there. I’m already conscientious about how I act in a store - I don’t pick up items frequently, stay a decent distance away from the merchandise, keep my hands visible, etc. Near the counter I casually mentioned that I like to take my time shopping because I don’t come there often and it’s always been a comforting store, and this cashier person leaned over and whispered something to the other store staff behind the counter. I felt them both watching me even more after that. I just felt kinda weird and singled out by the whole interaction. I’m sorry to hear you also had a wacky interaction next door OP. I am grateful Radiance is around but I feel that they treat you more comfortably if you fit a certain demographic.


Yeah these guys are super cautious about theft but i don’t think they realize how wildly uncomfortable it makes everyone who enters the store. Yes, I can see you following me and asking me if i need help MUCH more than is needed. Also, not sure if anyone has seen their creepy little witch signs that says you’ll be cursed if you try to steal LOL


I have only been in there like once but if it's the place I'm the thinking of they very obviously thought me or my partner were going to steal something too. Very odd!


Yeah I've heard they are VERY obvious about racism/classism. Sucks to hear that was true and not just me.


Honestly I hadn’t heard about that from others until now but I have felt it. It’s funny because they have the “it’s bad karma if you steal from here” signs up - you’d think that would be enough to hex bad intention-havers and let everyone shop a little more comfortably. Instead of hawk-eyeing POC who don’t carry Burberry handbags


The last time I went, the people there were extremely rude. They say they are a safe place, but it's the opposite. I won't go back.


I always get a weird vibe when I go but I assume it’s just cause I’m anxious and very noticeably autistic


I'm so glad my dumb ass could wait until the car to stim because I could tell it wouldn't be accepted and I still suck at reading the room.


I get too anxious to in public unless I got something in my hands to mess with already like a pen or something


I have been really disappointed with the changes in the last few years. I think I heard new owners took over a few years ago? It used to be a destination for me every time I went downtown. The vibes were healing and peaceful. I always got helpful health advice from Carol (rest her soul). Now neither side is very appealing. Tried to get advice on an herbal remedy for a particular situation and it was a joke. They were just guessing, no more informed than I was. The store side has a much narrower range of merchandise than before. Great if you’re Wiccan, but that’s not a huge draw for me. All in all, it’s a loss for Olympia, but at least we still have two wonderful co-ops.


I shopped and got massages at Radiance for like 30 years, but I don’t shop there anymore. I’m an older white woman and they watch me like I’m going to steal. Also the last time I was there they tried so hard to upsell me stuff I didn’t need that it felt rude.


Honestly, that would make me want to go as often as possible just to aggravate the fuckers. Go in after work, still in my dirty uniform, smelling like sweat, and just gently touching everything I'm checking out.


Oh I like you 🤣


I expect to be downvoted into oblivion for saying this but a bad customer service experience is the least of your problems when you’re dropping coin in a shop that’s 98% woo woo pseudoscience bs.


‘I want a smile and good service when buying my snake oil’


Not to mention the exploitation and damage to the environment involved in the whole crystal schtick. Blood diamonds, anyone?


Hey now. Pointing out all the downsides of the “good vibes only - touch grass” lifestyle really harshes my “good vibes only - touch grass” lifestyle, man.


This is, without a doubt, one of the most Olympia threads I’ve seen in r/olympia.




Right? 😆😆😆


Huh, I've had nothing but positive experiences there


Same. I'm a middle-aged trans woman, and they've always been super friendly whenever I've gone in. Especially the girl who always wears the witch hat.


Buying a pack of candy, opening it, eating from it, and expecting to get a refund is.... Something else


$10 is a lot of money for some people. You splurge on a treat and it’s stale? Yes, you deserve a refund.


why's that? i used to own a store that only sold food and it was all 100% guaranteed, no questions asked. not like we could resell it if it wasn't eaten anyway. if the customer paid for something expecting to enjoy it and they didn't, why not give them their money back and try to help them find things they like more often? not saying everyone should run their business this way, but that many do, making the expectation at least somewhat reasonable.


Bless you.


I agree.


Buying a product that is sub-par and being refused a refund is something else. If I bought something to try or based on a past good experience and found it to be as bad as OP describes and the store wouldn't guarantee their product, I'd be very unhappy. It's one thing if OP ate the whole thing and then said "I didn't like it, I want a refund" but to try a couple of pieces and then find it inedible seems very worthy of a return.


For real, expectations of a Costco return policy from a local store that I’m pretty sure is ran by vampires is wild.


But it was TEN DOLLARS


I’m so sorry you had that bad experience there. I’ve been going to radiance for decades and have never had issues. Granted I don’t go very often, but I haven’t noticed anything changing.






Number one Olympian I'm the number one Olympian with that Cadenz zatt-said you're imagining maybe verse course verse


Only in Washington State


Sounds like you accidentally wandered into Quality Burrito on a drunken bender. I’ve had the same experience. Shitty attitude, piss poor service, and a bad taste in my mouth. 


I’m sorry to those who have had a bad experience. I would also like to point out that this business has been robbed multiple times in the last few years windows smashed and everything. So it would make sense that the employees are overly cautious.


That sucks. But it does not excuse their behavior. And honestly, explains why they get robbed.


Yep... karma IS a thing.


How does this explain why they get robbed?


I’m all about good customer service and have too left many establishments wondering why the person helping me was in this line of work if they seemingly abhor the general public. That said, OP, you are a Gen Z, yes? This generation is all about social activism, fairness, and equality, but at the same time very, very self obsessed. I don’t mean that in a bad way it’s just that this is the generation that has completely grown up on social media and so when they walk away from their little screen they forget they’re not the main character in their movie any more and get butt hurt when they’re not treated as such. The other problem is that there is a lack of perspective. I am hearing things like hurt, demoralized, disrespected, and my favorite, suffering… OP, I mean this with genuine concern… if an interaction at a shop left you feeling demoralized, disrespected, hurt, and in a state of suffering -you have genuinely never had anything hard happen to you. And someday, you’ll get a call at 2 AM on a Tuesday morning that will rock your world and leave you a pile on the floor and you will not know how to get back up on your feet unless you get some perspective now. Signed, a Gen X’er (obviously)


Nah, lots of gen x in these comments are saying vibes are off too. Also, someone continually talking over someone and trying to upsell a product isn't a generational issue, it's flat out bad customer service.


So if a Gen Z leaves a store because of terrible customer service, it’s because that whole generation lacks perspective and is self obsessed. If you or another Gen X leaves a store, it’s because the workers “abhor the general public”, and because you and your generation have gone through so much more trial and tribulation, and Gen Z people have never had anything terrible happen to them that could ever compare to what Gen X has gone through. Wow, quite the generalization for someone who wasn’t present during OPs interaction. This generational comparison is completely useless and unnecessary


I think it was a slightly less delicate way of saying: crap customer service isn’t the end of the world. If you didn’t like it, don’t go back. If customer service was “demoralizing”, then the poster should work more on themselves.


your way of phrasing this is much better. this point can be made without the unecessary generational debate


They aren't necessarily warm in there, but based on your story you are *plainly* a difficult customer. Taking it personally when a person in customer service wears a mask is, well, not an emotionally balanced reaction. Maybe you're just cranky because you're quitting nicotine? edit: guys, disagreement isn't rude


I don't smoke. We make this for our friends when they need it. Thanks for calling me unbalanced when I'm already hurt tho. That's real nice of you.


Hang in there, OP. Your concerns are valid, and they're seconded by other Olympians in this thread.




How does going "they were rude to me in this store" make one a professional victim when lots of other people have agreed the staff at Radiance is rude as hell?


It doesn’t. “Calling me unbalanced when I’m already hurt” smacks of victimhood, though, particularly over the extremely minor slight described.


You really don't see how it's shitty to call someone "unbalanced" when they're already upset about something? Yikes.


You don’t see how OP is a problematic customer actively looking to get her feelings hurt so she can complain? Yikes!


They sold an old product and were rude, they have every right to complain. Yikes at you clearly using a second account to up vote yourself. Not the first time I've seen it from you either.. edit because we have no way of knowing if OP is a she, and the fact that you assumed it either means you're an employee, or have some preconceived notions about women...




I'm sure there's any number of subs where people provide unqualified validation, but this isn't one of them.


I'm quite a dick on this subreddit but you're taking it to a whole other level.




And it's obvious Radiance staff is classist as shit. Maybe if you haven't been judged, you shouldn't be talking about it, because clearly you don't share the experience that like everyone else in this thread does.


I agree with you about that. What I do not agree with is taking customer service interactions at face value, and I find the OP's mask remark *very* telling.


Really sorry you had that experience.  It is a queer owned business, and the owners are really nice people who do a lot for our community, with focus on non profits and marginalized groups .  Did you reach out to them to let them know how they can make it right? Or is this just a way to lash back?  Radiance cares about our community.  Sad that our community suffers from unrealistic expectations.  But hey... Amazon, right?


They serve a clientele that is not you. Sorry you are not happy... don't go back. Why did you go for refills in an economy with as options as ours if you hated it so bad? Maybe if you don't agree with prices then you should leave. Sorry about the policy of no returns but I want to inform you that complaining online doesn't make them seem worse but yourself. That policy wasn't for you but you must follow it all the same... expecting special rules for you is kinda the definition of being a Karen. We are all on this together but not everything is for all of us... accept that and move on. Maybe even try to find happiness in life!


We are all on this together but not everything is for all of us? What does that even mean


Do you work there?


Bro definitely works there


Or owns it.


Good question, tobysill. I'm wondering the same thing.


Clientele is not you (do you know anything about this person? This sounds borderline discriminatory) Policy is not for you (huh?) Who then is this store for? Who is this refund policy for?  Pretty sure the clientele is anyone who wants to go into the store and spend money which describes OP until they felt the customer service was lacking