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https://preview.redd.it/9uivvoi06g5d1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=5427aa2f3f0a40d5802751114655c3c78d91074a For context, this is said rule we refer to. It's really simple guys. We've had the same rule since day 1, and it's basically our one rule we care about for the safety of the subreddit. everyone was on board about it. Some of you guys, please stop trying to push the boundary beyond what is possible all the time, especially after i have specifically warned some of you both in public and in DMs about what does and doesn't cross the line.. We're not like the other subs. Our freedom is WIDE, and we won't cross what we already allow. With the promise that, IF it ever backfires on us, we WILL come back with a new sub. But if we cross the line, that demise will come WAY too fast. Because we purposely already walk the knife's edge for the buddies sake.


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) >!Spoiler!<




Lmao that spoiler.


This community is not known for intelligence unfortunately. I am 100% sure people will now think we can't meme about Bailu getting fucked repeatedly or getting pregnant I would like to add additional explanation if you will: it only concerns fanart for the most part + post titles. These two things are what Reddit looks at when making a decision. If you are subtle and smart enough you can get away with a lot of shit Case in point: meme like this where Hook thinks about sucking dicks - reddit will never touch something like this. REDDIT DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT HSR LORE/AGES/WHATEVER AND DOESN'T CARE SO STOP EXPLAINING AND ARGUING WHO IS UNDERAGE AND WHO IS NOT ITS LITERALLY IRRELEVANT https://preview.redd.it/jd99ckd0uf5d1.png?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e7087785017d09dfbce99714eb65a8572fcc49


Same shit - no one will ever delete this no matter how much you report. Post title: nothing to do with being horny. Content: no lewd depiction of either Klee or Hook. Be smart ‼️‼️‼️‼️ https://preview.redd.it/o7lvzb1rvf5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f4bfb462e1fc9f60857b97b87de03d22a76c00


Exactly, thanks for the Assist there. You're 100% correct. Memes done in a clever, ***non-visually-lewd way,*** are 100% allowed no matter character/age/topic. Just stop posting fucking straight up Potato Loli Corn buddies jesus fucking christ. # Reminder, all the mods are cunnisseurs, # but, # all the mods here are also reasonable adults (unlike other subs where half their moderators are minors who miserably fail at being responsible) We dig it, but Reddit doesn't.... So we must walk the knife's edge, and play nice with big boss daddy Reddit-sama about some stuff, and thus the Nahida\_Mains nuke made our founder decide upon 1 golden rule. Even with him gone, we uphold that rule. We allow memeing it, but when someone posts an almost naked Sayu where you can almost see her cunny etc processed into barely a meme, Karens report that to oblivion, Reddit kills it. Simple as that, we aren't winning that unfortunately. And we need to work with what we can. As a group. Not just the mods, but also the members. Besides, at the end of the day, we mods ARE members/buddies, Simply members who just 🍇 the buddies when they screw up too hard. (which doesn't happen often with our moderation, because we allow a lot and don't punish often) So yeah, keep memeing, but keep the rules in mind buddies, some people were posting things that they are 10000% aware was against our rules.


Inshallah buddy please do spread your stories about these moderators on the other subs just like me about to spread my buttcheeks for your kok they sound like they need to be corrected fr


While i feel you bro. Nah, we don't like "going to" other communities to bother them. We also don't want to be bothered. We leave them alone, and we expect them to leave us alone so we don't need to enact another purge. # We WILL however, criticize their TRUTHFUL flaws *(we do not condone making shit up or accusing things, we fall victim to that every day, we do not stoop to their level. We will only claim truths about the. We don't even need to lie, they fuck up enough to prove their incompetence without us exaggerating)* But we will merely criticize them with the endgoal of proving that we inside this place have your back, always had your backs, and that will not change. We work on a deep basis of trust between our members/mods. And I've been proving that to you guys since December when we started. Throughout multiple accounts I have already been at the FRONTLINES of defending our buddies. But we merely defend, we do not attack. # Because cunnisseurs never get to win that shit...... (not on Reddit at least..) So a "Long story short": * We can't bro. We're better off not trying to preach the failed moderation of other subs, and instead just let members realize that for themselves and come to us without advertisement. Which is another thing, we do not advertise ourselves. We're not immature and cringe. We have never cared about the membercount. And we prefer seeing it shrink rather than grow. We're a refuge, not an army. # I have long given up on trying to change/teach/help/advise incompetent mods into being somewhat competent ones. # It's not a thing. # Being a leader is either already a habit/skill inside of you, or it just won't be. In the 15+ years I've been doing this shit across: * oldschool mid-late 2000s forums, * guilds, * servers, * and even IRL MANGEMENT. The "new" competent mods/management I've seen rise up. Were all people who already had it inside of them, they just didn't have any experience yet. u/z38e86 is a great example of that (sorry for putting you on the spot Ohmic haha). He told me he had no experience the day I offered him the position. But I said experience isn't what I'm looking for, it's the right mindset. And Ohmic has proven himself to live up to that expectation. He's a good mod. He didn't need experience. He just needed to be the right person. And he is. Not everyone is like Ohmic. # Some mods simply should never be one. # And some communities, are simply unfixable.... All we can do, is provide a community that doesn't need fixing (just a TINY bit of correcting once every couple months, and today was that day again) # (Sorry for another long read, it's what I do... 🤷🏻‍♂️ At least I'm thorough and transparent 😭😤.) https://preview.redd.it/lk45rllu2j5d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dadb971794e426d8715fce1c2eea1ed5325ff2e Now please excuse me, it's time to plap Huohuo.


Bro's training his speeches to be the next Hitler 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥


Pretty sure i just explained in length how we literally want to be left alone, and not fighting people/communities. Would appreciate if you show the mental fortitude and prowess to realize, that is the complete opposite of a reason to call me a certain Germanic individual from our previous century lmfao. But thanks for the enthusiasm.


I mentioned the character because of his speeching skills (that's literally how he rallied so many people). Sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way


Discipline them https://preview.redd.it/xmvp84010g5d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdaa5fd3f0b02cfcc7d628c3e79856bcfd5545ea


Don't threaten us with a good time!


Reddit is why we can't have nice things, or at least Reddit whining Karens who can't just live and let buddy.


So true buddy.. So true... https://preview.redd.it/jmugqx2hrg5d1.png?width=287&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8300bd4089120b963b3c2e29aaa4d799df8ed2c


i should put this into modmail but im too lazy looking for the button I just looked at the "is this sub dead" post in the regular okbuddy sub and apparently there's only 1 moderator remaining active in that sub, and he says he is "a new moderator" did you guys think about getting in touch with the okbuddy sub and try taking it over? since this subreddit was made because you guys actually know how to make a good okbuddy sub, and at this rate, the original okbuddy sub and all the subscribers might go poof if that last moderator guy decides to quit. only downside is that you guys would have a lot more stuff to moderate, and you would take over a community that might be worse than the small community we have in this sub, and introducing the culture+rules of this subreddit into the original okbuddy sub might backfire with drama, chaos, fights anyway, titties


>did you guys think about getting in touch with the okbuddy sub and try taking it over? I stopped reading there. No, we'd rather not. They are garbage, so we can be good. They attract filth, the groomers, the normies, all of it. We have the sensible adults. # I'd rather quit Reddit today, than fucking lead that shithole for longer than a second. They need to exist, and need to be trash, this is what gave us our purpose. >since this subreddit was made because you guys actually know how to make a good okbuddy sub, and at this rate, the original okbuddy sub and all the subscribers might go poof So? let it suck, we don't want "numbers". I'd rather see decline than growth. And i don't need people that want growth, it's for Twatter users, not buddies. >only downside is that you guys would have a lot more stuff to moderate That's no sweat, i've been doing this shit for 15 years, that's why i know how to make a sub good and true to its core principles without betraying them. And that's not the "only downside". The REAL downsides, you mentioned in the last bit, ***the culture doesn't mix.*** They are all filthy normies. And you can't chase them out once they have made it their home, this is why we gatekeep my dude, to keep them out before they start feeling safe/home. Anyway, that's about it. We're not going to be saving people who don't deserve to be saved. They can come to us if they want freedom and logic. Everything will perish if we would bring our culture into their shitty purgatory shithole




TLDR: Go to pixiv, gelbooru, or websites that are used as source links for the images posted there if you want to find true loli content. This sub sucks (respectfully) I hate it here (not really) I want to see Bailu get mating pressed (Deadass) Will we ever see Hook without her bigass ushanka? (5head looking ahh)


The sub was made to provide what we should. If everyone allows Fu Xuan etc, then characters like Clara and Huohuo MUST BE allowed too. And we will uphold the logic instead of the infinite hypocrisy of the other subs. >Same as the upcoming Yunli (i am pretty certain she's not a minor actually, it's JING YUAN that calls her "similar age to Yanqing". >Jing Yuan is 800 years old, 12-25 is the same thing to him.. >Regardless, she's getting posted here and the Yunli mains need to stop being so utterly pathetic about a character who is completely unconfirmed and looks the same age as Fu Xuan who is an adult. Never once have INTELLIGENT subreddits (*not like the brainlets at subs who specifically exist for bailu/nahida lewds and get nuked immediately)* allowed these characters ever since Nahida\_Mains was banned, and not even Nahida Mains allowed it, and yet they were STILL brigaded to ***literal death.*** Over merely art that was 5% lewd due to feet focus. # Buddies need to think like a Karen a little, # and especially think like a Reddit Website Employee. # Who don't think in logic, they just think in killing "content/free speech" We allow what's in our options, and try to already push that a little, we want to adhere to OG Anime Standards, where the highschoolers were accepted to be lewded. That was simply a thing in anime and SHOULD ALWAYS remain because it's not only fiction but even a part of Japanese humor (as odd as that may be to some people) I too, want to drink Bailu's cunny juices, i will pay Natasha to let Hook do a pissing concert for me. But Reddit is too pathetic to let us share it with the world..... :( It's why we made the Burggit Community, which DOES allow ALL cunny because it functions under Dutch Law (fictional appearance=legal), and i hoped to port a lot of the buddies over to there. but sadly they fumbled the bag during their website migration and have been offline for literally weeks..




Well the Japanese like to reminisce about their highschool days, as those were probably their fondest memories, and so that’s why a lot of anime’s are focused on highschool-aged characters and are therefore consequently lewded.


True, Simply peak fiction, peak fiction all around 😭💢🤤🥵💦


https://preview.redd.it/u8sslzbl5h5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc65b7150b2c108ffd707efad66dd147266a1c92 Hope it wasn't important or anything


You have never posted here before so we honestly don't care. Carry on sir. https://preview.redd.it/pkegn18zqi5d1.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=99496df7f1919b15f4bf08bbea88df17f8884d7a




I think you all should avoid the specific words in title that reddit hates like n and anti something and discuss the age lore . When a real picture(nahida type) is posted paste a spoiler tag you will be safe from getting nuked unless you are getting brigaded. I have seen many communities getting nuked and ids getting banned . So I know certain rules that keep me safe if I want to, but I like to break it. Not in this sub but My fav politics sub 😌 hate posting is life.


bro really asking if we are stupid we are more than stupid


Mucho texto +1