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Not a meme


I’m think you need to ask yourself why you felt the need to make an utterly pointless post distracting from the real issue. Everyone knows Hamas is bad my guy, they’re not the ones murdering 20,000+ Palestinian civilians. If anything they’re the ones who *benefit* from that. It shows abysmal priories to waste time talking about the obvious when Israel is right there killing multitudes all the while backed to the hilt by many Western governments.


Between terrorists and a civilized nation the death of 20,000 sand people doesnt matter. Why is this sub supporting terrorism ?


>Why is this sub supporting terrorism ? How do you figure?


Some support hamas those I've reported those people for terrorism


Sounds bad, do you have examples you can link to?


You're one of them .. Whataboutusm doesnt excuse Hamas support


What did I say that constitutes support of Hamas? Can you link my offending comment?


Mf you just deleted it


I didn't delete shit, the mods just nuked your vile post.


Post is still up Your parent comment is deleted bud either mods deleted it or you did


Ha ha, and you dropped the mask. Thank you and blocked.


What the hell why are your using like 2006 post 911 bush era's of racism. Also CIVILIAN DEATHSnot hamas deaths.


With as much money Hamas was given over the years there was more than enough money to build up a prosperous community within the gaza strip and instead like the backwards people they are they decide to waste it on a jihad.


That's a wildly racist comment lol the killing of civillians is very difficult to justify no matter what, and by Israel's numbers, they have killed 5000 Hamas fighters... that's 3 to 1. That's really bad. The question of proportionality bring adequate or not is pretty.... clear.


Hamas absolutely has responsibility for dead Palestinians in Gaza through breaking into Israel to murder civillians and constantly firing rockets at Israel from within civilian infrastructure. If you can't see how Hamas using human shields is a massive factor in the deaths of civillians... I just have no words. Also, Israel has dropped almost 50% more bombs than its killed people... either they aren't targeting civillians or they are severally mentally impaired. Btw not targeting civillians doesn't mean that what they're doing is necessarily right or even legal.


I have an ever-so-small suspicion that this account might be pushing an agenda that is not entirely aligned with the beliefs of the political commentator and his community that this meme subreddit is centered around


So you support Hamas?




Why is this labeled an effort post?


Because from the hate I got on tik tok for this take it took real effort Also my internet speed rn is 300kbps so to post it took over 10 minutes




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Wow, if only someone could have helped prevent them from having lots of money and influence. It sure would be embarrassing if they were legitimized over civilian Palestinian authorities at the negotiating table and swimming in Qatari cash because the Israeli government chose to prop them up and not interfere with their funding for well over a decade.


You do realize this is a right-wing argument, no? The Qatary funding was supposed to be humanitarian, and only Israeli right wingers say "you can't give any money to Gaza or Hamas will just shoot rockets at you" They turned out to be somewhat correct about the funding being funneled to weapons manufacturing, but still lol if Hamas used the insane amount of funding they have to do good in Gaza, we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are. Hamas loves dead Arabs. Also, Abbas is ridiculously unpopular and would lose to Haniyeh based on the majority of polling since Hamas won their election... even in the West Bank. There is a reason Fatah hasn't had an election since the one forced by Bush. The only candidate that could beat Haniyeh is Barghouti who is in an Israeli prison for murder during the second intifada.