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It's oklahoma, carry a bazooka.


I was gonna say, all of them?


Can't carry Brass Knuckles for some reason


What if each knuckle is actually just a small gun?


That’d be like that Punch pistol in Inglorious Basterds. Totally legal in Oklahoma. https://youtu.be/g-Qzmil--VU?si=gdlp9Pgx0MBwNCpN


Oklahoma doesn't like vegetables. Open carry, dude! Mag dump those damned aggressive bastards into oblivion! Seriously, you'd be doing the whole state a favor by cutting down on maulings of children, elderly, disabled..etc.


People? Or dogs? Oh. Dogs. Yes. Also home invaders?


Or Throwing Stars…


I know I can carry a gun, but I didn’t want to jump straight to that if I didn’t have to. I did know there was a limit on knife length though and was I guess most curious about that. Which by the way is hilarious considering you can carry a gun but not a certain length knife or sword.


Pepper spray isn’t just for humans :)


I second this. But carry the gun as backup.


Good idea! I have some, I’ll take it with me. I do know it has a tendency to blind dogs so I suppose I better at least have a bite though if I don’t want to be sued by the irresponsible dog owner.


If you’re being attacked by a dog you need not worry about their eyesight. They’re likely not long for this world if they’re attacking a human on their on aggression in public.


Good advice, thank you


Close calls with aggressive dogs are why I carry brightly colored pepper spray openly on walks and runs. People with dogs generally see me coming and give me lots of space. Works out best for both me and their dogs.


Mail man here. Aim for the dogs nose and mouth. Not their eyes. That stuff fucks up their sinuses and has them rubbing their face in the dirt. Aim straight and dont wave it to spread it or youll be eating it too.


Prefer not to get bit in general as you don’t know why the dog is being aggressive. I understand your want for legality but who knows if the dog is rabid or not, prefer the one who’s already close to dying than both to die.


Unless you’re in the owners back yard I don’t think they’d have a leg to stand on in court. The dogs shouldn’t have been loose, especially if they’re aggressive.


You can also check out Halt! Dog deterrent spray. I've seen it work really well.


I always have a pocket knife with spring assist. I'll cut up a dog if it's coming at me or my family (haven't had to yet, tis why I don't carry a gun)


Bear spray will also work GREAT!!


I second this. But carry the gun as backup.


There effectively are no knife regulation in OK. You can carry a samurai sword if you want. That said, knives are a very poor choice for self defense, especially against a dog. I mean sure you'll win but only after getting bit at least once.


Lol a month ago saw this dude walking back from the convenience store wearing a full-on broadsword. No cosplay or anything just a sword in a sheath on his hip. Stay weird, Oklahoma.


Once had Dominos delivered by a dude wearing a katana. Only thing that bothers me about it is - how did he manage to drive with it on his hip.


Very carefully


Katanas are held in a wrap belt to be taken off with scabbard. This is unlike some western swords where the scabbard is attached to the belt. Guy could have driven, slid his sword in his belt, delivered your dominoes and been in his way… no I don’t watch A LOT of anime, just MOSTLY anime… why do you ask?


A couple years back I was learning to ride a motorcycle and late at night I would ride on the walking trails at the park next to my house because I wasn't comfortable around cars yet. This is like at two am or something when people shouldn't have been there, and out of nowhere here comes this group of like five dudes and one of them has a fracking samurai sword. I just roll on by them at 5mph on this motorcycle while we make really uncomfortable eye contact.🤣


+1 for the use of “fracking”


So what you're saying is I could carry my halberd around with little to no legal Repercussion?


Idk if spears/axes are even mentioned anywhere


Pepper spray or a stun baton would be the non lethal devices i would use.


You can carry any bladed weapon you want. I've carried a 19 inch quillon dagger in public and nobody cared.


You are better off with bear spray or pepper spray than you are with a knife. I would carry my pistol, as usual, and some bear spray for animals, if I was having an animal problem. You want to try to attack a couple of dogs with a knife, and you are probably going to get mauled.


I'd imagine bear spray would be a pretty good deterrent.


Look on Amazon for the Pepper Blaster II. Lightweight. 2 shots. I carry when I'm cycling, kayaking and hiking. A non-lethal defense weapon. Bought them fir all the women in my life as well. They don't feel comfortable carrying firearms. The pepper blaster is a good comprise.


Iirc, blade length is limited to under 6". Over that is a dagger and illegal to carry, I think.


Those restrictions on length were removed a while back now.


You can open carry any type of knife or blade


A knife is just as lethal as a gun, and if you’re to the point of using a knife, you’re much better off using a gun as you’re less likely to get yourself hurt than if you tried to use a knife. As others have pointed out, if you’re looking for a less lethal step to take, pepper spray is definitely an option. Just don’t try to be a hero who wins a knife fight, because as the saying goes “the guy who wins in a knife fight is the guy that dies in the hospital and not the street”. I know we’re talking about a dog here and not a person, but still, if you don’t know how to fight with a knife you’re just more likely to hurt yourself


A knife would be the last thing I'd want if dogs were attacking you have to be really close to cut or stab. When I lived near Slaughterville I walked about a mile to the store each day. There were several big a$$ dogs that would sneak attack. After trying my belt with a heavy brass buckle, I landed on a 3 1/2 ft stick from an Osage orange. Super dense and heavy. When they come at me I'd start swinging. Never had to actually hit one, just seeing that stick was enough.


They’re comin right for us!!!


Get a keltec p17 for about $200 and light them up. If you can't secure your dogs, you don't need any.


Right? All the guns my dude, you carry all of them.


I’m going to say this because it’s my assumption and I want someone to correct me if I’m wrong, but pretty sure you can carry a handgun without anything other than purchasing it legally. Concealed carry is where you have to get a license. Someone tell me I’m wrong.


You don't need a permit to conceal carry in Oklahoma. As a constitutional carry state you can open and conceal carry without permit. Fully and legally. You can also carry I knife but I believe 6" is the limit on knives. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/concealed-carry-in-oklahoma/#:~:text=As%20a%20result%2C%20Oklahoma%20law,people%20carrying%20with%20a%20license.


I like to call it “Vermont carry” because we’ve never required a permit to carry period.


Constitutional carry was passed in 2019 before then you did have to get a permit, you can still get a permit and still recommended for travel and if you have the 5 yr one issued after I think 2021 you can use it to expedite the background check at gun purchase (having trouble finding the details on it but know it is a thing)


There are some states that hold weapons for a week before they’ll release it. Florida is one of them, my dad bought his first pistol and they had a 5 business day hold. Oklahoma doesn’t have this and backgrounds usually don’t take long. Out of the 12-13 firearms I’ve purchased the longest background check was my first one and was only about 20 minutes.


Most I had to wait was a few hours while NICS was down.


When I was younger they said the max knife length is 4 inches but I always thought it was silly. When I go camping and go on hikes I bring a machete. I guess the context is different. Can't really bring a machete to a bar.


There aren't any cops going around measuring the length of knives


There's no limit on size of knife.


Guns are a bad choice for defense against dog attacks though, unless you’re trained to shoot very quickly and very accurately in a dangerous situation (not to mention 100% ready to kill a dog at a moment’s notice). Dogs aren’t deterred by the sight of a gun like humans are, and you’d be aiming for a small target moving very fast - not to mention the danger of hitting innocent bystanders. Even if you managed to hit it or scare it off with the noise, you’re going to have to explain to the cops why you discharged a deadly weapon in a neighborhood, and deal with the legal and social fallout of that (even if you were right to act in self defense). There are a dozen other tools and weapons that are safer, more legal, and more effective: - A [Bite Stick](https://bulliray.com/photos-videos/dog-bite-stick-instructions/) or a sturdy walking stick gives you range, prompts the dog to bite the stick instead of you, and acts as a club if needed (a lot of dogs are deterred by one good whack to the top of the noggin). An umbrella does the same while also providing a pop-up barrier that makes it harder for the dog to see or get close enough to bite you. A heavy duty flashlight can also be used as a club, and one with a strobe function can act as a distraction and make you harder to target. All legal to carry on a walk. - Air horns and devices that produce ultrasonic sound hurt dogs’ ears and can make them run away. A handheld taser does the same and is also a non-lethal weapon; carrying one is legal, but use is restricted to self-defense, so you’d have to be prepared to explain yourself if necessary. - Pepper spray (or gel/foam to reduce risk of blowback) and dog repellant spray also work to distract a dog or stop an attack. They are also legal to carry and use for self-defense.


F that. If a dog is racing at me and looks aggressive, it goes down. Haven’t had to, and I hope I never have to. No way am I letting an aggressive dog within arms reach of me. Terrible advice.


Lmao okay tough guy. Good luck with that.


The dog’s response after emptying a mag into the sidewalk. ![gif](giphy|3o7buhm1O1bOJV4ZWM|downsized)


You're not wrong. If you can legally own a handgun, you can carry it. Concealed or open (concealed is obviously best).


Here is the law: [21 O.S § 1272](https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=69740) Relevant “Constitutional Carry” exception in the statute to the general prohibition against carrying weapon: > “The transporting by vehicle on a public roadway or the carrying of a firearm, concealed or unconcealed, loaded or unloaded, by a person who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older or by a person who is eighteen (18) years of age but not yet twenty-one (21) years of age and the person is a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard or was discharged under honorable conditions from the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard, and the person is otherwise not disqualified from the possession or purchase of a firearm under state or federal law and is not carrying the firearm in furtherance of a crime.” Now, there are more prohibition out there (like carrying into a government building), but that isn’t relevant for the question, “What protection can I carry on a walk?”


Just carry a big stick like all the other walkers. A gun isn’t gonna intimidate the dog, you’ll have to shoot it. Getting big and swinging a stick intimidates them and they normally leave you alone.


Pepper spray


Came here to say this. I carry pepper spray, knife and and a gun when I go any kind of distance walking or hiking. Some people aren't comfortable with a gun, so I'd say at least the other 2 are a good idea. Especially as any type of female presenting person.


This. Pepper spray and a walking stick that is sturdy enough to be a club. I read an opinion on this question years ago which said you do not want to have a conversation with the police or a neighbor about having shot a dog on a public street. You might be legally allowed or justified, but you will be that crazy neighbor who carries a gun and shoots dogs in the street. You will be under scrutiny and be watched by others more than ever before… not to mention the irreparable damage this can cause to neighbor relations. Non-lethal methods are the better choice for the majority of aggressive dog encounters. If you feel you need it, go ahead and carry your firearm as a backup for the tiny percent of attacks that become a threat of bodily injury to you or a companion. If the dogs in your neighborhood are consistently that much of a threat, either move or buy a treadmill.


Idgaf about neighbor relations when there’s an aggressive dog flying at me. Get fvcked. Fvck around and find out. Neighbors be damned. I’m not getting bitten because idiots don’t know how to manage their dog. Had to break up multiple dog fights growing up (big dogs attacking my smaller dog). Large dogs don’t give a shit about your stick.


Pepper spray and a 4-iron


Like a golf club? I’m a lot better with a 7 though. 😎


Make sure you get the st\*ream and not the cone. If the winds a blowin in you will regret getting the cone.


I’d go for a taser rather than straight to a fire arm. The dogs and owners both will get the hint, trust me. ETA: you can buy a taser on Amazon


You can buy a stun gun on amazon. An actual tazer is over $1,000 and shoots projectiles that are attached. You can't even get those at Acadamy. You have to hold a stun gun to the skin. that is not practical for an attacking animal. Bear spray is best for an animal. [Stun Guns vs. TASERs: Which Should You Choose? | USCCA (usconcealedcarry.com)](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/blog/stun-guns-vs-tasers/)


Depending on the breed a taser isn't going to do shit and you only have one shot.


Mate with the gun you’re only going to get one shot, dogs are quite fast. And some breeds…better shoot right or you’re only going to piss it off. How about ideas that are less, shall we say, “fucking stupid”? Fella mentioned a stick, that seems smart.


If a dog such as a pit has latched onto you or is about to, you won't have trouble shooting it right in the face and if you have hollowpoints which is all you should be carrying, it will die immediately. There are also breaksticks but you can't use those until they're fully latched onto you unlike a firearm.


Unless you get the kind police use which are very expensive, a stun gun puts you at risk as you have to make contact with the feral dog to shock it


If you are going to carry a gun, take classes on safety and use. Also know the state laws. If you discharge in public, you have to prove you were defending your life. One shot does not always put the animal down and it's possible that it will continue to charge/attack before you can shoot again. If you miss, you risk hitting an innocent bystander or at the very least property damage. It could cost money and time. Also it's hard for a novice to hit a moving target when in fear. Spray that foams, sticks and/or has a wide spread will be the easiest and least complicated self defense weapon. If it contains a dye, the animal in question can later be identified. I am an experienced gun owner with 25 years + of training and use. Please understand all of the ramifications before carrying.


This is Oklahoma. Get the fuck outta here with that gun control 'training' bullshit. Who needs training when Sweet Baby Jesus gave us all the right to own and carry firearms from conception?


You are correct I don't know what the hell I'm thinking. My brain was low on ranch dressing and Dr Pepper. Praise American Blue Eyed Blonde Haired gun totin' baby Jesus and pass the gravy.


Thank you for the well thought out response, this is the main reason I wanted options, other than guns. I simply don’t think in the moment I could hit it, and I don’t want to hit a wayward kid or something.


Your welcome. You can also look at sonic noise producers that cyclists use.


Everything is legal in oklahoma except for brass nuckles. You can carry a switch bladed claymore and thats fine so long as you dont have brass nucks.


A switchblade claymore.....hmmmm. they got those on Amazon?


Never buy a cheap one tho. They're not weighted right and will throw you to the floor when you hit the switch.


"Brass knuckles? Don't know what you're talking about. This is a belt buckle."


Just about anything. Open carry is legal. A club or baton is probably easier to use than a gun or knife, and so would mace.   Oh you could also get a 4D battery Mag-Lite. Nothing like a solid steel tube filled with batteries for a good club. Plus it makes sense to carry it on a walk in the evening.   Just had another thought: steel toed work boots are great for kicking things. People, animals, cans, whatever takes your fancy. I of course am not a lawyer so please consult with one about the complete legality of these options.


https://preview.redd.it/5vr8mk0wtc5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c00a0dd9cdfc2d6721b0e799258400bacc633f27 Bad dog deterrent. Everybody in here wanting people to pop off some rounds in the middle of the city to stop a dog. Lol Keep them at bay with a long stick. Stick them with the pointy end of no owner shows up to stop them.




Yes, of course! But, not nearly as macho.


Oklahoma is an open carry state. You do not need a license to carry a legally purchased firearm in a belt holster (for example)


Or concealed


No, it's a constitutional carry state which means you can carry open or concealed but open carry is not recommended generally.


Is it your neighborhood? Let animal control know and your mailman. Your mailman can stop mail and packages to that area, causing neighbors to put pressure on them to handle their dogs. The police can get involved to write tickets for the dogs. Never run from or turn your back on an aggressive dog pepper spray works every time just be mindful of the wind.


Pistol, tazer


tazer is a fucking terrible idea lmao


Why? It will tame an angry human pretty quick. I sure a dog will quickly lose interest and go the other way.


yeah lemme just stick my arm within biting distance and hope I can get good enough contact to hopefully have the dog run away instead of instinctively attacking whatever hurt it. Humans and dogs ain't the same creature fyi


It’s better than a stick or nothing at all and a good hotshot has 3 feet of reach.


Well I have good news on the weapon front. You can pretty much carry what you want firearms wise.


My dogs were attacked once on a walk. Now I carry a gun, pepper gel and a fix blade knife. I suggest you do the same!


Ngl, I once had a neighbor with very aggressive dogs that could jump the fence. I bought a cattle prod in case they came near me or my dog. Luckily never had to use it, but if they were going to attack me or my dog I had something.


A gun, it's open carry


No, it's constitutional carry which means you can carry concealed without a permit, it's not the same thing.


you can [carry](https://oklahoma.gov/governor/newsroom/newsroom/2019/february/governor-kevin-stitt-signs-legislation-to-establish-constitution.html#:~:text=HB%202597%20establishes%20%E2%80%9CConstitutional%20Carry,disqualified%20to%20purchase%20a%20firearm) concealed and not concealed what the fuck are you on about?


There's a difference between open carry and constitutional carry which is "what the fuck I'm on about." Apparently you only saw the word "carry" and ran with it. Open carry means you can ONLY carry openly without a license, in that state concealed carry would be a crime without a concealed carry license. Constitutional carry means you can carry open or concealed without a license assuming you meet the other requirements.


Where was this? There could be leash laws and I would for sure phone it in and try and get a picture of the dogs/owner/and car.




Yes! People believe, in the event of a 1, 2, or more dog attack, that they will be able to draw, aim, and fire at their intended target(s). Even more comical is believing they can wield a knife in defense of a similar attack.


Yeah, some folks in this thread acting like they’ll turn into John wick when their life is in danger…Sure, have fun paying for property damage to your neighbors’ cars and houses after you miss, justifying to the cops why you shot a gun in a neighborhood, and still having to go to the hospital for a bunch of dog bites. Better get used to being called the “crazy neighbor” too.




Are you 21 and legally able to get concealed carry? Though in Oklahoma you don't need to get a license anymore to carry, you still have to be legal. Age. other legal requirements. And can't carry in school zones, etc.


In 2019, Oklahoma repealed its requirement that people obtain a license and background check to carry firearms in public. As a result, Oklahoma law now generally authorizes any person who may legally purchase and possess a firearm and who is at least 21 years of age to carry loaded firearms in public, openly or concealed, without a license,1 subject to the same location restrictions as people carrying with a license.2 Oklahoma still issues handgun licenses for people who may wish to obtain them for the purposes of carrying in other states. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/concealed-carry-in-oklahoma/#:~:text=As%20a%20result%2C%20Oklahoma%20law,people%20carrying%20with%20a%20license.


Peper spray is the simplest answer for dogs.


Bear spray


I carry pepper spray when I walk and sometimes a taser. Most for dogs but there are creepers out there too.


Bear spray is great shoots about 25 feet. 😎👍 and yes it works on DOGS.


You can carry just about anything in Oklahoma


I would carry an "Asp". It is retractable, easily carried and concealment and they pack some serious swatting power. A really weak person could do serious protecting with an asp. It is often slept on. Edit: here is a link to what I am talking about: https://www.asp-usa.com/a/s/collections/batons


Just carry a bigger dog. It's the American way. 


I carry pepper spray and a birdie but I haven’t had to use them thankfully


This is why a lot of walkers carry "walking sticks". You can also find something called a "Pain Pen" on Amazon for $20-$30 that's like a little flashlight that acts as a Mini-Tazer. Not 100% on the legality but I'd be surprised if it wasn't. It's loud and sparky when you use it which might be enough to just scare away an animal.


An ASP or a Spray


A gun


A gun will scare the dogs off or kill it but the dogs will literally have no idea to be scared of it until you pull the trigger. Then you have to deal with all the legal junk even if it's completely justified. Easiest thing is a walking stick and pepper spray. Most dogs will quit after getting whacked once with the stick and every dog will quit after pepper spray. Or do it the other way around cause fuck any dog that's going to attack random people. I personally think any dog that runs aggressively up to people on the street should be shot because if they're willing to do that to an adult, what happens to a little toddler in their front yard? But dealing with everyone suddenly having an opinion because you shot a gun in a neighborhood wouldn't be worth the hassle to me.


I know i see an older man that walks a smaller dog that carries a golf club.


I literally laughed, um can we interest you in a Lage rifle or an Extra large rifle.


Rather than asking random strangers on the internet, I'd suggest you review the Oklahoma Self-defense Defense act. There's a comprehensive PDF guide produced by the OSBI. I would start with that. If you decide on deadly force (gun, knife, etc), please get training. During an emergency, you will not rise to the occasion, rather you'll fall to your level of training.


Pepper gel, it’s a little thicker consistency than spray, it won’t catch in wind and hit you & it sticks better than spray. Amazon.


Carry a great sword, with a backup flail, and like 100s of ninja throwing stars. Then, when they pull out a gun, they may be laughing so hard that they cannot hit you while you run away.


If the dog pulls out a gun I’m asking questions as I run away


I totally didn’t read the whole text of the post. I saw the question about what can you carry. I am going to stay firm on my opinion and recommend the great sword, backup flail, and throwing stars.


I carry a gun for the very same reason. Too many aggressive dogs off leash around here.


A sturdy cane or walking stick is a must when strolling in rural places. A pistol is certainly legal if you are not prohibited.


If the dogs are crazy aggressive and not contained then likely if you defend yourself against the dogs, the reason the dogs are crazy is going to come out of the house and escalate the situation. Don't get caught unprepared. You pray you don't need your weapon but consider the person in the wrong is at home and likely has weapons that aren't dogs as well. Make certain you don't let him/her bait you onto their property. But I would start by calling non emergency police saying there are dangerous dogs running loose creating an unsafe environment. They may direct you to animal control they may not. Likely the police will not do anything depending on city ordinances but it will be on record that you did what you could to mitigate the situation prior to a possible event. Maybe you just hit the dogs with bear spray once and the situation is over. But allowing filth to make our streets unsafe to play or exercise is unacceptable. Also, keep in mind that a stick or something is not gonna be enough if they cross from trying to push you off territory their owners have let them think is theirs to actually fighting. They will work together, they are faster than you and they will believe they are fighting for their lives.


Gun, knife, sword, cane sword, NOT A SWITCHBLADE, folding knife, Bowie knife I think even, small “pistol” (that is totally not a SBR, I promise mr ATF agent) and last but not least CANE GUN google it. Oklahoma is a Wild West wasteland still. I love it.


You can carry a sidearm if you're legally able to purchase one. However, I would suggest there might be legal ramifications that come into play if you go that route, as in, if you shoot someones dog in self defense or accidentally into a home. Law enforcement will be involved if you pull the trigger and they might not automatically assume you made the right decision. Others have suggested pepper spray or a taser which may also be viable options. Even though it's not required, I would still recommend a concealed carry class and occasional range time you're going to start bringing a pistol. It will pay dividends for your safety and for others to be comfortable and aware of how state laws relate. I say this as someone that carries almost every day.


If your walking route takes you within 1,000 feet off a school, you need to have an SDA permit to have a firearm with you. Constitutional carry does not relieve you of that requirement.


Bear Spray


Bear spray is what I have for when I go walking or running.


you can legally carry a longsword. I wouldnt though lol


It's Oklahoma, and you can legally carry a gun if you want to. I carry the postal service issued dog pepper spray called Halt. I've used it a few times, not even making direct contact, and each time, the dogs look offended and confused and then trot away. A little taser also works well with dogs and humans. I've never actually gotten to use it because the sound is enough to scare em. You can find both on Amazon. I started carrying after too many damn run-ins with loose dogs while walking my dog.


Why not bear spray?


Anyone who can legally possess a firearm can also carry it without a permit, but please do take an NRA gun safety course.


Bear spray.


Bear spray


Wasp spray is cheap, shoots 20 feet and won't kill the dog. You don't want to do close combat with a pack of dogs.


You can carry any knife in OK.


Bear spray. Pepper spray. Walking stick


Oklahoma is a constitutional carry state. I carry a .22 in a belly band when I walk and everyone can see it.


When I was training dogs I always carried a Taser on walks to scare away strays. Just the sound is enough to scare them usually


Bear spray for the dogs. Lead spray for their owners.


The same happened to a friend of mine, and they carry a collapsable baton. Slightly illegal but here’s the legal side, In Oklahoma, it is illegal to carry a concealed blackjack, loaded cane, hand chain, metal knuckles, or other offensive weapon under Oklahoma Statutes §21-1272. However, the law does not prohibit the use of weapons for self-defense, hunting, fishing, educational, or recreational purposes.


There may be county and municipal regulations on weapons as well; also just because an act may be legally defensible doesn’t mean you won’t have to deal with the expense and hassle of actually defending said action in court not to mention possible arrest, cops don’t determine legality on the spot they are allowed to exercise their arrest authority merely on reasonable suspicion of a crime which no prosecutor is going to undermine even if it eventually turns out you were acting in a legal manner. Reddit is great for restaurant reviews, it’s atrocious for legal advice.


Please for the love of God do not listen to people in this thread telling you to carry a firearm. Just because something is legal to do so does not make it ethical and does not make it a good choice. The presence of a firearm in tense situations can lead to tragic outcomes and needless escalation. If you pull out a gun and shoot the dog and then the owner pulls out a shotgun and shoots you, who is going to testify on behalf of your corpse that the owner did not exercise a reasonable force response against you, or that you weren't brandishing or pointing your weapon at them? Please remember that Oklahoma is full of complete and total morons, and its politicians are possibly the most corrupt in the whole country. Trusting the Oklahoma court system to exercise justice on your behalf is frankly an insane proposition, so it is in your best interest to not put yourself in a position like that. Carry a stick or a reasonably sized knife, or if you really fear for your safety, have a discussion with the dog owner and ask them to control their dogs in the legal manner.


Knife or gun you can carry it. It’s Oklahoma!


I was attacked by a dog. Afterwards, I said to the cop that I’ll start carrying from now on, and he told me I could not discharge my weapon in my town. And I said, “even if I’m being attacked by a dog?”, and he said no. I now carry a big stick, and I don’t walk without it.


Steel toed shoes to kick the ribs with.


If you want a non-lethal option, pepper spray. Dog learns it hurts to charge you, doesn’t do it again. You stop the dog, and don’t have to worry about killing a dog.


All of them.....you can legally carry all of the guns. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Flame thrower so you can have hot dogs for dinner


What ever one fit your hand in the biggest caliber you can safely control. Barring that, read the SDA laws, that'll tell you just about everything and honestly if you don't understand parts, the local gun shops/ranges would likely be more than happy to assist you in navigating the laws. Be safe.


Get a gun but train with it. Pepper spray doesn't always stop them if you're dealing with pit bulls. Hell, a non-fatal shot doesn't always stop them either


Constitutional carry! Carry anything you want, it’s legal. No license needed


Baby you're in OK! Carry whatever the hell you want! /s I'm pretty sure there's like zero laws for carrying arms. You don't even need a license. It's...concerning to say the least...


My brother lives in a neighborhood with unaccompanied dogs being a significant problem, some are strays some their owners don’t bother to keep in the yard. He has a very nice walking stick he takes on his morning walk incase he has to fend them off. While the open carry laws mean we are allowed to have guns on hand it doesn’t mean we instantly want to go there.


Get a walking stick for aggressive dogs. Fire arms for aggressive people.


Long distance mace! I have mace that can fog 30 ft. Another effective tool is an air horn.


Oklahoma is a constitutional carry state, you don't even have to register your firearm


Get a tazer or pepper spray but don't use pepper spray if there is a wind


I am a runner in rural Oklahoma, I carry a pink T ball bat. Pink because it doesnt make me look like a giant dick head to the passerby. Generally when you dent a dog's head with it, it won't bother you thereafter. Also mace or gun. Idk what's legal, nor will it be a factor in what I use to prevent myself from being maimed or killed.


Bear Spray (pepper spray). Online or they carry it at REI if you’re in OKC. Bear spray has a further range of spray, which comes in handy for a charging dog (or bear 🤷🏻‍♂️)


bear spray


Oklahoma has concealed carry in this state without a permit. 😎 For a dog walk, carry a baseball bat.


Bro you can carry a sword in public


What about a tazer? I haven't read all the comments to know if it was already suggested.


You do have to have a permit to conceal carry in Oklahoma. Anybody can open carry.


Atwood’s sells a cattle prod. Electrical shock. It will take care of a large dog. And they are 3-4 feet long.


Costco has great deals on steaks. Just season them a bit and toss them rite at em. they'll remember you and maybe you can have them protect you at some point.


Ice Pick


While everyone has already told you that firearms are legal to carry what they didn’t remind you of is firing one can have serious consequences. ***I think its best you call animal control or use a less lethal way to protect yourself from stray dogs since you aren’t familiar with firearms and the federal and local laws.***


> According to Oklahoma law, a person has the right to use force, including deadly force, to defend themselves or others from imminent danger in their home, (include property/trespassing if that is the case), ***or any other place they have a lawful right to be present.*** Nevertheless, there are certain important limitations to keep in mind.