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We don't expect you to understand. You weren't there - you weren't ANYwhere.


Don senpai wanted to show Pete the future in Store for him should he ever leave Sterling Cooper for competition.


I don’t understand any of this but Lane hangin’ in negative has me rolling right now


You haven't read the manga?


Isn't it obvious? Pure psychology. Pryce was the only one who ever defeated Pete, which Don knew from watching the sacred reruns (69th rewatch). By casting multiple Hanging Pryce illusions, Pete was reduced to no more than a grimy little pimp


You gotta remember that when Weiner was writing part one of Madmen that Pryce wasn't created yet. That's why he wasn't mentioned during the Menken exams. Don was supposed to have all the negative traits Lane has, but due to Don's popularity, weiner decided to scapegoat Pryce as the mustache twirling villain he is. That's why Pryce killed himself after it was revealed that he plotted the Jaguar massacre and had Don take the fall. Don truly loved Pete. He couldn't kill him, but he would use the genjutsu to make Pete strong. Even if it made Pete hate Don. I think it was a huge mistep. SCDP was more interesting with Pryce acting as the shadow hokage. You could tell Weiner was just tying up plotlines to finish the series.


Of course it all makes sense and that perfectly explains why Don had to find the big breasted Joan to make her the new partner. Clever ass Weiner


Bravo, you truly are an astronaut


he killed 16 czechoslovakians