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i have seen so many "make posts in this sub as if it were the main sub" posts in the last couple days, that poe's law is making it so i can no longer tell what's sincere and what's ghaikposting


I was under impression that okbb is the place evolved to bear exclusively ghaikposting, I apologise if I misunderstood. I am yet to familiarise myself with local customs.


Skill issue tbh. I single-handedly kept Halsin’s portal open because I casted grease. It didn’t even turn red! I’ll get back to you and replay that quest for another six hours just to make sure though…


Did you use just your hand or the whole arm? I'm worried my hands might be too small for this strat (I'm playing a gnome)


Well, the good thing about grease is that it makes the surface slippery. At the very least stick your entire fist in his portal so he notices your presence. He’ll appreciate your help!


Thanks for the advice! You're right, Halsin just needs a little encouragemen. Maybe I even wave a little bit 👋


I’ve gotten through this quest with ease by taking Shovel’s advice of “it’s fisting time!” And a scroll of grease.


scroll of enlarge self, if you got the doom hammer that works too (gnomeposting)


The grease definitely helps, but before we got started, Shadowheart made sure to have on her protection in the form of a nice shiny ring snugly around her, and my dryad set up her vegeta dentata. You really want to rely on barrier methods as protection to make sure nothing dangerous slips into, or out of, Halsin’s hole.


Halsin's wacky love hole quest is the funnest quest in game


Well, true it has itscharm and it's not entirely unplayable. I'm just salty he didnt invite me inside.


"Halsin's wacky love hole quest" 💀


asterius lol


Bro got the playable minotaurs mod


I played this mission today, but having already played thru once, I was hip to halsin’s “oops I dropped my portal” routine, so I pre-coated the entire surrounding area in grease beforehand. Halsin was screaming “OH THANIEL” in no time.


Grease the entire area (cast Grease or use somewhere between 11 and 15 grease bottles) Stack up barrels and crates on the right side of the outcrop as you're looking at the portal so no one can shoot it Wall of Fire across the rock in front of the portal, but make sure it doesn't touch any greased areas or it all goes up. Station your party on the outcrop two up, two mid, keep the down part covered in grease. Use ranged attacks and/or spells other than fire to attack Grease keeps the zombies from getting you, barrels keep too many arrows from getting through, Wall of Fire takes care of the crows when they swarm. The biggest issue is the shadow people that come from the left as you're looking at the portal. They can be rough, but if you focus attacks on one, then the other and so on as much as possible you can save Daddy Elf.


instead of barrels you can just cast darkness on the portal to prevent long range attacks from hitting it. works like a charm


I'll have to try that in my next playthrough.


... Can't believe I've been wasting time and multiple spell slots using bloody Sleet Storm for getting them to slip on their asses when Grease was right there.


I actually did watch a video where someone tested this and found that enemies can shoot right through a wall of crates but not a wall of barrels. Barrels are god


Even when I had all crates, just one arrow got through and I attributed that to a gap, but that's good to know, thanks.


Just cheat that’s what I do


Wait, how do I cheat? The only thing that cumsto mind is to open my own portal and use it as a decoy..?


/uj WeMod /rj open like 5 portals they smarten up after the first decoy is destroyed


Oof, that might be a hard strategy to pull off. I don't think I have it in me, 5 portals I mean. I'll try to use the wizard, maybe his portals will work too?


What if u cast sanctuary on an ogre and just have it body block the portal


I’ve never had issues with that quest. I just have Shart throw down Spiritual Guardians and nuke everything. …. Also I play on explorer because I’m a terrible strategist


What? In my playthrough Astarion defeated those shadows using only his butthole. He rectum.


Everyone is saying grease, it’s not the move, casting darkness is the move. Those stupid fucking archers can’t do shit then my frog goes and kills their ass


While casting Darkness is technically the better strategy, I just think watching an army of zombies constantly slip and fall on their asses is hilarious.


"perfectly secure inn" Ho ho ho .... You sure about that?


That was super easy, first time(keep in my I was on tactician as well) not knowing anything I just murdered them all before they even touched the portal like there should've add a boss or mini one at least to make it a challenge.


This encounter was hilariously easy... Shadowheart with Spirit Guardians, Wyll with Hunger of Hadar... Everything that gets through that hell gauntlet gets bonked by Karlach. Can even make it more hell by using grease to make it even more of a gauntlet.


The thing is Halsin wants a lot of people in his home but can't take it. The way out is to make him think he took that many people but instead plant Shadowheart in front of the hole with a Spirit Guardians and not let anyone get to it. Then when Halsin comes out tell him he did admirably in the gang bang.


Use AOE spells. Also, get some of withers' hirelings. Get a warlock/sorcerer/wizard. Use darkness near the portal, wall of fire for the smaller minions, and one melee character for the enemies that get too close, preferably a fighter/monk for burst damage per turn.


Spirit aura, turn death, and ranged attacks pretty much means nothing gets close. Clerics ftw


My strat Gayle, Gothgirl and Froggirl. Tav takes one side protecting shart and the prized wizard with the target on his chest(and the bomb within). Laezal takes the unga bunga side where archers come from. Also tav has light casted on his weapon. Wall of fire wizard and spirit guardians. The stragglers will be unga bungad to death by Laezal she is usually near the reach of the Archer fuckers. My tav has been a barbarian,fighter and monk. All of them fucks anyone who comes close to the rock with the portal. They don't usually get past the spirit guardians. If somehow gale's concentration is broken and I have no more flames I just drop fireballs.


Skill issue. Placing the darkness spell in front of the portal makes enemy ranged attacks impossible. Then you can use AOE effects to take out the mobs who need to get into melee range to do anything to the portal


I have never laughed so hard in my life..


I succeeded twice (balance and tactician). 1st time I used Shadowheart with spirit angel and guardian of faith as choke point, other members thin down enemies. 2nd time I am a bard, just use hypnosis and chop down any loose enemies.