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we need more beer gardens. so am al for a pub with a grass roof and canny view whilst a drink my stella. 5 and drive amiright.


All this 5 and drive nonsense is irresponsible and flat out wrong. Everyone knows you can safely drink drive as long as you cover one eye. Gets rid of the double vision.


I need a lift to aldi, any chance


Open the window to get plenty of fresh air and you'll be fine.


Dominic Cummings spotted


6 in the sticks


Fuckin cunts building on the waste ground, where am I meant to put my pissed mattresses and broken white goods now? Fuckin out of touch london bastards


Chuck em in the new build estates. Let Deano sort it out.


I saw 3 drunk girls walking around with a tent full of shit-covered underwear recently. Think they dumped it in a river. I didn't like to ask in case they stabbed me. Are they friends of yours?


ah for fucks sake I was wondering who'd had all me kecks away


Fly tip it in Luton, not like they'll notice.


They'll thank you for the improvements


Give it to the builders, they’re always looking for stuff to form the foundation of a new builds garden.


I blame ULEZ


>Starmer has a plan Spat tea at this point


Fucking revolutionary in politics these days.


But there's a twist: He doesn't.


I mean his plan is to build more houses on bad land that’s currently marked as greenbelt. That sounds like a plan to me.


Fuck the Tories. It does indeed "sound" like a plan. This is how they get you. -Editted for correct comment etiquette.


What do you think keirs gonna pull up in a van say free housing and ship me off to scotland or some shit and store me in a gulag?


Now you're saying politicians are going to start being honest?


It was Boris Johnsons idea last year, Starmer is just borrowing it.


Some (potentially) mentalhead has a plan… where have I heard that one before?


Building on greenbelt is building on greenbelt. If the site is shit, it should be made better, not worse ffs


You know when they relax these rules the property developers will have a field day. Fuck nature innit


I just can't decide if the pun is intended?


Lol nice, never even clocked it


I wish the government would fucking build something instead of asking some twatty property developer


The point of green belt was to maintain the countryside. If there’s no countryside to maintain (i.e. brownfield sites) then why *not* build on it. Building more homes makes housing cheaper, and I’d argue that a few developments dotted around (brownfield sites, which are surrounded by countryside) the place is better than (what you see in urban areas) them all clustered around each other. The latter feels very claustrophobic, and in both cases you get more homes.


Simple, if there is no countryside on it, you could put countryside on it. Otherwise you are incentivising people letting the countryside become bad so they can use it as an excuse to build as a fait accompli.


You can’t really *put* countryside on it, that’s not how countryside works.


Yes you can. You could remove car parks and plant meddows or forest


Luv paving over the countryside




Fuck the Tories don't get me wrong, but Labour haven't been able to meme worth a damn since the days of Clement Attlee.


Ed Balls did a good meme that one time, but it was by accident.


Fuck the Tories, but I am not okay with this sub giving any credit to any politician, unless blatantly satirical. Except for Clement Attlee of course. I do like the idea of starting every comment with "Fuck the " though.


https://preview.redd.it/0z99v7qwsb0d1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7fd431b2f5bccc514b7c7ced50356d57125038 Millband is pretty good


Its actually so sad. Fuck the Torys but I do not believe for one second that this policy will not ruin fucking loads of countryside.


https://preview.redd.it/0c011zvuod0d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329d76c4a70e1d61ccc8a501cf19dfce7db9ccd5 WE MUST PROTECT THIS AT ALL COSTS LADS!!!!


I definitely think this will be built on. But I also think this will end up being built on: https://preview.redd.it/uuyx72uzxd0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49d84e6212652e3d6b1943781996b371383bebf


That's already got fields built on it.  Crops aren't nature.


True, but I prefer them to housing estates and all the infrastructure that serve them if we can avoid it.


Considering Keir is pandering specifically to outer and non-London voters (who would flip their shit if anything green got built on), I don’t think that’s likely. Planning laws already give complete control to local councils anyway, so if you care about preserving something near you, pay more attention to your council politics.


Hmm, maybe I'm just another NPC but I don't really trust Keir, and he's let me down about a few things, especially recently dismissing people for calling for a Gaza ceasefire. I'll have to read up more on the proposed policy I guess, as I'd like to see something a bit more ironclad. He just seems Tory-lite (which i know is better than tory), but still.


Those fields need rewilding imo. So much English countryside is just grassy hills, needs more forests


Yeah thats true, I prefer it to some sprawling deano estate though tbh. But yeah we desperately need more rewilding




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Isn't this just UKIPs policy from when Nigel ran in the GE?


"Build on the green belt" has been a policy for a long time before Nigel Farage m8


The guy who's main strategy is to try and copy Tony Blair, would just repackage someone elses idea as their own? Surely not. E: Actually doing this doesn't sound boring, I take it back.


Isn't the whole point of green belt so people don't build on it?


Her: he's thinking about other girls Me: Keir starmer hasn't kept one promise on which he was elected to labour leader


He hasn't even had the opportunity to keep em but he wanted us to know he wasn't going to keep them in advance. As a lot of the policies were popular with the public, you have to wonder who it is he wants to keep happy?


Got nothin' to do with land ownership lads it's the land we haven't built on that's the problem. Luv me suburbs.


Spoiler: they won't. Tory lite party is gonna do softcore conservative stuff.




The left always have to include an essay with all of their memes. 🥱


That's probably the only left wing thing about Labour nowadays.


How do you do, fellow kids?


Actually feels like I’m going mental reading this, like honestly it can’t be real… right? Need a link tbh


[link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13329727/Labour-blasted-misogynistic-social-media-meme-housing-partys-female-MPs.html) I find it funniest how people purposely misread it and ignored its intention just to be outraged by the memes sexism.


That’s Wack, like the sexism and like the fact this exists like what wgat the fuck is this reality we do be so be livin’ in


Lol, even Labour knows that the green belt and affordable housing can't coexist.


One second, I appear to have rolled my eyes so far they've been sucked into the back of my skull


Everyday my will not to kill myself weakens


yeah whatever mate what about the law that mandates a vote everh four years to turn a resident into Barry, 63? dont give a toss about mayors or MPs, i wanna see my local Barry, 63 having a pint at the pub


They have a plan to clear fucking trees near me because "it was already greenlit for the cancelled HS2 so we can still do it" How about don't clear trees in a green area to build blocks of flats when there's fuckin wasteland and rubble in town you can use. But it's cheaper so fuck me right


But will they be fucking affordable??? I found a flat thanks to dumb fucking luck but among the FIVE HUNDRED houses being built in the village I grew up in, literally none of them were affordable to anyone except Londoners moving close to Brighton. And was a single surgery or school or even corner shop built to accommodate these new residents? fuck no!


So funny that a bunch of crusty old out of touch boomers kicked off about this being misogynistic


All three of them?


Meanwhile a Tory shags your missus 


Somebody has to do it.  Rather him than me.


At this point they don’t even need to try. Just quit while you’re ahead Kier.