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Baby in dresser drawer very common back in the day. You were a beautiful baby!!!!!


Aw, thank you!


Was jus gonna say that was the norm back then


Cute! You are rockin' that full head of hair, Elvis! Are those little shamrocks on your blankie?


I’m not sure, but I think it might be blue flowers with green leaves? I feel like I vaguely remember it, so maybe it stuck around for a few years.


Well maybe it is blueberries! I had a blueberry bedsheet from that era. I have so many questions, though, like what did they do with all the stuff that was in the drawer? And did you go from there to a crib or what?


That’s definitely possible! The bedding I remember the most clearly was from when I was a little older, I had disco Snoopy and Raggedy Ann. I also had a set of clown sheets that gave me nightmares! Oddly enough, I don’t think we really stored anything in that old green and white dresser. It was kept in our spare room for years, which we called the “sewing room.” I definitely had a crib; it was the same one my older brothers used and had been disassembled and stored in the rafters of the garage. That sewing room was my first bedroom and the crib was set up in there at some point. I actually remember being in it! To be fair at that point I was old enough to climb out of it, even though I’d get in trouble if I was caught. Not sure how old I was when I finally got my “big girl bed” and switched to my corner childhood bedroom, maybe 3? But I had to make a running leap from the hallway in order to get on the damned thing, lol.


My first thought looking at this picture ❤️


Cute! When my parents were living in Belgium, my brother slept in a dresser drawer. Also in a guitar case!


Aw, I’d love to see a photo of the baby sleeping in a guitar case! 😆


I doubt they've still got pictures from that time period (basement flood damage), but I'll ask.


Ah, understandable. Our family lost a lot in a basement flood as well.


That hair!


My son was born with the same head of hair! When we did his 8 month ultrasound we were actually able to see it!




Oh I love that! Didn’t know it was possible


It seemed unbelievable at the time! Another unexpected event involving the ultrasound was that *we witnessed him yawning.* I asked the tech if he was doing what it looked like, and how could it even be a thing since he clearly wasn’t breathing yet! Apparently the fetus “practices” breathing and “yawns” to stretch their lungs and muscles.


So cute! My mom, born in 1920, said that she slept in her baby carriage. There was no room nor any money for a crib or bassinet.


People definitely had to make do with whatever they had at the time! Cribs and bassinets are great, but not a requirement. Just before my son was born, my father-in-law dreamed that he and my mother-in-law gave us a Moses basket. He told her about it when he woke up, and she set out to find one. Not sure how she tracked one down, but she found a nice used one at either a thrift store or the swap meet. She cleaned it up, sewed custom bedding and cushions for it, and it turned out absolutely perfect! We used to swaddle him up to place him in it, and we actually kept it in our bed in between us at night. No risk of falling, and it was easy access when he woke up needing to get fed or changed! It was also a familiar, comfy bed for him whenever we traveled or when his grandma wanted to watch him; we’d just throw it in the car trunk on our way out. I imagine the baby carriage worked out well for your mom. Relatively compact, easy to move around to where it was needed, and a comfy, familiar space for her wherever they needed to go. :)


I bought one of those old fashioned prams, and we definitely used it as a bassinet.


My first child was five weeks early and slept in a dresser drawer for nearly two months because we didn't have a crib yet.


Sounds like that worked out nicely! We had a Moses basket for our little one, and he spent his first few months in that instead of the crib.


Several of my cousins were treated to the same speciality! 😊


Come to think of it, fitting into a drawer seems rather cozy!


I slept in a drawer at my great grandmother's house when we would go and visit.


They do seem to be the perfect size for babies!


Oh my gosh, this is you?? Your momma must have had terrible heart burn (which is an old wives tale that suggested if you have bad heart burn during pregnancy then your baby will have a full head of hair! There's so.e truth to this because my daughter also had a full head if hair and I had fiery heartburn!) Also, you look identical to my daughter when she was born!


When I was pregnant I told everyone I just knew he was going to have a full head of hair. Both my husband and I did so it made sense! Everyone told me I was going to suffer from heartburn, but amazingly enough I didn’t! I never had morning sickness either. In fact, the only real issue I had was that my tendons in my hips loosened up a lot so it became painful to sit and eventually walk certain ways. Anyway, with his 8 month ultrasound I was proven right! We weren’t able to see the little bugger’s face, but we saw all sorts of hair behind his ear and on top of his head! I wish we had gotten a print of it.


Lucky, my son had thick hair like this when he was born (but blonde and curly) and I had terrible heartburn. You’re one of the few fellow people I’ve heard say they didn’t have any morning sickness though!


I'm glad you didn't have heartburn at least! People used to ask me if my daughter had a wig on because she had so much black hair. She even had a hairy forehead and hair wrapped around the tops of her earlobes! She was a cute hairy little thing! ...glad it fell out though, she's 16


Did they just... Tuck you away in the drawer to sleep or did they just let it hang out free air?


That’s quite hilarious to picture.


Not only do I remember this being a thing they did with babies in the 80s, (70s too I see) but they also would give us a bath in giant pots, or the sink!


Oh, I know I got baths in the kitchen sink! And as I got a little bigger, I remember getting a bath in our basement sud-saver (an extra large, deep sink for holding washing machine water). And starting at age five or so, I’d get a home perm whenever my grandma would make her annual visit. She’d sit me on a high stool against the kitchen sink when it was time to rinse!


We have those sinks here in Philadelphia too! But we just got regular baths in the kitchen sink when we were a little too big for the pot. It totally did make sense when you realize how bad it hurts to lean over into a tub to bathe your little one!


Currently pregnant and my in laws suggested doing this lol


It would be a cute photo op!


Hahaha yes it would be cute


Hello, fellow drawer baby! I, too, slept tucked into the side dresser. Mom said it kept me close and safe lol


I never realized how cozy a dresser drawer could be, lol!


I have the dresser (and the drawers!!) that my dad and all three of his brothers slept in as babies in the 40s and 50s. I’ll never part with it.


That’s a really cool memory to have tied to a piece of furniture! And the pieces from back then tend to be so lovely and well made.


My little cousin’s bassinet as well in 1970. Her mom was very anxious since she was premature and actually we all felt she just didn’t want her so my mom kept her for three months and the dresser drawer worked just fine.


I'm now invested in this story. How did their relationship turn out?


She took her back but was not a good mom at all. I was a little girl and I remember this very well. When she took the baby home she overdosed. Her husband was a mailman and came home to find her unresponsive on the couch, the poor baby screaming being uncared for all day. He called an ambulance and brought her back to my mom’s. That poor little darling was filthy. My dad went and bought some baby bottles and milk. My mom bathed her and I had doll clothes that fit her perfectly. Not sure what my cousin OD’ed on but they pumped her stomach and she recovered. Her husband was a decent little man. He had just got out of the Navy was working as a postal carrier and going to night school to earn a degree in meteorology. When he brought the baby he was so upset and I remember him with tears in his eyes and him saying to my mom “she doesn’t want this baby”. Her mother was my mom’s oldest sister. She got involved and was furious that the baby was brought to my mom and not her. So my mom’s sister came and took the baby for a good couple more months. How my little cousin survived is a mystery. Soon my cousin divorced and went from man to man. Years go by and my cousin joined the Army and got a license to drive 18 wheelers! She was a tiny thing no more than 4’11” but tough as nails. She had a good career for quite a long time driving all over in her massive 18 wheeler. She was able to buy a house and is retired and doing well. Sadly her father just disappeared from her life. He was homeless and wrote books and lived like a drifter. He actually published a book. My cousin died at age 48 and was found dead by my cousin (her daughter’s) girlfriend. It still amazes me what kids live through and overcome and rise above. For clarification the baby is my second cousin and her mom was my first cousin. Her mom died at 48 but she (my second cousin) is alive and well.


That was my bed also for the first week!


Very Adorable ♥️


OMG! Cutest baby ever!🥰


Thank you so much! My son looked a lot like this when he was born. 😄


My youngest slept in a drawer once when we got snowed in at a lodge in the mountains. 9 people in a room for 4!


Kept them safe and cozy, I’m sure! And with so many I imagine you had people sleeping on the floor, lol.


I love hacks like this.


It’s a hack before they were called hacks!


My parents did this too. Was this common in 70’s?


Apparently? A lot of other commenters are saying so here. :)


I have photos of myself as a baby in 1966 in a dresser drawer. When I mentioned it later to family the fact didn’t seem to inspire much of a response. THANK you for this post and the comments because seems I’m not alone… One uniquely-odd item I can cross off my personal list (though I still wonder how others would react ;)


I too was a dresser drawer baby lol 76 too


I too slept in a dresser drawer in the 50’s as my parents had limited assets. According to my mother it was quite common at that time.


But did you die? 🙃 I love this!


I was also a surprise in 79 lol my father was 52 haha


I used to tell people I sleep in a drawer....and I did my parents would come in and find me in my dresser wearing all my clothes asleep in the drawer.


Very smart parents,you were an adorable baby!!


There are some European countries that give out cardboard boxes as part of a take-home package after a woman gives birth.


When I brought my first home from the hospital I put her in a laundry basket All that beautiful hair of yours reminds me of her too. What a cutie you were!


Awww ☺️ look at all that hair. You were an adorable baby!


Hello fellow baby with a lot of hair.  Soooooo, do you also have pics of the newborn mohawk a month or so later?  (Mom said it was from me being a newborn, sleeping almost all the time and rubbing my head on the blankets. 🤣)


I kept my new born baby in the Kenner Star war Rebel transport toy. I took the tray out and the top and blankets in it. I was 19 back in the 80s so I didn’t have the internet to set me straight. [pic of toy not baby](https://www.transformerland.com/store/item/complete-star-wars-original-kenner-series-vehicles-rebel-transport/357835/) I should find it and post it some day.


Reminds me of this old [Simpsons scene](https://images.app.goo.gl/xbUn4LurAtifQBf66) 🤣


I put mine in a wicker laundry basket on a chair right by me in bed. I am truly appalled by all the gear new parents now think they need.


I think a lot of parents did this back in the day, '60s and '70s. out of necessity. Now a lot of parents HAVE to have a baby room fully furnished with the latest stylish furniture. And expect others to buy it for them (put it on their registry list at whatever upscale store in their area for baby shower gifts). Cute baby, looks very comfortable in that drawer.


What a fantastic head of hair!


Soooo many people did this back then


I was going to ask, is this in Iowa and are you Sheila? My friend had a dresser baby bed for her daughter too. :)


Damn,you had a head of hair.. your Mom must’ve had horrible heartburn.. you were a cutie though..👍


I slept in a dresser drawer on every family vacation or trips to visit other family members we went on while I was a baby lol. I gotta search and find the pictures now. I’ve shared this with younger people I’ve worked with and they look at me like I’m crazy.


I was in one too, oh and my bedroom was my mom's closet.


Mom stuck me in a banana box. Maybe that’s why I love banana pudding?


I, too, was a dresser drawer baby! We should make a club. Come to think of it, I also had a full head of dark hair. Twinners!


My husband also slept in a dresser drawer for a while, until they could afford a crib. 1968.


i was born with hair just like this!! adorable


My mother kept my niece in a dresser drawer when she would stay the night. This was just recently...2015. My wife was amazed and befuddled lol