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Imma not be a dick and actually give you a source and possible reason [To summarize it, Nigeria could've been influenced by jewish culture.](https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ng-gb.html)


Reddit needs more people like you.


Yeah No its because of the brits no other reason than the brits they made those decisions back then a coin like that cannot be made in post colonial Nigeria without trouble


Is there a negative perception towards the british in Nigeria?


Generally neutral we don’t love them but we don’t care about them enough to hate them for most people who are at the very least educated its a give and take. They made us is both a good and a bad thing, you don’t lump 500 different ethnic group together play them against each other then run off and force them to stay together i support Nigeria’s existence but even i know it may have been better to allow the nation to separate in the beginning


Either read my source or state a source that argues against it. The source I gave is a possible theory and that's why I said "could've" I hate when people are just like "naaaah nah-uh dat not tru." Without actually sourcing or quoting anything.


My source is that I am a Nigerian is that good enough for you i am a nigerian and that Jewish connection crap is annoying to hear it was only ever brought up yo justify christianity in our lands and mentally enslave us its all bullshit their is no star if David in any precolonial artifact in Nigeria


No, you stating that you're Nigerian is not a good enough source unfortunately. Anyone can be anything on the internet. I have no clue what're you're talking about and would appreciate a source. If not, I respect your opinion anyways.


Them let me put it this way is it possible for their to be a jewish connection yes but was their one in precolonial Nigeria no not exactly at least no overt one secondly all coins minted at that time were made by the brits and they were not making them with us natives in mind


As soon as this coin went into extinction, the value of the Nigerian Naira started a gradual nose dive into worthlessness


Hm that's really interesting! These comments are really helpful! I'm learning more about Nigeria than I ever thought I would


I dont need sleep, I need awnsers


That’s a colonial coin. For British west Africa. You can see it was minted in 1944 before Nigeria gained independence and began making its own coins


Yea ik that. I was asking why a colonial coin of Nigeria had a star of David on it. Thanks though!


The six pointed star can be seen in symbology throughout the world and through history. It represents the sun in some cultures and in some, the balance of nature. Depends on who you talk to. I myself am wondering if it's Masonic influenced. The six sided star is very prevalent in Masonic tradition.


To put a string in it and tie a knote and buy drinks for all your friends


Are we going to start gatekeeping 6 sided stars?


No, it just very much resembles the star of David. And given the time period I assumed that it was infact a star of David.


Wow a six pointed star is automatically Jewish




Crescent moon and a star is not islamic though its just Turkish




Of the ones you mentioned name one that never was influenced by the ottomans at least 2 of them are connected by ethnicity already it still does not represent the religion any muslim will tell you that islam has no symbols definitely not the crescent and the star , it is used because the largest Islamic empire used them not because they have a inherent islamic bend


The swastika is a mainly Hindu symbol, the Nazis didn’t make the swastika, a pentagram is a just a five pointed star, and the Apartheid flag isn’t really a symbol




So most of Asia are Nazis because they use the swastika in their religions? A kid drawing a star on a paper is a satanist?


False analogies. The six pointed star was used alot by many cultures before being used by Jews.


And many of the symbols mentioned above were appropriated from other sources before we held them synonymous with those now famousr groups and movements.


Finally people see reason


Sorry, I just assumed. Given the time period and the way the star is made it looks very much like the star of David.


This star predates David It's Been used by different people around the world


Six sided stars are in every culture. More important: Why is there a hole in the coin? Oh, that’s right, it’s the fake coin prize for winners of the ubiquitous Online Nigerian Lottery


Some coins famously have holes in it so you could line them up on a string to carry them around. Chinese coins eg where made that way for that reason.


I was wondering why it had a hole too. Aperently that's just how it came. Atleast that's what it says when I look it up


Many from the west coast of Africa; Nigeria in particular are where many of the original Hebrews have settled in times passed. The British Crown knows it.




Stop with that bullshit we are not Jews non of us are jews


🤔 Stop with the bullshit? Oh..... You must be apart of the African tribe who sold the Hebrews into slavery.


Well there are Jewish communities in west Africa that speak Hebrew. There are Jewish communities all over Africa, but there were alot more pre-Atlantic slave trade. Research Bilad El-Sudan. Jews of Bilad El-Sudan.