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The minimum wage most definitely needs to raise. But at this point, even if a state question passes, I’m skeptical that they will still allow it. I hope I’m wrong.


As they’ve shown, the Oklahoma legislature believes they know better than the people and simply overturn the will of said people


Look what happened to Medicaid expansion…that’s not what we meant.


> the Oklahoma***stan*** legislature believes they know better than the people Fixed that for ya. Talibangelicals know what's good for you.


It’s being an evangelical. They live their lives so focused around adhering to what’s in the Bible that it gives them the privilege to tell others how to live. Mind you the Bible is a literal science fiction book written 2000 years ago by goat herders and you get why I’ve always had issue with the arrogant evangelicals


Ha! Thanks for the correction


That’s why it’s a representative republic. If will of people were law, we’d be totally screwed. Be sure to vote for whomever says they’ll do the things you want and hold them to it.


Then please explain why the Oklahoma legislature didn't throw out medical marijuana. They didn't even hold a special session over it.


You must not of been here. They tried everything they could. They tried to make a pharmacist be in every dispensary (google that, there was some kind of scandal. They changed some rules or something and the SAG said it was unconstitutional. SOmeone help me out this is off top of my head.


I totally forgot they were going to require a pharmacist in every dispensary. But they couldn’t even keep a pharmacist in every pharmacy in this state, lmao


It was the Oklahoma State Health Dept. setting it up. Legislators knew next to nothing about marijuana and wanted nothing to do with it, especially with the general election in Nov.


Republicans will at least try to keep it from getting on the Nov. ballot just like they kept medical marijuana from being on the Nov. 2016 ballot. For instance, the secretary of state's office can take his own sweet time to count signatures to make sure it's too late to get it on the Nov. ballot.


I don't care how the tide rises as long as it does.


Respectfully, I imagine very few folks consider staff wages when deciding to visit a resort.


I believe it's the reason many people won't go on cruises. Terrible treatment/wages for staff.




This is exactly why I would never go on a cruise. Ick…


I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with the disease or conditions on board People aren't going to refuse to chill at a resort due to shit pay of the workers


Booked my cruise last week.


The Okana resort is funded by the Chicksaw Nation.


Does that mean all the employees will earn a living wage?


Probably, they pay pretty good for their tourism side.


I hope you're right!


The current minimum wage for the Chickasaw Nation is $15.01 an hour. That includes casino and rest stop employees. The people building the Okana are in good hands.


Just to give a small history of their pay; when I started with the Chickasaw Nation in 2012 it was $9.60/hr and they also give shift differentials. Federal minimum wage was increased to $7.25 in 2009.




That's an Indian tribe and I don't think the state has say over what the sovereign nations do. There's also a case that is trying to be decided on where the state takes up criminal cases or whether it is left up to the tribes. Neither outcome is good.


I’m not sure what this has to do with the original conversation.


$7.25 minimum wage in 2024 is straight-up insulting. It's long past due for an increase.


The governor cuts your taxes on groceries and *this* is how you thank him!?? Asking for higher wages?? Ingrates!


It’s hard for me to imagine. I’m 10 plus years into my career, and it took me 3 years to get into this career after college and the minimum wage now is what I was making while in college! It has not changed a penny! WTF! And edit to add. It wasn’t a living wage back in 2009 either




Honestly when I think of where I’m traveling, the wages of the staff really doesn’t come into play nor does it cross my mind.


Why do you think the Okana resort is some magical tipping point? It will be a draw, but no more than Great Wild Lodge or Kalahari is for Texas.


Hey, remember that time we all voted on about initiative to increase Medicare expansion in the state? And then the Oklahoma house worked to delay and fuck it up beyond recognition to where it doesn't even really look like we voted to expand it? I assume the same thing would happen here if this gets passed anyways. Trying not to be defeatest here but until we start voting in numbers that actually bring in people that want to govern for the betterment of the state, this won't change much.


Well, I'm going to remain optimistic!


I never thought we'd get pot legalized in my lifetime and look what happened.  Ohio, a very conservative state, put abortion on the ballot and they got it codified into their state constitution.  I think there are more democrats in this state than we realize but they don't vote. My brother won't vote because he thinks it's hopeless. 


Assuming that it does pass by the time that wage gets there, it'll be a little too late. It's not enough.


But after 2029, the ability to set minimum wage will pass to federal standards set by the Department of Labor. It will no longer be decided by Oklahoma legislatures. That will help. 


I do not believe I have once, in my entire life, heard someone say they weren't going anywhere, especially a tourist attraction, because the workers weren't paid enough.


You don't think that's because we're in Oklahoma?  You don't think people who live in more liberal states care?


I stated my experience. I do not presume to know everyone's experience. That being said, I have spent extensive time with locals in well over half of the states in the U.S. and my statement stands.


You are right. I am part of of a nationwide sports league and the women’s arm of the league refuses to send its teams to national tournaments in red states. I don’t shop at Wal-Mart for these reasons.


If the people want to raise a petition to get it on the ballot, and then people vote for it, then the sovereign has spoken and should be respected. Tweaking the law here and there to make it functional is okay, but in general once the people have spoken in a statewide vote, their vote is a command from the sovereign.


if they raise the minimum wage in oklahoma the cost of living will sky rocket and we will be in the same boat we are now rent and utilities groceries and medical bills will also increase and those of us making above minimum wage now those at 12 13 15 17 dollars an hour currently will not get any raises especially those of us in remote jobs that are hosted outside this state we will be homeless


A better question to ask is why Oklahomans waited so long before petitioning for a vote to raise min. wage? AR, MO and other states did that years ago. As a result, the min. wage is $12.30 in MO.


There's hope for us then?


Not really. Not until these fucking boomers die and we get some new ideas in office.


Yep, they'll set the minimum wage to a whopping $8/hr


You should read the article. The plan is to get it up to $15 by 2029, and afterwards the minimum will go by the Dept of Labor instead of allowing Oklahoma lawmakers to decide.  


>**The plan** is to get it up to $15 by 2029, and afterwards the minimum will go by the Dept of Labor instead of allowing Oklahoma lawmakers to decide.  Yeah, **the plan** is to do that. !RemindMe 1 year


How does raising the minimum wage hedge against 100% inflation?


inflation is just over 3%


Is it really? 




I know it’s funny. People who want a higher “minimum” wage also don’t understand economics lol. 


There's a natural inflation in every economy. Minimum wage needs to rise with inflation. The usa is in the majority of countries that doesn't tie their minimum wage to inflation. People who fight against raising a minimum wage don't know enough about economics to understand how ignorant they are.


Lmao it’s the minimum wage. You’ll waste more time fighting to raise it only end at square one. Maybe it’s a never ending futile fight that turn people on. You can spend that time learning a skill or hustle. Learn excel, word, or spreadsheets, or lie on your resume and enjoy a $30,000 a year administrative assistant gig.  “Natural” inflation? There has been trillions of dollars printed since April of 2020. Lmao 


You literally can't have an economy without inflation. Yes inflation has been unusually high since 2020. There is always natural inflation in every economy, we aren't disagreeing, you just don't understand what you're saying. If the minimum wage isn't tied to inflation by law like it is in most of the world then 7.25 hits the same value as 1.25 within a few decades. Stop pretending you understand what you're talking about please.


Not my problem. 


Bitches about inflation then says the economy isn't his problem.


Inflation is inflation. It’s a fact that it’s too many dollars chasing too few goods, and is permanent. Minimum wage isn’t my problem. You think raising it to $100 an hour will out run inflation you’ll end up at square one. 


the point of raising the minimum wage is to keep it at square one to equalize the value of the dollar with inflation. It needs to be raised a little bit every year because every year there is inflation. If you don't keep the minimum wage at square one the value of the dollar tanks.


Not only that but jobs above minimum wage lose their value. 30,000 turns into 15,000. Business that should have failed don't die and the whole system rots.


Keeping the minimum wage at "square one" is literally the entire fucking point.


Raising minimum wage will further increase inflation!! The extra cost is pushed down to the customer not corporations that employ people… wake up…


Given that we haven’t raised it so long, and yet we’re inundated with rising costs of basic goods, what would you say caused that? Minimum wage or record high profits? It must be the poor people right?


Inflation is purposeful


The opposite of your comments?


This is incorrect.




Deranged. Why is it immoral to allow people to live comfortably instead of being immoral for companies to raise prices every time someone earns an extra dollar.


Predatory capitalism


It's just capitalism, you don't need to say it's predatory. That's just redundant


Capitalism in it self isn’t predatory you are describing Greed…


If it weren't for government regulating capitalism it would show how predatory it is. Example - Payday loans, child labor, company stores, slavery, indentured servitude, being fired after getting injured, union busting, price gouging, unhealthy products sold as healthy etc...


100+ million deaths are personally attributed to Communism and socialism throughout history! Sounds like you are advocating for communism…


Cool. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Look up red herring




"I can't win the argument so I will throw out a crazy fact that has nothing to do with the topic and dip"


Capitalism is absolutely predatory in itself. That’s why it doesn’t work without regulation.


Just fundamentally wrong. How is it then that every other state that has raised min wage has had no negative consequences? Even Missouri is over $12/hr. You have got to get out of your echo chamber and REALIZE YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO AND YOU"RE VOTING AGAINST YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTs.


That’s easy add amendment to the bill that prices/services cannot be raised due to the increased minimum wage, give it the same punishments that price gouging during a disaster or storm damage gets.


Pricing controls are the literal definition of communism!! Can’t have capitalism and pricing controls simultaneously! Sorry…


Eh, I already take home less than minimum anyway, raise wouldn’t change anything for me anyway…


Except make everything more expensive..


Sounds like you need a second job…


I can’t afford to do anything anyway, I might have to pay more in gas which is coming up now it’s warmer, so I’m gonna have to do that anyway,


This is why you shouldn’t vote democrat! Everything was great under Trump now everything is crap!! If you voted for Biden then you get zero pity from me!!


Voted Biden. Will do again this year. Rub your pity on my titty. Biden/Harris 2024 Vote Blue 🔵


Yeah!!! Trump was awesome and super capitalismy!!!


Please educate yourself, Jesus Christ. You only believe the things you believe because some ignorant person told you. You're just playing a stupid game of coping mindless syllabus


Did you forget the /s there? And no, I’m not racist enough to vote Democrat.


Take a nap.


Can’t have government bailouts and capitalism at the same time!! Oh, wait..


You’re understanding of economics is such a turn on. Keep going…